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Chapter 332 Brother Xiao Xiao's Total Consumption in the Recent Months

Chapter 332 Brother Xiao Xiao's Total Consumption in the Recent Months

Liu Xiao was taken aback for a moment, then shook his head with a smile.

Qu Yue is a professional manager he is more optimistic about. If Qu Yue develops well in the future, Liu Xiao still wants to train Qu Yue to be his deputy.

There is really no need for Qu Yue to do the legal person thing.

What's more, being a legal person has a lot of power, and he can almost act as an agent for all contractual matters within the company. Although Liu Xiao trusts Qu Yue, trusting and fully trusting are two different things, and he can still tell the difference.

It is definitely impossible for Liu Xiao to go bankrupt in this group, and the legal person must do it by himself.

After finalizing all this, Liu Xiao didn't spend much time at the hot pot restaurant.

Back at the gym, I made an appointment with a beautiful trainer for a brief workout, then went home and took a shower, and lay on the bed refreshed.

If it hadn't been for the improvement of his physique during this period, Liu Xiao would have really peeled off after running for a few days.

On the other hand, Qu Yue, who grew up suffering from childhood, doesn't care too much about the intensity of work.

Although the stamina is not as good as that of a woman, Liu Xiao doesn't feel inferior. His family knows his own affairs, so long-lasting things are enough.

Shanghuya learned about it.

Zhao Ning had already donated up to [-] million yuan to the Hanhan Foundation two days ago.

Although it was criticized by a series of traditional foundations on the Internet, it was sought after by netizens all over the Internet.

After all, it is obvious to all that charitable organizations have decayed in recent years.

One billion goes into the foundation, and 1000 million can come out to do good deeds, which is considered good deeds.

It's worse than selling insurance.

After the Hanhan Charity Studio received donations one after another, it released the details of the funds that afternoon, and all of them were posted on the foundation's official website.

Han Han even expressed his gratitude to the charity donation activity organized by Little Orange.

Liu Xiao looked through the videos on the Internet, Han Pangpang, a strong woman, was also very moved by this love activity.

Early the next morning, Han Han and his team drove to the deep mountains.

Some of the previous funding and emergency rescues were due to lack of money. Now [-] million is on the account. I believe that there will be no shortage of money for at least a few years.

Huya Live has actually opened up a small section, marking the live broadcast of charity promotion. There are also many anchors who started broadcasting recently, and the number of people in the section is 10,000+, which is considered to be developing well.

"I didn't expect that simply spending a few times on Huya can actually promote the improvement of social atmosphere."

Liu Xiao sighed for a while.

This is indeed something he did not expect.

But the more such things, the better, the more harmonious the society, the happier life will be.

Like the free country at the foot, there are fights on the streets every day, this kind of thing is definitely unacceptable.

With nothing else to do, Liu Xiao sent another message to Lanlan, asking when the next event will start.

After two consecutive competitions on Huya, Liu Xiao was a little bored, and the events held were not as interesting as Huya's self-hosted competitions.

Even if a bonus of [-] million was rewarded two days ago, after doubling the funds, there is still more than [-] billion in the Shenhao card that has not been spent, making Liu Xiao's hands itchy.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, this event will probably start in mid-August. The first half of the month will be quite intense. The union and anchors will need to receive commercials and endorsement payments. It is estimated that there will be a period of calm."

When Lan Lan saw brother Xiao Xiao's WeChat, she couldn't laugh or cry.

The other unions don't want to play events, and want to develop a new union to accept endorsements to make money. Every time Huya brings these union anchors together to fight.

But brother Xiao Xiao is fine, he hasn't spent any money for seven or eight days, and his heart starts to itch.

Lan Lan had just settled the accounts two days ago, Xiao Xiao brother has spent more than 9000 million in total from Huya to now!

As for her, Lan Lan, the advances she got in the past three months were almost 600 million. Adding in the bonuses during this period, she had close to 630 million.

Not to mention the change of villas in the family in the county seat, even she herself bought an Audi of more than 40 yuan, and she still has about [-] million yuan in cash in her hands. She is a little rich woman.

Although Guoguo was close, but he just didn't like to be seen in front of her.

Brother Xiao Xiao and Daheng fought so much, and Guoguo was also a beneficiary, with at least four million yuan in income.

Don't look at Guoguo's face hanging every day, but don't mention how happy he is.

When Huya's income increases, the union's income will definitely be squeezed.

Liang Kai had already disappeared in the trade union collision.

As for Daheng and other trade unions, not to mention, although Huya's revenue and benefits have been increasing recently, it can't stand up to spending so much money before.

As far as the Daheng family is concerned, the funds invested in these few months are almost the same as Brother Xiao Xiao, and it will take a year to make up for this vacancy.

Now that this is the case, their officials are too embarrassed to take the trade union into account.

What's more, Vice President Du is still actively contacting YY, hoping to attract new guilds to activate the market and increase popularity, which may take some time.

Therefore, Huya must have been calm these days.

When Liu Xiao heard Lan Lan finished speaking, he was suddenly bored.

Liu Xiao doesn't like watching TV very much, and he doesn't know entertainment equipment such as mahjong.

As for general health care, I don't hate it, but now that the investigation is so strict, if there is a disagreement, it will be caught and educated, and relatives and friends will be asked to pick up the person. The price is too high.

If he was messed up like this, Liu Xiaoke, the demon capital, would really not be able to stay any longer, and would have to go far away.

As for cooking and raising, Liu Xiao doesn't seem to like it very much. In terms of appearance and ability, it seems that she has never met a woman who can surpass Zhao Ning.

After a while of boredom, Liu Xiao opened the Shenhao group that Xiao Huya had built before.

Xiaohuya is the leader of the group, and most of them are Huya's big brother Shenhao.

There are about 100 emperors and more than [-] kings, and the friendship is not bad.

"I heard that Douyu has also been updated recently. It seems to follow Huya's competitive model and hold more events to increase the platform's revenue. However, the event held at the beginning of the month did not seem to be very effective. Even if there are Fafa and Xiaoleng Now, there are not many big brothers who are ruthless."

Junjun posted several screenshots in the group.

The pk entries of the anchor above are basically less than [-].

"This is Fafa's pk, a 15-minute pk, and it's king vs king during prime time, and I didn't even get [-]."

"If the eldest brother in our group goes, I'm afraid he can get the first place with just a few brushes."

As soon as these few messages from Junjun were sent out, many bigwigs immediately exploded. Xingjue sent a few smiley faces, and was the first to reply below.

"Hey, Junjun, don't underestimate these big brothers who tease fish. That brother Yi is my real friend. If nothing else, it's easy to make a million at one time."

"There's also [Boring], I heard that the gift shopping has been quite aggressive recently, mainly on Xubao's side."

"These big brothers probably have nothing to do with their opponents. They just don't want to do more. Their financial resources are no worse than ours."

(End of this chapter)

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