Chapter 333
"That's what I said."

When Xingjue said this, Junjun felt a little embarrassed.

He hasn't been in contact with live streaming for long, less than half a year, and most of them play with Huya.

As for Douyu, it was also because superstars like Xu Bao, Fafa and Xiao Leng were on the air, and they only went to watch it in the past two days, so they naturally didn't understand Douyu's system.

"What Junjun said is actually true. Huya's consumption has been pushed up by Brother Xiao Xiao in the past few months. Now Douyu really has no way to compare with Huya."

Xiao Huya also jumped out.

"It goes without saying that now Huya's event is worth over [-] million yuan, so I'm ashamed to say that my event is a success, and there are no big brothers in Douyu, so it's only about [-] million at the moment."

Xingjue is very sure.

"How about we go play with Douyu?"

"I just asked about Huya. There hasn't been much activity in Huya recently."

Liu Xiao typed a few lines on his mobile phone.

League of Legends player theshy was broadcasting live over there. Last time when he was playing a water friend match in Huya, Liu Xiao also said that he would go there to play when he had time.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, it's okay to go and play, but my little treasury can't hold it anymore."

Xiao Huya made a defeated expression, which made everyone in the group laugh.

Xiaohuya has been brushing a lot lately. Since the beginning of the month, he basically followed Liu Xiao to scan the outdoor area, game area, and star show area.

Moreover, when Xiaojuzi won the competition a few days ago, it also threw out more than 500 million yuan. Counting it piecemeal, it has also spent 3000 to [-] million yuan recently.

His monthly pocket money usually looks like 600 million. Although it has been a little more recently, this month is not over yet, and he really doesn't have much money in his hands.

Although the others didn't say anything, most of them were similar to Xiao Huya.

Although in front of Liu Xiao these gods are ridiculously obedient, but in reality they are all boss-level figures with very strong self-control ability.

The monthly entertainment expenditure is limited, and after reaching that amount, it will basically not move again.

With two consecutive events this month, most people's small coffers have bottomed out.

They really admire Brother Xiao Xiao's almost infinitely small treasury.

The sum of the gifts that all of them swiped may only be one-tenth of what Brother Xiao Xiao swiped.

Just like that, all of their pockets were empty, but brother Xiao Xiao could still continue to do it, and even disliked Hu Ya's scene, so he went to tease Yu to open a new account.

How terrifying!

"Nothing else, Douyu still has the money to get a title. If brother Xiao Xiao is going, I will download the software right away."

"Our Xiao Family Legion's cards should not be small. This month we will open the title first, and next month we will make a big one."

"With Brother Xiao Xiao here, it seems that it's not our turn to get gifts to show the limelight, right?"

"It's okay to say that, and it's barely enough to make a million."

Xiao Huya sent a hahaha emoji and +1.
Xingye and other gods also joined in one after another, going to support the Xiao family army.

Even a few big brothers who like to make troubles are thinking about going to the Huya platform to shout and bring some fans over to have fun.

"Then go play for a few days. Since Douyu has revised its version, there are probably some new things coming out."

Liu Xiao replied with a smile.

He really hasn't paid attention to Douyu, and he doesn't even know the title there.

But that's what makes it new.

After playing with Huya for several months in a row, Huya's gifts have long been worn out, so it's okay to play with a new gift.

"Theshy is currently live broadcasting, everyone just come to theshy live broadcast room to meet and meet."

Liu Xiao went to the webpage and looked around. Theshy, who had played in the water friend match before, happened to be on the air. Except for a few superstars, he really didn't know much about the other anchors.

With a big wave of Liu Xiao's hand, he directly set the first stop for teasing fish.

"Xiao Xiao's army is on the account, and everyone's Xiaobai account is on the line to make trouble!"

"I've played it a few times before, it looks like I'm a king, this time I'll play with a little white account, hahaha."

"When you register your ID with the innovation account, you will add the word Xiao in the suffix, so it will be easy to distinguish when the time comes."

Xiao Huya warned in the group.

The crowd joined in.

Some of those who already had Douyu app got on board and created new accounts immediately.

"I'm up."

"Everyone, don't rush to recharge, wait for brother Xiao Xiao to register first."

"It's natural."

"I'm on it too, haha, they're all Xiaobai numbers, and there's no VIP seats."

Theshy, as the current hottest professional player, is also the best game anchor in the League of Legends area, and her popularity is also very exaggerated.

With Douyu's daily activity of nearly 800 million, theshy alone has more than 60 popularity.

Seventy or eighty Xiaobai accounts entered the live broadcast room, and it was impossible to watch them with his barrage speed.

"Everyone look at this wave, Raven's rq starts, flashes w to stun, e skill to avoid damage, and then a set of qa with displacement to avoid control, directly in seconds."

In the live broadcast room, theshy's set of smooth operations directly killed the opposite king-level player under the tower.

Countless 666 floated on the public screen.

For a top laner at the pinnacle of his career, playing a king tier online basically means being defeated in 3 minutes.

theshy smiled and continued to operate.

As for Liu Xiao, just after downloading the Douyu app, he clicked on the study of the aristocratic system.

Huya's noble system is swordsmen, knights, dukes, kings, emperors and super god emperors.

And the aristocratic system of teasing fish is basically changed.

Ranger, knight, viscount, earl, duke, king, super emperor, phantom god.

"The king is basically equal to the king of Huya, but it is a little more expensive than Huya. The first activation is 6, and the super emperor is equal to the emperor of Huya. The first month is 18, and the renewal fee is 12 in the next month."

"As for this phantom god, it is the title updated by Douyu this time. Similar to the super god emperor, it needs to spend a certain amount of money to achieve it."

Liu Xiao took a quick glance and basically understood it.

No matter which platform they are on, these noble titles are basically a system, which is used to stimulate consumption and improve their status on the platform.

For example, the title of emperor enjoys the same rights and interests as Huya's. There is an exclusive customer service, and there is also an exclusive barrage of nobles.

"It seems to have a little more functions than Huya. With the title of emperor, you can actively connect with anchors, but it can only be used in the entertainment area. There is also a function of recommending popular anchors."

"This function is a bit tasteless. After several million swipes, why do we need popular recommendations?"

Liu Xiao smashed his mouth, and turned off the aristocratic system of teasing fish.

Generally speaking, it is still worth spending money to enjoy the benefits.

Regarding this point, Liu Xiao was not worried. The amount of more than one billion in the Shenhao card was estimated to be enough for half a year of squandering.

When playing live broadcast, the main thing to play is the mood.

(End of this chapter)

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