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Chapter 334 Opening the title of emperor, the first show of the new platform

Chapter 334 Opening the title of emperor, the first show of the new platform
Liu Xiao pouted, and found theshy's live broadcast room in the League of Legends area.

The operation mode of Douyu's live broadcast room is quite different from that of Huya.

On Huya's side, you can switch to other live broadcast rooms by swiping right on the screen, but you have to press a special function button to play fish.

And Douyu’s live broadcast also has the nature of playback and screen recording. You can watch the live broadcast more than an hour ago, but there is a red progress bar under the live broadcast, which looks a bit awkward.

Generally speaking, both sides have their own advantages and disadvantages, but in terms of image quality, Tiger Bud is obviously better.

Douyu’s top-level original picture quality is about the same as Huya’s current 3/4M Blu-ray resolution, obviously technical problems cannot be overcome.

But these are not big problems, Liu Xiao got acquainted with it a bit, and found the recharge page directly.

Then click to recharge the title of emperor.

For the renewal of the Tiger Bud Emperor, 100% of the income will be presented as a rebate, that is to say, if you spend [-] yuan, you will get [-].

But there is no teasing fish, just as much as you rush.

The title of emperor was directly activated, and the 18 deduction was completed, and there was an additional 18 vouchers in Liu Xiao's account.

"Congratulations to [Xiao Xiao] for opening the title of [Super Emperor] in the theshy live broadcast room, and congratulations to [Xiao Xiao] for being promoted to [Super Emperor]!"


The banner in the live broadcast room of theshy, the top [-] live broadcast rooms with the most popularity on the whole site are set to the top.

A line of small golden characters was swiped three times in a row, and the icon representing the title on Liu Xiao's screen was also reorganized in an instant, turning into a golden feather chalice with a little red in the center, and a ball of aristocratic Emperor character hanging on it. Agni seems to represent the supreme status of this title.

"Hahaha, Brother Xiao Xiao is here!"

"I don't know how Brother Xiao Xiao will pretend to beep today. I suggest we take a look first, so as not to steal the limelight from Brother Xiao Xiao."

"It's reasonable, I still remember that when Brother Xiao Xiao first came to Huya, he gave the old dragon a wave of emperor sets, which shocked all Huya at that time. This time, Brother Xiao Xiao went directly to the title of emperor. It caused a bloodbath."

"I see, brother Xiao Xiao didn't change his name this time, those two words are used in the live broadcast world, who would dare to come up and seek death?"

In the group, Xiao Huya and a group of big brothers talked a lot.

Seeing these guys teasing in the group, Liu Xiao felt helpless.

Does Liu Xiao like to pretend to be beeping so much?
This time I came to tease the fish. From the beginning, my original name was added to the title of emperor, originally to avoid some troubles.

However, it is not impossible to have a beep.
Although theshy is playing games, but with his gaming level, this kind of game doesn't require all his thoughts. More than half of his heart is placed on the bullet screen to interact with the audience.

Just now, he manipulated Ruiwen to solo kill a wave of the opponent's top laner, and after he killed the jungler who even came to support the opponent, a barrage popped up above the live broadcast room to activate the emperor's title.

"Which anchor B is so lucky, this means that a new big brother has come to the platform."

theshy didn't look too carefully, but just sent his blessings to this lucky anchor B.

Although he is very popular, he is not very good at licking big brothers on the platform. The highest title in the live broadcast room is the king. Occasionally, one or two wild big brother emperors will come to support him.

Of course, with his signing fee as a professional player, he wouldn't care about such a small gift. His annual contract is worth tens of millions, and he usually spends a lot more, so he still has 600 million in hand.

Therefore, theshy didn't care about this barrage at all, and didn't mean to lick a wave of teasing Yuxin Big Brother at all.

"Anchor B, don't you even watch the barrage, this is the emperor opened in your live broadcast room!"

"The 18 emperor opened for the first time, didn't you take a closer look?"

"Wow, I just read the consumption records of [Xiao Xiao] big brother. This is the first consumption that big brother just came to Douyu. He directly opened the emperor for 18. Big brother Xiao Xiao is a potential stock!"

Douyu and Huya do not communicate with each other.

Although Baldy and Little Orange have become popular all over the Internet for a while, there is very little publicity for bringing Liu Xiao.

As for Brother Xiao Xiao, the hero, most of the anchors are just studying it, and the tourists on the Douyu platform are still relatively unfamiliar.

Moreover, there are not too many emperors on the Douyu platform.

There are only more than 40 emperors registered on the entire platform, but there are more than 200 kings.

Every time a new emperor is added, it is a big event for Douyu.

Unexpectedly, a new big brother who has not even been announced today will come today, and he is also the emperor big brother who has opened in the game area of ​​​​League of Legends!

Except for Xu Bao, the game area may have this kind of card.

Theshy saw the barrage that suddenly increased several times in the live broadcast room, took a closer look, and froze in place.

"Xiao Xiao?"

"Xiao Xiao. Brother Xiao Xiao?!!!"

"Brother Xiao Xiao came to tease the fish?!"

Theshy said a word, and the whole person bounced directly from the computer.

Although he usually doesn't care much about the live broadcast circle, and doesn't try to get to know his elder brother, but he can't be unfamiliar with Brother Xiao Xiao who he only met last month.

Last month, the match between him and Changzi, Sima LaoTie and miss was still vivid in his memory, and his memory of Brother Xiao Xiao, the most arrogant god in the entire network, was naturally still fresh.

At that time, brother Xiao Xiao said that he would come to play if he had the opportunity, but he didn't expect to come to tease the fish after only a month.

Of course, the premise of all this is that this Xiao Xiao is that Xiao Xiao.

But theshy is pretty sure about this.

They are all Xiao Xiao, they are all so local tyrants, who can directly recharge the highest title, how can there be two people?
"Welcome Brother Xiao Xiao, good luck to Brother Xiao Xiao!"

Theshy almost used the voice of a professional game, stepping on a chair with one foot and shouting.

Before Liu Xiao replied, the tourists in the live broadcast room were the first to be stunned.

A moment ago, he acted as if it had nothing to do with him, but after only a few seconds, how much more kissed is he than seeing his own father?

What does it look like to be a master who used to kill solo online, and then flicked his clothes to hide his achievements and fame?
"haven't seen you for a long time."

Liu Xiao also replied on the public screen.

Theshy saw Brother Xiao Xiao speak, and all the guesses left in his heart were thrown away.

"Everyone, don't worry, let me introduce Brother Xiao Xiao to you."

theshy laughed and sat down again.

"Brother Xiao Xiao is the big brother Shenhao from a certain bud. The recently popular singer Xiaojuzi was held by Brother Xiao Xiao. You may know little about Brother Xiao Xiao. Brother Xiao Xiao is a very talkative big brother. Don't be too nervous , Come up with any jokes and have fun, haha."

Liu Xiao was quite satisfied with the previous introduction, but at the last sentence, Liu Xiao's face turned dark immediately.

What do you mean come up with all jokes?
As a five-good young man in the new era, you don't do anything theshy has to do with people!
Of course, it doesn't seem like it's breaking the law to play out the jokes, right?
(End of this chapter)

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