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Chapter 335 Brother Xiao Xiao is an Existence Who Has Abused Professional Players

Chapter 335 Brother Xiao Xiao is an Existence Who Has Abused Professional Players (Two in One)

With the introduction of theshy, many tourists remembered the name.

Although it doesn't sound very obvious, brother Xiao Xiao has been relatively famous in the self-media recently.

"I remember that he was the big brother Shenhao who gave an anchor named Baldy [-] million on the live broadcast platform. It seems to be Xiao Xiao."

"Damn it, it's no wonder that the title of emperor is opened as soon as it is online. This is invincible. Huya can spend more than 5000 million yuan at a time!"

"It's so scary, no wonder theshy is so licking, it's going to be me, this is dad!"

After being reminded, many tourists clearly remembered the meaning of the name.

Although most tourists still don't know why, the refreshing speed of the barrage has been raised to another level.

On Douyu's official platform, Xiaoyu, the project manager, was about to get off work when he suddenly saw a new emperor number online, and was overjoyed.

The customer system of Douyu is similar to that of Huya, or it can be said that the customer system of Douyu and Huya is moved from YY, and both belong to the account manager responsibility system.

However, compared to Huya's split from YY, Douyu seems a bit shabby. It seems that it is not as broad as Huya in terms of financial strength and development prospects.

In particular, the company's system is more like a small workshop.

There is no professional manager like Vice President Du, and most of the work is done by the shareholders themselves.

And the account management department of Douyu adopts a competition system instead of a distribution system.

As long as there is a new big brother on the platform, there is no responsible account manager who can take the initiative to contact and choose. As long as this big brother Shenhao approves, he can always be the account manager of this big brother and get a commission of [-]% of the big brother's consumption.

The former elder brother in charge of Xiaoyu has just quit playing online, and his income has plummeted in the past few days. Although the basic salary is not low, it is still not enough, so she is secretly worried.

There are only so many big brothers on the platform, and the kings and emperors have basically been selected. There is no way to wait until the new big brother. Now that she has such an opportunity, how can she care about getting off work?

He hurriedly restarted the computer and boarded his super management account, first clicked on the background to confirm receiving customers, and took Xiao Xiao, the big brother, into his hands.

As long as the eldest brother is satisfied with her account manager within a day, she will be the exclusive account manager of this elder brother in the future.

"Why do I always feel that this big brother's ID is a bit familiar?"

Xiaoyu was about to send a private message to his elder brother, when he suddenly saw the door of the office slam open, and Li Dong, the person in charge of the sales department, rushed in.

It was already off-duty time, and there were only three or four managers who were still working overtime in the office, and they were shocked by Dong Li's gesture.

Li Dong ignored the business managers in the office, panting heavily and shouted:
"The business manager of the customer [Xiao Xiao] who just won the title of emperor, come out with me."

"Mr. Li, I just snatched up this client, and I haven't contacted him yet. It shouldn't have a negative impact on the company, right?"

Hearing Li Dong's roll call, Xiaoyu was startled.

"I haven't got in touch, I haven't been in touch, you come with me first, it's okay to work overtime today, and your salary will be doubled at the end of the month!"

Li Dong's eyes lit up.

He rushed over in such a hurry, isn't it because he was afraid that the business managers under him would contact him in advance?
He would often go to Huya to spy on the screen. When brother Xiao Xiao was tipping in the League of Legends area, he also tipped a few treasure maps along the way, so he could catch his eye in front of brother Xiao Xiao.

During this period of time, Douyu and the others have noticed the changes in Huya, so they are naturally envious.

In terms of the scale of the two platforms Huya and Douyu in May, Douyu is still larger than Huya, and both sides have been losing money in common.

But what about the last few months?Huya has not only surpassed Douyu in terms of scale, but has also increased its revenue, averaging hundreds of millions per month, and has even started a star-making plan
To be honest, all of this has nothing to do with Huya, it is because of one person, Xiao Xiao!
They Douyu saw it, and they naturally wanted to bring Brother Xiao Xiao, the biggest god on the whole network, to play on their own platform.

But for this super hero, Li Dong didn't dare to make too obvious contact for a while.

If they accidentally annoyed this big brother somewhere, their future for teasing fish would be completely dark.

Some time ago, there was a lot of arrears of wages and the anchor’s salary demand activity. Although Douyu officials sued and sued the anchor to the court, it can be seen that they are facing the current situation of Douyu.

Although I imitated Huya to engage in activities to stimulate and stimulate consumption this month, the effect was not obvious, and I was still losing money.

It is only thanks to the continuous financing of these few directors that it can survive.

But the problem is, they can't just keep raising money until they go public, can they?

Let’s not talk about whether they have enough money to hold on. Even if they have enough money to raise money, they can’t find the profit point of the platform, and they won’t make a lot of money after listing.

But now, Brother Xiao Xiao, who has been thinking about it all the time, has come to their Douyu platform on his own initiative, which undoubtedly gives hope to Douyu, who is currently in darkness.

As long as they can catch brother Xiao Xiao, they can also leap into dragons by teasing fish!
"Xiaoyu, since you have grabbed the opportunity to become Brother Xiao Xiao's account manager, I still hope that you will succeed, but you must be careful in this first contact."

"In the evening, I will go to the live broadcast room to talk to Brother Xiao Xiao, and then I will push you out. I will try to add Brother Xiao Xiao's WeChat account within two days."

"By the way, remember to post more photos in Moments."

Li Dong glanced at Xiaoyu and was very satisfied.

Xiaoyu's appearance is among the best in Douyu, even more beautiful than some top female anchors.

I believe that there is such a stunner, Brother Xiao Xiao must give them a funny fish, right?

"Li Dong, is this brother Xiao Xiao the one from Huya?"

Xiaoyu didn't pay much attention to Li Dong's last words, and asked cautiously with some guesses in his heart.

"That's right, he is brother Xiao Xiao from Huya's side."

Li Dong nodded directly.

Hearing Li Dong's affirmative answer, Xiao Yu's heart suddenly jumped wildly.

It's been a while since I've been in the live broadcasting circle, and Xiao Yu naturally has some concerns about Hu Ya's hero Xiao Xiao.

In just a few months, Brother Xiao Xiao spent hundreds of millions!
As long as she can get on board Xiao Xiaoge's big ship, wouldn't she be able to be worth millions casually?

And looking at the situation, Li Dong is going to go on stage to talk to Brother Xiao Xiao in person, and she, the account manager, just needs to pick up ready-made ones.

She always felt that her luck was not very good, but now she suddenly realized that maybe the previous setbacks were all for today!

In the live broadcast room, Liu Xiao still greeted the tourists according to his own habits.

theshy has just come to Douyu not long ago, although the popularity of the live broadcast room is good, but most of them are tourists who come to watch the operation after hearing his fame in the arena, and there are not too many VIPs.

With 60 people, there are only more than 3000 VIP devices, which is very average.

As for the factory and the old thief Sima, the same is true. The live broadcast time is not long, and there are very few big brothers in the live broadcast room.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, why don't we play a few water friends matches tonight, there are quite a lot of League of Legends anchors here at Douyu."

theshy smiled.

"The factory and the old thief are both broadcasting tonight, right?"

"They're all there. We professional players all sign bottom-line contracts, and we live broadcast for about four hours every two days. I'm in the same group as the old thief from the factory, and it happens to be live broadcast today."

While talking, theshy manipulated Raven to push him to the opposite high ground.

Originally, I planned to play with the effect of playing the show, but now that Brother Xiao Xiao is here, I can only end the game quickly.

During the game, the five opponents obviously felt that the pressure had gone up to a new level.

The game time was 4 minutes, theshy was stunned to show off five on the high ground by himself, and pushed down the enemy crystal at [-] and a half minutes to end the game.

"It's okay to be idle, but you can also play."

"Xiao Huya, if you guys want to play, you can register together. With the thigh of theshy, it will not be easy for us to lose."

Liu Xiao typed and spoke on the public screen.

The tourists in the live broadcast room were taken aback for a moment.

Just reluctantly accepted Brother Xiao Xiao's identity, who is this little tiger bud?

"Brother Xiao Xiao, it's Brother Xiaohuya, are they here too?"

theshy was very pleasantly surprised.

"In the future, if you are teasing fish, the cards will be no worse than top streamers."

Liu Xiao smiled and typed a subtitle.

next moment.

"Congratulations [a little tiger bud, Xiao] for opening the title of super emperor!"

The platform broadcasted it three times in a row, and Xiao Huya also opened the emperor.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, I thought I could see you killing all directions, why are you calling us online in such a hurry."

"Congratulations [Xingjue, Xiao] for opening the title of Super Emperor!"

"Congratulations [Bei Bei, Xiao] for opening the title of Super Emperor!"

"Congratulations [Jun Jun, Xiao] for opening the title of Super Emperor!"


First, there were more than a dozen notifications for the activation of the emperor's title, and then there were seventy or eighty notifications for the activation of the king's title.

For a while, there was originally only brother Xiao Xiao with the title of emperor, and the top [-] were almost all screened by Xiao's words.

The title of more than the king is opened, and every time there will be a barrage on the top of the top [-] live broadcast rooms of Douyu Popularity.

Suddenly, at the top of the platform's top stream live broadcast room, the barrage began to swipe the screen.

"Fuck, this is too fierce, isn't it?"

The tourists in the theshy live broadcast room were stunned.

How many emperor titles does the entire Douyu platform have?

Only about forty of them survived.

But now these dozens of nearly twenty opening news have almost abruptly doubled Huya's circle of emperors by half!

As for the king, not to mention, there are only a dozen or so, which is also doubled by one-half.

Many people excitedly opened the VIP seats in the live broadcast room, and saw all the bright emperor logos at a glance.

"This card is invincible!"

Although the gift of a dime has not been swiped yet, this card is enough to shock the tourists in the shy live broadcast room.

Of course, it wasn't just the tourists in theshy's live broadcast room, but all Douyu fans who saw the news on the public screen also clicked on the hyperlink to enter the live broadcast room.

"Is this the world of God?"

Following the tourists jumping over, the anchors silently stared at the screen, sighing.

They Douyu also have their own king group and emperor group. The big brother group in the game area is mainly on Xu Bao's side, while the big brother group in the entertainment area is mainly on Xiao Leng and Fa Jie's side.

But no anchor's fan club can be so exaggerated!

Xu Bao has a good personality and charm, but there are only three emperor elder brothers who are permanent, and as for the king's group, there are only twenty or thirty people.

Not to mention the entertainment area, the female anchor's guardian brother is generally called the husband group. The average anchor is at most guarded by an emperor brother. Xiao Leng has a good charm and has two elder brothers guarding her.

And the addition of the big brother groups of these top streamers seems to be a quarter of the Xiao family's army?

This is so exaggerated!
Theshy's popularity is not low, and Xiao Xiaoge is so strong, I am afraid that he will be able to rush to the position of super first-line anchor in no time.

And once theshy reaches this position, he doesn't even need to spend extra resources on Douyu. With theshy's current popularity in the game area, it must be the star anchor who didn't run away.

"I didn't see Brother Xiao Xiao killing the Quartet, bad reviews, bad reviews."

"It's the first time to form a group to come to Douyu. The live broadcast of Douyu is not bad, and the popularity is quite a lot."

"I can come here occasionally when I have time in the future. I just went out for a walk, and there are still a few more interesting anchors."

In the public screen area of ​​the live broadcast room, colorful aristocratic fonts are constantly swiping the screen, and while the big brothers are chatting, they give these tourists who are teasing fish a soul crit.

"Xiaohuya, Xingjue, Beibei, Junjun, there are computers beside the four of you, right?"

Liu Xiao asked.

"No problem, I have all the equipment here."

"I'm in the audio-visual room, and the computer is on top."

"Come on, come on, I just went to the box of the Internet cafe, the top configuration in the magic city, water cooling mode!"

Several people replied that there was no problem.

Given the opportunity to interact with Brother Xiao Xiao up close, even if they don't have a computer in their hands now, they will immediately go out and get one back.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, then I will find four more people here?"

theshy asked with a smile.

"Call the factory and the old thief."


"If there is a player in the League of Legends that I theshy admire, besides Fei Ke, it is Brother Xiao Xiao."

Theshy's expression froze, and he said solemnly to the camera.

"So, everyone, don't treat this competition as an entertainment competition. Every time Brother Xiao Xiao plays, it is a nightmare for professional players and high-play anchors! Even I have been abused by Brother Xiao Xiao, almost rubbing on the ground."

"Fuck, brother shy, are you kidding me? Brother Xiao Xiao is a big brother Shenhao, who is better at playing games than you?"

"Could it be that brother Xiao Xiao is the Hanbok passerby king who has recently risen? Doesn't this mean that brother Xiao Xiao is at least as good as Feike?"

Theshy flickered for a while, and immediately stunned the tourists in the live broadcast room who didn't know the truth.

Killing professional players and high-end streamers on the field?
Xiao Huya and the others looked at each other, then laughed wildly.

Although it's not like that
But what theshy said is true!

(End of this chapter)

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