Chapter 336 I am very strong at the third level

theshy is fast.A voice chat room was opened directly, first Liu Xiao was pulled in, and then Chang Zi and the old thief were pulled into the voice room.

Liu Xiao has WeChat friends of Xiaohuya and the others, and he also brought them in by the way.

"Brother Xiao Xiao has five people here, and there are still two left. I'll ask Choukai to see if he's coming, and then I'll find Da Sima."

theshy chuckled, just in time to see Chou Kai and Da Sima online, and sent an invitation directly.

Although several people have different names, they are all considered to be top players in the national server, and they are often encountered in the game, and they are familiar with each other when they come and go.

Of course, the news about the opening of the titles of the king and emperor is making fishes swiping the screen, and Choukai and Da Sima are also itching. Theshy's game invitation has just been sent, and the voice is connected immediately.

Choukai was the anchor before the royal family retired. Although he is very good at ordinary times, his strength is still very strong at the peak. Because the little murloc killed Feike solo, so Choukai made himself the name of [-]-[-] head.

And Da Sima is one of the anchors who have become popular recently, and is also a potential stock for Douyu to create gods next.

No one has known the king for ten years, and once the melon skin is known to the world, although it is not the peak period, but the square jungler is also very fancy.

Although Liu Xiao didn't watch the live broadcast very much, but the short video of the two of them has been brushed a few times, so he has some understanding.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, if I don't go with you, I'm better than a wild thief."

The factory changed from its usual seriousness, licking its face and laughing.

"Everyone, don't think that I'm licking the big brother. What I admire is Brother Xiao Xiao's skills. As long as Brother Xiao Xiao makes a move, it is basically impossible for the opponent to win. Even if the opponent is ugly, Brother Xiao Xiao can also hang the hammer. Of course I will choose Brother Xiao Xiao’s camp.”

The factory explained in the live broadcast room.

"Then I'd better walk opposite Brother Xiao Xiao, otherwise Brother Xiao Xiao's lineup is too strong and it would be boring."

The old thief Sima found an ad position.

Da Sima is also a jungler, and Changzi chose Xiao Xiaoge's side, so Da Sima can only choose the opposite side.

As for Xiao Huya and the others, they came here with an attitude of indifference, and they chose to play.

The lineup was determined quickly.

Blue side, Liu Xiao mid laner, Xiao Huya top laner, Changzi jungler, Beibei ad, Junjun support.

Purple Fang, Chou plays the mid laner, theshy top laner, Da Sima the jungler, the old thief ad, and Xingjue support.

On both sides, almost all have come up with their own strongest heroes.

Ugly took the little murloc, theshy was still Ruiwen, Da Sima took the mantis, the old thief took Kai'sa, and Xingjue took a nanny for mixed points.

As for the blue side, Liu Xiao still chose Happy Man, Xiaohuya chose a stone man to resist the pressure, Changzi still chose his favorite Li Qing, and Beibei and Junjun were Xialuo.

"Fuck, Brother Xiao Xiao seems to be a real master. Theshy has four professional and former professional players on the purple side, Brother Xiao Xiao has four big brothers Shenhao, and there is only one professional player in the factory."

As for Li Qing from 4396 in the factory, it is estimated that he is not very close to the level of professional players.

"In this way, Brother Xiao Xiao has to withstand the pressure of the four professional players on the opposite side, otherwise he will definitely collapse."

"These are not the most important. Haven't you noticed that the purple side chooses their own special heroes? Choukai only sacrifices his signature hero, the little murloc, when he really can't beat him. Da Sima Not to mention, playing the wild mantis with a square hand, almost reached the top of the national server!"

The live broadcast room has grown to over one million visitors are thrilled.

Although Brother Xiao Xiao has a full range of heroes, his rank has just reached Platinum, so he is definitely not Brother Xiao Xiao's big number.

Although I don't know which ID of Hanbok Brother Xiao Xiao is, but if four professional players come up with such a lineup, it will definitely not be too bad!

The team was divided into two, and the five of Liu Xiao entered a new voice channel.

The factory here is also broadcasting live, but it does not affect viewing.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, this is all up to you, I'm sure I can't beat the five on the other side."

Changzi bought a wild knife and went out, jokingly said.

"Come on, I still don't understand your little thoughts."

Liu Xiao gave a blank look, bought a Dolan sword, and went straight to the middle lane.

"Ugly, remember to use all your strength for this one, otherwise we won't be able to stop Brother Xiao Xiao's Yasuo from killing him."

On the voice channel of the purple party, the old thief Sima was full of ridicule.

"Don't worry, I'll come to C in the middle!"

Chou Kai laughed out loud, but his heart was full of mischief.

He is currently the No. [-] brother in the League of Legends area, and he is also the first batch of superstars created by Douyu.

Money is definitely not lacking, what is lacking is contacts to enter the upper circle.

And the four big brothers on the opposite side are obviously bigwigs in the upper circles. If you give him ten courageous ugliness, you don't dare to disrespect these big brothers, and you must focus on friendship.

Although he usually has a bad temper, it doesn't mean he has no brains.

In such a situation, what should I do?

Theshy had already given him the answer when Huya and miss were in the same room.

Lick and it's done!
"As far as the first level is concerned, the little murloc is definitely not Yasuo's opponent, especially if the opponent is brother Xiao Xiao. We should be more insignificant. As long as we reach the third level, I will kill alone!"

Chou Kai speaks with confidence.

The more than 150 million viewers in the live broadcast room swiped 666 again and again.

The introduction of Brother Xiao Xiao by theshy and Changzi just now obviously made them, the audience, put aside their contempt for the hero Xiao Xiao.

To be recognized by so many anchors and professional players, brother Xiao Xiao is definitely a super master!
Chou was happy and proud, and moved a pawn on the line, and when Xiao Xiao brother Q Zhan Gang flashed his hand, he deliberately walked over to pick up a skill.

"Damn it, Brother Xiao Xiao, Yasuo's q is too accurate, he can't move away at all!"

Ugly and shocked.

"How I look at it looks like Choukai deliberately went to Brother Xiao Xiao's Q skill. This is only two levels, two bottles of medicine are gone, and one-third of the blood is missing. Isn't this too scary?"

"The accuracy of Yasuo's Q skill is too terrifying. No matter how you look at it, it looks like a fake. Could it be cheating?"

"Fart, this is called a master. This is a prediction of Chou Kai's psychology. How Chou Kai will replenish his troops and how to take the next step is completely calculated by Brother Xiao Xiao. With these few q skills, Brother Xiao Xiao It's definitely not worse than the prodigal son Yasuo who is the number one in the national server!"

Chou Kai also followed suit.

"This friend said a lot just now. It's really not that I deliberately stepped up to suffer from Q skills. Which pawn I want to make up and where to go next are all calculated by Brother Xiao Xiao. Brother Xiao Xiao's Yasuo is really too powerful. Stronger."

"But fortunately, relying on Dolan's ring and two bottles of blood medicine, I finally managed to reach more than two levels. As long as I eat two more soldiers, I can reach level three. My level three is very strong!"

(End of this chapter)

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