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Chapter 337 Luanxiu, it's time to get the event ranking

Chapter 337 Luanxiu, it's time to get the event ranking
Ugly Kai's tone was full of confidence.

And theshy and Da Sima, who were also in the voice, were almost starved of oxygen while holding back their laughter.

"Ugly, with Brother Xiao Xiao's strength, it may be difficult for you to kill solo in this wave. It's better to wait for my support. I will finish this wave of square junglers soon."

Da Sima's face was full of sternness and prudence, full of awe of Brother Xiao Xiao's strength.

The millions of viewers in the live broadcast room were also frantically typing the subtitles of Brother Kai's hand.

The calmness of several major anchors obviously frightened the millions of viewers in the live broadcast room.

Although Liu Xiao's Yasuo can't show much showmanship because of his hand speed, his basic abilities, whether it's replenishing soldiers or moving a, are decent, and they look very silky.

Anyway, he is also a little master of the platinum segment, so the basic details are naturally not far behind.

With these additions, the audience in the live broadcast room naturally recognized Brother Xiao Xiao as a peerless master from the very beginning.

"No, I'm going to level three right now, so I have to be caught off guard. You're still in the upper half, so there's no time."

While speaking, Chou Kai had already reached level three, and he pointed out the last ordinary skill q.

The three skills of the little murloc, the q skill is piercing, which can directly puncture the enemy hero to cause damage, while the e skill is flipping, which can jump up to avoid damage, and when it falls, it will hit the ground Cause damage, w is to enhance the normal attack.

With the addition of three huge damage skills, as long as the little murloc gets close at level [-], all skills will hit, no matter which hero it is, it will burp.

An upgraded golden light lit up, and Chou Kai rushed to Yasuo with his q skill, first a flat a, and then a w to refresh the basic attack.

Liu Xiao controlled Yasuo with an aq, and then chased and tied the murloc with a.

He is a fighter, and if he is just flat A, the little murloc must be at a loss.

Soon, the blood volume of both sides reached the lowest line.

Liu Xiao held a wind in his hand, and Chou Kai pinched his e.

"As long as I jump up with the e skill in this wave, with Brother Xiao Xiao's awareness and hand speed, I will definitely flash back to avoid damage. Watch my operation!"

Choukai controlled the hero to jump high, and then directly flashed towards the defense tower with a predictive flash.

Liu Xiao was still holding down the little murloc, but when he saw Chou Kai jumping into the air and was about to take a picture, he was about to flash back to the tower.

But Chou Kai is a world-class little murloc after all, and his flash speed is extremely fast.

Just as Liu Xiao put his finger on the flash, the little murloc had already landed.

With a snap, the little murloc landed on the open ground without causing any damage.

Liu Xiao was stunned for a moment, and then a three-stage q blowing the air, plus a flat a, directly took Chou Kairen's head away.

At the same time, theshy and the old thief Sima were watching the screen, seeing Chou Kai's explosive acting skills, they were so happy and crazy.

"Ugly, your pre-judgment e-flash is too troublesome, isn't it?"

"Ahem, this wave was my mistake. I didn't expect Brother Xiao Xiao to predict my prediction. It's not that I'm too weak, but Brother Xiao Xiao is too strong."

Chou Kai's face was not red and his heart was not beating, and he was blowing wildly at several people.

"I don't know if everyone has discovered the details of Brother Xiao Xiao's wave. I want to predict the location of Brother Xiao Xiao's flash, but Brother Xiao Xiao has already seen my thoughts, and he didn't mean to flash at all. I played a fancy hand. But brother Xiao Xiao has been looking at me on the third floor, it's too scary."

"I just read the details. The first time Brother Xiao Xiao thought of going back, he probably wanted to flash, but he suddenly stopped and didn't move. It's not a loss for Chou Kai to lose this wave. Brother Xiao Xiao is too strong!"

Visitors in the live broadcast room repeatedly praised.

This is obviously a prediction made after piercing through Chou Kai's mind.

"Brother Xiao Xiao is probably going back to the city under the tower, but when Choukai is online, he will go straight up, jumping up and down the tower."

Da Sima controlled the mantis and ran over, his palms sweating slightly.

After seeing Chou's show for so long, he already wanted to do something.

According to his prediction, the blind man in the factory should be playing f6 at this moment, and tower jumping now is a 100% chance to die.

"I'm coming."

"I'm coming too, ward in the back, teleport right away!"

"You can't let Brother Xiao Xiao get up, three guarantees for one!"

The three tacitly gank around the back.

Da Sima didn't wait for the little murloc to resist first, and directly flashed e into the field, and a q skill broke Yasuo's shield.

Then theshy's Raven teleported to the ground, a flash w controlled Yasuo, and happened to bump into the factory that had just run over.

"It's over, it's over, why is the factory squatting back?"

Liu Xiao dodged the follow-up damage with a flash, and then Chang Zi put a shield on him, and it was a flat A output against the mantis.

The heroes in the early stage couldn't hold the defense tower a few times at all. Before Liu Xiao made any shots, the three of them were almost beaten by the defense tower.

Three kills!

"Damn it, I figured it out, Da Sima is giving away the head."

"I see everything, but I don't say anything."

"Hahaha, Da Sima, your acting skills are too clumsy."

Theshy saw Da Sima being punctured by the audience, couldn't hold back anymore, and burst out laughing.

"What are you doing, Da Sima? You are acting so fake as a king. I should let my little murloc resist the tower first, and then go out of the tower to hide and hurt you before resisting."

Da Sima's face turned slightly red.

His strength is good, but his acting skills are really mediocre, far worse than these old cunts.

But now that they were punctured, the four professional players also began to cheer up, and began to give away heads in tricks.

Xiao Huya accidentally "single-killed" a wave of theshy online, and Beibei double-killed the old thief Sima and the big Sima who came to gank.

The two immediately felt Brother Xiao Xiao's happiness.

Of course, the factory didn't forget about Xingjue who was in the enemy camp, and Xingjue's nanny single-handedly killed him twice in all kinds of messy shows.

"I can't do it anymore, help me down quickly, these anchors are too licking, laughing to death."

"Brother Xiao Xiao came to tease the fish on the first day, is it just this high, the top anchor in the League of Legends area kneels and licks in despair?"

"Brother Xiao Xiao: I have money, so what am I afraid of, as long as I am willing, the world champion is not far from me!"

"If I had more than a dozen elder brothers of the emperor and dozens of king's legions to support the scene, Chou Kai would definitely treat me like this."

The atmosphere in several live broadcast rooms was cheerful.

The game has completely turned into Yasuo's one-man slaughter.

In the end, the stone man of Xiaohuya in the highland got five big moves with one big move, and Liu Xiao picked up the big move with a flash R, and landed two consecutive double winds, directly getting five kills and the game ended.

"Bull beep bull beep!"

The audience was also very impressed.

Although we all know that we are acting, and we may have seen the scene where Brother Shenhao kills the anchor team in seconds, the effect of the show is still very explosive.

Liu Xiao hadn't played League of Legends for a long time, and with the initiative of Chou Kai and the others, this game was quite enjoyable.

But Liu Xiao also knew that it was enough for everyone to have fun with this kind of game once in a while, and it would be meaningless if they played too much.

The next few people fought a few more times, but this time the Shenhao group and the anchor group were evenly divided.

Liu Xiao also switched to the bottom lane, and Xiaohuya played against Xingjue and Junjun.

Changzi and Da Sima are divided into two sides, operating wildly in the wild.

And theshy also switched to the middle lane, and played back and forth with Choukai in the middle lane.

The only one who is worse is Beibei.

However, it was also obvious that the old thief Sima let go of the water, and Beibei also had a good time.

Several times in a row, the tourists in the live broadcast room enjoyed watching it.

Let’s not talk about Brother Xiaoxiao’s operation, just talking about the solo duel between Theshy and Choukai, and the jungle awareness of Da Sima and Changzi, it is enough to feast everyone’s eyes.

After ten o'clock, Liu Xiao rubbed his sore fingers, quit the game after being persuaded by all the anchors, and re-entered theshy's live broadcast room.

Douyu has been playing activities recently, and he has nothing to do when he is free, but he can help theshy and the others get a ranking.

(End of this chapter)

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