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Chapter 338 This gift must not be brushed until the Year of the Monkey?

Chapter 338 This gift must not be brushed until the Year of the Monkey?

"theshy, what activities are Douyu doing recently?"

Liu Xiao's barrage had just been typed out, and Li Dong and Xiao Yu, who had been watching the screen all the time, felt their hearts skip a beat.

After waiting for so long, they wanted to find a suitable time to show up and show their favor to brother Xiao Xiao.

It's best to keep Brother Xiao Xiao in Douyu. Even if you can't, let Xiao Xiao see their sincerity in making Yuyu.

And this timing, of course, was after Brother Xiao Xiao made his move.

"Starting from this Monday, Douyu is holding an all-star competition. This time, the all-star competition is an all-platform competition. Every section will participate. In the end, the entire platform will determine an anchor and win the Douyu official The star anchor status given, and at the same time supporting the promotional activities of star anchors."

theshy briefly introduced Douyu's ongoing activities.

This activity has nothing to do with him.

Although he is also live broadcasting Douyu, he is a professional player after all. If he really wants to shine, he will have to wait a few years after retiring from the professional team, just like Huya's attitude.

What's more, the summer split is going on recently, and the time for his live broadcast can't be arranged.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, I really don't need to spend so much money to help me play the event. This event uses a PK system between the anchors. I will not be able to go online in the final match tomorrow."

Theshy's words are indeed sincere.

Although his signing bonus with a professional team cannot be as high as Uzi's, it is still more than ten million.

There is no shortage of money, and the main purpose is to become friends with Brother Xiao Xiao.

Another point is that playing games with brother Xiao Xiao, although he has been giving heads in a fancy way, is really very happy. It is much more comfortable than the monotonous and boring training games in the past. This is why he is so happy after seeing brother Xiao Xiao come to tease the fish .

For a while, the tourists in the shy live broadcast room suddenly became more fond of the shy.

In these two or three hours, although Brother Xiao Xiao hadn't started brushing yet, the Xiao Family Legion, more than a dozen emperors and dozens of kings at the beginning of the game, had already made tourists realize the strength of Brother Xiao Xiao.

Such a big brother Shenhao wanted to offer a reward, but theshy refused?
"Brother shy is nothing else, he is indeed a conscientious anchor, and he will definitely come to support the summer game!"

"Brother shy is mighty, it's the first time I've seen an anchor who won't let my brother brush gifts, so conscientious!"

The audience kept scrolling through the barrage.

At this moment, Li Dong, who was planning to wait and see, suddenly became anxious.

Good guy, Brother Xiao Xiao finally came to tease Yu, and now he has a title of emperor, so let Brother Xiao Xiao go?

In case Xiao Xiao goes back to Huya after tonight, wouldn't they have missed the best chance to curry favor with Xiao Xiao?

Li Dong hesitated for a while, wondering whether he should go online and talk to Brother Xiao Xiao.

"Li Dong, I think we should not act rashly."

Xiaoyu calmed down from his sluggishness, saw Li Dong hesitate, and said softly:
"Brother Xiao Xiao and Little Huya are here to play with the fish this time, and they have granted the title of emperor as soon as they go online. They will definitely not simply come to see it. I am afraid they have the intention to play with the fish for a while."

"The first stop came to Theshy's live broadcast room, and I just got acquainted with Theshy and them before, so we should wait a little longer, maybe Brother Xiao Xiao will go to the entertainment area to play in a while?"

Li Dong hesitated for a while, and gradually calmed down.

"Xiaoyu, you are right. I was too anxious."

Li Dong generously admitted his mistake.

He is also a very rational person, but he just lost his position in front of brother Xiao Xiao for a while. Now that Xiaoyu reminded him, he immediately came to his senses.

They are just the platform side, and what they want to do is to let brother Xiao Xiao enjoy the most exquisite platform services, so that brother Xiao Xiao can have fun, instead of just thinking of ways to pull brother Shenhao to spend.

Service is the first criterion for their survival, and it is also the key to keeping the big brother of the platform.

Liu Xiao saw that Theshy really didn't want gifts, so he lost the intention of helping Theshy to organize activities.

I looked around in Douyu gifts, the most expensive gift is something called a super rocket, the price is two thousand shark fins.

The next one is Rocket, five hundred shark fins each.

The next thing is the plane, one hundred shark fins.

There is also a card, 6 shark fins each.

Almost a gift of 666, one for each shark fin.

Then there are some fishball gifts.

Liu Xiao clicked a few times, with a puzzled expression on his face.

"What's the situation, what about the quantity options behind these gifts?"

The base currency of Douyu is divided into fish balls and shark fins.

One fish ball is equal to one penny, one hundred fish balls is equal to one shark fin, that is to say, one shark fin is worth one yuan.

Super rockets cost 6 shark fins each, which is equal to [-], rockets cost [-] shark fins each, airplanes cost [-] shark fins each, and card applications cost [-] shark fins each.

As for the fish ball gift, the basic gift of 100 fish balls, followed by super big balls, one hundred thousand fish balls, equal to 1000 yuan.

Of course, these are not the most critical.

Liu Xiao first clicked on the super rocket gift, but there was only one send button on the page, and there was no quantity button at all.

Click the rocket button again, there is still only one send button, the same as the next-level aircraft.

Click again to open the worst card gift in Liu Xiao's opinion, and the quantity finally came out.

"A piece of six yuan, at most 888 pieces, 5328 shark fins at a time?"

Liu Xiao couldn't laugh or cry.

At first, he thought the phone was broken, but Liu Xiao realized it when he saw the shark fin.

Those three gifts of super rockets, rockets and planes can only be given at most one at a time!
This is too far from Huya's side.

Huya’s most expensive gift is a treasure map, which can only be given one at a time, but the unit price is 5000 yuan each.

The second is Huya No. 1000, which costs 10 yuan a piece, and you can give [-] pieces at a time, which amounts to [-] yuan.

The second-class magic book is 99 yuan a piece, but 1314 pieces can be given away at a time, which is more than 13 yuan.

Not to mention gifts such as banknote guns, hot pots and super early warnings, they can all be given in batches.

But for Douyu, you can only get one super rocket at 2000 yuan, a rocket at 500 yuan, and an airplane at 100 yuan at a time.

Liu Xiao stroked his forehead, feeling helpless for a while.

The most expensive card is only 888 yuan, [-] one-time, worth [-] yuan, which is basically equivalent to a treasure map of Huya.

Liu Xiao, who was still thinking about the 500 million yuan at the beginning, was immediately discouraged.

It's not that I don't have money to buy gifts, but that my fingers can't bear it.

A group of 500 cards and 1000 million gifts, that is [-] clicks.

There is also a small program for connecting the dots on the side of Huya, but Douyu only came here, and there is not a single hair on the software.

It's fine if it's a theshy, but Liu Xiao plans to give Changzi, Sima the old thief, Choukai and Da Sima all a wave.

After brushing this, it can't be [-] times?
(End of this chapter)

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