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Chapter 339 Li Dong's game, betting on the fate of the platform

Chapter 339 Li Dong's game, betting on the fate of the platform
On the other hand, Xiao Huya and others are also studying the gift system of Douyu.

"The difference between Douyu and Huya is quite big. At first I thought it was because the phone card was stuck and I couldn't see the quantity option. I didn't expect that there was no such thing at all!"

Xingjue complained in the small group.

"Hahaha, this is because Brother Xiao Xiao took everyone's taste into his mouth, thinking that he would be embarrassed to meet people without a hundred thousand for a pk and a gift."

Xiao Huya typed with a smile.

"Yeah, before brother Xiao Xiao came to Huya, a treasure map could refresh the screen for a long time."

Everyone nodded.

The difference between the previous Huya and the current Douyu is not that big, it’s just that there is a difference in the amount of gifts. In terms of popularity and big brothers, it’s not even as good as Douyu’s development.

At that time, in a PK match, it would be considered a very good reputation if the big brother gave a treasure map. If Huya No. [-] can shoot ten consecutive shots, it will directly pierce the big sky of Huya.

In the annual finals, after Daheng played an event for the anchor, the highest list was only 300 million.

For an ordinary PK, the gift list of first-line anchors is basically around [-], and better than [-].

But now, I'm afraid they have to add a thousand or ten thousand characters after these data.

The first-line anchors play PK, and they don't have a treasure map to support their appearance, so they can't afford to lose that person.

As for the big brother of the platform, Huya No. 1000 cleared the way, and the gift of [-] yuan was swiped with a flick of his hand.

As for the launch of the Emperor Emperor, it is either a treasure map or ten Huya No. [-].

And what about teasing fish?It is still maintaining the consumption level before Huya.

A first-line anchor can only be gifted with a few thousand dollars after a PK match, and a super-first-line anchor with a higher price will only break ten thousand or even one hundred thousand.

As far as Douyu is currently playing in the All-Star competition, the highest ranking is only a few hundred thousand, which is not much consumption at all.

"Who has the contact information of the super management or director of Douyu, see if you can add a quantity option to my account, or ask him to contact me directly."

Liu Xiao helplessly yelled in the group.

He is such a lazy person, how could he click thousands of times for a single gift.

The best one is the one that can be adjusted to 500 million for a set of gifts, which saves trouble.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, I have the contact information of Douyu Li Dong here, how about I ask him to contact you at the backstage of Douyu?"

"Okay, thank you."

"Brother Xiao Xiao is too polite."

[Minions] Seeing Brother Xiao Xiao replying to his message, he was so excited that he almost jumped up.

The opportunity to strike up a conversation with Brother Xiao Xiao was seized by him so easily!

Although it is unlikely to be remembered by Brother Xiao Xiao this time, but after a long time of contact, he might be able to integrate into Brother Xiao Xiao's small circle like Junjun.

There are too many benefits.

Junjun was about the same as him before, with a net worth of tens of millions.

But in just three short months, Junjun's assets have abruptly increased by more than 2000 million by relying on the circle of big brothers Xiaohuya Xingjue Beibei, which makes him envious.

The little yellow man quickly found Li Dong's phone number that he had left when he was playing with the fish.

Hearing what the little yellow man said, Li Dong slapped his forehead and cursed himself secretly.

He often observes Hu Ya, so he naturally knows Hu Ya's gift system.

On Huya's side, a set of gifts topped out at more than 13 yuan, but they only cost about [-] yuan here in Douyu, which is not even as good as a treasure map of Huya.

In a top-level pk that usually costs around [-] yuan, this kind of gift is definitely enough.

But for Brother Xiao Xiao, a gift amount of this level is simply rubbish.

"Xiaoyu, you go to the technical department right away and ask the project team to adjust the size immediately. Forget it, let's go together!"

Li Dong said something first, then waved his hands, and hurriedly trotted to the technical department on the first floor downstairs.

While running, he also used his mobile phone to log into his super management account and entered the shy's live broadcast room, clicked on Brother Xiao Xiao's profile picture and sent a private message.

When Li Dong went to the technical department, Liu Xiao also saw the friend request sent by Li Dong, and directly clicked the agree button.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, good evening, welcome to play fish with us."

Li Dong said anxiously, and Xiaoyu stood beside Li Dong, feeling equally uneasy.

This is the first time to have close contact with the top Shenhao of Hua and Guochao!

"It's like this. I'm going to spend some gifts on Douyu, but the amount in the gift column is too low. Can you increase it for me, and then develop a small program that connects the dots for me. The kind that can combo gifts."

What Liu Xiao said was very polite.

Doing what you want doesn't mean you have a sick mind.

Regardless of high or low, Liu Xiao treats everyone equally.

But these very polite words flattered Li Dong and Xiao Yu.

"Of course, Brother Xiao Xiao, wait a moment, I happen to be here in the technical department, and I will give you account permissions immediately."

Li Dong almost replied the message at the fastest speed in his life.

He is just an investor with a net worth of more than 20 billion, and there is a huge difference between him and a giant like Brother Xiao Xiao.

This is different from a purely professional manager like Vice President Du.

But there is no doubt that he is more in awe of Brother Xiao Xiao than Vice President Du!
"Hurry up, search for [Xiao Xiao]'s account immediately, and open all the gift quantity permissions."

"Also, the gift linker is a small program that can set the speed and frequency of gift delivery. How long will it take to get it out?"

"Mr. Li, the permission for the number of gifts is about 3 minutes, and it is easy to connect the point device, but it needs to be connected with our server interface, which is estimated to take about 5 minutes."

Several programmers on the night shift in the technical department didn't know why Mr. Li was in such a hurry, but they replied immediately.

They basically have a small program like a dot-connector as a programmer.

After all, with the train ticket, you can't grab a scalper at all by hand speed, and you can only control the barbarian with barbarians.

After modifying the linker a little, it can run after connecting to their Douyu server.

"Get it done as soon as possible, and then send it to [Xiao Xiao]. By the way, after the gift quantity permission is done, it will be sent to the entire platform. The gift update will not affect the live broadcast, right?"

"No effect, very simple program superimposition."

"Then set it like this."

"The maximum number of super rockets can be sent at one time is 20, 100, the maximum number of rockets can be sent at one time is 100520, and the maximum number of aircraft can be sent at one time is [-]. As for the card, there is no need to change it. Update these three gifts, and wait for the rest to be negotiated with the business department, and then I will communicate with you in detail."

Li Dong thought about it, and decided on three gifts first.

Fifty super rockets at a time, two thousand a piece, add up to a group of 10 yuan.

The rockets are one hundred at a time, with a group of 5 yuan.

There are 520 planes at a time, and a group costs 5 yuan.

Li Dong secretly became ruthless in his heart.

This update method is definitely a huge challenge to Douyu's consumption strength.

If Brother Xiao Xiao leaves Douyu after swiping this time, then the consumption rhythm after Douyu will definitely not be maintained, which means that he is likely to make a big joke.

But if Brother Xiao Xiao can play in Douyu for a day or two longer, and then leave after tomorrow's event, or stay in Douyu all the time
The development of Douyu platform is bound to go in the direction of Huya.

And they have invested countless investors and directors, so they don't have to continue to lose money to support themselves.

This is a game!
(End of this chapter)

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