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Chapter 340 Added 3 Special Gift Effects

Chapter 340 Added three gift special effects
Time is urgent, of course Douyu technical department can't produce the super rocket burst animation, and can only complete the special effect by simple multi-animation copy.

That is to say, for a group of fifty super rockets, the special effect of fifty super rockets firing at the same time will appear directly on the screen.

And for a group of one hundred rockets, one hundred rockets will appear on the screen to launch at the same time.

As for the plane, due to time constraints, the technical department has no better way.

It is acceptable for a hundred rockets to appear on the screen at the same time, and it takes up all the screens, but 520 planes, no matter how big the screen is, it cannot fit.

In the end, the technical department could only produce ten planes at the same time, with super long tail fins on the back, arranged in a 520 heart-shaped guardian pattern, and brought out a special effect.

Although Li Dong was not satisfied, he still let the gift go online as soon as possible.

Then, I made an installation package of the dot connecter and sent it to Brother Xiao Xiao online.

When Liu Xiao got the installation package, only 5 minutes had passed.

"So fast?"

Liu Xiao was a little dazed.

He originally thought that it would be nice to update the gift within an hour, but he didn't expect to even send him a clicker.

After clicking on it to install it, the function buttons are similar to those on Huya, but the page is a little rough and needs to be optimized.

But this is already very good. You must know that when Huya gave him the dot connecter, it took half a day to make it.

Huya and Douyu are like the difference between a state-owned enterprise and a private enterprise.

Huya was conceived by YY. The shareholders are all well-known big investors. What they do is the combination of efficiency and beauty.

As for Douyu, it is a private company created by several shareholders, and it pays attention to efficiency and speed.

Of course, in reality both are private companies.

Click on the gift bar again, the screen flickers slightly, and the gift bar has been updated.

Click on the super rocket, and there is a quantity option next to the send button in the lower right corner.

Liu Xiao clicked to the top, exactly a group of fifty.

"That's right."

Liu Xiao nodded in satisfaction.

"The emperor [Xiao Xiao] sent a super rocket*50!"

In the live broadcast room of theshy, Xiaohuya's brothers were chatting and farting with the tourists. Suddenly, a gift reminder popped up in the public screen area of ​​the live broadcast room.

In the center of the public screen, fifty super rockets lifted off together, covering almost half of the screen, and the special effect of the flaming rocket base completely dyed the entire screen red.

"Damn it, what the hell is this?"

"Super Rocket*50? When did Douyu have this gift?"

"Look at the Zhou Gongbang!"

In the game area, there are not many big brothers who give gifts, and most of the tourists' gift barrages are open.

The live broadcast room was suddenly covered by super rockets, and it was impossible not to see it.

Many tourists followed the rhythm of the barrage and opened the Zhou Gongbang hidden on the side.

not long after theshy came to Douyu's live broadcast, there were only a few big brothers in the live broadcast room. Although it was still active, the actual list was only in the early [-]s, and several big brothers made it together.

And a group of super rockets like Liu Xiao directly refreshed the shy's ranking!
The first name on the Zhou Gong List was immediately replaced by 【Xiao Xiao】.

Reward shark fin, one hundred thousand.

"Is it really a super rocket with fifty rounds?"

"Isn't Douyu's biggest gift a group of 888 cards? Whenever the super rockets have a combo."

"It seems that we and Brother Xiao Xiao are not playing on the same live broadcast platform."

Even theshy who was broadcasting live was stunned.

Although he has not been here for a long time, he is still very clear about the gift system of Douyu.

The most expensive is more than 5000 yuan to apply for a card, followed by the super rocket, which costs 2000 yuan a round.

And a set of 10 yuan is not something that only Huya has?
Originally ranked ninth in the League of Legends area, immediately rushed to the second position under the stimulation of this 10 yuan gift.

"Brother Beep!"

"Brother Xiao Xiao is invincible, a gift of 10 yuan will make fish history!"

"No wonder Brother Shy said that Brother Xiao Xiao is the eldest brother Shenhao. This is really Shenhao. A set of gifts is 10 yuan. I guess this is an official gift for Brother Xiao Xiao?"

"I just opened the gift bar, and I can also send a set of fifty super rockets. It seems that Douyu has really changed the gift template. Invincible, Brother Xiaoxiao!"

The tourists burst into excitement.

Brother Xiao Xiao just went online, Douyu officially changed the gift model and changed the biggest gift to a set of super rockets worth 10 yuan.

It doesn't matter if you say that it doesn't matter, who will believe it!

Although there are quite a few big brothers Shenhao on the platform, there seems to be only one Shenhao like Brother Xiao Xiao who is licked by Douyu officials as soon as he appears.

"It's no wonder that when brother Xiao Xiao first went online, brother shy said that brother Xiao Xiao had spent hundreds of millions of dollars in a single game. I thought it was a joke at first, but brother Xiao Xiao got a set of 10 yuan in gifts. I estimate that one game has exceeded [-] million. It should be indispensable."

Liu Xiao didn't care about the barrage reaction, and sent out another set of 100 rockets.

A hundred small rockets suddenly appeared on the screen, directly occupying the entire screen.

For a moment, the entire screen looked like a rocket taking off.

Looking at the special effect of the gift, Liu Xiao couldn't laugh or cry for a while.

Huya No. [-] on the side of Huya, but a bunch of rockets take off together, and the special effects are much more advanced than this.

However, considering that Teaser Fish is only a special effect made within a few minutes, Liu Xiao will not criticize.

"However, this group of 520 planes, wouldn't it still take off with 520 planes?"

Liu Xiao looked at the last large gift, and clicked to give it away.

The expected 520 aircraft did not appear, but ten aircraft wrote 520 on the screen with tail flames.

Liu Xiao reduced another twenty and changed it to a group of five hundred.

"Okay, just change 520 to [-]."

Although the special effects of the gift were a little embarrassing, the freshness still surprised and delighted the tourists in the live broadcast room and Xiao Huya.

Although Liu Xiao thought it was funny, he also found it quite interesting.

If this were placed in Huya, it would be absolutely impossible for this to happen. The rules and technology department of Douyu is obviously much more free than that of Huya. This kind of immature animation can also be launched online to test the water.

This may also be the reason why Douyu can attract so many gods and fans.

If the technology is not as good as it is, it will surpass it in terms of innovation!
After going through all the gifts left by Douyu, Liu Xiao also basically understood the types of gifts for Douyu.

In the end, Liu Xiao still chose a group of [-] planes as a connecting gift.

Although a group is only 5 yuan, in all aspects, it is better than the full-screen super rocket.

Furthermore, there is a dot stick, so you don't have to worry about using your fingers.

(End of this chapter)

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