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Chapter 342 Dual Platforms 【The 1st Godly God】

Chapter 342 Dual Platforms 【The First God】

"Thank you Brother Xiao Xiao for the gift, thank you Brother Xiao Xiao!"

theshy thanks loudly.

Before Brother Xiao Xiao brushed the gift, he said that it was modesty not to ask for a gift.

But Brother Xiao Xiao's 500 million gifts have all been swiped out, so if he says that he really doesn't want gifts, it is hypocrisy.

Brother Xiao Xiao is willing to brush, then he will continue!

"Brother Xiao Xiao has already made a move, and we people can't take it easy, but this month, I've done a lot with Huya, so I can only take it easy."

Xiao Huya sent a hand-smacking emoji, then posted a barrage of funny words, and finally attached a few hahaha emojis.

"The emperor [Little Tiger Ya, Xiao] sent out a super rocket*50!"

"We have to be funny too, hahaha."

"The emperor [Xingjue, Xiao] sent a super rocket *50!"

"The king [Minions, Xiao] sent a rocket*100!"


For a while, Xiao Huya and others swiped the screen again with presents.

The lowest is 20, and the highest is [-] to [-].

Xiaohuya really didn’t have much money in his hand, only paid out 20 yuan, Xiaohuya knew very well that there were probably a few more anchors in the future, and he had to save some for the later ones.

But if this is the case, it is enough to shock the tourists who are teasing fish.

Visible to the naked eye, theshy's gift list started to jump again.

"Ten million rankings, isn't this too awesome?"

"Last year, I only saw four million-dollar lists, and another three-million list. I didn't expect to see the ten-million list in this ordinary event!"

Although not many people paid much, each of the nearly twenty emperor titles is more than 200, which adds up to more than 300 million or 200 million, and the sixty or seventy king titles each have [-] to [-], which adds up to more than [-] million.

The speed of theshy's list breaking through [-] million was too fast. For a while, the tourists in the live broadcast room seemed to be still in a dream.

Before the tourists could react, Li Dong was the first to react.

But he was not surprised, but his face changed drastically.

Douyu has also undergone a revision this month, imitating Huya, and adding a title to the title of super emperor, phantom god.

However, the consumption level on their side is a little lower than that on Huya's side, and you can get it with a consumption of about 100 million.

This title is also prepared for top buddies like Brother Boring and Master Fan who are funny with fish, but Brother Boring and Master Fan are not online tonight, and they will start collecting gifts when they are preparing for the final pk tomorrow.

But Brother Xiao Xiao spent 500 million just now, and the title of this phantom god has not been upgraded.

This is a major technical error!
Brother Xiao Xiao just came to tease fish, and they made this kind of mistake in their technique. If brother Xiao Xiao and them care about this matter, they really can't keep this big brother in teasing fish.

Li Dong hurried to the technical department again, and happened to see the three programmers who stayed on the night shift sweating profusely to maintain the system.

"What's going on, why hasn't the title of phantom god been upgraded?"

"Mr. Li, the few gifts that were maintained just now were not included in the assessment for the promotion of titles. Brother Xiao Xiao sent more than 500 million gifts, but only a few small gifts were included, so there is a bug in the program, and we are still fixing it here. "

The three programmers smiled wryly.

Originally, Douyu had [-] or [-] skills, but it was too late tonight, and most of the people went back to rest, leaving only the three of them on duty.

In normal times, three people on duty must be enough.

But today Brother Xiao Xiao went online, and brought a large number of big brothers like Xiaohuya, as well as various gift upgrades and special effects production. With so many things mixed together, naturally he was too busy, so he forgot about the docking of the new title promotion. up.

"Don't worry, Mr. Li, our connection will be completed within 5 minutes, and brother Xiao Xiao's title will be automatically promoted by then."

The three quickly assured.

"No, the promotion of the title is an instant thing, and it is meaningless to make up for it after the fact."

Dong Li frowned.

"Xiaoyu, go to the personnel department and find the number of the technical department. Those who come to the company to work overtime tonight will be paid five times the overtime pay, and there will be bonuses at the end of the month."

"By the way, let them all take a taxi. The company will reimburse you twice the cost of taking a taxi. After working overtime, they will have paid vacation the day after tomorrow."

Li Dong first asked Xiaoyu to find the employees of the technical department to come back and work overtime.

The incident happened suddenly, and he knew it wasn't the fault of these three programmers, but in this situation tonight, the three of them must be too busy, and it is the right way to find more people to help.

Xiaoyu quickly agreed and rushed to the personnel office, while Li Dong was thinking about how to solve this matter.

It is definitely not possible to reproduce the special effects of this title. There are so many tourists in the live broadcast room, and they are not fools. This meeting has passed for almost 10 minutes, and it is meaningless to make up.

"Huya opened a special brand for Brother Xiao Xiao, No. [-] Shenhao, can we Douyu follow suit?"

Suddenly, a thought flashed in Li Dong's mind, and he was pleasantly surprised.

The title of phantom god must not be secretly filled.

But he can use an excuse to say that Douyu is upgrading the exclusive brand for Brother Xiao Xiao, and by the way, the title of Phantom God will be issued along with it. In addition to perfectly covering up this technical mistake, he can also use Brother Xiao Xiao for a while. Wave favorability.

And the most important thing is, by giving away the sign, he can get in close contact with Brother Xiao Xiao, and really get in touch with Brother Xiao Xiao himself.
This is the big deal!

"The three of you have to work hard today. It will take at least an hour for the others to rush over. During this hour, there are some things that need to be done by you. Don't worry, others will pay five times the overtime pay tonight, and the three of you will pay ten times. I will go to the personnel affairs to register for you in person."

Li Dong expressed his thoughts, and then calmed down the minds of the three of them.

He is not a boss who can only draw cakes. He is very clear that employees come to work in the company not to sacrifice themselves for the development of the company, but to make money.

Just like he has always wanted to promote the development of Douyu, the purpose is also to make money.

Only when the benefits are in place, can employees work hard for the development of the company. This is an eternal truth.

When the three of them heard the ten times salary that Li Dong said, their spirits were shocked and they became completely excited.

As the company's core technician, the company is more than 400 yuan, and the average is [-] yuan per day.

Ten times the salary, which means that I can get 4000 yuan in one night tonight!

And what they have to do is to be busy and work faster. This is completely a waste of money, and only fools don't do it.

"Don't worry, Mr. Li, we will immediately model and dock the interface, and it will be completed within an hour!"

The chests of the three of them slapped loudly.

There are conceptual drawings saved by previous artists in the computer. Although they are not very detailed, they are still enough to make a new brand.

"This brand is also called No. [-] Shenhao!"

(End of this chapter)

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