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Chapter 343 Brother Xiao Xiao Is So Scary

Chapter 343 Brother Xiao Xiao Is So Scary

Douyu also gave Brother Xiao Xiao the No. [-] Shenhao brand. This is not because Li Dong intends to conflict with Huya, but because he really has no choice.

This brand is too classic, no matter if you change to any other brand, it doesn't seem to have this meaning.

Of course, there are many synonyms, but after the modification, it doesn't make much sense, so it's better to take it over generously.

Huya hasn't registered a patent for this thing, so why can't they make one?
As long as some changes are made in the details, maybe it can bring Brother Xiao Xiao a little feeling of being on Huya's side.

"Mr. Li, will the release of the No. [-] Shenhao brand affect other big brothers on the platform?"

A technician asked cautiously.

Fan Ye and Brother Xiao Sa, who have been famous for a long time, can they see the past?

It would be good not to overthrow them by teasing the fish.

"Let them spend 500 million yuan first. Douyu has been established for three years, and they have been playing for three years, and the consumption is only more than 400 million yuan."

"Brother Xiao Xiao made more than 6 million in five or six minutes in one night. We Douyu gave Brother Xiao Xiao a brand of No. 500 Shenhao. Who is not convinced?"

Li Dong laughed.

Huya has already tested the feasibility of this matter.

An ordinary big brother really dare not offend brother Xiao Xiao because of this incident.

Turning against their platform is to question Brother Xiao Xiao's brand. If Brother Xiao Xiao chases after them to fight, who of them can bear it?

Furthermore, as long as brother Xiao Xiao can play on the platform, what is the difference between having other big brothers and not having other big brothers?
Brother Xiao Xiao spends one night, which is equivalent to three years spent by a top brother.

Such a hero should have his own reputation!

The technician had no choice but to nod upon hearing Li Dong's words.

He is only engaged in technology, and he does not have so many twists and turns in his mind, and he just felt inappropriate at the first time when he said it.

Since Director Li said there is no problem, it must be possible.

Li Dong quit the technical department, went back to the office and turned on the computer, first logged off the super management account, and then entered the live broadcast room of the factory with Brother Xiao Xiao.

"Good evening, Brother Xiao Xiao."

The factory laughed.

Changzi is a professional player with faith. Apart from eating and sleeping, he basically trains his skills at high levels.

Just finished playing a few games with brother Xiao Xiao, and immediately threw himself into the king game of Hanbok.

Liu Xiao didn't bother the factory too much to play the game, but just greeted the factory on the public screen, and then started to brush gifts on the public screen with the dot.

"Wow, Brother Xiao Xiao, is this starting again?"

"My God, isn't 500 million enough tonight, brother Xiao Xiao still wants to use it?"

[Brother Xiao Xiao's teasing fish fan]: "The factory should only be a little bit here. After all, Brother Xiao Xiao and the factory have a good relationship, and he has made a lot of money with theshy. The factory must be interesting here, although it is rare A little, but I guess it will be at least a dozen or 20, and the planes should not be given to four or five groups?"

[Upstairs is farting]: "Brother upstairs, haven't you noticed that you are typing too slowly? Brother Xiao Xiao sent five groups out just now!"

"I think Brother Xiao Xiao is running for millions again!"

Before everyone came back to their senses, a burst of gold suddenly flashed in the live broadcast room.

Then, Brother Xiao Xiao's sign that had just been upgraded to level 110 jumped to the center of the public screen.

Then, the words 20 at the back slowly disappeared and became two numbers [-], which were re-embedded into the sign.

And brother Xiao Xiao's 120-level brand also embedded a new crown.

"Upgraded, upgraded, have you seen how many thousands of people have upgraded?"

"Niubi, Douyu's first full-level account!"

"A lot of big brothers have been brushing for three years, but they are not as good as Brother Xiao Xiao overnight (laughing and crying), it is decided, from now on I will be a loyal fan of Brother Xiao Xiao!"

"Everyone don't need to be so excited, the factory is still playing games, let's brush here first, and wait until the factory finishes playing this game."

Liu Xiao replied with a smile.

He really didn't know about Douyu's upgrade system. He hadn't looked at this level system all this time.

Liu Xiao glanced at the backstage, and it was about 550 million.

But it doesn't matter, Liu Xiao doesn't care too much about it.

Although Changzi was playing games, he had been paying attention to the barrage. Seeing what brother Xiao Xiao said, he immediately felt heart-warming.

Although the blind man of Changzi 4396 had been tricked, there is no doubt that the strength of Changzi is still very strong. A few simple waves of roaming immediately moved the whole game.

"Thank you Brother Xiao Xiao for your reward, and thank you for your support."

The factory said hello very politely.

"Okay, the factory game is over, we can continue to collect gifts."

Liu Xiao didn't say anything, and another 500 million gifts came out.

Xiao Huya and others also made moves one after another, but compared to theshy's side, it was much less, most of them were thousands or thousands.

But even so, the factory's total gift list topped 700 million.

The second place in the League of Legends area and the second place in the whole platform.

Next, it was the live broadcast room of old thief Sima. Old thief Sima had been waiting for a long time, and when he saw brother Xiao Xiao entering the venue, he quickly expressed his welcome.

Millions of tourists crowded in to watch the fun, and the old thief's popularity was instantly promoted to the number one position in the game area.

Another 500 million gifts were given out, and together with Xiao Huya, they pushed the old thief's weekly list to 700 million.

Next, it was Da Sima's live broadcast room, which also topped the gift to 700 million.

In the end, he entered Choukai's live broadcast room.

After four consecutive screen swipes, the tourists in the live broadcast room were almost numb.

"One hour, 2000 million gifts?"

"I've watched the live broadcast for more than two years, and I've never seen a brother so fierce. No wonder theshy and the others say Brother Xiao Xiao is a super hero. This is so awesome!"

"2000 million, it looks like brother Xiaoxiao is still going to give Chou a free pass, but now it's 500 million, the first day of online teasing fish, it's 500 million!"

When Li Dong saw Brother Xiao Xiao's four live broadcast rooms in a row, his initial anticipation turned into ecstasy.

He originally thought that brother Xiao Xiao was just here to play casually in Huya, and he might earn 600 million, which is almost the same today.

Unexpectedly, brother Xiao Xiao actually went through all the live broadcast rooms of the several anchors who just played with him, and each live broadcast room was a gift of 500 million!

Counting the next Chou Kai, Brother Xiao Xiao earned 500 million by himself tonight.

The big brothers like Xiao Huya also paid about 1000 million.

This adds up to a turnover of 500 million yuan and a revenue of more than 700 million yuan!
You know, for this event organized by Douyu, the total turnover of the previous five consecutive days of rankings did not exceed 500 million, not even half of what brother Xiao Xiao earned tonight!
(End of this chapter)

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