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Chapter 344 Super Phantom God's Card

Chapter 344 Super Phantom God's Card

Following the distribution of 500 million gifts from the Choukai live broadcast room, the technical department of Douyu also produced an exclusive fan card for No. [-] Shenhao.

Li Dong seized this opportunity and entered Choukai's live broadcast room with Xiaoyu.

"Mr. Li, why do you have time to come here today?"

Choukai was having fun at this meeting, and when he saw Director Li coming online, he quickly greeted him with a smile.

"I heard that brother Xiao Xiao is online today to tease fish, of course I, the host, have to come to express welcome."

"Take the liberty to come here, and hope Brother Xiao Xiao doesn't care."

Li Dong sent a row of clasped fist emojis.

"Of course not, Mr. Li is welcome to go online."

"Brother Xiao Xiao, I have a gift for you when I go online this time. Brother Xiao Xiao is the number one hero on Huya's side. Naturally, you can't lose your status on Douyu's side. After much deliberation, I will I'm afraid you don't care about other gadgets because of your identity, so we still prepared this fan card of [No. [-] Shenhao] for you."

"The number one god?"

Liu Xiao didn't feel anything about it yet, after all, Huya had been playing the brand for several months, but the tourists at Douyu were really shocked, but after thinking about it, they all relieved.

Since the establishment of Douyu, there are only a few top-ranked big brothers, not to mention that they spend every month, but as long as they help the anchor to play activities, they will earn 30 million. Even Brother Xiaosha and the others have spent 50 million. several times.

Although it looked like a lot to them, it was nothing to Brother Xiao Xiao.

Just tonight, Brother Xiao Xiao made 500 million.

Not to mention Brother Xiaosa and the others, even the top three top gods since the establishment of Douyu, have never received so many gifts from Brother Xiao Xiao.

And this is just Brother Xiao Xiao's record in one night. Few people really think it's impossible to get the brand of No. [-] Shenhao.

"Brother Xiao Xiao is really fierce, I hope Brother Xiao Xiao will come here often in the future, I am Brother Xiao Xiao's most loyal fan!"

"Brother Xiao Huya, they are also fierce. They casually slap and beat all the big brothers, and according to what Brother Xiao Huya said, they only came here after doing two activities with Huya. If they have money at the beginning of the month , I can’t even imagine what kind of card it is.”

"Master Fan heard that his family is also doing big business. I don't know how he compares with Brother Xiao Huya and the others. There is no need to compare with Brother Xiao Xiao. He must not be able to compare (laughs and cries)."

"Brother Xiao Sa, Master Fan, and Brother Boring all have big businesses in their families. It's just because the competition in Douyu is not fierce, so they haven't done much. If they really do, I'm afraid it's not as bad as Brother Xiaohuya, but it's not as good as Brother Xiaoxiao. In comparison, it is absolutely inferior, this is undeniable."

Li Dong saw that in just a few minutes, almost all the tourists in Douyu's live broadcast room recognized Xiao Xiao's identity as the number one hero, and he was also deeply moved.

Although he had expected it a long time ago, when the facts really happened in front of him, he really understood how terrifying the charisma of Brother Xiao Xiao, the big brother Shenhao, was, or in other words, how big his status in the live broadcast circle was with the way Brother Xiao Xiao acted. high!

"Brother Xiao Xiao, the number one Shenhao's fan card and the platform-exclusive certified Super Phantom God title have all been issued to your account. As long as you open the backpack, these two special effects will be activated."

Li Dong smiled and inadvertently took out another title he had prepared.

The Phantom God title was stuck with a bug before. It should have popped up automatically when Brother Xiao Xiao spent 100 million, but because of the gift update, several new gifts were not included in the statistics of the Phantom God title, which caused the title to fail. .

Li Dong simply recreated the title of a super phantom god.

Anyway, they are also familiar with this thing. After the revision, the former emperor's title has become a super emperor. Now it is easy to change the phantom god to a super phantom god.

Moreover, they have also set the consumption quota of this super phantom god title.

1000 million!

Only those who spend more than 1000 million are eligible to get the final title of this teasing fish!
"Director Li has a heart."

Liu Xiao replied with a smile.

For Liu Xiao, it doesn't matter whether these things are in the first place or not.

After all, his strength does not need these vain things to prove himself. Even if he only has the title of ranger, he can earn 2000 million in half a day, and he will naturally be sought after by platform tourists.

But since Douyu officially granted these privileges, Liu Xiao would not refuse them.

After all, the good-looking special effects make me feel happy watching it.

Opening the backpack, the one that ranks first is the No. [-] Shenhao brand that Liu Xiao is more used to.

Li Dong didn't make too many changes to this brand, basically he made a one-to-one model according to Huya's side, that is, the original golden border on the top became a circle of dynamic red flames, which seems to have changed. It's even more advanced.

The second place on the brand is a certification mark of a super phantom god.

Liu Xiao first clicked on the Super Illusory God's certification mark.

The certification mark flew out of the backpack.

Then it flashed in the center of the live broadcast room.

The original super emperor's brand also flew out, and merged with the super phantom god's logo.

At the same time, the Super Emperor sign instantly disintegrated into countless fragments and exploded towards the surroundings.

In the next moment, there was a heavy bang, and the flying fragments were reassembled immediately. A bright color flashed on the jeweled crown at the top, and the whole sign suddenly reunited, turning into an all-purple Super Illusory God sign.

"Wow, isn't this special effect too invincible?"

"Douyu doesn't even have a phantom god yet, yet a super phantom god has appeared first. Brother Xiao Xiao is too good!"

"Li Dong, what is the consumption limit of this super phantom god? Can you raise it if you reach the phantom god's monthly consumption standard of 100 million?"

"This brand is really handsome, but I don't know what the privilege of the Super Phantom God brand is, it's too fierce."

The tourists talked a lot, and Li Dong was also proud for a while.

"Congratulations to Brother Xiao Xiao for becoming Douyu's first super phantom god."

"As for the rights and interests of super phantom gods."

Li Dong laughed, and using his super management status, announced the list of rights and interests he had just prepared.

Choukai didn't have a live broadcast of the game at this meeting, so he simply enlarged the small area that Li Dong pulled out to the full live broadcast room.

"The first one is to customize the barrage nickname and color, which is the same as Phantom God."

"Secondly, there are all-site loudspeakers, which can be used to shout on the public screen of the entire station, and there is no limit every month."

"Recommend anchors to be popular. Except for star-making omni-channels, Douyu can recommend any section and any position once a month."

"Exclusive super tube assistant, online 24 hours a day."

"And custom super rockets!"

(End of this chapter)

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