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Chapter 345 Brother Xiao Xiao's new platform rights have been launched

Chapter 345 Brother Xiao Xiao's new platform rights have been launched
"There are [-] rights and interests of Douyu, and the phantom god title can own the other [-], only the customized super rocket is not available, but I didn't expect to be given the hidden title super phantom god!"

"I didn't expect it, it was expected."

"Other rights and interests of the Super Phantom God have also been upgraded. The value of the popular item on the anchor, once a month, even if Brother Xiaoxiao doesn't spend much, it is enough to make the anchors of all platforms flock to it. This means that in the future, Douyu platform , Every month, a big push position will be reserved for the anchor recommended by brother Xiao Xiao, whoever can rely on brother Xiao Xiao will really have no one in this card."

"The whole station shouting has also been upgraded to unlimited times per month on the basis of the original five times a month. Although Brother Xiao Xiao doesn't use this privilege very much, it is quite worthy to say it."

Many tourists are frantically typing on the public screen.

The rights and interests brought by a super phantom god are basically the maximum authority that Douyu platform can give tourists.

Generally speaking, a consumer platform like Douyu is unlikely to push the platform and send out wireless calls across the platform. After all, if something goes wrong with Brother Shenhao and he abuses his privileges, the entire platform will be messed up.

Therefore, even for the title of phantom god, there is a limit on the number of times this privilege is given.

But for Xiao Xiaoge, a super god with strong character and strength, there is no need to worry about this at all.

On Hu Ya's side, Brother Xiao Xiao's authority is not small, but he has never seen Brother Xiao Xiao use these authorities indiscriminately.

Even, Li Dong has already thought about whether he should pull brother Xiao Xiao to invest in Douyu and invest in Douyu.

As for the consumption that the audience is most concerned about to activate the Super Phantom God, Li Dong would certainly not be so stupid as to say it.

The authority of this title is too great, it can only be given to Brother Xiao Xiao who has an excellent personality like Shenhao, and he cannot give it to other big brothers even if they consume to this level.

As long as the activation requirements are not announced, they can be prevaricated with various reasons.

For example, there is only one title for this title.

Liu Xiao is also quite satisfied with this B character.

He doesn't like the others.

The whole station shouts, this function is useless, 1000 million is spent, and the whole station is full of gifts to send bullet screens, can it still be used without this function?

The same is true for the big push for the anchor.

In addition to Douyu's star-making recommendation, is there any other recommendation that has tonight's Niubi, the popularity of the Ugly Open live broadcast room will soon exceed 400 million, I believe that any big push will not be able to bring such a terrifying amount of traffic, right?
As for other custom nicknames, prevention of banning, exclusive super management and so on, let alone.

The only thing Liu Xiao likes more is the customized super rocket gift.

This thing is really practical for him.

Liu Xiao looked at the brand of No. [-] Shenhao, and put it on again.

The 2D special effects are not as good as the upgraded naked-eye 3D animation on Huya, but they are not bad.

"Director Li has a heart."

Liu Xiao once again typed a barrage on the public screen.

"It's all as it should be, because the time is relatively urgent, and many details have not been completed tonight. I believe that when Brother Xiao Xiao goes online tomorrow, all the special effects will be synchronized."

Li Dong grinned happily when he saw Brother Xiao Xiao's approval.

"Okay, I'll take a look after I go online tomorrow."

Seeing brother Xiao Xiao replying to go online tomorrow again, Director Li will be completely overwhelmed.

What he was most afraid of before was that brother Xiao Xiao went online this time to give gifts to the shy factory and the others.

After all, Dong Li was also there when Theshy and the others went to Huya to play water friends, and he was very clear about it.

If Brother Xiao Xiao quit Douyu after giving theshy and the others gifts, then he would really vomit blood.

Therefore, he repeatedly made moves, adding almost all the benefits that he could think of in his mind to the authority of this super phantom god title, the purpose is to be able to Xiaoge Liu Xiaoxiao.

As for the last sentence, brother Xiao Xiao will read it tomorrow, it belongs to his speaking level.

"Sure enough, Brother Xiao Xiao is going to play with fish for a few days."

"Tomorrow is the last day of the event. Brother Boring and Master Fan will be online. I hope there won't be too many collisions."

Thinking of this, Li Dong became worried again.

If Master Fan and the others fight Brother Xiao Xiao on the platform, what if Brother Xiao Xiao feels humiliated and leaves in a fit of anger?
But Fan Ye's status is also very high, he can't say this kind of thing to Fan Ye and others.

What's more, his operation today may have been noticed by Fan Ye and the others, and they may have opinions on him, the Director of Funny Fish.

But when things turned out like this, Li Dong didn't regret it.

If Fan Ye and the others are allowed to spend slowly while teasing fish, then the revenue of their platform will not increase even in another year.

Douyu has developed for so long, but as the top live streaming platform in China, its revenue has always been negative.

The venue is so big that it is not easy to change it. Now Brother Xiao Xiao took the initiative to come to tease the fish. If he does not seize this opportunity to make a wave of changes, the tease will be finished sooner or later.

With the current financial statement information, there is no way to support their Douyu listing!

Xiaoyu also sent Brother Xiao Xiao all his contact information and WeChat account on Douyu's private message at the right time.

Before long, Brother Xiao Xiao gave her a check-in and contacted her WeChat account.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, I am your exclusive super tube for Douyu. I will do my best to help you solve any request you have. If you have any questions, you can send me a message at any time. My phone number is XXX"

"For all the privileges and gift effects of your account, I will contact the technical department before [-]:[-] tomorrow morning to issue all these benefits to your account."

Xiaoyu hurriedly noted brother Xiao Xiao's WeChat note with special concern, and set a WeChat notification tone different from the others.

Including Brother Xiao Xiao's Douyu account news, also set special attention, as long as Brother Xiao Xiao goes online, she will receive the news as soon as possible.

After finishing all this, she saw Brother Xiao Xiao's reply of "OK", and she was excited again.

Before Brother Xiao Xiao consumed it, she had already taken Brother Xiao Xiao's super management position. That is to say, if Douyu internally recognizes this, the 500 million that Brother Xiao Xiao spent tonight is [-]% of her Here I am.

One percent of 500 million, this is 25!
However, even if Douyu doesn't approve of it internally, she doesn't care anymore.

As long as you tie yourself to Brother Xiao Xiao's big boat, there will be plenty of opportunities in the future!

(End of this chapter)

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