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Chapter 346 Douyu's server can't stand it anymore

Chapter 346 Douyu's server can't stand it anymore

After chatting with Chou Kai for a while in the live broadcast room, Liu Xiao went offline directly.

It went online at [-] o'clock in the evening, and now it is past eleven o'clock and almost twelve o'clock. Although the hot pot restaurant's affairs have been dealt with almost, but after all, it has just opened for business. What is the profit on the first day? Really not much bottom.

Xiaohuya and the others also received a friend application from Douyu's account manager, and soon all of them joined Douyu's direct supervisor.

At the beginning of twelve o'clock, the drama came to an end.

"Dong Li, our internal server may have to add bandwidth again."

The person in charge of the technical department who just arrived not long ago handed over the report to Li Dong with a wry smile.

Like Huya, Douyu's servers are top-notch in the industry, and Douyu even has more servers than Huya's servers because of the larger traffic.

But this can only support Douyu in the usual operation process.

Tonight's gift update, special effect update, coupled with Brother Xiao Xiao's frantic surfing and millions of people watching online, the server has long been overwhelmed.

After all, it is not a trivial matter to use the server to deliver one gift special effect to millions of users' electronic devices almost at the same time.

In addition, there are tens of thousands of barrages per second, as well as traffic conversion between live broadcast rooms.

By the time of the event finals tomorrow, the traffic will definitely increase sharply. If Brother Xiao Xiao does this again, their server will be down by at least half.

Mr. Li rubbed the cover of the report with his fingers, carefully staring at the peak graph of the data torrent on the server above.

With so many servers in Huya, it took [-]-[-] million yuan to build and maintain them. They were a little earlier than Huya, but they also spent nearly [-] million yuan.

The current problem is not whether he has the money to add servers, but whether he has money or not!
Under the blockade of developed countries in the past two years, the price of servers has skyrocketed by at least ten times, and there is no market for the price, and you can only reserve other people's obsolete models in advance, which can be described as extremely aggrieved.

"Sign an agreement with Alibaba Cloud first. They are relatively large and should allow us to weigh in for a while. I will think of a way during this time. If it doesn't work, I can only take the initiative to cut off part of the traffic and let the big anchors divide it into batches. The live stream is wrong."

"That's the only way to go. The rental fee should be available within the company this month, right?"

"No problem, Brother Xiao Xiao spent 500 million online today, and after the split, it's almost the same. What's more, Brother Xiao Xiao will definitely come tomorrow, and our consumption rhythm of teasing fish will gradually be brought up."

Speaking of this, Li Dong immediately beamed with joy.

To be able to turn the platform operation from negative revenue to positive revenue, for him, after listing, his assets will increase by hundreds of times.

This is an opportunity that is impossible for any director to give up. The current Director Li is much more fanatical than Huya's Vice President Du, and he can't wait to use all the resources of the entire platform to support the hero Xiao Xiao. strength.

As long as Douyu can reshuffle the cards, even if most of the previous big brothers are lost, it's no big deal!

As the sound gradually calmed down, the major anchors also began to download and rest, and the small anchors also took advantage of this time to check their popularity and eat leftovers.

The Douyu technical department and the planning department are working overtime all night long. They must enrich the special effects and various changes of the gift before [-]:[-] tomorrow morning.

Even the artists from the outsourcing company were called over.

On the other side of Huya, Vice President Du ran upstairs in a hurry and went directly into the office of the board of directors.

When Vice President Du saw the four or five directors of Huya sitting in the conference room with solemn faces, he couldn't help but feel as big as a bull.

Of course he can see that the one sitting on the main seat is the largest shareholder of Huya who has always supported him unconditionally. The department's four-in-one management.

But now, this is obviously a look of provoking a teacher.

"Director Zhou, why are you all coming to the company this late at night? Is there anything urgent to do?"

Vice President Du wiped off the hot sweat from running, and walked to Jay Chou with a smile.

"I don't want to keep you close. Huya's development has been really good recently, and our board of directors is quite satisfied with the thriving atmosphere and excellent asset growth rate."

Jay Chou drank his saliva slowly, desperately winked at Vice President Du, and also put a high hat on Vice President Du along the way.

When Vice President Du heard this, he immediately understood.

The meaning is already obvious.

At twelve o'clock tonight, Huya's four most important shareholders came over, and made it clear that they were here to question him.

And what Jay Chou said is to cover him in a disguised form, first put a high hat on him, and then list all his recent contributions to Huya.

You see, Lao Du has contributed so much to Huya recently, you will not make it difficult for Lao Du because of a mistake, right?

Vice President Du understood the meaning, but Vice President Du was really at a loss as to why the board of directors came here.

In other words, he doesn't seem to have done anything wrong recently, right?

It's all positive things. Could it be that the fact that he took half a day off work to hold a parent-teacher meeting for his children was discovered?

He did it so covertly, and let Lanlan secretly help him record his attendance when he was off work. What's more, it's just such a small matter, and the four big directors can't come here together, right?

and many more
Vice President Du's head broke out in a sudden cold sweat.

Could it be that the fact that I brought my daughter-in-law to the company office to have sex was videotaped, and then it was exposed by an offended employee, which caused a bad influence?

Vice President Du took a deep breath.

If it was because of this matter, it might really alarm the four major shareholders.

After all, he is now the representative of Huya on the bright side. If this matter gets bigger, the impact will indeed affect Huya's positive image, and even cause a huge impact on Huya's listing plan.

Vice President Du thought about it carefully. It seems that at present, this is the only thing that can alarm the four directors.

Vice President Du immediately regretted it.

At that time, my daughter-in-law teased my younger brother, why couldn't I hold back.

It is very tempting to lie on your stomach in front of the big French windows, but it will ruin his future!

But now, Vice President Du has no choice but to admit his mistake first, maybe he can use Huya's public relations power to expose the matter afterwards.

All of a sudden, Vice President Du's mind turned back and forth, even thinking of brother Xiao Xiao.

The big deal is that at that time, relying on the relationship with Brother Xiao Xiao during this period of time, I will ask Brother Xiao Xiao for mercy. I believe that with the size and size of Brother Xiao Xiao's assets, it will be quite easy to help him clean up.

Besides, if it is my own wife, this mistake can be less, can't it?
"Director Zhou, all directors, this is my business"

(End of this chapter)

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