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Chapter 347 Vice President Du's Perfect Explanation

Chapter 347 Vice President Du's Perfect Explanation
Fortunately, after all, Jay Chou felt sorry for his carefully selected professional manager. The moment Vice President Du was about to say something, Jay Chou saw Vice President Du's flickering face, and he took the initiative to call Vice President Du. Circus.

"Let me see, Lao Du probably didn't do anything to offend Xiao Xiao recently. There should be a reason why Xiao Xiao went to tease the fish today, Lao Du, don't you think so?"

"Mr. Zhou, Mr. Zhao, you've heard me that floor-to-ceiling windows are indeed better. Huh? Brother Xiao Xiao?"

"What, Brother Xiao Xiao went to tease the fish?!"

Vice President Du almost jumped up in shock.

This matter seems to be bigger than him and his wife messing up in the office.

He first breathed a sigh of relief, and then lifted it up heavily.

"Why, you don't know?"

Zhao Dong snorted lightly.

Zhao Dong and Hua Ge have a good relationship in reality, and they have always been the backer of Daheng's family. Several incidents in Daheng were resolved only by Zhao Dong's intervention.

As Vice President Du, who has always been against Daheng, Dong Zhao has lost face in front of Brother Hua several times because of his tough tactics. This will catch Vice President Du's mistakes, so he naturally wants to vent his anger.

But he didn't have any other ideas.

Like Jay Chou, he chose to come late at night just to settle this matter properly.

The personal relationship with Brother Hua is a personal relationship, and it is not a big problem for him to damage the interests of the platform. After all, it is not uncommon for leaders to arrange relatives. Be one.

After all, this represents his real interests.

For a businessman, whoever can bring him benefits is the biggest boss. Who cares about Daheng at this time?
While speaking, Director Zhao projected the materials he had prepared a long time ago to the big screen in the conference room.

Above, it is full of detailed screenshots of Brother Xiao Xiao in Huya today, including Xiaohuya and other big brothers who have opened the title in the past in detail.

Vice President Du glanced at it for a while, and immediately understood the whole story.

More than one-third of Huya's eldest brother ran away to play with Yuyu. This matter definitely broke the sky!
"Director Zhou and Director Zhao, Brother Xiao Xiao just spent money in Huya a while ago, and he also took the initiative to hold a competition in Huya. There should be no conflicts with Huya during this period of time. Our internal reasons should be ruled out."

"I'm asking you to tell me the reason now, not asking you to popularize the elimination method for me!"

Zhao Dong slammed the table.

When it comes to cashing in profits of at least 30 billion after listing, Director Zhao also lost his composure.

"Wait a minute, I'll make a call first."

Vice President Du walked out of the meeting room quickly, took out his phone and called Lan Lan.

"Good evening, Mr. Du."

Although it was late at night, Lanlan answered the phone quickly due to her professional habits.

"Lan Lan, brother Xiao Xiao took Xiaohuya and the others to Douyu to spend money today, do you know?"

"Mr. Du, that's what you're talking about. I know, brother Xiao Xiao talked to me in the afternoon."

Lan Lan nodded with a smile.

When Vice President Du heard Lanlan's relaxed tone, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that things are not going in the worst direction yet.

"That's Mr. Du." Lanlan said:
"Brother Xiao Xiao contacted me on WeChat in the afternoon and asked me if Huya had any activities to start a war in the past few days. You also know that in July, Huya first had an internal competition on the road to super gods, and then Brother Xiao Xiao This talent competition held this time, after two competitions, the financial resources of most of Huya's trade unions are seriously insufficient."

"According to our previous meeting, in the last week of July and the first two weeks of August, Huya should rest and recuperate, so that these trade unions can receive advertisements and endorsements to recover their blood."

"So, when Brother Xiao Xiao asked me if I had any activities, I explained the truth to Brother Xiao Xiao, and then Brother Xiao Xiao went to discuss with Brother Xiaohuya and the others, saying that he was going to play with fish for a few days, and wait for Huya in August. I came back after the event started, Brother Xiao Xiao also told me later, when Brother Xiao Xiao was killing the Quartet with Teaser Fish today, I went to watch the special effects of Teaser Fish."

Speaking of this, Lanlan lost all sleepiness immediately, and eloquently introduced to Vice President Du the grand occasion of teasing fish at night.

Lan Lan has also made a lot of money in the past few months, and she is just an account manager, so she must fully respect Xiao Xiao's willingness to spend.

In addition, Vice President Du went to hold a parent-teacher meeting for the children this afternoon and specifically told him to call tomorrow morning if something happened.

Lanlan thought that this matter should not be a big deal, so she didn't tell Vice President Du about it.

At this point, Vice President Du fully understood.

Lanlan still had the heart to continue talking, Vice President Du interrupted Lanlan quickly, hung up the phone, and Vice President Du's back was already wet.

But what happens instead is surprises.

Brother Xiao Xiao can tell them about Hu Ya about going to play with the fish, which shows that Brother Xiao Xiao's trust in Hu Ya is definitely good!
Being able to maintain Brother Xiao Xiao, the biggest client of Shenhao, so stable, what board of directors is he afraid of, Vice President Du?

Putting away his mobile phone, Vice President Du re-entered the door of the meeting room in a happy mood.

As long as you don't get caught in the office with your wife, everything else is trivial!

Thinking of this, Vice President Du secretly called his wife and asked her to come over.

He hasn't tried playing poker secretly in the conference room at night, so it's exciting to think about it!

Back in the conference room, Jay Chou and the others still waited for his explanation with dark faces.

"Director Zhou, leaders, first of all, I want to apologize to the board of directors."

Vice President Du bowed deeply to Jay Chou.

"In the recent period, I frequently mobilized internal resources of the company, which to a certain extent affected the authority of the board of directors within the company. This is what I did wrong."

"The other thing is that I was absent from work for half a day this afternoon. I also want to review it with the board of directors. In order to hold a parent-teacher meeting for my child, I actually put aside such an important client as Brother Xiao Xiao, and didn't even answer the client's phone call. "

"The customer's phone number is Xiao Xiao's?"

Jay Chou interrupted Vice President Du's words.

"Yes, I turned my phone to silent in the afternoon, and I didn't hear Brother Xiao Xiao's call."

"I just found Brother Xiao Xiao's missed call when I walked out of the meeting room to understand the matter. However, the relationship between me and Brother Xiao Xiao has been handled very well recently. I went back just now, and Brother Xiao Xiao also explained it to me in detail. The reason for going to tease the fish in the afternoon."

Vice President Du nodded, embellishing what Lanlan told him, mainly highlighting the good relationship between him and brother Xiaoxiao.

When Vice President Du said that Brother Xiao Xiao took the initiative to say hello to him before he went to tease Yu, fearing that he would misunderstand, Director Zhou smiled and nodded repeatedly, Director Zhao's complexion eased a lot, and the other two directors came forward He patted Vice President Du on the shoulder to express his affirmation.

"During this period, in order to build a good relationship with brother Xiao Xiao, I led hundreds of people in our department to work hard for three months, but I didn't expect that in half a day yesterday, because of my personal reasons, the board of directors was worried about this matter. I hereby apologize."

Vice President Du's face was full of apology, with an expression of extreme guilt.

"Fart, isn't it just to listen to a child's parent meeting?"

"Which one of you here has not participated? Old Du, he was able to create such a company atmosphere in just three months. It can be said that he has contributed a lot, especially the relationship with Xiao Xiao, the pillar of the platform. Such excellence, I think it deserves commendation!"

Jay Chou hurried over and shook Vice President Du's hand.

(End of this chapter)

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