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Chapter 348 Hot Pot Restaurant Revenue

Chapter 348 Hot Pot Restaurant Revenue

The directors here are all good people.

It is impossible for Zhou Dong to do this because he was moved by Vice President Du.

In fact, Vice President Du's acting skills are really average, but Vice President Du stated the fact that his relationship with Vice President Du and brother Xiao Xiao is very strong.

Vice President Du also said about how hard it is, when brother Xiao Xiao went to play with the fish, he would greet him in advance, even when he didn't answer the phone at that time, and when he came back at twelve o'clock in the evening, brother Xiao Xiao didn't even bother. Joy.

Regardless of whether this point is true or not, even if it is false, Vice President Du will not make up the whole article, at least it is five points true.

With this, the status of Vice President Du has been infinitely elevated in their hearts.

There was a 180-degree change in the attitude of Xingshi's questioning before, and they all stood up to comfort Vice President Du.

Even under Jay Chou's suggestion, Vice President Du's annual salary was doubled, and the performance commission was increased by 0.5 points.

"Let it go, but next time something like this happens, you must report to our board of directors."

"According to what you said, Huya has been recuperating for the past ten days, so you might as well rest for a while. If you need anything, just let the people from the business department call you. Don't be too tired."

Jay Chou patted Vice President Du on the shoulder, the more satisfied he looked.


"Okay, okay. Although we are directors, we are not unreasonable. Let's squeeze an employee to death and take a good vacation for ourselves."

The other two directors also echoed.

Even Zhao Dong agreed unconsciously.

In the end, under the strong recommendation of all the directors, Vice President Du reluctantly agreed to the proposal of taking a ten-day vacation under the slogan that he wanted to shine for the company.

Vice President Du was so happy that he gave Lan Lan a ten-day paid vacation.

Anyway, there is nothing going on in the company recently. After ten days, we can start preparing for the next round of activities, including the introduction of trade unions on the old platform YY, and we can complete it by then.

A group of people gather quickly and disperse quickly.

The small turmoil inside Huya calmed down in about an hour.

As for Brother Hua, he also got an accurate answer from Director Zhao.

Originally, when the Daheng department saw Xiao Xiao running to tease the fish for consumption, they had been speculating whether there was a rift between Xiao Xiao and Hu Ya.

Fortunately, the conversation between Brother Xiao Xiao and Vice President Du has been confirmed, so there is no need to think about it anymore, and judging from Dong Zhao's intentions, it seems that the recent attitude is also biased towards Xiao Xiao.

"This matter is not easy to deal with. Our Daheng has not brought immediate benefits to Director Zhao in the past few months. After all, Director Zhao is the director of Huya. It is okay to give us a little bit of air, but we need to leak company secrets. It's impossible."

Lao Wu had a big head for a while.

In the past week, although Daheng has recovered a lot of blood, compared with Lehua's development and growth, Daheng is far behind.

Especially the anchors of Xiaojuzi and Lehua and a series of large donations from Shenhao, but they have built up enough reputation for Lehua. I am afraid that it will not take two or three months for Lehua to really wrestle with them head-on. .

"Just now, I heard Director Zhao say on the phone that a new guild may be recruited next month. We can use this to make a fuss. Xiao Xiao is good at everything, but he is too arrogant. We have expressed our willingness to cooperate several times. Xiao Xiao is very clear. Secretly refuse, this is our chance."

Brother Hua quickly determined the next development strategy.

July and August are the peak season for live streaming.

The university holiday time is usually around NO.20 in July. During this time, college students who should go to Internet cafes and go to night planes, or go to hotels to find their sisters will go home. Around August, this wave of popularity will reach its peak.

Under the constraints of their parents, these college students will definitely spend more time at home, which provides them with a lot of fresh blood in the live broadcast industry. It is also the most critical month of the year except for the New Year celebrations. Their Daheng It is absolutely not to be missed.

Early the next morning, Liu Xiao first checked the bank card.

The new day's 100 million quota has been issued to the bank card, and with the money deposited for two days before, it happens to be 300 million again.

Liu Xiao put the 300 million into the new company account, and then drove to the hot pot restaurant.

Qu Yue has collected all kinds of information about the two companies, and filed all documents such as business license and tax ID number last night.

Liu Xiao took Qu Yue to find an office building for a short-term rental and confirmed the address information, and then went to the Industrial and Commercial Bureau.

"Merge into a subsidiary and establish a group?"

The staff looked at Liu Xiao curiously.

The current groups in the market are at least hundreds of millions in size. It is really rare for a company like Liu Xiao to start upgrading a group with a size of tens of millions.

However, there is no problem in terms of the process, and the location of the group has been finalized, and everything is in compliance with laws and regulations. The staff directly typed out a series of documents and handed them to Liu Xiao.

"The system process has been completed, and the rest of the tax certificates and legal person information can be picked up again in three days, and then colleagues from the Industrial and Commercial Bureau and the Fire Department will go over to inspect the authenticity and safety of the office. is that OK?"

"No problem, welcome to inspect anytime."

Liu Xiao took the certificate with a smile, looked at the four characters "Liu Ning Group" on it, and suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

The hotpot restaurant is still expanding. By the end of July, all [-] hotpot restaurants will be completed. Then until the middle of August, the hotpot restaurant will attract money for him. When the system is upgraded, the real business empire will start to rise up.

Feeling the power of the system's distribution technology in his mind, Liu Xiao chuckled subconsciously.

Once this virtual disk service operation technology comes out, those storage disks and mainframe computers that rely on subsea cooling systems can be replaced.

"How was the operation of the five hot pot restaurants yesterday?"

Putting away these thoughts, Liu Xiao looked at Qu Yue beside him.

"It's not bad. On the first day, because of the publicity and promotion, the hot pot restaurants still had a lot of turnover. The five hot pot restaurants added up to about 150 million pure turnover, but after deducting the cost, there is not much money."

Qu Yue studied the running water all night, and has long been familiar with these few pieces of news.

In the food industry, the profit is half and half with the ingredients. If you make hot pot, it is basically two-thirds profit.

In other words, if you sell three yuan to customers, the hot pot restaurant has to earn two yuan in addition to the ingredients.

After deducting some rent, labor costs and wear and tear costs from these two yuan, there will be [-] cents left in the hands of the boss.

(End of this chapter)

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