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Chapter 349 Brother Xiao Xiao is online again!

Chapter 349 Brother Xiao Xiao is online again!
150 million yuan of pure running water, in the hands of Liu Xiao, is about 10 yuan, plus the cost of activities, it is estimated that there will be several thousand yuan left.

This is because there were many people on the first day of the event, and the operating expenses were shared. If there were fewer people in the next two days, it would definitely lose money.

Of course, it would be a loss for other bosses, but for Liu Xiao, the existence of a wealth investment card would undoubtedly greatly shorten the time to generate profits.

150 million pure turnover was transferred to the account, and the wealth investment card was doubled, which immediately became 300 million.

Liu Xiao transferred the money back again, plus the 300 million that he just dialed in the morning, and made up another 600 million.

"In the next few days, the remaining [-] hot pot restaurants can start construction one by one, and try to finish it within a week."

"it is good."

Qu Yue nodded.

These days, all kinds of industries are bidding. As long as you have money, you don't have to worry about finding people to work.

On this point, Liu Xiao has the same idea as Li Dong who is teasing fish.

Talking about ideals with others can motivate employees to work overtime once or twice, but in the final analysis, it is still squeezed, as long as employees are given enough benefits, the boss needless to say, employees will also exert 100% of their strength to work.

It's a pity that most of the bosses at the top of the capital don't understand this truth, or they don't want to understand it. They prefer to spend their employees' income in their pockets.

After all, in the eyes of some bosses, the existence of an employee is to allow him to drive a sports car and live in a big house.

Thinking of this, Liu Xiao still felt a lot of resentment in his heart. When he was a work-study student in college, he worked odd jobs in KFC stores and was only paid [-] yuan an hour.

Standing in front of the store for eleven or twelve hours every day, I couldn't even get 100 yuan in the end.

It was only later that Liu Xiao found out that the hourly wage of eight yuan was the minimum wage given by the Labor Insurance Bureau of Shanghai.

If there is no such standard, I believe that the hourly salary of five yuan for those black bosses can be set.

After earning a lot of money in the market with Qu Yue and signing two more decoration companies, Liu Xiao returned home satisfied.

Zhao Ning is still busy with the docking with the Hanhan Foundation.

The Hanhan Foundation even sent invitations to anchors Zhao Ning and Bald Zi, requesting live streaming of love activities and other things online. Zhao Ning is really busy these two days.

Liu Xiao didn't intend to bother, he simply took a shower, and re-boarded the Douyu live broadcast.

Open the entertainment area of ​​Douyu.

The names of the homepages are pretty much the same, Huya’s side is called the entertainment section, and Douyu’s side is called the entertainment world.

The classification of Douyu mainly consists of three sections.

The two sections of music and dance are in a semi-merged state, which is equivalent to Huya's star show. Two-dimensional and interactive dating are also in a semi-merged state, which is equivalent to appearance. The third is the outdoor section, which is similar to Huya. Same.

Today is the last day of the Douyu star competition, and there are an unusually large number of people in the star show area.

At the top of the ranking, the two star show districts, Sister Fa and Xiao Leng, are in charge.

Liu Xiao scrolled down, and besides these two, he really didn't find any outstanding anchors.

"In terms of anchors alone, Douyu is still not as good as Huya."

Liu Xiao shook his head.

Huya’s hundreds of thousands of registered anchors are not a joke, and Huya’s trade union system has created a rising channel and a PK atmosphere for these anchors. Compared with Douyu’s star-making plan, Huya is slightly better one chip.

After all, the star-making project can only create a few top-tier anchors, and the other anchors are still tepidly queuing up for recommendation.

As for Huya, the recommendations are divided into sections and given to the trade unions, and each trade union then through internal selection, recommends a sister and a brother of their respective trade unions, and even news anchors, dance anchors and singing anchors. Compared with the live broadcast ecology, this model, although There are not many top streams, but the visibility is much higher.

Of course, Douyu also has a labor union, but it is not very developed. Some of the unions were even set up by the star anchors themselves, and the comparison with Huya's side is not strong.

Flipping back, Liu Xiao saw the demonic doll Yin Xiaotuanzi who had recently become popular in Douyin.

After clicking in and watching for a while, Xiaotuanzi was chatting with the audience, saying that he wanted to develop on PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds recently, and planned to change the live broadcast section to the game area.

Although Liu Xiao was a little interested in this newly popular anchor, Xiaotuanzi didn't show his face after all, and his singing skills were not too high. After watching it for a while, Liu Xiao switched to other live broadcasts.

Turning to the end, a female anchor with a little Timo's face made Liu Xiao's eyes shine.

The face value is about 75, the figure is [-], and the height is [-]. The overall score is about [-], which is not particularly beautiful.

But the female anchor's singing voice is very steady, and the cover of the recent fire song "Desert Camel" has a special flavor.

Liu Xiao glanced at the host's name, it was the same as her avatar, it was called Little Timo.

I took another look at the popularity, and there were just over 2000 followers, and the number of people online was less than a hundred.

"Everyone passing by, please pay attention to little Timo. Next, we will sing a song [Let's leave when we say goodbye] and give it to everyone."

Little Timo cleared his throat.

"Super Phantom God [Xiao Xiao] enters the live broadcast room!"

"The number one hero [Xiao Xiao] enters the live broadcast room!"

Two consecutive gorgeous special effects almost occupied the entire live broadcast room of little Timo.

After the maintenance of Douyu last night, these two special effects have also been improved a lot.

The special effect of the super phantom god, a huge phantom of a real dragon suddenly swells up, and then shatters into dots of starlight, condensing behind the ID [Xiao Xiao], quite a feeling of fantasy.

As for No. [-] Shenhao, Douyu also made a special effect similar to Huya's.

A cartoon character in a yellow robe stood on top of a blood-red giant dragon, slowly landed, and stepped on it with one step.

As soon as these two special effects came out, the live broadcast room, which didn't have many bullet screens, was suddenly silent, and little Timo, who was planning to sing, just stayed on the spot, unable to say a word.

She knows that the phantom god is the highest title that Douyu has just developed in the past few days. I heard that it takes 100 million yuan to get it, but what is this super phantom god?
After that, what is the number one Shenhao who is so handsome that he explodes?
Could it be that Douyu updated the title information after it was not on the air yesterday?

Before the little Timo in the live broadcast room could react, the next moment, the number of people in the live broadcast room began to increase at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The popularity that jumped between double digits and triple digits suddenly jumped to four digits.

And in the next second, the first number on the beat jumped again.

Two thousand, three thousand, four thousand eight thousand
In less than ten seconds, the number of people in Little Timo's live broadcast room exceeded [-]!

 Thank you [Bubble Gum] for the reward of 5000 book coins

  Thank you [Once upon a time] for the reward of 2120 book coins

  Thank you [Xiaowenzi] for the reward of 588 book coins

  Thank you [Lonely Pony] for the reward of 588 book coins

  Thank you [Yun Ye Jiaoyin] for the reward of 500 book coins

(End of this chapter)

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