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Chapter 350 This rocket is more than 2

Chapter 350 This rocket is more than two thousand

"Welcome Brother Xiao Xiao, Brother Xiao Xiao came a little early today, it's only six o'clock in the afternoon."

"Tch, you are not satisfied that Brother Xiao Xiao went online early, I went to Huya to OB a wave yesterday, and now I know how fierce Brother Xiao Xiao is, I would like to call Brother Xiao Xiao the number one true god in the live broadcasting world! "

Tourists who followed Liu Xiao's login news chatted a lot in Little Timo's live broadcast room.

No matter which live broadcast platform it is on, the game area has the most viewers, and Douyu is no exception.

With an average of 900 million daily active users per day, at least 500 million are viewers in the game area, and the remaining few popularity are mostly occupied by the large sector of Xingxiu.

Of course, this does not mean that other sectors are not popular.

In fact, very few tourists only look at one plate alone, and most of them look at four or five plates, or even six or seven plates.

For example, on Xingxiu's side, they occasionally go to the outdoor and food areas, and even watch together and the chess and card area are not very popular.

The audience in the game area covers a wider range, covering almost all the sections inside Douyu.

And the tens of thousands of viewers who just came here are mostly fans who saw Xiao Xiao madly swiping yesterday.

Besides, Brother Xiao Xiao went online to the Xingxiu District so early, he must be making trouble again. Of course, they don't want to miss this big melon in the live broadcast room.

The tourists discussed very intensely, but the little Timo, who is the host, was in a daze.

After carefully looking at this super phantom brother who just entered the live broadcast room, little Timo almost fell to the ground in shock.

"Brother at level 120? Fake?"

Little Timo covered his mouth with shock on his face.

After a long time, little Timo realized that he had said something wrong, and quickly apologized to his elder brother in the live broadcast room.

It must have happened yesterday when she wasn't online.

Little Timo would be secretly annoyed again. If he paid more attention to the news and things in the circle, he wouldn't be unable to recognize his elder brother when he ran to his live broadcast room.

With a big brother with more than 1 popularity, only Brother Xiaosha and the others can do it on the whole platform. If this big brother can attract fans, won't her live broadcast be smooth?
"I'm afraid the anchor didn't watch the live broadcast yesterday. Brother Xiao Xiao earned 500 million yuan yesterday. You don't even know about such a big thing."

Seeing little Timo's reaction, the live broadcast room was full of laughter again.

"Little Teemo, you continue to sing the song [Say It's Parting], if you sing well, you will be rewarded by the Super Phantom Rocket."

Liu Xiao smiled and typed on the public screen.

After upgrading to the title of super phantom god, there will be one more authority than other gods on the platform, that is, custom rockets.

And this super phantom rocket is the privilege of this account bestowed on him by the Douyu official.

Liu Xiao glanced at it. The price of one phantom rocket is 1 yuan, and a maximum of one hundred can be given each time.

Because I haven't brushed it yet, I don't know much about the special effects, but looking at the icon on the gift bar, it is obviously several grades higher than the original super rocket.

"Super phantom rocket?"

"Yesterday, I heard Douyu Chaoguan talk about this in the live broadcast room. The Ugly Open live broadcast room also specially linked the permission of the super phantom god, and has a custom-made super rocket gift. This phantom rocket is probably specially given by Douyu to Xiao Xiao. Brother customized it."

"That's awesome, a super fire is 2000 yuan!"

Little Timo tuned the accompaniment while looking at the barrage on the public screen.

There is no way, she doesn't know anything now, so she can only find some answers from the barrage.

But there is one thing to say, the omnipotent netizen is really awesome, little Timo glanced at it, and basically figured out Xiao Xiao's origin and the value of this phantom rocket.

It should be the same value as Super Fire, but the special effects have been upgraded.

But even so, one is 2000 yuan!

For her, an anchor who struggles to earn some fish ball gifts every day, a gift of 2000 yuan is enough for her to pay nearly a month's rent.

Seeing this, Little Timo suddenly regained his spirits.

"One [Say It's Parting] is for Brother Xiao Xiao, for everyone."

"Thank you for coming to Little Timo's live broadcast room during your busy schedule."

[Let's go and let go] This song is the theme song of the movie "Goodbye to the Ex" sung by Yuan Yawei. It is not particularly good, but it is very listenable.

Yuan Yawei's slightly heavy female voice also sang this song perfectly.

Coincidentally, little Timo's voice was somewhat similar to Yuan Yawei's, even a little thicker than Yuan Yawei's.

As soon as little Timo opened his mouth, the eyes of countless tourists who were still watching the live broadcast immediately brightened.

Liu Xiao also thought it was very good.

Although Little Timo's voice is relatively simple, it is undoubtedly one of the most suitable voices for girls to sing. The unique slightly thick feeling gives this kind of sad love song a unique feeling.

After one song, Liu Xiao really didn't pick out any major faults. If he really had to pick a rock out of an egg, it would be that his singing skills are relatively average and there is still a lot of room for improvement.

But little Timo is a rookie after all, so if he were to compare with super-professional singers or Zhao Ning in this aspect, he would definitely be incomparable.

After a song, Little Timo looked forward to the public screen.

A 120-level elder brother who wears the super phantom god and the number one god hero brand, he can't lie to her, right?
The only question is whether the song "Let's Go" she sang with all her strength can satisfy her elder brother.

Under the expectant eyes of little Timo, two purple-red typing words popped up on the public screen soon.


Little Timo breathed a sigh of relief, and before she could react, the public screen suddenly lit up in red.

"Super Phantom God [Xiao Xiao] sent an exclusive gift [Phantom God Rocket]*1!"


After three consecutive announcements of the phantom rocket in Little Timo's live broadcast room, there were three more announcements of gifts on all platforms.

On the public screen, a black projection of a rocket slowly emerged, and then a countdown appeared on the screen.

A cartoon villain jumped out, took out a match and lit the fuse in the darkness, and then tightly covered his ears, as if he was afraid of being shocked by the next sound.

Immediately afterwards, the screen suddenly lit up, and the whole picture of the purple-red rocket covering half of the screen emerged. Below, a fuse slowly burned to the bottom of the rocket. String fireworks.

"Damn it, you're so handsome!"

"Is this the card of the Super Phantom God?"

"Brother Xiao Xiao is invincible, what a gift!"

Douyu's traditional super rocket gift is just a special effect of the rocket's direct launch, and it is not so rich at all.

Even yesterday's [-]-shot super rocket is just a simple copy and superposition.

"I'll go, I'll go! Look at Little Timo's Zhou Gongbang, brother Xiao Xiao's phantom rocket is not two thousand!"

(End of this chapter)

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