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Chapter 351 Give Little Timo a Big Recommendation

Chapter 351 Give Little Timo a Big Recommendation

Following the reminders of several tourists, all eyes were on Zhou Gongbang for a while.

Sure enough, in front of Brother Xiao Xiao's ID, there are first a big No. [-] Shenhao brand and a Super Phantom God brand, and at the end is a five-digit shark fin.


One shark fin is one dollar, which is a real monetary gift.

"I'm going, Douyu actually offered a gift of 1 yuan each, Magic God Rocket!"

"Actually, this gift can't be regarded as a new official gift from Douyu. In theory, it seems that this gift can be used by Xiao Xiao alone. It can be regarded as Xiao Xiao's exclusive gift."

In the live broadcast room, the audience continued to discuss.

As an exclusive gift, it is naturally impossible for everyone to have it. Therefore, Douyu's current single-gift consumption is the most high-end gift, and the gift of 2000 yuan is the Super Rocket.

The maximum consumption limit was only updated last night.

A maximum of 520 super rockets can be spent at one time, with a single consumption of [-]; a maximum of [-] rockets can be spent at a time, with a single consumption of [-]; a maximum consumption of an airplane can be [-], with a single consumption of [-].

Although everyone doesn't know how many phantom rockets can give at a time, but everyone knows that the upper limit of this gift will definitely not be less, at least it is equal to the super rocket, or even one or two times higher than the super rocket. possible.

Undoubtedly, Douyu is rectifying the name of Brother Xiao Xiao's No. [-] Shenhao brand.

In the live broadcast room, Little Timo looked at the 1 yuan gift on the Zhou Gong List, and couldn't remember how many times she had been enlightened.

For her, a small anchor who has been live broadcasting for half a year and is still not popular, this gift of 1 yuan is almost her total income for two months.

Moreover, the meaning of this gift is different. The person who gave this gift is Xiao Xiao, the officially recognized Shenhao brother of Douyu!

"Thank you Brother Xiao Xiao, thank you Brother Xiao Xiao for the phantom rocket!"

Little Timo reacted, and quickly thanked him.

"I like listening to songs more. It just so happens that you sing well. It's fate. Don't thank me."

Liu Xiao replied with a smile.

For Douyu, whether it is the game area or the star show area, the operation mode is the star mode.

Chou Kai and PD in the early stage of the game area, Da Sima and Northeast Quail in the recent period, Xiao Leng and Er Ke in the early stage of Xingxiu area, and Fa Jie in the recent period are all star operation models.

Going down from these superstars, the live broadcasts of these anchors are not so good-looking.

You may not be able to pick a good one out of ten.

But this is also normal. The star-making mode on Douyu's side is not suitable for small anchors to broadcast.

A powerful faction like Little Timo is obviously very strong, but after several months of live broadcast, he still pays so little attention. This is because he cannot get a recommendation.

If he hadn't met Liu Xiao, a big brother who likes to buy bottoms and watch live broadcasts, little Timo might have to wait a few years to get ahead.

With the launch of the phantom rocket, the number of people in Little Timo's live broadcast room is also increasing.

After thinking about it, Liu Xiao found out Xiaoyu's contact information, and sent a WeChat directly.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, do you want to recommend an exclusive seat for little Timo?"

Xiaoyu had been staring at the backstage when Liu Xiao first went online. He thought Brother Xiao Xiao would go to the game area first when he went online today, but he didn't expect Xingxiu to come and choose a little anchor who was at the bottom.

She also listened to Little Teemo when he sang just now. His strength is indeed good, but after all, he is too immature. Compared with superstars like Xiao Leng, he is still somewhat lacking.

But since Brother Xiao Xiao wants to praise her, the aspect of strength is not so important.

Xiaoyu glanced enviously at little Teemo who was looking at the camera anxiously.

Average appearance, average figure, slightly better singing, nothing too outstanding, but it caught Xiao Xiaoge's eyes.

Perhaps, this is the personal charm of this little Timo anchor?

While thinking about it, Xiaoyu took screenshots of all the recommended locations inside Douyu and sent them over.

Douyu's first recommendation is the star-making project.

This recommendation Douyu is already very mature in operation, and Huya also learned from Douyu.

Huya’s round of publicity and promotion costs at least 5000 million or more, but Douyu’s cost is much less, around 2000 million is enough, and the publicity effect is even better than Huya’s.

However, this recommendation is not within the purview of Super Phantom God, otherwise one per month, even if Douyu's economy can withstand it, the channel will not be able to carry so many celebrity anchors.

In a year, there are only one or two major regions.

There are three recommendations for the second sequence.

One is the omni-channel pop-up window in the platform, and the recommendation time is one day.

During this day, as long as Douyu users go online, a recommendation about this anchor will pop up on the login page. Just click on the pop-up window to enter the live broadcast room.

This recommendation has many benefits, but if it is used too much, users will be disgusted. Therefore, the monthly quota of Douyu is three, which is an excellent recommendation.

The second is to stick to the top of the omni-channel homepage, and the recommendation time is three days.

For three days, the pictures and text promotions on the top position of each section, after three days, the effect is similar to that of a pop-up window.

The third recommendation is a bit tricky, and it is also a tacit secret of various user industries.

Screen users through big data, and then secretly insert this anchor into the watch list of these users.

For example, if Teemo got this recommendation now, Douyu will filter through big data and select 40 to [-] Xingxiu users, and then let their accounts automatically follow Teemo.

In this way, when Little Teemo starts broadcasting next time, these tourists will see it for the first time.

This method is used more by Douyin, but less used by the live broadcast industry.

There is basically no quota for Douyu every month, and only when it is vigorously promoting a new anchor, will it use this recommendation to support the promotion.

While looking at the picture, Liu Xiao was amazed at Xiaoyu's explanation.

I've been spending at Huya before, but I didn't understand the inside story carefully. Now that I understand it, I realize that the water here is really deep.

Especially the third recommendation, this is simply moisturizing and silent.

Foreign live broadcast platforms need money to pay attention to anchors, but domestic subscription attention is just a matter of convenience.

For most tourists, there are [-] or [-] anchors in the watch list, and if there is one more, they will not be able to watch it at all.

Especially for operating models like Douyin, each tourist has at least one or two hundred bloggers who subscribe and follow, and adding one or two makes it even more difficult to see.

In Liu Xiao's view, although this recommendation model is a bit silly, it does have miraculous effects.

"Give me a second recommendation for Little Teemo. I used it this month, so there should be more next month, right?"

"Of course, Brother Xiao Xiao, your authority is once a month. If you think it is not enough, I can apply again here. I believe our directors will not refuse."

Hearing what brother Xiao Xiao said, Xiao Yu also laughed.

She stayed in the company all night yesterday, so she naturally knew that Director Li attached great importance to Brother Xiao Xiao.

Don't say it's just a recommendation, even if it's ten or eight, I guess Li Dong won't refuse it, right?

(End of this chapter)

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