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Chapter 352 How can it be impossible for the person Xiao Xiao wants to praise?

Chapter 352 How can it be impossible for the person Xiao Xiao wants to praise?

The second recommended position is to stick to the top of the omni-channel homepage.

This recommendation is more important for anchors like Timo who are not stable. Recommendations such as pop-up pushes are very effective, but for Timo, it is undoubtedly a flash in the pan and cannot be lifted at all. Too big waves.

"Okay, here is the recommendation to change the list immediately."

After officially becoming Brother Xiao Xiao's exclusive account manager today, Xiaoyu's account authority has also been improved accordingly, including this recommendation change list.

No matter when Brother Xiao Xiao makes this request, she can immediately remove all other anchors' lists of this kind, and make room for this recommended spot for the anchor recommended by Brother Xiao Xiao.

Of course, they will also compensate other anchors who have been dropped and recommended, at least they will not lose their grade.

Generally speaking, it is also a good thing for the anchor who has been temporarily recommended.

In the live broadcast room, little Timo was racking his brains thinking about what song to sing next.

She is different from Xiaojuzi in that her voice is relatively single, and there are not many songs to choose from. Although the song I said just now is good, it is absolutely impossible to say that it is in the forefront of teasing fish.

Sister Fa and Erke Xiao Leng are live broadcasting, and the worst one is better than her.

Although I don't know why Brother Xiao Xiao will take a fancy to her, but since he has this opportunity, of course little Timo wants to hug Brother Xiao Xiao's thigh tightly.

Just as Little Teemo was about to confirm the next song to be sung, the live broadcast assistant suddenly made a continuous sound of ding dong ding dong.

Little Timo secretly glanced at the screen of the phone that had just turned on, his mouth opened wide, his face full of disbelief.

"Is this phone broken, so many?"

Little Timo didn't care about losing his composure at this time, he grabbed the phone and slid to unlock it.

On the notification bar of the mobile phone, a series of recommendation messages has maxed out the entire screen.

Little Timo scrolled down twice before he saw the statistics behind the message.

"You have a total of 17 anchor information!"

Little Timo hastily clicked on the anchor assistant.

In the column where the anchor consulted, 17 red symbols kept flashing.

"Congratulations, you have been tweeted with the big mobe picture on the cover of Douyu's homepage. Please do not spread bad vibes during the live broadcast. Immediately cancel the recommendation and deal with it according to the platform rules."

"Congratulations, you have been tweeted with the big picture of the dance mobe on the second-level page of Douyu"

"Congratulations, you have been tweeted with a big picture of Douyu's second-level singing mobe page"

"Congratulations, you have been tweeted with the mobe big picture on the first level page of Douyu Entertainment Channel"


There are a total of 17 big-picture cover-tweet recommendations, which are presented one by one with the click of Little Timo.

Although little Timo is not popular, she has been coming to tease fish for a long time, so she naturally knows the recommended positions on the platform like the back of the back of her hand.

Even, they will set up some anchor groups in private, and many anchors in Douyu are in the group chats. Although little Timo dare not speak in the group, he is a little transparent, but usually he will often spy on the screen to watch the big gods chat.

The big picture cover push of this second-tier page is only possible for anchors above the second-tier.

As for the big picture on the home page, it was the first-line anchors who came in rotation, and it was impossible for the second-line anchors to get it.

Besides, one of these recommendations usually makes those so-called first- and second-tier anchors happy.

but she is now
A total of seventeen big pictures were pushed!
Little Teemo couldn't stop breathing.

This kind of treatment, you don't need to think about it to know what the situation is.

The recommendation she got today is definitely a superstar in Douyu!
Little Timo looked at the number one VIP seat in the live broadcast room, the brand of the super hero [Xiao Xiao] who could almost blind his eyes.

Needless to say, if all of this has nothing to do with Brother Xiao Xiao, she, little Timo, eats her own swallows.

And after a while, with the influx of more and more viewers in the live broadcast room, the tourists who were originally in the live broadcast room also slowly began to discover the changes in the small Timo live broadcast room, as well as the changes in those top recommended positions.

"Little Teemo's treatment today is a bit explosive. I just entered Xingxiu's side. The first position on the top of the two boards is full of little Teemo's banner. Although the banner of little Teemo is a bit ugly, this recommendation is indeed true. Burst!"

"Yesterday Douyu gave Brother Xiao Xiao a monthly recommendation permission. I guess this is it. I just went to take a look. The whole platform of Douyu, even the game area, has the recommendation position of Little Teemo. It's too fierce. Already!"

"I'm lucky to have seen Da Sima once. At that time, Da Sima had been bragging for several days, and even exposed the matter of losing the mouse in the Internet cafe. Is little Timo going to become a celebrity anchor?"

The tourists who just came in and the tourists who had been in the live broadcast room were discussing with each other, and they seemed to want to see who this anchor is, so that he can be favored by Xiao Xiaoge, the new No. [-] Shenhao brother on the platform.

Some tourists who both play Huya and Douyu come here to watch the excitement.

"Brother Xiao Xiao holding a small orange in Huya is already awesome, why is he holding a small Teemo in teasing fish today?"

"However, does Brother Xiao Xiao have a special liking for small characters, Little Orange and Little Timo, does Brother Xiao Xiao like small ones?"

"Upstairs, I have already picked up your body from the sea. More than 100 kilograms of concrete are tied to it. I advise you to be kind."

The tourists didn't think it was a big deal to watch the excitement, and they joked on the public screen.

After what happened last night, neither the tourists from Douyu nor the tourists from other platforms have any doubts about Brother Xiao Xiao's financial resources.

Just coming to tease Yuyu for a day, you can create such a momentum for a small and small anchor who is ranked at the bottom. This energy can no longer be described as horror.

Liu Xiao also looked around, and was very satisfied with Douyu's work efficiency.

Although there was a wave of rewards from Huya a few days ago, it didn't cost much after all, it just went from [-] billion to [-] billion.

Fortunately, the double card has not been drawn in the lottery recently. If another double card is drawn, the money in this Shenhao card will never run out.

Naturally, there is a reason for praising Teemo.

After browsing the live broadcast for so long, there is nothing else, but Liu Xiao has practiced a little bit to see people's level.

It's like going to that place a lot, girls know how big they are without taking off their clothes, or staying in that place for a long time, it's the same as men know how big they are without taking off their pants.

This kind of ability, which is almost like instinct, really allows Liu Xiao to find the brightest cub among a group of people.

Although little Timo is not very strong now, his plasticity is still very good.

Especially Little Timo's voice has a natural and pure feeling. As long as she is given a certain stage, she will definitely be able to shine in the shortest possible time.

not to mention.
He, Liu Xiao, thinks that the anchor is good, even if it is really a piece of garbage, he is confident that he will be able to praise him to the altar!
(End of this chapter)

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