Chapter 353
In Xiao Leng's live broadcast room, Brother Xiao Sa and Da Shuai occupied the first seat of the VIP seat one after the other. The two watched the crazy scrolling barrage on the public screen without saying a word.

Although there is no labor union here at Douyu, most of the tourists have their favorite anchors, and even spontaneously established fish ponds and fan groups.

For example, Xiao Leng's fans are called Leng Meng, and Fa Jie's fans are called Fa Si'er. Compared with Huya, Douyu, a fan group with the anchor as the fan system, is more united. Some fans of anchors are a little crazy, but most of the fans of anchors are relatively rational.

As the default sister of Xingxiu, Xiao Leng has been dominating the list for so many years, but just after the broadcast started today, I saw that the list was squeezed to the fifth place, and suddenly there were five more than five million in front of it. The burly man.

You know, the event lasted for six days, and Xiao Leng's total list is only in the early 100 million.

The resident eldest brother Xiao Sa and Da Shuai wanted to take advantage of this event to upgrade to the title of phantom god and level 120, but the gap with the level of 500 million is indeed not small.

What's more, brother Xiaosa and the handsome man are both in Shenhao's circle, and after a little inquiring, he knew who Xiao Xiao brother was teasing Yuhao last night.

Huya's little Huya is a hero, but they are all around Brother Xiao Xiao.

And Daheng, who has always dominated the rankings over Huya, was repeatedly pressed and rubbed by Xiao Xiao on the ground.

Even the most ruthless time, more than 2 million were swiped out in one night.

A big brother like Xiao Xiao is simply a harvester for Shenhao. If he wants to fight against Xiao Xiao, brother Xiao Sa and the handsome man ask themselves, they really don't have the guts, let alone the strength.

"Everyone doesn't need to keep the rhythm here. Brother Xiao Xiao's strength no longer needs us to prove. I am indeed not as good as Brother Xiao Xiao. I admit this."

Brother Xiaosa first admitted defeat on the public screen with a wry smile.

"+1, Brother Xiao Xiao is too invincible, I can't do it, I have already decided, when Brother Xiao Xiao comes over, I will start licking immediately."

The commander-in-chief agreed repeatedly.

All of a sudden, the fans who were still excited to make trouble suddenly froze on the spot.

The two big brothers who have always met in the live broadcast room, are they scared this time before they fight?

Everyone was helpless for a while, followed by a series of hahaha.

Of course, they also have some understanding of what happened last night.

Although it is relatively one-sided, they still understand how powerful Brother Xiao Xiao is.

Now that the two big brothers have given up, it would be a bit funny for them to persist.

"Surrender without fighting, this is not the habit of our Lengmeng Legion, but since the opponent is Brother Xiao Xiao, then forget it."

"I'm sorry, I forgot to tell you all. I quit Brother Xiao Sa's support group yesterday, and turned to Brother Xiao Xiao's Xiao Family Legion. Adding the word [Xiao] after the name is so handsome!"

"Fuck, you really joined Brother Xiao Xiao's Xiao Family Legion upstairs, and I also rebelled. I'm sorry for you, handsome, but Brother Xiao Xiao is obviously more fragrant!"

All of a sudden, the barrage in the live broadcast room, which was originally excited about the decisive battle between Brother Xiao Sa and Brother Xiao Xiao, suddenly changed into an all-in-one rebellion.

Xiao Leng watched Brother Xiaosa and Dashuai take the initiative to admit defeat in the live broadcast room, and he was indeed relieved.

Xiao Leng has a very good looks and a cool voice, she is one of the most beauties in Douyu.

Brother Xiaosha and Dashuai both like Xiao Leng, which is no secret in the industry, and even the two have been competing openly and secretly, wanting to defeat each other and chase Xiao Leng.

Xiao Leng didn't know how to choose for a long time, so he simply accepted this model, and there were two more permanent brothers in the live broadcast room, Brother Xiaosha and Dashuai.

The two usually fight each other, but when there are activities, they still cooperate to fully support Xiao Leng.

Xiao Leng is also very smart. The money tipped by the two big brothers during the event will be returned in full after each game, so the relationship with the two big brothers has been handled well all along.

Even the audience sometimes joked that Xiao Sa and Da Shuai have become good friends, and there is nothing wrong with Xiao Leng.

Therefore, Xiao Leng's ability to have today is inseparable from Brother Xiaosa and Dashuai. Although the money of the two elder brothers is usually not available, the live broadcast that became popular because of the two elder brothers can still be lacking. money?
If Brother Xiao Sa and Dashuai confront Brother Xiao Xiao because of their face this time, Xiao Leng can only support them with all her strength.

Once it fails, it will definitely be devastating to her live broadcast career.

What she was always afraid of was that the two of them refused to admit defeat because of their arrogance, so they insisted on fighting Brother Xiao Xiao.

The current result made her very happy. The two of them took the initiative to admit defeat, and her live broadcast would not have any impact.

Of course, the ranking of this event must be lost.

Xiao Leng conceded defeat on the spot, and Fajie's side was not much better.

As an emotional and singing anchor, Sister Fa has a strong ability to attract fans, but her ability to attract big brothers is average. After all, Sister Fa is average in appearance, and big brothers rarely come here.

In Sister Fa's live broadcast room, occasionally a few elder brothers of the emperor came to give a reward of [-] to [-] yuan, and most of them were ordinary tourists.

Brother Xiao Xiao went online to Xingxiu, and Sister Fa didn't have any intention of going against Brother Xiao Xiao.

Therefore, Sister Fa directly changed the name of her live broadcast room to "Welcome Brother Xiao Xiao to join Douyu" to avoid the possible fan rhythm.

Sister Fa's meaning is very clear, I have already welcomed Brother Xiao Xiao, you will not force me to confront Brother Xiao Xiao, right?

As Xiao Leng and Sister Fa took the initiative to admit defeat, Xingxiu immediately sighed.

As for Douyu's biggest card, Xu Bao and Xiao Leng in the DNF area have similar choices.

As a DNF evergreen tree, Xu Bao's ability to absorb gold is still terrifying. When it was the most powerful, it increased hundreds of times in a day, and rushed in more than 200 million, but it didn't come out with equipment.

And Fan Ye and Brother Boring are the ultimate big brothers in Xu Bao's live broadcast room, and they are also the few existences in Douyu who can wrestle with Brother Xiaosa and the handsome guy.

"Master Fan, I said let's stop making trouble, okay, you don't know Brother Xiao Xiao's strength, so if you show off your power, let alone you and Brother Boring, even Brother Xiaosha and Dashuai are enough. "

Xu Bao held his forehead.

"Hahaha, if you don't go up and I don't go up, then Douyu will never be active again, not to mention, I want to see you go further."

As a businessman, Fan Ye has a very close relationship with Xu Bao, but at this time he still has a keen grasp of the investment value.

Although he didn't know exactly how the tiger buds grew up, he still knew a little bit about it. It was piled up by the crazy consumption of the gods.

As Douyu's current anchor with the highest gold content, Xubao, if Douyu's popularity ushers in another wave of explosive growth, the income will definitely be extremely considerable.

The reason he did less before was because his opponent was not strong enough, not because he didn't have money.

Among other things, the number of tens of millions can still be taken out.

Although it is impossible to win Xiao Xiaoge, it is not a problem to use this limelight to push Xu Bao up.

(End of this chapter)

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