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Chapter 354 Raise Little Timo's anchor weight

Chapter 354 Raise Little Timo's anchor weight
"Master Fan is right. Brother Xiao Xiao came to tease the fish for fun. If we all admit defeat, then Brother Xiao Xiao will be bored."

Brother Boring laughed and typed on the public screen as well.

Although Xiao Xiao is very good, but after all, he has done too much with Huya this month. Now it is the end of the month, Xiao Xiao really does not have much money in his hands. Can do it.

If Brother Xiaosa and Dashuai can be united to make trouble together, the success rate will be at least 50.00%.

Besides, even if there is a real battle with Brother Xiao Xiao, it is inevitable that they will become enemies.

Isn't Jun Jun, who fought Brother Xiao Xiao from the very beginning, the best example?

Now relying on Xiao Xiaoge and Xiao Huya's lineage, the size of the company has almost doubled by half in just one or two months.

If he could take this opportunity to get acquainted with brother Xiao Xiao, maybe he could get the same treatment as Xiao Huya, wouldn't it be more beautiful then?

Seeing that the two big brothers at the top of the live broadcast room both spoke, Xu Bao knew that the two big brothers had their own thoughts, but he didn't have a good idea. He didn't hesitate, even a host didn't dare to take the initiative to pull the switch.

In the marketing office of Douyu, Li Dong has been paying attention to the reactions of several major live broadcast rooms.

Brother Xiao Xiao just showed his prowess in the live broadcast room of Little Timo, and the dozens of first-line emperor brothers on the platform are naturally unwilling to be lonely, and more or less have opinions on this matter in the live broadcast room.

Erke has been participating in a variety show for the past two days, so she definitely can't think about it. Sister Fa has already voluntarily surrendered before the start, so it goes without saying.

Li Dong turned his attention to Xiao Leng's live broadcast room.

Brother Xiaosa and Dashuai have always been relatively rigid in their lives, even if their strength is not as good as Fan Ye's Boring brother, but every time they are hard-topped and forced to start a war, they basically give Xiao Lengbao the number one.

They are also the candidates that Li Dong is most looking forward to confronting Brother Xiao Xiao.

But what makes Dong Li helpless is that from the moment Brother Xiaosa and Dashuai went online, they had completely surrendered, even announcing in the live broadcast room that they would become Brother Xiao Xiao's fans, Xiao Leng didn't respond at all, and soon Naturally accepted all this.

Seeing this, Li Dong became anxious immediately.

Brother Xiao Xiao is just an introduction to make Douyu increase the consumption of Shenhao on the platform like Huya, and increase the channel carrying capacity of Douyu.

If Brother Xiao Xiao simply took the initiative to collect gifts, the Douyu platform would still be useless, and even when Brother Xiao Xiao felt bored without an opponent, he might leave voluntarily, and Douyu would definitely become a pool of stagnant water at that time.

Brother Xiaosa and Dashuai's thoughts can be roughly understood by Li Dong, but just because he understands it doesn't mean he can support it.

If you don't brush, I won't brush, who will the fish fight against?
"Dr. Li, brother Xiao Xiao is too powerful on Huya's side. There are not many Brother Shenhao on our side who is as strong as Brother Xiaohuya, let alone Brother Xiao Xiao's strength. No one dares to fight. "

Xiaoyu smiled wryly.

Although the time Xiao Xiaoge spent in Huya's rise was very short, he fought hard step by step. When Xiao Xiaoge first entered Huya, everyone didn't know Xiao Xiaoge's strength.

So at that time, there was no shortage of unconvinced big brothers in Huya, and they took turns to take turns in the end, just to revitalize Huya's live broadcast environment.

But on Douyu's side, Brother Xiao Xiao came up with a god costume, a recommendation of a super phantom god authority, and directly gave little Timo the superstar treatment.

Brother Xiao Xiao like this, which big brother dares to go up?
Li Dong tapped his head, felt a headache, and searched the live broadcast room on the platform.

And when he just entered Xu Bao's live broadcast room, Li Dong saw Fan Ye and Bo Bo brother singing together in the live broadcast room, talking about having a fight with Xiao Xiao brother.

Li Dong was overjoyed immediately, and quickly began to peek at the screen in the background.

No matter what, as long as someone dares to confront Brother Xiao Xiao, Brother Xiao Xiao can have a good time in teasing fish, and brother Xiao Xiao has a good time playing, the channel carrying capacity of teasing fish and the consumption of big brother Shenhao will naturally be raised .

This thing is like a girl anchor, who first saw Brother Xiao Xiao's generosity, and the reward was 100 million RMB once, and he didn't ask the girl to warm the bed, but just asked the girl to sing a few songs.

Later, after brother Xiao Xiao, another brother Shenhao made a move of 2 yuan, saying that he wanted to make this girl warm.

Leaving aside the anchor's reaction, the platform visitors must be stunned.

By that time, if these big brothers Shenhao are really powerful, they will naturally not only earn 20, but increase by [-] to [-].

This limit depends on how far Brother Xiao Xiao and Brother Fan Boring can compete tonight!
Peeping at the screen again, and seeing Xu Bao's live broadcast room confirming that he will have a battle with Brother Xiao Xiao, Li Dong's originally apprehensive heart immediately calmed down.

"Xiaoyu, you have to pay attention to the PK matching mechanism. You can't let the system automatically randomize. At that time, you need to interfere with it."

Li Dong arranged.

Douyu's matching mechanism is mostly based on the number of subscriptions and popularity.

For example, if an anchor has 7 subscriptions, then the pk anchors he can match are between 15 and [-] subscriptions, and the strengths of both parties are similar.

Superstars like Xiao Leng have almost ten million subscriptions, and the worst match is a first-line anchor.

But tonight, brother Xiao Xiao didn't support Douyu's top streamer, but a little anchor Timo whom he had never seen before.

Although many tourists subscribed to her, the total number of subscriptions is only about [-]. Although the subscriptions on Xingxiu's side are weaker than those in the game area, the gap is too big and insurmountable.

Xiao Leng, the card face anchor in Xingxiu District, has a total subscription of more than 780 million.

Sister Fa is almost there, with a total of 750 million subscriptions.

As for the game area, the total number of Ugly Kai subscriptions is 200 million, and the total number of Da Sima subscriptions is 870 million.

Xu Bao, the number one player in the game, has a total of 780 million subscriptions, which is close to 800 million!

This kind of gap, with Douyu's matching mechanism, it is impossible for little Timo and Xu Bao to be matched together.

Therefore, at this time, it is necessary to frantically increase the anchor weight of Little Timo.

Only by elevating little Timo from a small transparency to the weight of a first-line anchor, or even a celebrity anchor, can the two sides compete with each other through a PK mechanism.

As long as the weight is raised, as for when Xu Bao and Little Timo will meet, it has nothing to do with their teasing fish.

Anyway, according to Douyu's PK algorithm, there are only so many anchors above the first line, and they will be right sooner or later. Anyway, tonight will definitely be right!

(End of this chapter)

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