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Chapter 355 Aya: From surprise to sadness, only one look is needed

Chapter 355 Aya: From Surprise to Sadness, All You Need is One Look

At [-] o'clock in the evening, the Douyu Star Competition officially started.

In the PK a few days ago, the anchors of the same sector were basically in the PK.

And tonight, it's a joint PK on all platforms, and the anchors of each section have the opportunity to match together.

When the scene is big, the enthusiasm of tourists will be infinitely high.

Even tourists who usually don't go online because of work or study, a large number of them came.

In such a short while, the number of tourists on Douyu's entire platform has exceeded 900 million.

The number of live broadcast rooms like Xu Bao, which has tens of millions of subscriptions to major anchors, has exceeded 200 million, and the VIP seats are full of more than [-] people.

If Dong Li hadn't rented a batch of servers from Ali in advance, the horrible user traffic tonight alone would have overwhelmed Douyu.

But even so, some mobile phones with poor performance, or poor regional network speeds, still experience freezes in the quality of the received live broadcast.

"Squeeze out some of the server's computing power, lock the big brothers above the king's title who are currently online in the live broadcast room, and arrange fixed-point routes for them."

Li Dong thought for a while, and could only come up with this compromise method.

Although Douyu developed early, the platform has always been underfunded.Although Huya started late, their funds are better than Douyu's. Coupled with a smaller user base, the live broadcast experience in terms of image quality is better than their Douyu's.

And this method of independently diverting the big brother, Douyu himself has used it many times.

But this is also common sense. If the big brother is watching the live broadcast one by one, and he can’t even receive the voice and image of the anchor, then he will give you a gift of wool. Only by ensuring that the Internet speed of the big brother is smooth can the big brother be happy on the platform Consumption, so that Douyu can develop harmoniously.

Following Douyu's official series of operations, Liu Xiao, who originally felt that the live broadcast was a bit stuck, suddenly saw that the live broadcast room was much smoother, and even adjusted to Douyu's highest original picture quality, the live broadcast was also very smooth.

"There is indeed a shortage of servers in China, and imports are facing a technical blockade. When a server is brought back, the word sky-high price can't even describe it."

Liu Xiao shook his head emotionally.

There are more than one billion people in China, and the user base is too large, so the demand for servers is naturally higher.

Although there are many foreigners, they are scattered after all.

What's more, foreign servers may not be free of crashes, as experienced comrades like Liu Xiao know very well.

Whenever in the dead of night, when I climb over the wall alone to watch some small websites, the download speed is measured in KB or B.

Therefore, when he usually wants to see this thing, Liu Xiao starts to click on the background download in the morning, and when he gets under the bed at night, he just happens to download it cough cough.

Liu Xiao withdrew his fluttering thoughts.

As long as the virtual disk technology introduced by the system is used in reality, this problem will definitely be solved quickly.

Moreover, this virtual disk technology does not only solve the problem of the server, it has even faintly touched the threshold of the quantum computer, and the computing power is even tens of thousands of times higher than that of the Galaxy computer. To achieve such a computing power, the server volume is not even large. Larger to one bedroom.

After saving some financial resources, this technology can be put into production. Of course, the simple version must be released at the beginning, and the functions must be limited.

Liu Xiao didn't want to be targeted by the relevant departments just after starting a business, and finally one of them would die before he could succeed.

While adjusting the server data, Li Dong contacted Ali to increase the rental quota of the server. On the other hand, he turned off the original picture quality of some anchor live broadcast rooms to reduce the consumption of server computing power.

As the time officially approached eight o'clock, the traffic problem was finally under initial control. At least, more than 90.00% of the tourists could watch the live broadcast smoothly in high-definition quality.

As for Little Timo, following two beeps, he ushered in today's first PK opponent.

"Welcome the first victim of the day."

Visitors in Little Timo's live broadcast room joked one after another.

As a small transparency with less than 20 subscriptions, the number of live broadcasters will be a full 100 million. This level of popularity has surpassed most of the first-line anchors, and even the top streamers like Dongzhu, who have been half-cooled, are even more popular than Dongzhu. but.

In other words, the current popularity of Little Teemo's live broadcast room is basically equivalent to the current hottest top streamer!

The PK match this time was assigned by the system, and the anchors of both sides did not know in advance.

And the anchor who is facing Xiao Teemo is Aya, a first-line anchor who has recently emerged, with 350 million subscribers and about 50 permanent residents in the live broadcast room.

"Brothers, it seems that we are lucky this time, and met a little transparent master."

Seeing that the other anchor's name was a little anchor who had never heard of it, Aya immediately grinned happily.

On the one hand, the PK ranking is the number of gifts, and there is a subsequent ranking that is the PK winning rate. Both of these rankings have lists.

If the PK winning rate is high, there are some good recommendations.

And meeting a small anchor naturally means winning.

After all, there are 50 people in his live broadcast room. As long as each person pays a dime, that's 5 yuan. There is no need for the big brother in the live broadcast room to take action.

As for the small anchors, they are generally better. There are only 2 or [-] people in the live broadcast room, and there are not many big brothers there. The list of money, even the list of tens of dollars, is not at the same level as a first-line anchor like him.

But when Aya was about to give a few speeches to welcome the victory, the video in the opposite live broadcast room lit up.

And behind the little Timo's name, the number of people online immediately confused Aya.

"Damn it, which boss changed his name, millions of visitors are online?!"

"No, it doesn't look like a big boss. Could it be that the big boss went to the toilet, so let the field controller take the lead first?"

Aya jumped up in shock.

Click on Little Timo's anchor avatar, and the huge number of subscriptions on it is 21, which immediately makes Aya speechless.

This Nima.

20 subscriptions, 100 million popularity
This little anchor, what's wrong with him?
All of a sudden, Ayafu seemed to remember that brother Xiao Xiao had gone to a streamer’s live broadcast room just after six o’clock, and he also saw the bullet screen prompting brother Xiao Xiao to go online, and praised the anchor’s good luck
Aya carefully turned his gaze to the VIP seat of Little Timo, and in the first row above, a bright purple-red icon of No. [-] Shenhao immediately jumped into his eyes.
Aya's eyes suddenly went dark, and he showed a smile uglier than crying:
"Brother Xiao Xiao, good evening!"

(End of this chapter)

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