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Chapter 356 Aya really knelt down, tourist: not you

Chapter 356 Aya really knelt down, tourist: not you
"Brother Xiao Xiao, I'm Aya, the little anchor from Xingxiu. I can see Brother Xiao Xiao in the pk. It seems that I'm lucky."

Aya quickly adjusted her mentality.

With Brother Xiao Xiao on the opposite side, it goes without saying that his first PK match ended.

As a newly promoted dark horse anchor, his popularity and strength are extremely strong. I thought that my dark horse was dark enough, but in front of little Timo, a prehistoric giant crocodile, I guess he couldn't even put a gap between his teeth. .

It is definitely impossible to win, but if you perform well and attract Brother Xiao Xiao's attention, wouldn't the effect be better?

Liu Xiao didn't feel much about it, and seeing Aya's popularity of 50 million, he felt it was normal.

But from the perspective of little Timo, she was already surprised enough.

She still has some understanding of Douyu's pk mechanism. An anchor of her level can only pk three-tier anchors and second-tier anchors at most, but Aya on the opposite side is a real first-line anchor!
Even among the first-line anchors, Aya is considered extremely popular. His unique rock style is unique in Douyu, and has attracted several big brothers to live in the live broadcast room.

Normally, she, a little anchor, would have to stay away from Aya when she saw it. When Douyu held some talent competitions, Aya also attended as a mentor, which was very different from her, a little sixth-tier anchor.

But today, Douyu's PK mechanism actually ranked Aya to her, and it seemed that Aya was very polite.

Little Timo once again raised Brother Xiao Xiao's status in teasing fish to a higher level.

The PK time is 15 minutes.

From [-]:[-] to [-]:[-], both of them will be connected to the mic, and unlike usual, this kind of final PK cannot be disconnected actively.

Aya took the initiative to take the initiative, and the eldest brother in the live broadcast room turned off the fire directly.

The two sides were embarrassed for five or six minutes, but none of the big brothers made a move.

Tiny Timo's live broadcast room list only had more than 300 shark fins, but Aya was even worse, with 50 popularity and 100 popularity at the bottom, Liu Xiao couldn't laugh or cry.

On Huya's side, Daheng fought against him desperately, but when it came to Douyu's side, it suddenly became a smooth road, which really made Liu Xiao a little uncomfortable.

"Super Illusory God [Xiao Xiao] sent [Illusory God Rocket]*100 in Little Timo's live broadcast room!"

Directly tap the phantom rocket to the maximum number, and raise your hand to send out a set of gifts.

Immediately, Little Timo's PK entries suddenly increased from more than 300 to 100 million.

The PK strip that was originally opened between the two parties was suddenly pressed against Aya, and the remaining length of Aya's PK strip was not even one percent.

"Wow, Brother Xiao Xiao, you are too bullying."

"Hahaha, Aya will probably be confused. Since Douyu introduced the PK mechanism until now, there has never been such a big difference in gifts. Look at Aya's PK bar, there is not even one percent. "

A group of phantom rockets took off in the live broadcast room, and the red PK bar on Little Timo's side sang all the way, directly compressing Aya's PK bar to the extreme, leaving only a little bit of blue layer.

This exaggerated picture immediately made the tourists in the two live broadcast rooms overjoyed.

The length of the PK bar is calculated according to the gift percentage.

For example, Timo’s gift is 6 yuan, and Aya’s gift is 4 yuan, so the length of the red and blue PK bars is 6:4.

But now, little Timo's gift is more than 100 million, and Aya only has a hundred or so. The ratio has reached an exaggerated ten thousand to one point.

On the PK bar on Ayana's end, there is only a trace of blue that is almost invisible to the naked eye.

The tourists in the live broadcast room kept laughing, which amused Liu Xiao as well.

Thinking that Aya's side was indeed a bit miserable, Liu Xiao simply jumped to the live broadcast room, raised his hand and smashed fifty phantom rockets down.

"Thank Xiao Xiao for the gift!"

"Brother Xiao Xiao, bull beep, brother Xiao Xiao is number one in the world!!!"

Fifty phantom rockets are a gift of 50 yuan.

Aya just saw Brother Xiao Xiao jumping into the live broadcast room, just thinking about welcoming him, but he didn't expect that fifty phantom rockets fell down in the next second.

And the PK bar between him and Little Timo also jumped in an instant, and his blue PK bar barely pushed to a quarter position.

Although the PK bar is still far away, it doesn't affect Aya's ecstasy.

50 gifts, and 25 after sharing with Douyu!

This income, let alone teasing fish, is a huge sum of money for the first-line anchors in Huya now!
What's more, compared with Huya, Douyu's consumption level is not at the same level.

They don't rely on trade unions, let alone Douyin's star map system, and it's even more difficult to accept endorsements and advertisements.

He has been playing with Douyu for three years, and in the second half of this year, he became a first-line anchor, and he only managed to earn about [-] yuan.

And brother Xiao Xiao's gift, directly supported his three years of struggle!
Although Douyu often postpones salary payment, Douyu probably doesn't have the guts to withhold Xiaoxiao's gift as a reward, right?

Aya was so excited that she couldn't help it. She slapped the stool and jumped up, but accidentally bumped into the guitar wire under her feet, bent her knee, and knelt down with a snap.



"Anchor get up, I don't have your son, bah, I don't have your grandson."

"Aya, I really misjudged you. I didn't expect you to be such a person! But next time, if there is this opportunity, can you bring me, Daddy Xiao!"

"Upstairs, you old man, vomit. It's disgusting, vomit."

Aya didn't expect to kneel down with such a slap.

I wanted to explain, but the wire of the electric guitar is under my feet after all, and the audience in the live broadcast room can't see it. What should I do if the line gets darker and darker?
Aya froze in place immediately, his mind was full of the income of 25 and the matter of kneeling, and he forgot all about it for a while.

From the audience's point of view, it was Aya who knelt down sincerely, and then his face changed constantly, as if he was excited and didn't know how to speak.

After the tourists in the live broadcast room were almost laughing, the assistant next to Aya rushed over and helped Aya up.

"Sorry sorry, just tripped over a guitar wire."

Aya scratched her head, almost writing embarrassment on her face.

"That's okay, I'm afraid you really kneel."

Liu Xiao half-jokingly typed a barrage, and there was another burst of crazy hahaha in the live broadcast room.

As for Little Timo, although brother Xiao Xiao gave her a reward of 100 million, her reaction power seemed to be a little slower than that of Aya.

It wasn't until Aya almost calmed down that little Timo let out a cry.

"Brother Xiao Xiao gave me a gift of 100 million! Oh my god, thank you Brother Xiao Xiao, thank you Brother Xiao Xiao for your reward!"

The millions of tourists who were still laughing at Aya's reaction suddenly started barrage again:

(End of this chapter)

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