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Chapter 357 Aya's musical talent, if she sings well, she will be rewarded

Chapter 357 Aya's musical talent, if she sings well, she will be rewarded

Just now when Aya knelt down, Liu Xiao didn't smile very much, but with the reaction of little Timo now, Liu Xiao really couldn't hold back anymore.

"Little Teemo's brain circuit is slow enough, hahaha."

"This is only a big battle. When you see brother Xiao Xiao swiping [-] million at a time, you have to be dumbfounded."

"Upstairs, did brother Xiao Xiao really spend [-] million yuan? Why do I think it's impossible, [-] million yuan, unless it's Zimbabwe and Mingbi, everything else is enough for me to spend my whole life."

"Even if it's [-] million won, it's a big deal."

"What the hell are you talking about upstairs? Brother Xiao Xiao's brush is a serious 1000 million yuan, the kind that is enough for you to eat [-] million bowls of beef ramen."

"Thank you Brother Xiao Xiao, Brother Xiao Xiao, your gift is really too much."

Little Timo stuttered slightly.

In the past six months of her live broadcast, besides the gift from Liu Xiao, the biggest gift she received was an airplane, a 100 yuan one.

Rao is such a small gift, she has not received many, it can only be said that occasionally a big brother comes to favor her.

Although she sings well, but after all, her appearance is not good enough, and her body is also very average. Few big brothers will stay in his live broadcast room permanently. Her monthly income of 3000 yuan is the peak of her previous income.

But now, Brother Xiao Xiao first bought a phantom rocket, worth 1 RMB, and then bought a set of 100 phantom rockets, directly worth [-] million RMB!
Her family background is not very good, and the income of 50 yuan after sharing is enough to make her, a girl from a slightly poor family, at a loss.

"You're welcome, I'll give it to you, so you can take it at ease."

Liu Xiao's speech with a smile attracted all the tourists in the live broadcast room to frantically pursue it.

The few dozens of viewers who came from Huya felt that it was normal, after all, Brother Xiao Xiao’s usual style was like this, but for the tourists who were teasing fish, this kind of shock was more shocking than when these Huya tourists first met Brother Xiao Xiao. How much more powerful.

Many tourists were instantly fans of Brother Xiao Xiao's words, and silently added the word "Xiao" after their names.

"Anyway, I'd like to thank brother Xiao Xiao, just like little Timo, this is also the biggest gift I have received since I entered the live broadcasting world."

Aya's reaction was quick, and now she started to have a dirty face again.

"You're coming soon. No one in Douyu has ever received such a large gift. Before Brother Xiao Xiao came to Douyu, the most expensive gift was a set of 888 cards, only 5000 yuan."

The tourists laughed and cursed.

Little Timo also smiled, and the uneasiness in his heart disappeared a bit.

"Recently, Brother Wang Feng released a new album called [Life in Bloom]. The theme song [Life in Bloom] is very nice. If Xiao Xiao doesn't mind, I'll sing one."

Aya cleared her throat, and looked around the live broadcast room of Little Timo.

"Wang Feng recently released a new song? No wonder I saw little Nasa and Jun Feng break up yesterday. It turns out that this big melon was created by Wang Feng again."

"Hahaha, the little nasa made a complaint on Weibo yesterday, but Junfeng took out a 46-page ppt with his backhand. I read it all day yesterday. This melon is so cool. What a big melon, I didn't expect that Brother Wang Feng would release a new album, so it's no wonder."

Little Timo looked at the other side and nodded repeatedly.

She didn't go online yesterday, just went to Weibo to eat this melon from Xiaonasa and Junfeng.

"Brother Feng is known as the only star in the entertainment industry who hasn't joined the group, that's no joke."

Aya echoed with a smile:

"However, Brother Wang Feng's [Life in Bloom] is indeed very good. It is in full bloom in the entertainment industry."

Speaking of this, Aya almost burst out laughing.

"If you sing well, you will be rewarded. If you can't sing well, you will be rewarded for the audience."

Liu Xiao typed a barrage on the public screen, which immediately made Aya serious again.

He asked himself that he still had some strength in rock and roll, and Brother Xiao Xiao's reward made him feel itchy for a while.

With the prelude of Ding Ding Dong, the live broadcast room quickly fell silent.

In terms of atmosphere, Douyu is much better than Huya.

After all, the cheapest gifts from Huya are the big sword and light sticks, each costing a dime.

As for Douyu, the cheapest gift is fish balls, which only cost one penny each.

You can get a hundred of them by recharging one yuan, and even the poorest tourists can get one or two hundred of them more or less.

[How many times have I fallen on the road, how many times have I broken my wings. 】

[Now I no longer feel hesitant, I want to go beyond this ordinary luxury. 】

【I want a life in full bloom.】

The four consecutive low-pitched preludes seem to describe the meaning of life.

Aya's voice was somewhat similar to Wang Feng's, but a little clearer, not as sophisticated as Wang Feng's.

But a good song is a good song after all. Although Aya's level is a little lower, she still sang the essence of this song.

Wang Feng's new song, Liu Xiao, has never been heard before. When Aya sang the chorus part, most of the tourists were really attracted by the piece of life that wants to bloom.

"Mr. Wang Feng is indeed a leader in the rock world. This song is really good. I will stop the original version of Mr. Wang Feng when I look back!"

"I happened to have heard the original version, Aya's song is really good, bull beep!"

"I heard that Aya also wants to make her debut in the entertainment industry recently. This voice condition can definitely crush a large number of second- and third-tier entertainment stars."

Liu Xiao also nodded secretly.

Before, I thought that besides the top superstars, Douyu didn’t have many awesome anchors, but first there was a little Timo, and then there was Aya, which really gave him a surprise.

Different from the ever-changing voices of Little Juzi, the voices of Timo Jr. and Aya are much more monotonous compared to each other. But both of them have good natural conditions. If they develop in a single line, they may not be able to become superstars in the future.

After a song, Liu Xiao took the lead and made three clapping emojis on the public screen.

For a while, more than 100 million tourists in the live broadcast room of both parties expressed their expressions one after another.

On the public screen, countless applause frantically swiped the screen.

"Thank you Brother Xiao Xiao, thank you everyone."

Aya thanked again and again.

A large part of this song requires pure roaring skills.

It takes a lot of control to keep the sound from breaking under this kind of roar. Although Aya's voice has a good sustain ability, it still feels dry for a while.

But when he saw brother Xiao Xiao and the tourists clapping for him, he was indeed moved, even more moved than when brother Xiao Xiao just sent him 50 yuan.

While drinking water, Aya glanced around.

Brother Xiao Xiao, can you give me a reward if you sing well?
 Thank you [Sugar Flavored Demon King] for the 1666 book coins!


  It's the beginning of the month, ask for a monthly pass.

  thank you all!

(End of this chapter)

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