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Chapter 358 Don't Resist, You Can't Compete Little Orange

Chapter 358 Don't Resist, You Can't Compete Little Orange ([-]-in-[-] Super Chapter)
Without hesitation, Liu Xiao sent out another thirty phantom rockets.

Liu Xiao has not heard the original version of this song, but Aya's singing skills are really good, and he can still feel the quality of the song.

Since he promised Aya a reward, he naturally couldn't break his promise.

"Thank you Brother Xiao Xiao for thirty phantom rockets! Brother Xiao Xiao is magnificent!"

"I wish Brother Xiao Xiao such blessings as Donghai and longevity than Nanshan!"

Another 30 gifts swiped the screen, and Ayale's eyes narrowed.

After a while, the effect of Brother Xiao Xiao's two sets of gifts also began to appear.

As the top gift announcements appeared on all platforms, more and more curious tourists gradually entered the live broadcast room of Little Timo and Aya, but the number of this group of tourists was relatively small, only 20 million.

After all, it is now the Douyu All-Platform All-Star Game Finals, and most fans will support their favorite anchors in the live broadcast room, and there are not many tourists running around.

Another reason is that the large gifts on Douyu have not yet formed a common understanding. In the past, a super rocket worth 2000 yuan could swipe the screen at will. The super rocket is not much different and does not attract the attention of many tourists.

As far as the 20 people are concerned, most of them are tourists who saw Liu Xiao brush out 500 million gifts on the League of Legends last night. Run over to watch the excitement.

Although there are few people, they have one thing in common, that is, after entering the live broadcast room, these tourists rarely go out.

Aya has accumulated more than [-] gifts, and the progress bar has been swiped to move forward, almost reaching a [-]-[-] situation with little Timo.

In the live broadcast rooms on both sides, the barrage of brother Xiao Xiao's atmosphere was also posted along with Aya.

Little Timo sang another song, and the 15 minutes of the PK progress bar timer came to the end.

After Aya said goodbye in the live broadcast room, as the two parties disconnected, the live broadcast room also returned to the full screen state of Little Teemo from the left and right separation.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, Aya is an anchor who has become popular on the Douyu platform in the past three months. He is very popular among the first-line anchors. I didn't expect that we would meet in the first one."

There is a 15-minute interval between each round of PK, and the next PK time is at 08:30.

Little Timo spoke in the live broadcast room, apologetic in his words.

Little Timo still has some understanding of the money-absorbing ability of first-line anchors.

In a normal PK match, ordinary tourists spend more than 1 gifts, and big brothers spend about [-] to [-] gifts, which adds up to about [-] to [-].

And for this kind of chaotic PK final on Huya's entire platform, many big brothers in the live broadcast room will contribute. It is normal for the first-line anchors to earn [-] to [-] in a PK match.

If it is a normal PK, the two sides add up to 10,000+ and they will almost win.

But because her qualifications in teasing fish are too low, Brother Xiao Xiao has to reward her with a large amount of gifts to establish the authority of this good start for her.
And in the industry of their anchors, there is a tacit understanding when they PK.

For example, after Little Teemo wins, the eldest brother will basically go to the opposite side to get some gifts as medical expenses for the opposite anchor.

From Little Timo's point of view, the 80 that Brother Xiao Xiao gave to Aya was for Aya's medical expenses for her little Timo.

A total of 180 million gifts, so much money, except Brother Xiao Xiao, no one else could type it out without blinking an eye.

Liu Xiao looked at little Timo's apologetic apology in the live broadcast room, and helped his forehead helplessly.

In Little Timo's world view, tens of thousands of dollars is a big amount, and millions of dollars are calculated based on a person's salary for decades.

But on him, Liu Xiao, Shen Hao with a quota of more than one billion is stuck in his hand, and a million is simply not in his eyes.

Even after the next step of the business empire's plan is launched, millions of millions can be easily withdrawn without using the Shenhao Card.

When it comes to collecting gifts, for the current Liu Xiao, hundreds of millions is the beginning. If there is an opponent who can let him take out all the one billion quota for a match, Liu Xiao will look forward to it.

But looking at the entire network, not to mention one billion in a single live broadcast, even one million in a single live broadcast is not too much. In general, only Huya's Daheng can compete with him.

But he can understand little Timo's thinking.

But to really support an anchor, the current situation is definitely not enough.

Liu Xiao simply didn't explain and let little Timo figure it out by himself. Instead, he happily interacted with the tourists in the live broadcast room.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, I heard that you are the exclusive elder brother of Xiaojuzi over at Huya. Why have you come to play with the fish in the past two days, and you also favor little Teemo? Is it because there is also a small letter in Teemo's name?"

"Where Brother Xiao Xiao comes to play is not Xiao Xiao's own wish. There are so many reasons. I think it has been two days since Brother Xiao Xiao maxed out Douyu. Even tonight's final will allow Quan Douyu to see Brother Xiao Xiao." It's amazing."

"I look forward to little Timo becoming the top player in Douyu. Brother Xiao Xiao wants to compete with Douyu's official star-making ability."

Tourists chattered.

Many passers-by tourists also took action one after another, and swiped a fan card in the live broadcast room of Little Timo to get the fan brand.

The tourists at Douyu are inferior to the current Huya in terms of high-end consumption, but the spending power of ordinary tourists is still acceptable. Among the anchors of the same level, the VIP seats at Douyu are always better than those at Huya. A little more on the side.

In just ten minutes, there were more than 1000 people in the VIP seats in the live broadcast room of Little Timo, and he had initially gained the aura of a second-tier top anchor.

After a few songs, many tourists also began to become fans of Little Timo, and then match up with other anchors, it is estimated that many tourists will give generously. It will not be as bad as the first one. Only a single gift of a hundred dollars or so.

"Some friends don't need to step on it. I come to Douyu to play. The purpose is very simple, just for entertainment. Don't talk about Huya, let alone compare Little Orange with Little Timo. "

After typing out a sentence to answer the tourists' questions, Liu Xiao deliberately paused.

The tourists in the live broadcast room saw Brother Xiao Xiao's speech suddenly became fierce, and they held their breath unconsciously.

The tourists who just asked these questions seemed a little embarrassed. These questions were indeed quite personal. When they met a big brother like Brother Xiao Xiao, they really felt like they were about to be tied to concrete and drowned in the morning. Feel.

Just when all the tourists thought Brother Xiao Xiao was angry, Liu Xiao finally typed out the next sentence:

"Speaking of Little Orange and Little Teemo, there's no comparison at all. I'm Little Orange's exclusive elder brother. Little Teemo's side is pure nonsense. Maybe I'll throw her away at any time."

Liu Xiao made several disgusting emojis, and then sent a few hahaha little shark emojis.

All the tourists in the audience were stunned for a moment, and then they seemed to understand something, and couldn't help laughing wildly.

"Hahaha, maybe I will throw away little Teemo at some point? Brother Xiao Xiao, this is too real."

"I was wrong. I thought brother Xiao Xiao was really angry. I didn't expect that brother Xiao Xiao was just joking with us, but the contrast between the two before and after was really frightening. Brother Xiao Xiao's aura is too strong. When I opened my mouth, I felt like I couldn't even say a word." Can't get it out."

"It's interesting to ask this question just now. Although Xiaojuzi's reputation is not as good as it is now, it will be a matter of time before she becomes a top streamer in the entire network. I guess in a month or two, she will surpass Sister Fa and Xiaoleng, right? , after all, the sound conditions are placed here."

Although everyone is a tourist who teases fish, they usually play Douyin and Kuaishou.

With Huya's network-wide blockade, Xiaojuzi's traffic on the two short video platforms is not small, especially the two ancient songs [Feng He] and [Ri Li] that have been sung by many short videos recently. Used as background music.

And these two songs are currently occupying the top four of Netease Cloud Music and QQ Music's hot song charts. The song "Feng He" even reached the top of QQ Music's soaring chart early on. The comments are all in the state of 1+, and the fire is in a mess.

It can be said that most of the tourists in Douyu may not have seen Huya, but most of them have heard of Xiaojuzi, and even the anchor of Baldy.

It's like Liu Xiao has never been to Douyu before, but he knows Douyu's top streamers, Sister Fa, Xiao Leng, Chou Kai, and Xu Bao.

This is called familiarity.

On the contrary, Brother Xiao Xiao, who is Huya's most powerful person, is not well known by tourists who tease fish because the promotion will not promote the relationship between Shenhao's ID.

Even the vast majority of tourists who make fishes mention Brother Xiao Xiao, the first thing they feel is strange.

If it weren't for the teasing fish debut last night, I am afraid that there would not be many tourists who came to support little Timo today.

And to compare Little Orange with Little Teemo, to be honest, Little Teemo really has to stand aside.

Little Tangerine has an appearance of at least 95, a figure of above 93, and her singing ability is infinitely close to [-]%.

After all, Xiaojuzi is a high-achieving student from a professional music academy, and a genius in music, a perfect singer-songwriter, whether it is musical instrument talent, music style, or singing ability, she is extremely strong.

As for little Timo, his height is a big flaw, and his appearance can only be said to be a little better than ordinary people, so he can be regarded as a little beauty.

In terms of scoring, the face value is in the [-]s, and the body is in the [-]s.

As for singing ability, although little Timo has been broadcasting live for more than half a year, he has not attended a professional music academy after all, and the accuracy of his breath and lyrics are somewhat inaccurate. Even with later self-study and talent, he can become a second-tier singer The look of a star.

Saying that there is no comparison between the two sides is really not wronging Timo, but the truth.

As for Little Timo, he never thought of growing up to be a top streamer on the Internet like Little Orange.

After all, her own conditions are here, and she is very aware of her weight.

Seeing the tourists talking about this, little Timo also nodded in agreement.

"Although it was a joke just now, everyone should be careful not to do things like stepping on one another."

Liu Xiao smiled and spoke again on the public screen.

"As for Little Teemo, although you are not as good-looking as Xiaotangerine, your body is not as good as Xiaojuzi, your singing level is not as good as Xiaojuzi, and your vocal range is not as good as Xiaojuzi
However, your voice is still very malleable, and your talent is good. If you have professional learning resources to study for a period of time, I believe your development is not bad. "

Liu Xiao "kindly" added a word of comfort to little Timo.

"Brother Xiao Xiao's ten consecutive entries are not as good as Xiaojuzi, which really made me laugh like crazy."

"But there is one thing to say, what brother Xiao Xiao said is indeed the truth, hahaha."

"Don't worry little Timo, Brother Xiao Xiao said that your development must be good, you have to believe in miracles, you will definitely be able to, ouch, I can't stop laughing."

Liu Xiao's simple bullet screens immediately filled the live broadcast effect of Little Timo's live broadcast room.

In the case of not swiping gifts, the number of barrage in Little Teemo's live broadcast room is soaring crazily.

Coupled with the dozen or so top picture recommendations given by Brother Xiao Xiao, the popularity of Little Timo's live broadcast room has already surpassed the top star show anchors like Xiao Leng and Fa Jie, and is even moving towards the real platform of Xu Bao. Go forward.

Little Timo's mind is still relatively delicate, so he naturally discovered these changes in the live broadcast room.

Little Timo was rather embarrassed when Xiao Xiaoge counted more than a dozen points that she was not as good as Little Orange.

It's better to be right, but it's really embarrassing to say it in public, especially Xiao Xiaoge is still the exclusive big brother of Xiaojuzi, this face is slapped, even the little Timo, the former little transparent anchor, is a little bit uncomfortable.

But when he saw the soaring popularity and barrage volume in the live broadcast room, little Timo discovered Brother Xiao Xiao's good intentions.

She is just a small anchor now, it is not a shame to be inferior to Xiaojuzi, but to compare with Xiaojuzi, it can also make her status in the live broadcasting industry continue to soar.

And the effect of the show created by Brother Xiao Xiao, although it seemed to say that she was wrong, did not bring her any black fans. Instead, many tourists took the initiative to pay attention because of Brother Xiao Xiao's exposure.

Brother Xiao Xiao even took the initiative to point out the next step for her.

Invite a famous teacher to study!

This was naturally impossible for her in the past, but brother Xiao Xiao just rewarded 100 million yuan just now, and invited a professional music teacher in the industry to guide her, a half-hearted music singing anchor, is her progress so fast that she can fly?
The longer she spends on the live broadcast platform, the more she realizes the importance of talent to the anchor.

Xiaojuzi is so popular now, is it really because Xiaojuzi looks so good-looking?

Little Timo thought about it silently.

It seems that it has a lot to do with being good-looking.

However, Xiaojuzi's superb singing skills and creative level are the most important reasons why she became popular in a short period of time. Brother Xiao Xiao's rewards are just a constant push to lead Xiaojuzi to stardom.

Her little Teemo is not a lazy person either.

After doing live broadcast for so long, she insists on singing more than [-] songs every day, and the singing time is more than one hour a day, sometimes even more than [-] hours, the purpose is to exercise her singing ability.

Although she, little Timo, will never be able to become a little orange, she will definitely be able to become a top streamer like Xiao Leng and Sister Fa through hard work!
 Ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a reward, and ask for everything!
(End of this chapter)

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