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Chapter 359 The Showdown Between Newly-Promoted Anchor and Veteran Celebrity Anchor

Chapter 359 The Showdown Between the Newly-Promoted Anchor and the Veteran Celebrity Anchor (Two in One)

The 15-minute prep period quickly passed.

Little Timo closed his eyes and prayed secretly, hoping to send her an anchor below the third tier.

This is not to take advantage of Brother Xiao Xiao's power to bully others, but because the third-tier anchors are limited in strength, as long as they match up with the third-tier anchors, they can spend more than 1 at most, and even if they don't even need [-], they can get results.

This gap may not need brother Xiao Xiao to take action at all, and now the millions of tourists in the live broadcast room can make it together.

Brother Xiao Xiao brushes too much, she is a little anchor, she really can't bear it.

The PK bar flashed again.

The screen was divided into two halves again, a split screen line flashed, and the ID of the opposite anchor was slowly revealed.

"Damn it, Sister Fa!"

"Niubi, little Teemo, you actually pKed Sister Fa. This one looks much more interesting, hahaha."

Most of the tourists actually don't have any expectations about whether little Timo can be ranked as a celebrity anchor.

After all, judging from the previous competitions, it was basically star anchors versus star anchors, or against top-tier streamers. An anchor like Timo, who didn't even have a million subscriptions, was not at the same level at all.

Unexpectedly, in the first round, first-line dark horse anchor Aya was selected, and in the second round, Douyu's extremely high-ranked star anchor Fajie was ranked.

"Is it to say that little Teemo is unlucky or that little Teemo is lucky? Although Sister Fa doesn't have many big brothers in the live broadcast room, the fans are still very cohesive. If you really want to face Sister Fa, I'm afraid you have to do at least 50 Wan come out, even Brother Xiao Xiao."

As Sister Fa's image became clearer, the voices of several tourists talking in the live broadcast room stopped abruptly.

"Fuck, what the hell is the title of Sister Fa, welcome Brother Xiao Xiao to join Douyu?"

"Sister Fa, is this a direct admission of defeat?"

Sister Fa and Xiao Leng are basically the cards of Yuxingxiu. Er Ke has been in a good relationship recently. In addition, she often participates in performing arts activities. She has not been online for a long time, and she will not even participate in many activities.

Therefore, Sister Fa and Xiao Leng are the most powerful anchors on Douyu Xingxiu.

But now, Sister Fa just met Brother Xiao Xiao, so she voted directly?
"We are a top streamer who makes Yuyu, this is a bit too shameless (laughing and crying)."

"Come on, come on, although we haven't seen it before, Brother Xiao Xiao is indeed capable of earning [-] million yuan. This kind of financial resources, let alone Sister Fa, even if you pull Xiao Leng, you may not be able to handle it. .”

"Welcome Fajie Lianmai!"

The anchors on Douyu have always been relatively young. Even if they lose the event, most of them will choose to start all over again.

Only when you are really convinced, the title of the live broadcast room will hang the ID of the big brother in the live broadcast room. Generally speaking, it is to welcome a certain big brother, or to say that a certain big brother is asking for medical expenses or something.

But there is a basis for this, that is, most of the anchors will choose to admit defeat after playing one or several games, but Sister Fa, who has not even met Brother Xiao Xiao, directly leads the team to cast.

More importantly, the tourists in Fajie's live broadcast room don't seem to have much opinion, which is very strange.

At this time, Sister Fa’s microphone has also been successfully connected.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, good evening, welcome to the Douyu platform."

Sister Fa greeted her politely.

She usually uses answering emotional questions and other things as the theme of the live broadcast, and she is more intellectual and mature, with long pale golden hair, giving people the feeling of a neighbor's big sister.

Liu Xiao had seen Fajie several times on the short video platform before, but this was the first time he saw it on the live broadcast platform.

Liu Xiao had to admit that Sister Fa did have a different kind of temperament, which seemed to make people feel her gentleness. Liu Xiao looked around secretly, and he had a very good sense of Sister Fa.

Liu Xiao didn't feel much, and the tourists in the live broadcast room didn't feel too much, but as a little Timo who had a one-on-one PK with Sister Fa, this feeling was too obvious.

A former little transparent anchor, now facing the most popular Xingxiu anchor on the Douyu platform, it would be a lie to say that there is no pressure.

Little Timo looked at the VIP seats, and when he saw the shining No. [-] Shenhao sign, he felt a lot more at ease.

"Next, I will sing a song for you. It is a song I wrote after thinking about it myself recently. However, because I didn't go to a professional recording studio, the soundtrack is only synthesized by computer. I hope you don't mind."

Little Timo readjusted his sitting posture, which relieved his inner anxiety a little.

"My own song?"

Sister Fa's eyes lit up.

In addition to being an emotional anchor, she is also a singer, and she is of a very capable kind. When she competes with the anchors, she naturally prefers to chat with the anchors about songs.

As for self-created songs, Sister Fa has always been more appreciative.

Except for those self-created messy things, most musicians who can independently compose music mean that this person's music level is definitely not bad.

"Actually, it's not entirely my own creation. It's a collaboration between me and another friend."

Little Timo stroked his hair in embarrassment:
"My song is called [Buddhist Girl], and it's a music demo I just made the day before yesterday."

Little Timo played the accompaniment of this song.

The prelude is a burst of cheerful drumbeats, which immediately put the tourists into a cheerful atmosphere.

【I lost my memory, every day is Saturday】

【Stay at home, move slowly like a sloth】

【Bed and games, each one should be pampered】


As soon as Little Timo opened his mouth, the voices of the tourists in the live broadcast room suddenly stagnated.

Although the style of this song didn't surprise much at the beginning, the voice of Little Timo and the addition of this word undoubtedly pushed the cheerful style of this song to another level.

The lyrics are not amazing, but they also sound interesting. Under the interpretation of Little Timo, the playfulness of this song quickly lingered in the hearts of every tourist.

"I heard from little Timo that this song seems to be called a Buddhist girl, which is really a good name."

Now most of the main force watching live broadcasts are born in the 90s.

Some people say that those born in the 70s are facing the loess and their backs are facing the sky, and those born in the 80s are struggling to start a business alone. But in the final analysis, the post-90s are the most difficult generation.

Those born in the 70s have homesteads, and they can support their families by doing casual work. Although life is ordinary, the pressure is very low.

Although the post-80s were poor from an early age, they just caught up with the dividends of the reform and opening up. Most of the post-80s have housing allocated by the unit. It has more than doubled in ten years.

The post-90s, although they have received a good education since childhood, on the one hand, their families have no money; Being madly washed by the bosses, brainstorming all kinds of entrepreneurial cultures dedicated to the company.

Under the multiple pressures of work and family, the post-90s are indeed very tired. Most of the post-90s who are employed in the industry like some relaxing songs and film and television dramas, also to relax themselves.

And this song by Little Timo, a Buddhist girl, immediately resonated with many people.

This song is about Timo himself, but it is also the dream life of countless struggling post-90s.

Sleeping until you wake up naturally, playing games until you have hand cramps, making your own decisions, and not being forced to work overtime is obviously a very simple thing, but it has become a luxury for countless people.

Listening to the song, even Liu Xiao was deeply moved.

Although he is quite rich now, but in the past twenty years, Liu Xiao's life was no better than that of little Timo, and it can even be said that he was much more tired than little Timo.

At that time, Liu Xiao was looking forward to the Buddhism.

The song is cheerful on the surface, but deep inside.

Although from the perspective of singing, the difficulty and tension of the song are a little average, but it can be regarded as a good song, after all, life is the best teacher!
Most of the tourists with some spare money in their hands started to buy gifts more or less.

With the end of Little Timo's song, the PK bar has reached over [-].

Sister Fa took the lead and applauded:

"The artistic conception of this song is really good. I am a little older than you, but we are all of the same generation, and I can understand you."

"However, the accompaniment of this song is indeed a bit poor. If you have time, it is better to go to the recording studio and record a better accompaniment."

Little Timo nodded repeatedly.

I didn't go to the recording studio before because I didn't have money, but brother Xiao Xiao just gave a million gifts, so it's no problem to record a few songs.

"Super Illusory God [Xiao Xiao] sent [Illusory God Rocket]*100!"

Without further ado, Liu Xiao sent out another group of phantom rockets.

"I've seen Douyin before, and the song Fairy Tale Town is also very good, but it's similar to this Buddhist girl song. I don't know if you are interested in singing a song."

The progress bar of the two sides opened immediately, and Liu Xiao proposed with a smile.

Although Sister Fa has no intention of competing, the strength of the tourists on Sister Fa's side is obviously good.

In such a short while, the gift has reached nearly [-], and this is still in the case that Sister Fa has no acting talent.

"Then I'll play [Fairy Tale Town]."

Sister Fa was amazed at Brother Xiao Xiao's atmosphere, while smiling and nodding.

As a celebrity anchor, although there is not much money, there are still hundreds of thousands or millions, after all, it has been in business for several years.

The song "Fairy Tale Town" is an original song written by Sister Fa.

Although Little Timo's Buddhist girl is good, compared with this fairy tale town, it is indeed inferior.

This folk-style song once sent Sister Fa to the high stage of celebrity anchors in just two weeks. Until now, this song is still on many people's playlists.

If you really want to compare it, this song Fairy Tale Town is probably on the same level as the song [Fenghe] that Xiaojuzi sang a few days ago.

However, as Sister Fa's fame became popular, Sister Fa rarely sang this song again, and it really became Sister Fa's bottom-line talent.

"Turn on the screen recording, turn on the screen recording, Sister Fa hasn't sung this song for four or five months, right?"

"To be precise, it was three and a half months. But during the last concert, my elder brother tipped me a lot of super rockets. Sister Fa thanked my elder brother for more than ten seconds in the middle of the concert. The song is incomplete, and I can be so mad!"

"Brother Xiao Xiao is still a cow. As soon as Brother Xiao Xiao opened his mouth to let go, Sister Fa immediately agreed."

The two live broadcast rooms, with a total of nearly 200 million visitors, were all excited for a while.

Just like Xia Nuan on Huya's side announced that she was going to wear a swimsuit, the barrage in the live broadcast instantly exploded.

Even Liu Xiao couldn't help smacking his tongue secretly.

The unique operating model of Douyu makes these celebrity anchors really have too much appeal.

Just the singing of a signature song is even bigger than his swiping 100 million gifts.

"I heard that Snow White was running away, and Little Red Riding Hood was worried about the wolf."

"I heard that the Mad Hatter likes Alice, and the ugly duckling will turn into a white swan."


"Only the wise river knows"

"There is always a colorful river meandering in the fairy tale town, with the smell of magic sticks twisting in love."

As soon as Sister Fa opened her mouth, she immediately captured countless audiences.

Sister Fa's voice is a high-end one, very stable and very tense.

It is obviously a relatively plain folk song, but in the mouth of Sister Fa, it reflects a strong artistic conception.

This level of singing and the ability to control breath are already slightly stronger than many first-line stars.

Everyone listened fascinated.

After all, Sister Fa is a veteran singer. She has often exercised her voice since she became an anchor in the past few years.

Moreover, Sister Fa is not short of money, and occasionally finds some singers to exchange experience, or directly invites a vocal teacher to improve herself, which is much better than Little Timo.

The voices of the two were compared with each other, and little Timo suddenly felt ashamed.

In front of Sister Fa, little Timo felt that his voice was like that of a child, there was no comparison at all.

"Super Phantom God [Xiao Xiao] rewards [Fat Fa] Phantom God Rocket*100!"

"Super Phantom God [Xiao Xiao] rewards [Fat Fa] Phantom God Rocket*100*2!"

"Super Phantom God [Xiao Xiao] rewards [Fat Fa] Phantom God Rocket*100*3!"

Liu Xiao directly jumped to the live broadcast room, selected the maximum number of phantom rockets, and gave out three sets of gifts in the backhand.

Under Zhao Ning's exaggeration, Liu Xiao's appreciation of music is also constantly improving.

Especially when I interacted with JJ some time ago, I learned a lot.

In Liu Xiao's opinion, little Timo's voice is still immature and needs time to develop, but Sister Fa's voice has already reached her peak.

Even in this aspect, he already has the ability to wrestle with Xiaojuzi.

If it weren't for Little Orange's ability to convert multiple voices and high and low sounds, it's not sure who will win.

But as far as the Douyu platform is concerned, Sister Fa's singing ability is indeed very strong, and Er Ke and Xiao Leng may be the only ones who can match it.

Sister Fa was about to say thank you, but thinking that the song hadn't been finished yet, she had the patience to sing the song to perfection.

"Thank you Brother Xiao Xiao for the three million rewards!"

Sister Fa's heart was pounding.

Three sets of million gifts are 300 million gifts.

She has been live broadcasting for so long, and all the gifts she has received are just so much, but now Brother Xiao Xiao's sudden wave of ostentation really surprised her a little.

Now there is only one question in her mind.

Who can tell her if brother Xiao Xiao has always been so fierce!
(End of this chapter)

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