Chapter 360 Consecutive Byes
"Oh my god, are these three sets of gifts worth 300 million?"

"There is no need to doubt upstairs, brother Xiao Xiao's exclusive gift, the phantom rocket, is worth 1 yuan, no problem."

"Niubi, the highest reward in Xingxiu District! If the calculation is not wrong, brother Xiao Xiao has almost earned 500 million tonight, and he missed last night. It seems that brother Xiao Xiao will start again tonight."

The three sets of gifts immediately stirred up the emotions of countless tourists.

The only thing that confuses them is the list on Little Timo's side.

In the current PK match, Little Timo's gifts are just over 100 million, while Brother Xiao Xiao's rewards have reached more than 300 million on the list of sister Fa.

You know, brother Xiao Xiao is the big brother on little Timo's side, why did he suddenly send sister Fa to win?

After the two parties sing, the PK time has come to an end.

Sister Fa said a few more words of thanks, and the PK bar was completely disconnected, finally showing that Sister Fa had won the PK.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, why did Sister Fa win this match? It's strange."

"What's so strange about this is that the outcome of this event is not determined by the number of pk victories, but by the number of gifts collected. It doesn't matter if Brother Xiao Xiao sends Sister Fa to win a game. If you fight back later, it's over. gone."

Liu Xiao also responded with a smile.

"It's the first time I heard Fafa singing Fairy Tale Town live. In terms of singing ability, Fafa is indeed a little higher than Timo Jr. Timo Jr. is not wronged."

As Liu Xiao scolded little Timo again, the barrage immediately returned to the familiar rhythm.

Little Timo looked at the barrage flying all over the screen, wanting to cry but without tears.

It was not as good as Xiaojuzi before, but now it is not as good as Sister Fa.

If the comparison goes on like this, tonight she will become a fish ghost.

But even so, little Timo couldn't afford to be angry.

After all, Brother Xiao Xiao currently rewards more than 200 million gifts, and the share is 100 million. Even if she spends 1 yuan a month, it will be enough to spend seven or eight years.

What's more, there is a clear gap between her strength and Sister Fa's. Speaking of it this way, it can bring her more popularity.

Two consecutive PK games, the time is close to nine o'clock.

The PK at the final night will probably last until about 11 o'clock, and the remaining one hour is the settlement time for Douyu.

If you count the pk of all the games, once every 15 minutes, if each time is 15 minutes, then there are six games in total.

But little Timo's luck was obviously a bit bad. In the nine o'clock match, little Timo's PK matching bar first turned, and then two large characters appeared on the screen, indicating that this match was a bye.

One less PK means that tourists will swipe fewer gifts than others, and the probability of getting a good ranking will definitely be much lower.

But little Timo didn't pay too much attention to it, instead he let out a sigh of relief.

With the 200 million gifts that brother Xiao Xiao gave before, it is definitely a sure thing to be in the top ten. She can't wait for a few more byes in this meeting, and hurry up to get through tonight.

In the fourth PK at 09:30, the progress bar on Little Timo's side continued to rotate for more than a minute, and finally a bye message was displayed on the screen.

With two byes in a row, the tourists in the live broadcast room immediately exploded.

Usually, when you go to the live broadcast platform, you don’t really want the hosts to PK each other. After all, acting talent is much more attractive than the host’s direct PK shouting for gifts.

But in tonight's finals, most of the tourists came to watch the PK between the anchors. Little Timo suddenly had two byes in the live broadcast room, which immediately lowered the audience's anticipation to freezing point.

Even Li Dong, who has been in the OB, was a little confused.

He knew very well about their Douyu PK system that when the total number of anchors was odd, there would indeed be a bye.

But Douyu also has a complementary mechanism within Douyu. For example, if the number of first-tier anchors is odd, a first-line anchor will be matched with a second-tier anchor, and then downshifted one by one. Finally, if there is still a bye, a small anchor will be given a bye body.

Therefore, there is only one reason why the big anchor has a bye, that is, the system gives priority to the subordinates. For example, the first-line anchors are ranked first for PK, so the big anchors have no subordinate anchors to match.

But this happens only occasionally, and at most once.

After all, it is impossible for Douyu to match a celebrity anchor with a second-tier anchor for PK. On the one hand, it bullies the second-tier anchor, and on the other hand, it lowers the identity of the star anchor.

But now, little Timo has had two byes in a row, the probability of this is extremely small.

If little Timo is given another bye, it will be basically impossible to match Xu Bao.

"Is there a problem with the technology? How can the anchors of Douyu Thousands of Numbers get a bye for two consecutive rounds of PK on one person?"

Li Dong was very anxious.

Brother Xiao Xiao's reputation has initially been manifested in Douyu, and his deterrent power has also been revealed in front of him.

Not to mention the first-line anchor Aya, even the long-established celebrity anchor Fajie, she doesn't have any intention of confronting Brother Xiao Xiao.

Although brother Xiao Xiao is quite interesting, 500 million has already been paid for this meeting, but this is still very different from Li Dong's expectations.

He even hopes that brother Xiao Xiao can start a battle of tens of millions, or even 5000 million, in Douyu tonight!

Only in this way can he carry out Douyu's next restructuring, and use this opportunity to pull up Douyu's dead game.

And now in Douyu, the ones who are interested in fighting Brother Xiao Xiao are Brother Boring and Master Fan. If little Timo can't get Xu Bao, this decisive battle will not be fought at all.

Xiaoyu is also very clear about Li Dong's intentions, so he will run around in the same hurry, running between the technical department and the planning department.

"Mr. Li, why don't you arrange Xu Bao and Little Timo together manually? The technical department said that this is the safest operation."

Xiaoyu made a suggestion.

"No, we raised the weight of Little Timo's anchor. We were suspected of being a big brother. After all, with Little Timo's current anchor level, he can be ranked as a third-tier anchor at most. Brother Xiao Xiao is not dissatisfied with us, it is already very Generous."

"If we force Xu Bao and little Timo together again, it will inevitably lead to Brother Xiao Xiao's plan. When the time comes to lose Brother Xiao Xiao, the big brother, we will have no chance to turn around."

Dong Li shook his head.

He knew very well Xiao Xiaoge's strength in his heart.

As long as Brother Xiao Xiao is teasing the fish, the teasing fish will be pulled up sooner or later, it is a matter of time length and range.

Even if you don't qualify for this competition, you can continue to do it next month.

Even if it really doesn't work, Brother Xiao Xiao will always come to join in the fun during the year, right?
But if Little Timo is forced to be placed opposite Xu Bao at this time, once Brother Xiao Xiao learns that they are operating in the background, they will not be able to explain it even if they have ten thousand mouths.

Even after the eldest brother swipes gifts like this, there is a high possibility that brother Xiao Xiao will turn against them on the Douyu platform on the spot!

(End of this chapter)

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