Chapter 361 A New Round of PK
"Brother Xiao Xiao, he may not find out"

Xiaoyu's voice was a little low, and when he said the last few words, he was inevitably a little embarrassed.

Although it is a bit disdainful to do so, the system arranges the two anchors together, and the background operation of their technical department arranges the two anchors together. There is no difference in the live broadcast effect.

"There is no impenetrable wall in the world. We can never escape what we have done. Only when we have a clear conscience can we have the confidence to face Brother Xiao Xiao."

Li Dong waved his hand and smiled.

"What's more, with Brother Xiao Xiao's ability, whether we did this deliberately or not, we may not be able to hide it."

Brother Xiao Xiao was well-versed in the fight with Brother Hua Jiu at Huya.

Among them, Brother Xiao Xiao's wisdom and ability have already convinced Li Dong many times.

Brother Hua knew it in real life. He was the president of a billion-dollar group. The business had been ups and downs for more than ten years. When dealing with Brother Hua, anyone had to be careful.

But just such a person, but under Brother Xiao Xiao's hands, they suffered continuously, and they didn't even know whether Brother Xiao Xiao used all his strength.

To put it bluntly, making small moves in front of such a big brother Shenhao is no different from deception.

"Let the technical department check it out. If it is a technical reason, it will be repaired immediately. If there is no problem, let it take its course."

Li Dong took a sip of water and let out a heavy breath.

"When you meet Brother Xiao Xiao in the future, you must show great sincerity. Don't engage in those extravagant thoughts. You can't play with Brother Xiao Xiao if you play with ordinary big brothers."

As the person in charge of the marketing department, Li Dong must have some understanding of his employees, so he is naturally very aware of Xiaoyu, the account manager.

Xiaoyu is indeed very beautiful, and at the same time, he loves himself very much. Few of his elder brothers have seen Xiaoyu's photos, and at most they have only had a few voice chats.

In this circle of big dye vats, Xiaoyu can keep himself so well, Xiaoyu's mind is naturally not that simple, and he can fool the big brother for a moment by going around in circles frequently, and his ability is absolutely top-notch.

But if this kind of cleverness is placed on Brother Xiao Xiao, it is obviously inappropriate.

For this kind of thoughtful and formidable brother Shenhao, honestly, he is better than anything else!
Even if we keep in touch honestly, Xiaoyu's eccentric character might make Brother Xiao Xiao like it. If there is such a relationship, he, the Director of Funny Fish, can set up a line with Brother Xiao Xiao, yes His future development will definitely be a big help.

Not to mention Xiaoyu, if he, Li Dong, was a girl, he would want to take the initiative to back Brother Xiao Xiao.

"I got it."

Xiaoyu nodded again and again, secretly reminding himself.

The technical department quickly came to give feedback, and there was no problem with the system matching mechanism, it was simply not arranged.

Although the probability is very small, this incident really made little Timo meet him.

Hearing this, Li Dong secretly felt relieved.

There are a total of six pk games, the remaining two will not have a bye, right?
There are only so many star anchors for Douyu, and the anchors who are ranked will not be ranked second.

In the previous four games, Xu Bao has been lined up to Chou Kai, Da Sima, Xiao Leng and PDD, and Little Timo has been lined up to Fa Jie. There are not many star anchors left.

As long as neither of them has a bye in the remaining two games, there is at least a 50.00% chance of being lined up together.

In the live broadcast room of Little Timo, the tourists talked a lot.

Douyu has held many events before, and PK events are not uncommon, but it is the first time for Timo to have two byes.

With the two games plus the preparation time in between, and a continuous one-hour gap period, the popularity of Little Timo's live broadcast room has begun to decline.

"Even if you can't arrange a big anchor, it's okay to arrange a small anchor. If this continues, it will bring little Timo here."

After an hour of continuous live broadcast, little Timo also began to get acquainted with the tourists in the live broadcast room.

Although most of the visitors in the live broadcast room were a little impatient, little Timo was very happy.

At present, the total number of subscriptions has approached 50. This number of subscriptions has already caught up with some second-tier anchors.

I believe that as long as she persists for a while after today, it will not be too difficult for her to break one million subscriptions, and she will definitely get better development opportunities by then.

And today's game, Little Timo didn't care that much anymore.

On the one hand, he didn't want to confront those big anchors, and on the other hand, he didn't want Brother Xiao Xiao to spend any more money.

Tonight, brother Xiao Xiao made nearly 500 million!
She felt that she didn't have any strengths, and it was worth Brother Xiao Xiao spending so much money to praise her as a little anchor.

Liu Xiao enjoyed playing in the live broadcast room.

The tourists on Douyu's side are somewhat different from those on Huya's side.

Most of the tourists on Douyu are born in the 90s and 95s, and they are in the same age group as Liu Xiao. They are basically graduates in recent years or college students who are about to graduate.

The main tourists on Douyu are a little younger, and most of them are born after 95-00.

Although they are all born in the 90s, the oldest one born in the 95s is only 21 years old and lacks experience.

The most obvious aspect is that the tourists on Douyu are more mature and have their own opinions, so that they will not follow the rhythm and take off, and the live broadcast environment should be a little better.

But in terms of the number of black fans and brain-dead fans, Douyu also has a lot of them, and this thing does not distinguish between age groups.

They are all the same group of people, and their favorite songs and celebrities are actually similar.

As little Timo sang the song, the atmosphere in the live broadcast room was also very good.

Soon, it was ten o'clock.

The PK bar rolled up again, and little Timo also started a new round of matching.

"Huh, we finally started matching again. Little Teemo's place is too quiet tonight, there's no atmosphere for playing activities at all."

"If this one is in the bye, I have reason to suspect that Douyu is playing an insider game (laughing and crying)."

"That's not the case. This kind of PK is completely random. It doesn't matter which anchor you fight with. It mainly depends on the strength of the big brother in the live broadcast room. At most, it will affect the ranking of the PK winning rate."

At present, the highest list on the platform, besides Theshy and others who Liu Xiao rewarded in the League of Legends area last night, is Xiao Leng, the star show anchor.

Brother Xiaosa and Dashuai worked hard tonight. In the pk with Xu Bao, the two each scored 200 million. When they both rose to level 120, they were also promoted to the title of phantom god, plus the previous gift reward , also pushed Xiao Leng's ranking to sixth place, with a current total list of 440 million.

No.2 is Xu Bao. Fan Ye and Bo Bo have also been promoted to level 120 and the title of phantom god. Xu Bao's total list is 400 million, ranking seventh in the total.

No.3 Sister Fa, with a total list of 350 million, ranking eighth.

Theshy and the others are professional players. They didn't come to participate in the competition tonight, so the list only stopped at around [-] million.

Choukai is making a list tonight, and the current list is in the early 700 million range, making Douyu number one.

But judging from Master Fan and Brother Boring, tonight they will definitely break through the 700 million quota and send Xu Bao up.

The PK bar slowly stopped rotating, and the anchor ID on the opposite side also began to slowly appear.

"This one finally has no bye."

Visitors in the live broadcast room all smiled.

Although little Timo's singing is pretty good, but tonight is the final after all, and there is a super hero like brother Xiao Xiao present, no matter how you say it, it is also interesting to play pk!

(End of this chapter)

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