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Chapter 362 Is it possible to increase dnf to more than 20

Chapter 362 Is it possible to increase dnf to more than 20

As the images of both sides appeared, the ID of the opposite anchor was also revealed.

Suddenly, the number of people in Little Timo's live broadcast room jumped up, from 120 million to more than 150 million.

The tourists who just came in suddenly shouted in the live broadcast room, looking very happy.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, Xu Bao's army is here!"

"Let's go to war Brother Xiao Xiao, we've been waiting for this moment for a long time, hahaha."

"Although it's unlikely to win the fight, you still have to fight it out!"

"Why do you have the feeling of an island nation's hot-blooded animation, something is wrong, something is wrong."

"Phantom God [Fan Ye] enters the live broadcast room!"

"Hey, hey, everyone, stop for a moment, we are going to have a friendship exchange, don't take the rhythm."

Fan Ye clicked into Timo's live broadcast room, and quickly explained.

He and Brother Boring are just planning to take this opportunity to make friends with Brother Xiao Xiao. If he really wants to win the rankings, he might as well just admit defeat.

As for what to fight
Both Brother Jiu and Brother Hua can't beat him, and although Master Fan is not bad, he might not be able to survive this battle even if he empties his family.

Liu Xiao looked at the 120-level phantom god who spoke in the live broadcast room.

Before coming to tease fish, Liu Xiao also heard from Xiao Huya and the others about some local elder brothers who tease fish.

The chic and handsome brother in Xiao Leng's live broadcast room, the boring brother and Fan Ye in Xu Bao's live broadcast room.

Among them, Master Fan is the fiercest. Before Liu Xiao came, he could be called the number one Shenhao brother in teasing fish.

But the name Fan Ye always sounds uncomfortable.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, don't listen to these tourists' nonsense, we are planning to compete with you this time, Brother Xiao Xiao, to play a friendly match, Brother Xiao Xiao, you have to be merciful."

Fan Ye posted several emojis of sharks licking their tongues.

"Are you going to play tonight?"

Seeing what Master Fan said, Liu Xiao also became interested.

It's been two days since I came to tease fish, and I haven't found a place to have a good game. The main reason is that I don't have any opponents.

Now Fan Ye jumped out, although it was a friendly exchange, but it was finally a little bit of fun.

"It's definitely a fight. It's an absolute honor to be abused by brother Xiao Xiao."

Master Fan chuckled and licked directly in the live broadcast room.

"Fuck, is this still the Fan Ye I know?"

"Mr. Fan, you have changed. The serious big boss from before, why did he break his defense in front of Brother Xiao Xiao? Huh, give me back my Master Fan."

Seeing what Fan Ye said, Li Dong, who had been watching the screen, suddenly became helpless.

He felt that he didn't know how powerful Brother Xiao Xiao was now.

Brother Douyu and other gods, as long as they meet each other, none of them dare to attack brother Xiao Xiao.

Fan Ye, who had vowed to fight Brother Xiao Xiao in Xu Bao’s live broadcast room before, originally had high hopes, but now he finally lined up with Brother Xiao Xiao, and the event has not yet started, so Fan Ye ran away Come and be a lick dog.

If things go on like this, even if they play a PK for a while, it will probably be a purely friendly match.

It is conceivable that even a brother Shenhao of Fan Ye's level will take the initiative to admit that he is cowardly, and the other platform brothers don't have to think about it at all, and they probably don't even dare to talk to brother Xiao Xiao.

Just when Li Dong was about to worry about his gray hair, Liu Xiao typed and spoke in the live broadcast room, and immediately gave Li Dong another surprise.

"I saw that Xu Bao added 16 full-body suits in the live broadcast room some time ago. I don't know if he has succeeded now?"

"Does Brother Xiao Xiao also play dungeons?"

Xu Bao, who had been spying on the screen, suddenly brightened up and asked quickly.

"I played it when I was in school, but the level of the account is quite high, but I haven't charged money, and the combat power is average."

Liu Xiao replied with a smile.

The game DNF is a memory of a generation. When Liu Xiao was in school, he was dragged by his roommates to play in Internet cafes for a long time.

Unlike League of Legends, Liu Xiao's skills in the Dungeon game are pretty good.

More importantly, in the dungeon game, you can bring abyss or move bricks, and play it occasionally, not to mention making money, but at least you don't have to pay for the Internet fee yourself.

However, after League of Legends came out, Liu Xiao also slowly let go of this game, and has not been registered for nearly two years.

As for the increase of 16 mentioned by Liu Xiao, it is the increase of equipment in the game.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, don't tell me, Xu Bao has really succeeded in increasing the body cover, but the price is Xu Bao's signing fee for more than half a year."

Brother Boring also jumped to Little Timo's live broadcast room, gloating about his misfortune.

Xubao's signing fee is in the early 2000 million.

The equipment increase in dnf is divided into three grades.


To put it simply, 0-7 can be upgraded with in-game gold coins, and 7-10 needs to be recharged. After 10, it is basically the consumption of the local tyrants.

"The old horse is really wicked."

Mentioning this, Xu Bao felt helpless.

DNF's equipment increase has a success rate.

0-7 level increase, if it fails, it will drop one level, for example, if it is strengthened from 6 to 7, it will drop to 5 if it fails.

Although it's a bit tricky, it's generally acceptable. After all, the current booster equipment is more valuable, and only game coins can be used to increase the boost, and dropping a level doesn't affect it.

But for the three levels of 7-10, as long as the increase fails once, it will drop from the current level to level 0. This is equivalent to saying that the previous increase is all for nothing, and it has to continue to increase from level 0-7.

As for after level 10, if there is no boost protection scroll item, if the boost fails, not only will it fall to level 0, but the equipment will also be broken directly.

And the price of an increase protection volume ranges from 60-200.

Xu Bao increased the body equipment to 16, which cost more than 1300 million!

This is also the largest recharge since the game DNF was launched.

Since then, Penguin Ma's chances of winning the Marsh's lottery have become a stalk that everyone is eager to ridicule.

However, although it cost more than 1000 million, Xu Bao's reputation has also been spread with this increase, which can be regarded as gain and loss.

Liu Xiao asked this, not out of boredom.

But thought of another way to play.

Few of Brother Shenhao on Douyu's side dared to fight with him. Although Brother Boring and Master Fan said they would fight, Liu Xiao really didn't feel the slightest challenge in this posture.

Anyway, since he has nothing to do, Liu Xiao also plans to equip himself with top-quality equipment for his DNF.

Seeing Brother Xiao Xiao typing and saying that he was going to add some equipment to the game, Xu Bao immediately became interested.

Brother Xiao Xiao wants to increase the game equipment, so it can't be worse than him, right?

"Brother Xiao Xiao, don't worry, I'm definitely good at boosting up to 16. I've done a boost before, and I still have a lot of experience."

Xu Bao chuckled and rubbed his hands.

The online growth of the live broadcast room, worth at least tens of millions, is awesome when you think about it.

"I don't want to increase the boost by 16, I want to increase the single-piece glove to more than 20!"

(End of this chapter)

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