Chapter 364

"A booster volume is 100 yuan, and a paradox crystal is more than 1 yuan. On average, the cost of the first level is about [-]."

Several tourists analyzed on the public screen.

One hundred and one, simply calculate by one hundred, of the 5000 million, about 1000 million are used to buy gold coins to upgrade, and the other 500 million are enough for Xu Bao to order [-] to [-] times.

Even if you can choose 2 consecutive hits, you have to click more than [-] times in a row.

You know, an hour is only [-] seconds, if Xu Bao wants to finish brushing within an hour, Xu Bao has to tap at least six to seven times per second.

It's okay to keep clicking with the mouse, but the difficulty is definitely not low.

Xu Bao really didn't count how many times he wanted to order, he only knew that there would be many times, and now he saw a few tourists saying this on the public screen, and suddenly broke out in a cold sweat.

With his hand speed for playing games, it is no problem to click six or seven times a second, but if he clicks continuously for an hour, it will not be directly disabled?

What's more, even if he can do this, the game may not be able to respond to it.

Six clicks per second, the computer might crash.

Moreover, the PK between him and Little Teemo seems to be only 15 minutes.
Liu Xiao was also a little embarrassed.

I was just patronizing to recharge the money, and I really forgot about this.

"How about this, Master Fan and Brother Boring, let's play pk first. After the pk, I will go to Xubao's live broadcast room to brush slowly. Tonight, we will do it all night."

Liu Xiao thought of a compromise.

"It's okay, it's okay, let's start the event first!"

The tourists in Little Timo's studio immediately cheered.

"Yes, that's fine."

"Brother Xiao Xiao, then we won't be polite to you."

Fan Ye smiled and sent out a barrage.

Although he was scared when he saw Brother Xiao Xiao directly recharge 5000 million to upgrade the game equipment, but since he had already said what he said before, he naturally had to practice it to the end.

Although their strength in front of Brother Xiao Xiao is a little average, but after all, they are still big brothers of the level of Xiao Huya and Brother Jiu, and they can't lose their aura more or less.

Brother Boring and Master Fan quit the live broadcast room, and immediately made Dong Li very happy.

Originally thought that the event in August had already been beaten into a mess, and thought that this one should not be fought tonight, but I didn't expect that there would be such a turning point.

Brother Xiao Xiao's 5000 million Wan Hao scoured the dungeon equipment, plus this match with Douyu's old Shenhao brother Fan Ye and Bo Bo brother, this is definitely a huge news breaking point!

I believe that by tomorrow, the news anchors on Douyu will have plenty of topics to talk about.

There are seven or eight minutes left in pk time.

Xu Bao was also unambiguous, since he started to play PK, Xu Bao directly went all out.

"Brothers, although brother Xiao Xiao is indeed very fierce, we can't just admit cowardice like this, let's go together, brothers!"

Xu Bao opened WeChat Lingqiantong, pulled out all the 200 million stored in it, and recharged it into shark fin.

Then he opened Alipay, and all the more than 800 million stored in it were turned into shark fins.

"I'll go, I'll go, the sexy anchor recharges money online!"

"I have a premonition that Xu Bao's daughter-in-law is about to break into the house. This will wipe out the wife, hahaha!"

Tourists saw that Xubao rushed in with 1000 million online, and the bullet screen suddenly boiled.

At the same time, tens of thousands of fans in Xubao's live broadcast room also donated generously.

Most of the people who watch the dnf live broadcast are 25-1000, or even close to [-] people. Although they will carefully consider when spending money, hundreds of [-] yuan are still no problem.

There are more than 7 VIPs in the VIP seats, and there are many big brothers among them.

"[Chicken] sent out super rocket*50!"

"This gift just came out, among other things, 10 yuan support!"

"[Xu Bao die-hard fans] give away a super rocket*1!"

"[The head of the fan group] sent out a super rocket *50*5 combo!"

Under Xubao's lead in recharging, many tourists with relatively strong spending power also began to recharge significantly.

Among the more than 200 million online visitors and more than 7 VIPs, the number of local tyrants is at least five or six thousand, and there are no less than ten Shenhao brothers who can swipe wildly.

These big brothers are usually not very used to recharging in Douyu, that's because they have no opponents.

But now in Xu Bao's live broadcast room to buy gifts, while supporting Xu Bao, at least he can make a good impression in front of Brother Xiao Xiao.

Almost no big brother would choose to miss the opportunity to get to know brother Xiao Xiao.

Besides, hundreds of thousands are not a lot of money to them.

Even Brother Boring and Master Fan were dumbfounded.

In just a short while, the total list of gifts in Xu Bao's live broadcast room has jumped to more than 400 million.

That's why Xu Bao and the two of them didn't make a move.

They never expected that there would be so many big brothers with powerful spending power in a live broadcast room.

"I know why Xiaohuya and Brother Jiu are spending like crazy on Huya."

The bored brother sighed.

This is no longer simply supporting the anchor, but using money to make friends on the platform!
These bosses and entrepreneurs usually fly all over the country, and at most they can meet each other a few times. Even if they are a little familiar, they don't see each other a few times a year.

The number of meetings and chats is small, and the relationship is naturally weak. If the company has any problems and asks these people for help, it is naturally impossible for others to agree casually.

Live streaming platforms are different.

Now is the Internet age. Ordinary people play live broadcasts, and these entrepreneurs and bosses play live broadcasts even more, and they go online almost every few days, and some are even online every day.

This virtually creates a circle that can communicate.

Just imagine, on the platform, you meet the top four No. 50 entrepreneur friends who can play. In reality, in the future, you will have a business, or encounter difficulties. With this relatively close relationship, there will always be one or two who can lend a helping hand. ?
And to establish one's own status among these entrepreneurs, simply put, it is based on seniority, which undoubtedly depends on their respective spending power.

Those with strong spending power, like brother Xiao Xiao, will naturally be respected by everyone.

In reality, many people may not be able to shout out, but the Internet is all virtual, let alone calling big brother, even calling uncle is the same thing.

In exchange, it may be millions or even tens of millions of profits in reality.

This business is worth it no matter what!
There were no such circles on Douyu before, because the consumption was too low, and many people didn't realize this, or couldn't tell where there were circles.

But following Brother Xiao Xiao's three consecutive waves of PK in Tiaoyu tonight, these big brothers on the platform, or the hidden big brothers, obviously realized this.

In today's society where channels are king, if you have enough contacts, you will never lack opportunities to make money!

(End of this chapter)

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