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Chapter 365 Brother Xiao Xiao makes a move!

Chapter 365 Brother Xiao Xiao makes a move!
Xu Bao's super high list obviously also stimulated and stimulated the hidden big brother on Little Timo's side.

Four or five big brothers with good spending power immediately opened the title of emperor in the live broadcast room of Little Timo, and the gift of 30 to [-] was swiped out.

Although it is far from Xubao, there is also a list of 50 million.

"Big brothers, thank you for your support!"

Xu Bao was also pleasantly surprised.

He took out 1000 million, and then he can get half of it back, that is, an investment of about 500 million.

But now the more than 400 million is already close to the list of 500 million, and he doesn't need to rebate his eldest brother.

In other words, he has now returned more than 200 million yuan.

The most important thing is that the list of 500 million is not too low.

"Looking at it, Xu Bao's list today will not be too low."

Fan Ye said with emotion.

Although Brother Xiao Xiao is very strong, but seeing so many godly heroes in the live broadcast room, Fan Ye suddenly had confidence in this PK.

If things go on like this, it's relatively easy for the live broadcast room visitors and the eldest brother to make a list of tens of millions.

Xu Bao himself still has 1000 million, and the 400 million he earned during the PK with the anchor Xiao Leng, plus the funds prepared by the two of them, maybe he really has the power to fight!
Xu Bao obviously saw this too, no longer hesitated, and started to click on the gift column.

"[Xubao] sent out super rocket*50!"

"[Xubao] sent out super rocket *50*2 combos! 3 combos! 4 combos"

Following Xu Bao's shot, the super rocket on the public screen in the live broadcast room immediately began to jump.

On the screen, groups of rocket effects optimized by Douyu also began to rise into the sky, and then groups of fireworks exploded at the top of the live broadcast room.

The gifts in Xu Bao's live broadcast room began to beat violently again.

Jumping from 500 million to 600 million didn't even take ten seconds!
"Brother Xiao Xiao, it's time to make a move, the opponent has 600 million."

"What was the pk used to be, but now it's called pk. I just went to Xubao to take a look. There are at least [-] or [-] big brothers there buying gifts. They all start by plane. As for ordinary tourists I can't see the fishballs and card applications, it's too intense!"

"Hahaha, this is really interesting, but the difference between the two lists is a bit too much now."

Xubao's current list is 600 million, but the list of little Timo is only about 60.

The pk bar is also stretched to a length of ten to one.

"It depends on Brother Xiao Xiao, but I don't know when Brother Xiao Xiao plans to make a move. This should be Brother Xiao Xiao's first big fight to tease Yu Yu?"

Tourists are looking forward to it.

This time, Xu Bao's list has jumped to 700 million, and Brother Boring and Fan Ye didn't make a move. When Xu Bao and the others finish brushing Boring and make a move, it will definitely be no problem to charge two or 3000 million gifts.

Although Brother Xiao Xiao did a lot of swiping in the game area last night, but it was swiping for several anchors, and he hasn't swiped too much in a single live broadcast.

Brother Xiao Xiao just recharged 5000 million for the game. All the tourists present did not think that Brother Xiao Xiao would lose, but they were all wondering when Brother Xiao Xiao would make a move.

"Don't worry, let them play for a while."

Liu Xiao chuckled, and typed a barrage on the public screen.

Huya is used to playing with Huya. Although the enthusiasm of Xu Bao's live broadcast room looks good to the tourists from Douyu, it seems to Liu Xiao that it is more ordinary. Constant strength in the early stage.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, why don't I admit defeat, this list is too high."

Little Timo stuck out his tongue, his face full of horror.

Although she knew that she shouldn't say this in the live broadcast room now, but seeing Xu Bao's list getting higher and higher, little Timo was also afraid of this meeting.

Brother Xiao Xiao paid her two million yuan, which was enough in her opinion.

But now, if brother Xiao Xiao wants to win against Xu Bao, he needs at least 3000 million.

With so much money, not to mention her hometown, she can buy a good house in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen.

Even the houses in the top school districts can buy a small apartment.

And these gifts were all given to her, the little anchor, and Xu Bao, who is the most popular on the platform, was right.
To be honest, she was really scared when a little anchor was suddenly pushed to this position.

Liu Xiao looked at Little Timo's live broadcast room.

For little Timo, Liu Xiao is quite optimistic.

On Douyu's side, Liu Xiao didn't have many familiar anchors. The only Theshy he knew were also professional players, and they didn't often come to live broadcast.

Liu Xiao originally wanted to support one or two good anchors to become the star anchors of Yuyu, so that he can have a place to play when he comes over in the future, but judging from the current situation, little Timo has not grown to that stage yet.

Little Timo now is similar to Zhao Ning when he first broadcasted live. He was afraid when he got a gift of hundreds of thousands, or even one or two million.

But now little Teemo directly skipped the buffer in the early stage and came directly to the center of the tens of millions of duels. This kind of reaction is naturally understandable.

But this kind of problem will be okay when little Timo grows up for a while.

As for now
Liu Xiao glanced at Xu Bao's live broadcast room again.

At present, Xubao's pk entries have reached 500 million.

Master Fan and Brother Boring have also started to shoot one after another, smashing gifts much faster than others, almost every second or two, a gift worth 10 yuan is thrown out.

"In that case, let's end the game."

Liu Xiao typed and spoke on the public screen.

"Brother Xiao Xiao is going to make a move?"

"There are still the last 5 minutes. Brother Xiao Xiao is about the same at this time, but Brother Xiao Xiao probably chose to end the game because he saw that Timo was not in good condition. I have to say that Brother Xiao Xiao is really a warm man. I love love. Already!"

"It would be nice if I had a considerate older brother like Brother Xiao Xiao, crying."

There was excitement in the live broadcast room.

As we all know, Brother Xiao Xiao's special gift, Magic God Rocket, can be used for a group of 100, totaling RMB [-] million.

As long as Brother Xiao Xiao starts to make moves, the result of this competition will be announced soon.

Fan Ye and Bo Bo brother have been spying on the screen.

Seeing Brother Xiao Xiao preparing to make a move, the speed of his hands was also brought to the extreme.

After all Xubao's gifts have been swiped, the total amount on the list has reached 500 million.

Master Fan and Brother Boring have each prepared 1000 million, and just swiped a little bit. If they swiped all of them, it would be no problem to push the list to 4000 million.

On the other side of Little Timo's live broadcast room, Liu Xiao has already posted the first set of gifts.

"Super phantom god [Xiao Xiao] sent phantom god rocket*100!"

"Super phantom god [Xiao Xiao] sent phantom god rocket*100*2 combos!"

As Liu Xiao's gift was given out, little Timo's PK bar also began to jump violently by 100 million!
(End of this chapter)

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