Chapter 366 Competition Settlement
When Little Timo just realized it, Liu Xiao had already collected seven or eight sets of gifts.

The pk bar that was just over 800 has already jumped to more than 1000 million, and will soon reach the level of [-] million.

Little Timo wanted to interrupt, but he swallowed the words unconsciously.

If she chooses to tear down the stage at this time, Brother Xiao Xiao's face will definitely lose some face. Brother Xiao Xiao takes care of her like this, she must not do such a thing.

But as more and more gifts were collected, little Timo's inner anxiety gradually decreased, and he seemed to have gotten used to some things.

"Ten sets of gifts in half a minute, a total of 1000 million, brother Xiao Xiao is still awesome!"

"Exclusive gifts are good. Brother Xiao Xiao's super phantom god gift is worth 100 million for a set. Others have to swipe it ten times to top it this time. How do you play it? Hahaha."

Liu Xiao didn't even use a pointing device this time.

There is currently less than 3000 million lists on Xu Bao’s side, and his side only clicks thirty or forty times, so there is no need to click with a dot connecter.

This is also the advantage of large gifts, as long as you click on it, you can get ten clicks from others.

At the same time, Fan Ye and Brother Boring also accelerated their hand speed, almost using all their strength to connect points on the public screen.

A set of super rockets cost 10 yuan. With the explosive speed of the two, the list of Xu Bao live broadcast room is also rising rapidly.

But the PK bar between the two live broadcast rooms is still irreversibly approaching slowly.

When the list of Xu Bao's live broadcast room reached 500 million, Liu Xiao had already reached 3000 million.

When Master Fan and Brother Boring paid out the last remaining balance and reached 4000 million, Liu Xiao had already reached 400 million.

"Super phantom god [Xiao Xiao] sent phantom god rocket*100*49 combos!"

"Super phantom god [Xiao Xiao] sent phantom god rocket*100*50 combos!"

With the delivery of the last two groups of gifts, little Timo and Xu Bao began to calm down in the live broadcast room.

"Stop it, stop it, Xu Bao and Brother Xiao Xiao are so awesome!"

Everyone watched a series of countless pk numbers, and took screenshots one after another.

Xu Bao pk, more than 100 million, and small Timo live room pk, 60 million!

This is definitely the highest pk record on Douyu platform!

"After the pk this time, Little Timo has already dominated the rankings, with a total ranking of more than 300 million, definitely number one."

"Xubao is not bad either. The total list is 700 million, and the second position is unshakable."

With the discussions among the tourists, the time for the two sides to pk has also come to an end.

Xu Bao narrowed his eyes, greeted with a smile and disconnected first.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, then I will wait for you to come over tonight to increase the power overnight."

"If the 5000 million in the account is less than twenty, use your gift tonight to pay for it yourself."

Seeing Xu Bao speak, Fan Ye also teased.

Although this round of pk Xu Bao lost, but the goal has been fully achieved.

Xu Bao needs to return half of the 2000 million gift from him and Brother Boring.

After that, Xu Bao only got 1000 million out of the 500 million invested by himself.

Adding in the 1000 million rewards from tourists, Xu Bao didn't make any money tonight.

But some things cannot be measured by money.

In the battle with brother Xiao Xiao, the two lists of 4000 million and 5000 million on both sides are enough for Xu Bao to truly occupy the position of the first brother of the platform.

Although Xu Bao usually doesn't care about anything, when it comes to his own development, Xu Bao is more concerned about it, and naturally understands the benefits that this incident tonight has brought to his live broadcast career.

What's more, Master Fan was just joking.

"No problem, no problem. If the 5000 million yuan is not paid out, I will also pour in the other half of my 1000 million yuan signing fee."

Xu Bao squinted his eyes and laughed, making the tourists laugh.

"No problem, see you later in the evening."

Liu Xiao also replied on the public screen.

It's been a long time since I played DNF, and Liu Xiao's hands are also itchy.

After drawing prizes all night, if the time is earlier, you can also play abyss mode with Xu Bao.

The pk messages on both sides were cut off at the end of the time, and the pk messages, and the live broadcast room of little Timo also turned into a large-screen mode.

Little Timo and many tourists in the live broadcast room seemed to have walked around in a dream. Looking at the weekly list in the upper right corner of the live broadcast room, little Timo's eyes were full of disbelief.

With brother Xiao Xiao's brilliance tonight, although it is difficult to push little Timo to the position of celebrity anchor, it is still no problem to resist a first-line anchor.

The most important thing is that for Timo Jr.'s current list, winning the first place in this competition is already a matter of course.

The first reward in this competition is the star anchor's package!
As a Douyu platform that is familiar with all these things, the future of Little Timo can already be imagined.

For a while, little Timo also felt great pressure.

Currently on the Douyu platform, Sister Fa, Xiao Leng, and Er Ke are veteran celebrity anchors, and they are all very strong.

Even the three of them have their own NetEase cloud music radio station. Apart from her own song [Fairy Tale Town], Sister Fa's cover of [Liansi Xi] is also popular all over the Internet.

Not to mention Xiao Leng and Er Ke, these two people are originally engaged in music, and their appearance and figure are very good.

But as for her, in terms of appearance and figure, there is nothing outstanding. Her singing skills are passable, but she is definitely not as good as the three of Sister Fa.

She suddenly jumped from a small anchor to the current position, and she was very clear about the fact that Germany was not worthy.

But little Teemo didn't feel sorry for himself.

Since Brother Xiao Xiao said that she has a good musical talent, she must have something special. In this regard, little Timo is still a little confident in himself, otherwise he would not go to Douyu to become a full-time anchor.

Originally, in Little Timo's plan, she was able to achieve a second-tier anchor, or even a first-tier anchor, but now she just shortened the process a lot.

Little Timo cheered up immediately, and silently made a series of plans for himself.

As long as the strength can be improved in a short period of time, everything else is not a problem.

But if you just rely on Brother Xiao Xiao's halo to force yourself to mess around, something will happen sooner or later.

Little Timo still has the last pk.

In the live broadcast room, I heard little Timo sang the song, and the time came to the last pk.

Following the crazy outbreak of the last live broadcast, Little Teemo's popularity in the current live broadcast has stabilized at 250 million, and it is still increasing slowly.

As for the total number of subscriptions, it has already exceeded 80 and is heading towards 100 million.

I believe that tonight, breaking 100 million subscriptions is still very hopeful.

In the last match, he was matched with Sai Sai, an anchor in the outdoor area, who was a well-known first-line anchor.

The moment Sai Sai saw Brother Xiao Xiao, he had already surrendered directly.

After interacting in the live broadcast room for a while, Liu Xiao finally carried away the outdoor anchor with a gift of 30 yuan.

And with the end of the last pk, this activity of the Douyu platform has also entered the final settlement stage.

(End of this chapter)

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