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Chapter 372 One step closer with Zhao Ning

Chapter 372 Going Further with Zhao Ning

"You didn't answer the phone at noon, I rushed over to take a look, I must be exhausted from work these two days."

Zhao Ning blushed slightly.

After all, the two are not boyfriend and girlfriend.

This summer, Liu Xiao was lying carelessly on the bed wearing underwear, without any cover.

Besides, she unlocked the lock and came in by herself, so the scene was a bit embarrassing.

Liu Xiao's originally beeping mind suddenly jolted, and his whole body trembled.

Fortunately, Zhao Ning thought he was so tired because of work.

If Zhao Ning knew that it was because he played games all night, and he didn't answer the phone because of this, wouldn't he give him a few slaps on his old waist?

Liu Xiao glanced at Zhao Ning who was full of tenderness
Although Zhao Ning is very gentle, he has to be prepared.

Liu Xiao coughed twice, then said solemnly:

"There have been a lot of things going on at the hot pot restaurant these two days. I have basically not closed my eyes these two nights, and have been communicating about things. But man, it doesn't matter if you are tired when you are young."

"You have to do everything in moderation, you don't have to work so hard."

Zhao Ning came over, blushed and found a set of short-sleeved shorts for Liu Xiao in the closet.

Then he took Liu Xiao's off body and threw it into the washing machine.

"You are not allowed to go anywhere today, and I will go shopping with me later."

Zhao Ning turned on the sweeping robot to let the robot start to clean the room, while arranging the sofa and the objects in the living room.

Although she is very busy these days, she is a person who can distinguish priorities.

Although Liu Xiao and Liu Xiao have not verbally become boyfriend and girlfriend yet, they have lived in the same community for more than two months, and they had a good relationship when they were in college, although they have been waiting for Liu Xiao He opened his mouth to pursue, but Zhao Ning had already regarded himself as Liu Xiao's girlfriend.

Work can be done anytime, but a boyfriend is more important!
Liu Xiao got out of bed in embarrassment.

I haven't been to the gym to exercise recently, but because I often go to the market, my body is better.

Looking at Zhao Ning who was as busy as the little dragonfly, Liu Xiao suddenly had an uncontrollable idea somewhere.

"Second brother, second brother, it's not that I can't help you, it's because I set the Shenhao card limit too high."

Liu Xiao silently recited the Purifying Mantra in his heart several times, and then suppressed the evil thoughts in his heart.

Zhao Ning had used the Shenhao card so much before and after, and roughly calculated it would be [-] million. Even if the half of Huya's share is not counted, Zhao Ning's share is almost [-] million.

Some time ago, he donated 6000 million, and this part can offset the Shenhao card limit, but even so, Liu Xiao has to settle the remaining 4000 million.

Otherwise, the Shenhao card will become invalid after becoming intimate with Zhao Ning, and the 4000 million in Zhao Ning's bank will disappear immediately, and then the police will be called.

"No way, who made our girlfriend look pretty." Liu Xiao shook her head complacently, and walked to Zhao Ning's side with a smile to help.

Today's Zhao Ning has only light makeup on her face, a pure white dress, white silky only to the calf, and white denim safety pants
"Cough cough."

Liu Xiao blushed, and quickly looked away.

"Which anti-human thing designed safety pants."

Liu Xiao muttered softly.

This is the beauty of the world, and these designers are desperately trying to stop it.

Whether to become a Buddha or a demon, shouldn't the right to decide should be in the hands of my boyfriend.

Sleeping from seven o'clock to two o'clock in the afternoon, a full seven hours of sleep, Liu Xiao was not too sleepy.

After all, I wasn't too busy during the day yesterday, I just played games all night.

After tidying up briefly, the two of them went out to the RT-Mart Supermarket nearby to do some shopping.

"Hehe, if this kidney flower is not done well, the fishy smell will be very strong."

Seeing that Zhao Ning bought a kidney, Liu Xiao joked with a smile.

Zhao Ning gave Liu Xiao a white look, and went to the side to get a handful of leeks.

Then he ran to the fresh food area and took four oysters.

I saw Zhao Ning walking towards the eel again.

Four question marks immediately appeared on Liu Xiao's forehead.

When did Zhao Ning become so fierce? Is this the rhythm to kill him?

The point is, the two haven't become official boyfriend and girlfriend yet, right?

Could it be that Zhao Ning is preparing for a happy life in the future?

Although Zhao Ning is a little girl, in the Internet age, there are not many people who don't know these things.

Zhao Ning's face was slightly red, but she still went to the weighing table and took the things to the settlement desk.

After all, Liu Xiao is indeed too tired recently, it is very important to make up for it properly.

Although these things are effective in that aspect, they are more effective in replenishing the spirit.

"Xiao Ning, have you finished your work on the charity side recently?"

Back home, Liu Xiao asked while helping Zhao Ning wash the vegetables.

"It's basically over. The Hanhan Foundation is really good, especially Hanhan, who even has a military rank. No wonder he loves public welfare so much."

As soon as public welfare was mentioned, Zhao Ning immediately became interested.

In the past few days, Zhao Ning also went to participate in the on-site assistance of the Han Han Foundation, and met with Han Han, which was considered to be quite meaningful.

Han Han is also a master of music, and he is definitely at the top level in the world in treble, especially Tibetan. Zhao Ning and Han Han have been in contact for two days, and they have benefited a lot.

"My comprehension is good. I have basically comprehended the things that Aunt Han Han handed over in the past few days."

Like a proud little rooster, Zhao Ning announced her victory.

"You are the strongest, you are the strongest."

Liu Xiao gently touched Zhao Ning's long hair and white back, and gently wrapped Zhao Ning in his arms.

Apart from holding hands before, this is the first intimate contact between the two.

Zhao Ning's body trembled, and her whole body suddenly tensed up.

But within a few seconds, Zhao Ning slowly relaxed again.

Seeing that there was no response from the Shenhao card on the system panel, Liu Xiao was immediately happy.

This system is still quite "open house".

It seems that the system will not judge these trivial things.

It seems that there are only two situations to trigger a violation, either Liu Xiao confesses his love personally, or a real skin-to-skin date.

But before he made a formal confession, Liu Xiao certainly wouldn't be so rogue to do that kind of thing to Zhao Ning.

But this is the middle scale
Liu Xiao glanced at Zhao Ning, whose eyelashes were trembling slightly, who was so beautiful that he was not like a mortal, and immediately teased in his heart.

And the hands around Zhao Ningliu's waist also exerted a little strength, so that their bodies were completely pressed together.

"It's not right to scratch your waist. You see, I will operate it for you, and this thing needs to be cut with a knife, otherwise it will be easy to stir-fry. The inside is not cooked and the outside is cooked."

(End of this chapter)

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