Chapter 373 Returning to Tiger Bud
When it comes to cooking skills, Liu Xiao, who has been self-reliant since he went out to study, must be better than Zhao Ning.

Although this dish of fried kidney is not often eaten, Liu Xiao still knows a thing or two about how to do it.

Of course, cooking is fake, Liu Xiao's goal is to play games with Zhao Ning through cooking.

Zhao Ning blushed, turned her head and glanced at the man with his chin on her shoulder
Liu Xiao, how could he be so handsome!

The oysters were put into the steamer, and Zhao Ning made another half bowl of garlic sauce.

Twenty minutes later, a blushing Zhao Ning came out of the kitchen, and Liu Xiao was laughing behind her with two dishes of side dishes.

Among other things, it feels amazing!
Of course it is the feel of these two plates.

"Hurry up and eat, I have to go back to live broadcast in a while."

Zhao Ning looked at Liu Xiao with a wicked smile on her face, although her face was still blushing, but this did not affect her giving Liu Xiao a big roll of her eyes.

It's almost the end of the month, but because of charity, Zhao Ning's live broadcast this month is a bit short.

Therefore, when she is free these days, Zhao Ning will choose to start the broadcast earlier, basically adjusting the time from [-]:[-] p.m. to [-]:[-] p.m.

"Although I've been quite tired recently, I really feel a sense of accomplishment after doing so many good deeds."

Zhao Ning said.

"In a few months, when you become more popular, you will be on your way to stardom, and there will definitely be less live broadcast time."

Liu Xiao smiled.

Zhao Ning is still in the period of rapid growth in popularity. Not long after Huya’s omnichannel has just ended, the three major music portals, QQ Music, Netease Cloud Music and Kugou Music, have all started to push Zhao Ning’s [Fenghe], [Ri Li] These two ancient styles.

At present on QQ Music, the two songs [Feng He] and [Ri Li] have completely topped the front, occupying the positions of No.1 and No.2 on the hot song list respectively, and the number of song comments has exceeded [-], basically entered the level of national singing, and even the remaining eight songs with the first album are extremely popular.

Although not in the top ten, they are basically within the top [-] of the hot song list.

With such a phenomenon-level popularity, as long as Zhao Ning can seize the opportunity, it is almost a matter of course to turn from Internet celebrity to stardom.

What's more, Zhao Ning was also affirmed by JJ, the top singer of Chinese pop songs, and the guidance of the older generation of high-pitched singer Han Han, plus Liu Xiao's promotion behind the scenes, it is almost inevitable that it will become popular.

But the problem is that with the development of Zhao Ning's career, the energy on the live broadcast is getting less and less.

"Two days ago, there was a TV series [Phoenix God Seat] that wanted to use my song [Feng He] as the theme song. It is estimated that the negotiation will be almost done after a while."

"As for the live broadcast, no matter how tired I am, I have to maintain the basic live broadcast time. Singing and chatting in the live broadcast room is my favorite."

Zhao Ning is not short of money now.

Although most of it was donated, it is not a problem to get 2000 million for the previous accumulation and the income of the past few days.

For an ordinary person, 500 million is enough to meet the needs of a lifetime, not to mention the four or five times the income, even if he does nothing for the rest of his life, it is enough for Zhao Ning to spend the rest of his life happily up.

Therefore, Zhao Ning now cares more about realizing her dreams.

Speaking of serious business, Liu Xiao didn't continue to make any moves.

After eating, he simply cleaned up the tableware, and Liu Xiao sent Zhao Ning back.

Qu Yue created a group yesterday, bringing in all the managers of the current hot pot restaurants, including the daily revenue and various expenses of each store, and will also calculate all the statistics before getting off work in the afternoon.

And today's daily newspaper has also been issued.

Liu Xiao glanced over for a while.

In the past two days, a total of 12 shopkeepers have been recruited so far, and now 8 shopkeepers have been employed, and the number of employees has doubled from the original basis. It is expected that all of them will be employed in the next two days.

As of now, the hot pot restaurant project is still in continuous investment.

Liu Xiao didn't keep much money in his hands, and remitted all the funds obtained from the two-day sign-in to the financial account.

With an extra one or two million, four or five more hot pot restaurants can be opened.

At present, there is less than half of the goal of 20 stores left. I believe that by the end of this month, all 20 stores will enter the profit mode.

At the beginning of August, the money earned was basically enough to upgrade the system.

"The income of the doubling card is cool. If you double the turnover of 100 million, you will have an extra 100 million in net profit. If you continue at this pace, you will not be far away from achieving your goal."

Liu Xiao nodded in satisfaction.

Qu Yue's execution ability is indeed terrible. After being cultivated by the two companies of the clothing store and the hot pot restaurant, it seems that there is no need to worry about the ability at all.

After this matter is over, Liu Xiao will basically be able to rest assured that Qu Yue will be in charge of the group.

After taking the bowls and chopsticks out of the dishwasher, and cleaning up the robot vacuum, Liu Xiao went back to bed to catch up on sleep.

But the oysters and leeks that he ate just now had been being digested in his stomach, making Liu Xiao feel hot all over for a while.

The air conditioner is turned on to 19 degrees, and these great supplements are still working.

Looking at the second brother who was interested, Liu Xiao sighed helplessly.

It is too irresponsible for Zhao Ning to run away after feeding herself a wave of tonics.

Really unable to fall asleep, Liu Xiao simply stayed asleep at night, and turned on the Huya live broadcast casually.

After the 15th, Liu Xiao has not logged into the Huya live broadcast.

During this period of time, Hu Ya also fell into a rare calm.

The major labor unions are busy negotiating cooperation with advertising agencies, and Huya has created several official endorsement mini-games and hung them in the live broadcast room of the game anchor.

As for Daheng, Liu Xiao glanced briefly, and seemed to be pushing those dating apps, such as "Bixin" and "Yidui" and other small apps.

After walking around Xingxiu, Xia Nuan, Xiao Fei, and Dao Zi came out again, and the atmosphere in the live broadcast room was even more harmonious, as if what happened before had completely passed away.

"This Daheng really has some tricks, but I thought they could help Brother Li up too."

Liu Xiao chuckled lightly.

Originally, I wanted to hold an event, but Brother Li had to come over to interfere.

In the end, he had no choice but to reveal to her all the shitty things Brother Li had done before.

Liu Xiao still thought that Daheng would be able to suppress this matter, but he didn't expect that the two sides would fall out in the end. Even Brother Li doesn't broadcast on Huya's side very much now, and every day is just a simple hour of water. .

Liu Xiao looked through Huya's small circle, and there were quite a few comments on Brother Li.

Taking Huya's 5000 million, the contract signed with Huya is that the average daily live broadcast time is not less than four hours.

She is also a fun person. She turns on the live broadcast when she sleeps, sleeps for eight hours a night, and doesn't need to broadcast it for two days.

Although Vice President Du felt sorry for the 5000 million, Brother Li did not violate the contract after all, and the live broadcast was counted as the duration of the live broadcast.

Therefore, he could only helplessly agree with this matter.

Fortunately, Brother Li has already attracted enough traffic to Huya during the time he came to Huya, so the deal didn't cost much.

Turning to Zhao Ning's live broadcast room, Zhao Ning is playing and singing a classic song by Jay Chou, which is also a high-pitched song [Tornado] that was sung by Deng Ziqi.

"Love comes as fast as a tornado."

After listening for a while, Liu Xiao has no plan to log in to Xingxiu.

It's not that Liu Xiao doesn't want to play online, the key is that Xingxiu's side is half disabled.

All the trade unions in the club are trying to recover their vitality. If he continues to mess up like this, the whole Huya will probably be messed up again.

Looking at the remaining 8000 million balance in the bank card, Liu Xiao felt helpless for a while.

After that, Liu Xiao still chose to register in the League of Legends area.

"Welcome Brother Xiao Xiao!"

Seeing Brother Xiao Xiao online, Scratching Man hurriedly got up to welcome him.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, good evening!"

"Long time no see Brother Xiao Xiao, is Brother Xiao Xiao going to start killing again?"

"Happy hour is finally here! Hahahaha!"

When the tourists saw the special effects of Super God Emperor and No. [-] Shenhao, they typed to express their welcome.

If the id of brother Xiao Xiao still has Daheng as his opponent in the Xingxiu area, then in the game area, Liu Xiao is completely invincible!
"Good evening everyone, today is just for fun, no activities."

Liu Xiao explained with a smile.

When Liu Xiao was browsing Weibo two days ago, he saw the headlines of Sou Nan, saying that Sou Nan and his girlfriend divorced peacefully and left the house, so he chose to make the first stop here.

But it seems that the scratch man's mental state is quite good.

Liu Xiao has always been persuading reconciliation but not division, but time will change people after all, Quonan and Qiqi have struggled since they had nothing until now, Quonan has not changed, but Qiqi has changed.

At home, before scratching the man, he probably suffered seven or seven beatings.

Liu Xiao thought about it, and it seems that it is good to divide.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, why did you come here so early today? I don't think you usually go online at [-] o'clock in the evening."

Scratching the man patted the horse face and bull head he had just recruited, and introduced Liu Xiao to him with a smile.

"It's not that I heard that you left the house, so I came here to see you."

Liu Xiao teased.

Tiaonan is almost the same as JJ.

JJ is an overseas Chinese, and his family is in the rubber business. It is not a big problem to make a profit of several hundred million a year, but JJ gave up inheriting the family property and stepped into the music industry.

Although Soo Nan's family is not that scary, but the family is also worth hundreds of millions of dollars, but he resolutely ran out and devoted himself to the live broadcasting industry.

This is something that everyone talks about.

As for the matter of scratching the man out of the house, it's actually not a big deal. The signing fee for the live broadcast is tens of millions a year, which is more than enough to support his own small team.

Hearing Brother Xiao Xiao's words, Sou Nan collapsed while still smiling.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, don't make fun of me."

Liu Xiao replied "haha" and stopped talking about it. He typed and interacted with the tourists.

On the other side, Vice President Du and Lan Lan also let out a sigh of relief when they saw Brother Xiao Xiao go online.

From NO.15 to today, it has been 9 days, almost ten days.

Brother Xiao Xiao hadn't surfed the Internet for the past week, but he went to Douyu as soon as he went online two days ago.

Although he briefly told Lanlan and said that he would come back after playing with Yuyu for a while, but Vice President Du still couldn't let go.

This caused him to be in a bad mood when he was on vacation in Dali for the past two days.

Therefore, Vice President Du specially set up an exclusive reminder on the mobile phone that Brother Xiao Xiao went online.

As soon as Brother Xiao Xiao went online, Vice President Du immediately received the news.

As for Lanlan, she sat up from the bed immediately, opened her laptop and monitored the live broadcast environment.

Although she is also on vacation, how can a vacation be as important as serving customers?
Vice President Du was completely relieved, and all the directors of Huya also quickly received the news from Vice President Du. After confirming with their own eyes that brother Xiao Xiao had re-logged on Huya, they also put their hearts in their stomachs. , and praised Vice President Du again.

Whether it is the director of Douyu or Huya, they all know a concept in their hearts, that is, Brother Xiao Xiao is too important to their live broadcast industry, and it is almost irreplaceable.

Their platform can also use virtual recharge to fake a big brother like Xiao Xiao to come out to strengthen the vitality of the platform, but this method is too risky. Once it is discovered that the gift of this fake big brother cannot be honored, or the fake big brother is real. If the identity is exposed, it must be a disaster for the live broadcast platform.

This is also the reason why Douyu has never done this even though Douyu has been suffering from losses.

If you don't do it, you will just lose some money, and you can get it back after financing in the later stage.

But if they really did this kind of deceitful thing, once exposed, the whole platform would be ruined!

In the current live broadcasting world, only brother Xiao Xiao has this strength and at the same time has this fun!
After watching the live broadcast in Sou Nan's studio, Liu Xiao also noticed the change in Sou Nan.

When he first entered the live broadcasting industry, Scratcher was very affectionate when he was live broadcasting. His younger brother licked him, and his younger brother saved me, which immediately became popular all over the Internet.

But there is no stalk that is out of date, and there is no stalk that people can keep talking about.

Scratch Nan said that his younger brother licked him for nearly two years, and he had long since lost the original friendship, and because of marital problems, he couldn't focus on the live broadcast.

But now after the divorce, the scratch man basically eats and lives here in the studio, so he has more time to study the live broadcast, and his live broadcast room has two more funny comparisons and field controllers with cow heads and horse noodles. .

Although the two of them don't play games, they are providing props and soundtracks to Tiaonan.

Scratching man Yasuo had just completed a wave of solo kills in the middle, and immediately took a bunch of props, a large gold chain and a toad mirror, and put it around Scratching Man's neck.

The three things of the new stalk, the big gold chain, the toad mirror, and the drinking of water with anger, undoubtedly stirred up the joyous string in the audience's heart again. For a while, Liu Xiao actually had the same feeling as when he watched the live broadcast of Scratch Man last year. It's a fresh feeling, and I really think the live broadcast of scratching men is very interesting.

While chatting with the scratch man, Liu Xiao sighed in his heart.

"This scratch man, the live broadcast business is about to usher in a second spring."

(End of this chapter)

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