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Chapter 374 I have never convinced anyone in terms of pretending to beep

Chapter 374 I have never convinced anyone in terms of pretending to beep

Played in the scratch male live broadcast room for more than an hour, and the time was close to eight o'clock in the evening.

In the evening file, except for Carl, the morning anchor, the main anchors in the game area are basically there.

Hoe He is broadcasting a host game [Doomsday Zombie Alice], Uzi is playing League of Legends Hanbok with a thousand points, and Zitai is playing double row with Ritta, using the super combination of Ashe and Nanny.

B Wen and Lao Long led Lao Hu to eat chicken in the four rows, while anchors such as Xiao Yi and Feng Sheng also had a good time in the live broadcast room.

Liu Xiao walked around briefly.

I have to say that Huya's live broadcast is indeed much more interesting than Douyu's.

Although Douyu has signed many professional players, including the very strong Korean aid Theshy, in the final analysis, several of them are professional players, and the live broadcast is far from interesting.

Let’s take a closer look at the top anchors in the Douyu game area.

Choukai and Da Sima are not bad.

The big quail and the cave master, Brother Kai, have humor, but their strength is nowhere to be found.

pdd is in poor health and is often hospitalized. The big head of the League of Legends who makes Yuyu is basically supported by these four people. There are some other first-line anchors, but their fame and live broadcasts are a bit average, and they are not called Yuyu.

On the other hand, Huya's side.

The top-tier ones include Kaka, Scratcher, Miss, Uzi, the first-tier ones are qualified, explosive sister, poison agent, Ba Ge, Fushou Yu, the second-tier ones include Fourteen, black shops, etc., and there are at least [-] or [-] live broadcasts. Wonderful anchors are supporting the stage.

This is also very intuitive for the audience.

On Douyu's side, after the favorite anchors go down the broadcast, the audience will follow along and stop watching.

But on Huya's side, after the anchor downloads the broadcast, he jumps directly to the live broadcast room to continue watching, and even jumps to another channel to continue watching.

In terms of operating model, Huya is indeed better than Douyu.

But this is normal, after all, Huya's foundation is from YY, and it has rich operating experience, so it is definitely better than Douyu in this respect.

I went to PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds for a while, and randomly picked up a few sets of gifts. After nine o'clock in the evening, Liu Xiao went offline again.

The yang qi replenished by eating at noon dropped a lot, and the drowsiness caused by the whole night last night hit, Liu Xiao quickly fell asleep.

The next day Liu Xiao deliberately woke up early and came to the gym at the door.

"Brother Xiao, I haven't seen you for several weeks this time."

The beautiful coach was warming up, seeing Liu Xiao walking in, her eyes lit up, and she quickly got up to welcome her.

What Liu Xiao bought was a VIP annual card, which included hundreds of private fitness lessons.

But the money is kept in the gym, and only after taking these private training classes, will the money be divided among them and the fitness coaches.

I haven't seen Liu Xiao for several weeks. The beautiful coach thought Liu Xiao had changed gyms, but he didn't expect to come here early this morning.

"I'm just free today, come here to keep up."

Liu Xiao smiled, went into the rest room and changed into sportswear.

"Brother Xiao, I won't swim today."

"Just do a hold and stretch. Swimming isn't necessary."

Liu Xiao shook his head, and started warming up with the help of the beautiful coach.

From [-] o'clock in the morning to early [-] o'clock, he used three private lessons in a row before Liu Xiao stopped panting.

Although the beautiful coach on the side is assisting in the training, she is still full of "han", her face is reddish, and her breathing is a little rough.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, with your current physical fitness, if you persist for another six or seven months, you may be able to rival ordinary bodybuilders."

"Forget it, as long as you are healthy, if you really want to practice like that, I'm not used to it yet."

Liu Xiao laughed.

Liu Xiao was lying on the recliner, and the beautiful coach took the fascia gun to relax the muscles of Liu Xiao's whole body.

Before twelve o'clock, when Liu Xiao walked out of the gym, he suddenly felt relaxed.

I went to the supermarket to buy some food, went home and made a big meal, and called Zhao Ning over again.

He just took advantage of Zhao Ning yesterday, so he can't just let it go, can he?
A big meal, from one o'clock in the noon to three o'clock, until the two of them sat on the bed inexplicably, Liu Xiao was completely awake.

"If this goes on like this, I'm afraid the Shenhao Card will really violate the rules." Liu Xiao felt the tenderness of the two cups in his hands, and then looked at Zhao Ning's pretty face, which was so red that it was almost dripping water, the last thing in his heart A line of defense is almost unstoppable.

Quickly let go of the murder weapon in his hand, tidied up Zhao Ning's clothes, and Liu Xiao purposely sat on the bedside again.

"I have to go to the recording studio to record songs later, are you going?"

"Haven't you been recording for the past few days? Did you write an original again?"

Hearing what Zhao Ning said, Liu Xiao couldn't help being curious.

In recent days, Liu Xiao has gone to the recording studio seven or eight times, and each recording lasted more than three hours.

Liu Xiao is well aware of Zhao Ning's strength. Generally speaking, it takes at most two hours to find the most satisfying one for a song.

In other words, Zhao Ning has recorded at least fourteen or five songs in the past few days.

Even if you are a prolific musician, you can't write so many songs in two weeks, right?
"What, there are so many original songs."

Zhao Ning also slowly returned to normal, looking at Liu Xiao next to her, she immediately rolled her eyes again.

She is a singer and writer, but she is not a big sow, how could she be so prolific.

Of the previous ten songs, only four were originals by her, and the rest were created by other songwriters she found and bought out the copyright.

And in the past few days, due to a lot of things, I can't concentrate on writing songs.

"The songs I've been recording recently, on the one hand, are covers of some songs I liked before, such as [Foam] by Deng Ziqi, and [The Wind Rises], which also uses coupons to buy chili peppers, and some of them are my original DJs. version and Gudong version."

"Gudong version? Is there a Gudong version of your song [Feng He]?"

Liu Xiao's eyes lit up.

Among other things, he really likes Zhao Ning's songs very much.

And Liu Xiao also likes electronic music very much. Liu Xiao has always liked to listen to the DJ version and Gudong version of the ancient adaptation songs.

"You must not have listened, it was just released the night before yesterday."

Zhao Ning gently twisted Liu Xiao's arm, expressing her dissatisfaction with Liu Xiao's perfunctory.

Feeling the softness of Zhao Ning's pasting, Liu Xiao picked up Zhao Ning and put it on his lap, while playing with it, he smiled:

"When I go to the recording studio later, I'll listen to your live version of singing, which is much better than on the phone."

Hearing Liu Xiao said that he would accompany her to the recording studio, Zhao Ning was pleasantly surprised.

I'm going to record a song tonight, and Zhao Ning won't be broadcasting it tonight.

Liu Xiao has nothing to do, he is a real idler, and it is quite interesting to go to the recording studio to play.

He went to the underground garage to pick up the car, and drove Zhao Ning to the recording studio.

"This recording studio is in the suburbs, but it's not too far away. It takes about half an hour to get there. If you leave after four o'clock, there may be no traffic jams."

Having been to this place many times, Zhao Ning already knows the way by heart.

Although he still drives the little Wuling Hongguang mini, after more than a month of training, Zhao Ning's driving skills are pretty good.

Hmm. Sitting in the passenger seat is not bad.

When Range Rover stopped downstairs in the recording studio, the tuning teacher just came out of the building.

"Mr. Zhao Ning, who is this?"

Although Liu Xiao came to pick up Zhao Ning once before, he didn't go in that time, and the people in this recording studio didn't know each other.

Moreover, Xiaojuzi, who is currently popular all over the Internet, brought a man to record. This incident really made his heart gossip.

"I'm Liu Xiao, Zhao Ning's friend."

Liu Xiao quickly stepped forward to introduce himself.

If Zhao Ning said the words of her boyfriend, the Shenhao card that cannot be consumed by close people would probably explode on the spot.

Zhao Ning gave Liu Xiao another look, but did not add anything, and the two followed the tuner into the room together.

"Mr. Liu Xiao, hello, I'm the tuner Lin Xiaofan, you can call me Xiaofan."

"Mr. Zhao Ning is the first time to bring friends here. With Mr. Zhao's musical attainments, you should also be a master of music, right?"

Lin Xiaofan's eyes were filled with anticipation.

For those who play music, what I like most is to communicate with musicians of the same level or higher level.

Those mediocre notes can also radiate different colors in their communication.

His job is a tuner, but he is also a music creator. Zhao Ning's recent performance really impressed him.

Ordinary singers record songs. Generally speaking, it takes at least two to three hours for a song to be perfect.

But this kind of recording is to sing a song many times, and then recombine the perfect segments sung in each segment according to the time node to form a new song.

Therefore, when this kind of singer sings, he not only tortures his own voice, but also tortures them, the tuners.

But Zhao Ning is different, although Zhao Ning also recorded a song for more than an hour.

But every time Zhao Ning sings is almost perfect, but there are a few small flaws in it.

The reason why Zhao Ning took so long is that he was still trying to record a perfect piece without cutting.

With Zhao Ning's singing skills, a 3-minute song can be recorded to perfection in at most 15 minutes.

Therefore, Zhao Ning's pursuit of excellence is also the process of enjoying music as a tuner.

In his opinion, no matter whether Liu Xiao is Zhao Ning's boyfriend or a good friend, everyone Zhao Ning knows must have certain attainments in music.

Although he had never heard of the name Liu Xiao, there were quite a few unknown musicians. What's more, it was impossible for him to remember all of the composers and lyricists.

"You can't talk about music, but I was on the same stage with JJ once."

Seeing Lin Xiaofan's question, Liu Xiao replied with a smile.

Zhao Ning sneakily pinched Liu Xiao in a place where Lin Xiaofan couldn't see, and then gave Liu Xiao a supercilious look.

This guy Liu Xiao is getting better at bragging.

Although JJ Lin often holds concerts in Shanghai, not everyone can be on the same stage, right?

She and Liu Xiao have known each other for so long, how can they not know this, it's just bragging.

Liu Xiao sighed helplessly.

Zhao Ning, the little girl, has recently become more and more fond of giving him big eyes.

If it wasn't for the sake of Zhao Ning's two playful buns, Liu Xiao would definitely have to go back to Zhao Ning.

Besides, he has been on the same stage with Lin Junjie, it seems that he is not bragging.

After all, when the competition was held in Huya, I was a judge with JJ. After all, I also commented on Zhao Ning's song.

"Mr. Lin, he is my ordinary friend. Just kidding with you, he can't sing."

Zhao Ning quickly explained.

Liu Xiao didn't say anything, but also gave Zhao Ning a supercilious look, as if you were right.

Lin Xiaofan is not stupid, seeing the two people winking, he immediately understood.

Zhao Ning brought her boyfriend here!

Lin Xiaofan lamented Zhao Ning's boldness, and led the two of them to the recording studio.

Internet celebrities and celebrities belong to the entertainment industry, and the most taboo thing in the entertainment industry is falling in love.

It's not that it's impossible to fall in love, but it's hard to choose a partner.

For example, when Lu Han was in a relationship with Guan Xiaotong, because of Guan Xiaotong's mediocre reputation, tens of thousands of people directly hid under Guan Xiaotong's Weibo to harass the Internet, and the Weibo server crashed several times.

Even if Lu Han made a strong statement in the end, the trolls still kept coming.

And Liu Xiao, who has no status in the entertainment industry, looks like a wealthy second-generation persona. If it is really exposed, with Xiaojuzi's current popularity, it will definitely be inevitable to be raped by human flesh.

He estimated that this was also the reason why Liu Xiao took the initiative to say that he was Zhao Ning's friend instead of her boyfriend when he first entered the door.

Lin Xiaofan also didn't have the habit of looking for gossip news to be paparazzi.

Opening the door of the recording studio, he took Liu Xiao to the seat of the tuner.

Liu Xiao secretly squeezed Zhao Ning's palm, and put Zhao Ning into the recording studio.

The recording studio and the tuning room are blocked by a thick soundproof glass, which is enough to isolate 90.00% of the five voices inside.

The voice of Zhao Ning during singing will be recorded by internal equipment, and then transmitted to the tuning room with data stream and then released outside.

This kind of operation can avoid the situation where the human voice is mixed and affect the tuning, and it is easier to choose the most perfect song.

In the recording studio, there are three microphones in the left and right, and an extremely professional music headset is hung on the middle microphone.

"This earphone is to transmit the music beat to the singer in real time to prevent the singer from getting stuck. After all, it is recording a song, which requires the perfect combination of sound and music."

Seeing Liu Xiao curious, Lin Yifan explained to Liu Xiao with a smile.

"So that's the case. That's why the stars at the concert wear built-in headphones, right?"

"That's right. The more professional a singer is, the more he pursues the ultimate beat accuracy. Good equipment can definitely improve music greatly."

"Similar to how a good set of peripherals improves gamers, the feel of using a mechanical keyboard is definitely much better than that of a traditional push-type keyboard."

Liu Xiao nodded, expressing his understanding. This thing sounds simple, but the things inside are very knowledgeable. Liu Xiao has never studied music, he can only appreciate it but not create it. Although he doesn't understand it, at least he has to pretend Show a clear look, don't you?

Liu Xiao has never been convinced of such a thing as pretending to beep!
(End of this chapter)

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