Chapter 375 Entering the New Guild (4000 words)
"Today I am going to record a well-known [Little Love Song] by Sodagreen."

Zhao Ning signaled that she was in good condition, Lin Xiaofan nodded knowingly, and began to adjust the accompaniment.

"Little love song?"

Liu Xiao was a little curious.

This song is the male version.

Post-00s may not be too familiar with this song. In today's fast food music era, songs that are relatively slow and interesting, such as little love songs, are rare.

But when Liu Xiao was in school, this was a proper divine comedy. If anyone hadn't heard this song, they would definitely be laughed at.

Of course, it doesn't matter whether you have heard of it or not. At that time, there were only a few songs in the streets and alleys.

Liang Jingru's "Courage", Liu Ruoying's "Later", and JJ, Jay Chou, Sodagreen and so on.

"With Mr. Zhao's strength, the difficulty of singing this song is relatively low, especially Mr. Zhao is good at high-pitched voices, so there must be no problem."

Lin Xiaofan returned an ok gesture to the glass, followed by clicking on the glass to start playing.

"Up two tunes first."

Li Xiaofan adjusted the music and raised the music benchmark.

The lyrics of the little love song were written by Wu Qingfeng, who has become popular recently. The prelude is a piece of pure piano music, similar to the soothing style of tick tick tick tick, which already sounds very good.

As soon as she started singing, Zhao Ning immediately got into the mood.

"It's a simple little love song. Singing the twists and turns of people's hearts."

"I think I'm happy to have a chanter."

Following the rhythm point, Zhao Ning easily integrated the voice into it.

"Mr. Lin, you can raise the key one more time. This key is still a bit low."

Zhao Ning waved her hand to interrupt the accompaniment, and then said in the recording studio.

"The rhythm of this song is relatively slow, it may sound a bit strange if it is too high, and the sound can be pressed down a little bit."

Here, Lin Xiaofan can hear the original sound, so he naturally has a judgment on the matching degree of the sound and the music.

Zhao Ning's voice is relatively mellow. Although the treble part is better, the song doesn't need to be particularly high. In his opinion, the rhythm is still perfect.

Hearing what Lin Xiaofan said, Zhao Ning nodded and began to adjust her breath.

Once it took shape, Lin Xiaofan didn't plan to splicing it together, so Zhao Ning started singing from the beginning.

Next to Lin Xiaofan was a music earphone. Bored, Liu Xiao simply sat beside him and put the earphone on his head.

In the recording studio, Zhao Ning started again.

After the adjustment, Zhao Ning lowered the voice again.

"Yes, this time is very good."

Lin Xiaofan nodded repeatedly while listening.

Liu Xiao, who was used to Zhao Ning singing in the live broadcast room, was not too surprised.

This little love song, the girl version sung by Zhao Ning is still okay, but there is one thing to say, it should not be able to surpass the original version.

Of course, this is not because of Zhao Ning's singing skills, but because Zhao Ning's voice is not particularly suitable for this song.

Even if it is pressed down again, the female part will still cover some accompaniment.

Zhao Ning naturally also discovered this problem, sang it four or five times in a row, and finally waved her hand to signal to give up.

"This song is not suitable, the next one is [Big Fish]."

This big fish is the version that Zhou Shen and Guo Qin collaborated on.

Although the male voice is still dominant, Zhou Shen's male voice is actually more female, which is just right for Zhao Ning's voice.

[The waves silently submerged the night deeply, overflowing the corner at the end of the sky]

When Zhao Ning opened her mouth, Lin Xiaofan immediately applauded loudly.

"Mr. Liu Xiao, Mr. Zhao's voice is simply amazing. This voice is even more perfect than Guo Qin's original version!"

Lin Xiaofan praised repeatedly.

"That is, it doesn't matter whose family it is."

Liu Xiao muttered something.

"Teacher Liu Xiao, I didn't hear what you said just now."

Lin Xiaofan took off his earphones and looked at Liu Xiao curiously.

"It's nothing, I'd say it sounds really good!" Liu Xiao hurriedly gave a thumbs up in the recording studio.

Soon, the whole song came to the most exciting part.

In the treble part, Zhao Ning's strength is naturally beyond doubt.

For a simple word ah, Zhao Ning incorporated four or five times of transliteration skills into it, and vividly sang this line with the feeling of Zhou Shen on the spot.

After a song, Liu Xiao turned on the communication microphone of the earphones and applauded repeatedly.

Lin Xiaofan also turned on the mic and applauded.

"Mr. Zhao, this song should be the top cover of Big Fish after it is recorded."

"There are still two parts that I didn't notice just now, let's record again."

Zhao Ning smiled and didn't answer.

Her attitude towards music has always been in awe.

The moment she entered the recording studio and the music started playing, she had already put her body and mind into it.

This is also the professionalism of a top musician, and the reason why he can sing a good song in a short time.

The series that Zhao Ning is working on recently is a cover of classic songs.

The cover copyright of each song is more than 5 yuan. At present, Zhao Ning has recorded 70 or 1 songs, and the copyright fee alone has cost more than [-] yuan. The cost is close to one million.

Of course, after the cover is uploaded to the music platform, it can also bring some benefits.

But definitely not much in the short term.

In addition to the previous savings, what can currently bring Zhao Ning income is the ten original songs released before, and the share from several music portal platforms is the bulk.

When there are enough 20 songs, a large cover series can basically be produced.

On the one hand, this is adding works, on the other hand, it is also showing off skills.

If you want to win the approval of others, you must first prove your own strength.

Although she is well-known on the live broadcast platform and has ten works, but these are far from enough for her to rise in the entertainment industry.

When these [-] cover songs are released again, I believe that the musical literacy and talent displayed in them will be enough to shut up all those who question her.

[Big Fish] The recording of this song was completed, and it was already past five in the afternoon.

Zhao Ning went out and drank some water to moisten her throat, and then went in to record a song "The Fruit of Midsummer".

"Today should be almost the same."

Seeing Zhao Ning come out again, Liu Xiao said with a smile.

"It's okay, just release these two songs when you go back."

Zhao Ning's voice was a little hoarse, but she was in good spirits.

Feeling embarrassed to give Liu Xiao a solo, the two walked out the door of the recording studio amidst Lin Xiaofan's admiration.

At just 06:30, Liu Xiao drove directly to Wanda.

After rubbing the hot pot in Wanda, the two returned home holding hands.

"I won't go back tonight."

Liu Xiao looked at Zhao Ning, who was blushing because of drinking or being taken advantage of, and teased.

Of course Liu Xiao didn't dare to do the right thing, and doing so was just to frighten Zhao Ning, an innocent little girl.

"What are you thinking, you want to keep me here before you confess your love to me."

"Then you mean that as long as I confess my love to you, you can stay."

Liu Xiao said with a smile.

He really didn't expect Zhao Ning to say that.

After all, from the time he and Zhao Ning met in college, Zhao Ning was a very innocent little girl.

When they were in school, Liu Xiao and Zhao Ning had some mutual interest, but the layer of window paper between the two has not been pierced because Liu Xiao did not take the initiative.

After all, Zhao Ning is a native of Modu, and his family has a house and a car.

And he was just a poor boy who had just graduated, and he never thought of chasing a goddess-level girl like Zhao Ning.

But now, Zhao Ning, the girl of her dreams in school days, is lying in her arms, looking at Zhao Ning's beautiful face, Liu Xiao is really worried about gains and losses.

What's more important is that Zhao Ning didn't refuse even if she made a joke casually.

If you haven't confessed anything yet, isn't that an excuse that can be easily punctured!
Liu Xiao didn't expect it, and neither did Zhao Ning.

She said this just now without even thinking about it. Although she didn't want to refuse, the reservedness of a girl restrained her after all.

After arguing with Liu Xiao, Zhao Ning ran out of Liu Xiao's house as if fleeing.

Liu Xiao shook his head and chuckled lightly.

Looking at the hands that just committed the crime again, I felt a burst of pride.

Open the wechat on the mobile phone and look at today's report in the group.

In one day, there were two more hot pot restaurants, reaching a scale of ten.

As for the rest of the stores, Qu Yue also gave him a report, and made an appointment for an interview tomorrow during the day to deal with some finishing matters.

Liu Xiao calculated the data again, and if he continues to operate as it is now, before August [-]th, the system upgrade must be inevitable, and his career will be able to reach a higher level by then.

For the next few days, Liu Xiao's life was relatively uneventful.

Zhao Ning usually sets out to record songs after twelve o'clock in the morning, and records until after three o'clock in the afternoon.

While talking about business, Liu Xiao became Zhao Ning's driver full-time.

On the live broadcast platform, I occasionally play at night, including Douyu a few times.

But because neither platform held any events, Liu Xiao didn't make many swipes, just less than [-] million swipes.

At the end of July, as Vice President Du came back from vacation, a new news broke out from Huya's side.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, according to some internal news, Huya is about to join forces with YY, a trade union will come from YY, and the old Shenhao brother from YY, Yishui Yanyu, will also come."

In the live broadcast room, Yang Zi spoke mysteriously about the inside information he had just found out.

Huya is currently at a stalemate. Although Lehua and Daheng have not had any conflicts in the past few days, the anchors on both sides are at odds with each other, and it is common to lose each other in the live broadcast room. The overall platform atmosphere is quite good. Depression, therefore, Vice President Du introduced a new union, on the one hand to inject vitality into the platform, and on the other hand to increase competitiveness and attract traffic to the platform.

Of course, the most important thing is to create headlines and hot spots to ensure the freshness of the live broadcast on the platform, so that there will be no embarrassing incidents where new users come in and old users leave, and the daily activity of the platform can also increase.

By doing this, Vice President Du meant to move the entertainment channel from YY over.

As for YY's Misty Rain union, it is a large-scale trade union force on YY's side, and this time it even has the support of the veteran big brother, Yishui Misty Rain.

"What a misty rain, I'm afraid it can't be compared with brother Xiao Xiao?"

"No matter what big brother Shenhao he is, he has to kneel in front of Brother Xiao Xiao!"

"Brother Yishui Yanyu is still very powerful. I watched some live broadcasts on YY before. He is definitely not inferior to brother Xiao Xiao. I heard that the guild of Yanyu was also formed by him. He is fierce!"

Some well-informed tourists spoke on the public screen one after another.

Misty Rain Union is YY's No. [-] Guild.

YY's current live broadcasts are mainly sports and broadcasts, and there are also some amateur anchors such as game training.

As for the entertainment channel, YY is currently in a weak position. The Misty Rain Guild, which used to be powerful, has also suffered a cut in revenue.

YY has tens of millions of users, that's just the past. As far as the current situation is concerned, there may be less than 300 million daily active users of YY, and more than half of them are sports channel and game channel users.

The popularity of YY's entertainment channel may not be as high as that of Xiao Fei alone in Daheng.

In this case, coupled with Vice President Du's invitation, Misty Rain Guild naturally knew how to choose.

"Anyway, the Misty Rain union is incomparable to Brother Xiao Xiao."

In the live broadcast room, a large group of fans cheered.

Although many people are saying that Big Brother Yishui Misty Rain is awesome, but they all have a reason in their hearts.

Which big brother can earn [-]-[-] million in just three months like Brother Xiao Xiao?
"If that Yishaoyanyu is really so awesome, then show the record, and say that Yishaoyanyu earned [-] million in YY, and Brother Xiao Xiao even earned [-] million in a single live broadcast!"

"That's right, Brother Xiao Xiao is invincible!"

Yang Zi looked at the tourists in the live broadcast room and blew at Brother Xiao Xiao, and he was also happy to see it, and he didn't mean to stop him at all.

Although he also admitted in his heart that Yishuiyanyu is powerful, but no matter how powerful Yishuiyanyu is, he is also the big brother of other unions, and it is impossible to bring any benefits to Yang Zi.

It's not bad that Yisuo Misty Rain swiped [-] million in a single pass, but compared with Brother Xiao Xiao, it's really not close enough.

So far, Brother Xiao Xiao's total consumption on the Huya platform has reached more than 6000 million, and so far, there is no feeling of weakness.

Even a few days ago on Douyu, they swiped nearly 5000 million gifts and recharged more than [-] million in the game.

Calculated from this, Brother Xiao Xiao has already swiped 6 million since he joined the Internet.

One Minion Misty Rain only has a one-time record of [-] million, and the rest of the time consumption is at most a million, and the total consumption is only about one-fifth of Brother Xiao Xiao.

Then what is he afraid of, Yang Zi?

Liu Xiao looked at the discussion on the barrage about the new guild that was about to settle in Huya, and was also a little curious.

When playing DNF before, he used YY voice for a while, but he never watched YY live broadcast.

This misty rain really made Liu Xiao curious about him for a while.

After calculating the time, tomorrow is the beginning of August. In the past few days, all hot pot restaurants have entered the revenue mode, and the system can be upgraded again in a few days.

As for Huya's next event, it should be in mid-August, so there is still plenty of time.

(End of this chapter)

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