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Chapter 376 The server crashed, and the entire platform went black

Chapter 376 The server crashed, and the entire platform went black (4000 words)
In the past few days, the operation of the hot pot restaurant is in the stage of generating income, and Liu Xiao has not stayed on the live broadcast platform, and the main energy is still on the side of making money.

And at [-]:[-] p.m. on August [-]th, an announcement from Huya immediately confirmed the news that Xiaochun and Yang Zidaozi had analyzed all along.

Vice President Du is sitting in the office, next to him, all the directors of Huya are there.

For Vice President Du, although he was confident in doing this, he couldn't guarantee anything until the final step.

"Lao Du should be fully confident in bringing in the resources from YY this time. I don't think you need to worry too much."

Seeing that the atmosphere was a little dignified, Director Zhou smiled and smoothed things over.

"I don't think so. The entry of the Misty Rain Union this time will definitely squeeze Daheng and Lehua's current affairs. I am familiar with Daheng's side, but I can explain it to Brother Huajiu and the others. If Kelehua's side Brother Xiao Xiao quit the Internet, let me see what you guys do!"

Zhao Dong snorted lightly, his face full of displeasure.

He has always disapproved of this matter, but due to the division of labor on the board of directors, he has very little power in his hands.

Although Vice President Du has no shares, he has signed an agreement with Huya. As long as there are no problems in the work or more than 50.00% of the directors object, the policies formulated by Vice President Du can be implemented.

As for the introduction of the Misty Rain trade union this time, Director Zhao has always opposed it since the day he knew about it.

In his opinion, introducing the Misty Rain guild to Huya will indeed help Huya's ecology to a certain extent, but the platform must pay some resources to introduce a new guild, right?

Originally, most of Huya’s platform resources and recommended resources were distributed by Daheng. Now that there is an additional Lehua to divide the market, Daheng’s opinions are already very strong.

But now, with the Misty Rain trade union added to it, it would be good if Daheng didn't fall into trouble.

Brother Hua and Brother Jiu have been looking for him many times in the past two days, and they both told him that the current business is almost impossible.

Of course, with his face, even if Daheng has objections, he can still press down.

But what about Xiao Xiao?

Although Vice President Du had made a fuss about this matter on the platform, he had never contacted Xiao Xiao offline.

If Xiao Xiao also disliked this matter, then their loss to Hu Ya would be immeasurable!

It is even possible to push Xiao Xiao directly to Douyu or Douyin Kuaishou, and for Huya, it will be a catastrophe.

In his opinion, it is definitely not worth taking such a big risk for the traffic of the Misty Rain union.

However, Jay Chou is the largest shareholder of the platform, with 30.00% of the shares held by one person, plus Jay Chou's people stand in line, Vice President Du's policies have been perfectly implemented.

Of course, Jay Chou did this after careful consideration. He also had his own reasons for supporting Vice President Du in doing so.

Huya has developed to the present, and the live broadcasting industry has basically reached a two-point situation with Douyu.

But as far as Huya is concerned, there is very little room for improvement in the short term. Although the listing plan for next year can be carried out, but there is a chance to make a lot of money. Of course, he wants to fight for it, even if he takes some risks.

What's more, things may not be as dire as Director Zhao thought.

The news has been out for several days, brother Xiao Xiao didn't raise any objections, did he?
This shows that Brother Xiao Xiao may not object to this, or it may be too late for Brother Xiao Xiao to welcome another big brother.

As for the big brother Yishui Misty Rain that tourists talk about, let alone talk about it.

He paid [-] million yuan to the anchor on YY, but that was the assets of the union, and it was the union's current assets for the month.

After swiping the [-] million, it took half a year for the trade union to slowly recover, and only now has it slowly developed.

They are aware of these inside information, but most of the anchor tourists don't know, after all, Yishui Misty Rain's identity on the platform is also the same as Brother Hua Jiu's identity as the big brother of the union.

With the current strength of the Misty Rain union, it shouldn't be a problem to fight Daheng, but if it's against brother Xiao Xiao, it probably won't be interesting.

"Old Du, the Misty Rain trade union is here this time, is it planning to transfer a group of anchors?"

Jay Chou spoke again, breaking the awkward scene in the office.

Vice President Du nodded quickly when he heard Jay Chou speak.

"YY's current entertainment channel is indeed in a downturn. The revenue of the Misty Rain union last quarter was terribly low, and few advertisers and endorsers would advertise on YY. Therefore, the Misty Rain union came here this time with It's a desperate thought."

"However, their union structure is a bit different from ours. There are a sister and a brother in the union, but news anchors are not as good. Moreover, their union's first sister is a singing anchor, and there is still a dance department."

Vice President Du explained with a smile.

The first sister of Misty Rain's union who came here this time is an anchor named [Salad], she is very popular in YY, accounting for almost one-third of YY's current popularity, which is not bad.

And the first brother of the union is [Bitter Ze], whose popularity may be lower than that of Sarah, but there are still quite a lot of big brothers in the live broadcast room.

As for news anchors and dance anchors, there is no Misty Rain union yet, and it is estimated that it will develop on Huya's side.

"The news anchors can be cultivated slowly. After all, there are fewer anchors on YY, and the news anchors can't survive. After they come to Huya, they can learn."

"The dance anchors and their union will choose the best one to come out."

Jay Chou thought for a while, and then said.

Huya controls the recommendation resources of all unions. The newcomers of the Misty Rain union, of course, want to give a group of recommendations to the ace anchors of Misty Rain’s side. This is also their Huya’s practice, similar to miss And the kind of recommendation that brother Li made when he came to Huya.

"I will communicate with you later."

Vice President Du nodded:
"Yanyu's elder brother and younger sister who came here this time are pretty good, especially that Shala, who recently participated in the variety show The Voice, and got a good ranking on the stage."

"As for the rest of the anchors of the Misty Rain union, they will be merged into Huya one after another in the next few days. There are about 500 anchors in the guild, about [-] small and medium anchors, less than [-] anchors above the third line, and the anchors on the Huya side. The ecology can definitely be raised to another level.”

Zhao Dong watched Vice President Du and Zhou Dong settle down everything, and he felt even more upset.

Although his shares are not much compared to Jay Chou, he is also a rare major shareholder on the platform.

He's sitting next to him now, but no one cares what the hell he is?

Just as Zhao Donggang wanted to take the opportunity to pick something out, it would be best if he could get some power for himself, when Vice President Du's cell phone vibrated on the desktop.

"Sorry, I'll take a call."

Vice President Du looked at the call from the manager of the technical department on the screen and apologized slightly.

After all, it wasn't a serious meeting, and Vice President Du didn't turn off his phone.

"Mr. Du, there is a big problem with the technical department, you should come here as soon as possible."

As soon as the phone was connected, the bitter voice of the manager of the technical department came over.

Vice President Du's heart skipped a beat.

The manager of the technical department was dug out from Ali with a lot of money by him, and he was also a direct descendant who he personally brought in for nearly two years. He knows the strength very well, and there is absolutely no problem.

But now, mouth opening is a "big problem"?
The meeting room was very quiet, and Zhou Dong and Zhao Dong could barely hear it.

If there is a problem with the technical department, it means that the live broadcast terminal, once the platform's live broadcast accident occurs, the impact will definitely not be small.

Director Zhao didn't care about arguing with Vice President Du, and both Director Zhao and Director Zhou stood up at the same time as if they had a tacit understanding.

"Go, go to the technical department!"

Vice President Du replied on the phone, and the three hurried downstairs to the technical department.

"Director Zhou, Director Zhao, President Du."

The manager of the technical department saw Jay Chou and Zhao Dong and hurried over to greet them.

"What's wrong with the technical department at present, is it hacked or...?"

"Neither, this question is simple and easy, and it is difficult to say."

The manager of the technical department waved his hand, full of helplessness.

"Just now we issued an announcement announcing the news that the Misty Rain union has settled in Huya, and we started connecting with YY's server interface, preparing to connect the anchors of these Misty Rain unions."

Vice President Du nodded.

They know it.

The No. [-] anchors from the Misty Rain Union are connected. They use data diversion to inherit all the information from YY, and then convert it into the rank and name of Huya according to the algorithm.

This is different from accepting Brother Li back then.

That is to say, for example, if Yishaoyanyu is the top Shenhao brother in YY, and has collected more than 1 million yuan, then after coming to Huya this time, the title of Yisuoyanyu will be automatically promoted to Emperor, as long as the monthly consumption Enough 150 million, you can be promoted to the final title of Super God Emperor.

And his level [-] or [-] fan cards in the broadcast room of the Misty Rain Union anchor will also be retained. The only difference is that the shape and level of the fan cards are fully converted to Huya's.

The anchor's information and level will also be synchronized, which naturally includes the level of the old tourists on YY.

After all, YY and Huya are inseparable, and internal resource circulation is not difficult.

Doing this will definitely convert fans from YY as quickly as possible, and maximize Huya's popularity.

"But this time, the bad is here."

The manager of the technical department said helplessly:
"Our plate spread is too big. Huya has 40 registered anchors, and more than 4000 daily broadcast anchors. There are also more than 800 in the Xingxiu District, plus the batch that was attracted by Miss and Brother Li last time. Tourists, the daily activity has reached the [-] million level."

"But at the same time, our servers are reaching their limits."

"According to my calculations, it should be no problem to increase the data of [-] anchors and millions of DAUs again, but the bad thing is that as soon as Shala, the anchor from the Misty Rain union, came over, he started a crazy lottery on the platform. It directly blows up all the tourists of the All-Star Show, and the server simply cannot handle such a large data flow."


Vice President Du and Jay Chou were a little curious.

He had just drained it, and he really didn't notice it.

He quickly took out his mobile phone and logged on to Huya Live, and searched for the name of Shala in Xingxiu District.

The live broadcast room can be searched, but the screen of the live broadcast room is completely black.

In the public screen area of ​​the live broadcast room, almost all tourists frantically swiped the screen.

Of course, Vice President Du has seen this kind of situation, but it was a long time ago. After Huya optimized the server this year, this kind of thing has rarely happened.

Vice President Du clicked on several other adjacent live broadcast rooms, which were basically the same as the salad live broadcast room, all of which were black screens.

"The server crashed?"

Seeing this scene, Vice President Du frowned immediately.

"YY has added a million streams, opened [-] more live broadcast rooms, plus the torrent of bullet screens from the big lottery draw, and now the peak hours at night, Xiaojuzi, Baldy, and Xia Nuan are basically all on air"

The manager of the technical department no longer needs to say anything about the follow-up.

In the past, when Brother Xiao Xiao was playing activities in the live broadcast room, although there were a lot of traffic and bullet screens, on the one hand, Huya rented a cloud server in advance to expand the capacity, and on the other hand, the server on Huya’s side Reserved data flow.

But this time, in more than half an hour, the platform suddenly had a million new tourists. This huge traffic base is not comparable to the millions of tourists who accumulate and type continuously during the event.

You know, even if a new visitor does nothing and chooses the high-definition mode, the server has to transmit more than 500K data packets every second.

When old tourists and fans type and speak, one byte is the size of 1B, two bytes are one word, and 1K data is enough for this tourist to type more than 500 words.

The traffic gap created by the typing of new tourists and fans cannot be compared at all.

Speaking of this, it wasn't just Vice President Du who had a headache, even Zhou Dong and Zhao Dong began to have headaches.

Last month, Huya spent [-] million to set up two servers in Pretty Country.

However, due to political issues, the arrival of these two servers will take at least four or five months.

I thought it would be enough to persevere during this period of time, but I didn't expect that it was only more than August, and the data had already collapsed.

Such a live broadcast accident will definitely have a huge impact on Huya.

After thinking about it, Vice President Du still proposed the same solution as Douyu.

"For the live broadcast of small and medium-sized anchors, turn down the picture quality, and turn off the Blu-ray quality of all platforms.

"I'll contact Ali immediately to ask for server resources. I'll restore the server as soon as possible. After an hour, when the server resources arrive, I will fully restore it."

"it is good."

The manager of the technical department nodded emphatically and ran to arrange work.

Of course he also knows how to deal with this.

But such a method will undoubtedly affect the viewing experience of platform visitors, and he, a manager of the technical department, is definitely out of control.

Now Vice President Du is speaking in front of Director Zhao and Director Zhou. He is carrying out the tasks assigned by the boss, and if there are any problems after that, it has nothing to do with him.

"This server is indeed a big problem."

Jay Chou let out a long sigh.

(End of this chapter)

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