Chapter 377 Vice President Du Hemorrhages (4000 words)
"Let's plan to rent servers for a long time first. Ali's e-commerce platform servers are absolutely sufficient. Before the traffic peak of Double Eleven comes, I believe that Lao Ma will never put money on it." Not earning."

Vice President Du rubbed his temples, took out his mobile phone and started contacting resources.

It is also more expensive to rent a large-scale thing like a server.

Taking Alibaba's cloud computing server as an example, for a game that can support 4 to 300 people online, the daily rental fee is about 1 yuan, and [-] yuan a month is enough.

When Liu Xiao started playing games, the servers were almost at this level, but the capacity was doubled. The rental fee was 10 yuan a month including the buyout of the game, which was the average price in the industry.

If calculated based on the number of people, the traffic price is definitely not high, but the server still has to be calculated according to the traffic usage.

The running traffic of the game is not high. Larger files such as maps in the game are downloaded and loaded in the user's mobile phone in advance. The user's mobile phone only needs to receive instructions to open the map file. One user keeps 50KB of traffic is enough, almost one-tenth of the live broadcast industry.

In other words, a server that can support 3 people online can only support the live streaming of 3000 people. This is not counting users using high-definition or Blu-ray mode when using wifi, or even the most ruthless Blu-ray 6M mode, which is 2M per second. The above-mentioned traffic gap, on the whole, the cost of 2000 yuan for 1 people is about the same, and the monthly traffic cost of a user totals five yuan.

Vice President Du made a phone call to find out the price, while silently calculating the price in his heart.

Huya currently has more than 800 million DAU, and 900 million will definitely be reached in the near future, which is definitely not much based on 1000 million DAU.

At present, Huya has a traffic gap of about 250 million.

Five yuan per person is a cost of 250 million yuan a month.

Even if some discounts are given, maybe around 100 million is the maximum.

You know, how much does Huya make in a month?

In the first three months, it seemed that he had made several hundred million yuan, but after deducting the cost, the profit he got was only over one hundred million yuan.

Not counting the cost of running your own server, just renting the server for three months will cost you 3000 million!

And their servers, in the best case, will not arrive until the end of December.

In the two blank months between November and December, where to find these gaps is indeed a big problem.

After a long talk with Ali, it finally met Vice President Du's expectations.

I won the right to use the server at a price of 100 million per month.

When the manager of the technical department got the news, he rushed to contact him, preparing to divert some of the data for processing.

After working until after eleven o'clock in the evening, Huya's side finally returned to normal.

"I don't know what I'm doing. I can only watch a League of Legends live broadcast with a smooth picture quality. Is this still possible?"

"Ma De, the Huya government is still discriminatory. I can see high-definition on the scratch man's side, but I can only see smoothness here on Lang D. The picture quality is so fuzzy that it bursts. At first I thought it was my phone. Question, but when I opened the bullet screen, I saw that all the good guys are like this!"

"It's nothing to you. I heard that the live broadcast room on Xingxiu's side was blown up just now. Thousands of live broadcast rooms were directly blacked out. There is only one barrage function available in the entire live broadcast room."

"It's been three hours, why is it still not healed, Huya officials are messing with it?"

"Be content, if it weren't for some tourists returning because of the image quality problem, you probably wouldn't even be able to see the smoothness!"

Tourists typed and discussed in the live broadcast room.

Many people's entertainment at night is to play with girlfriends, and those who don't have girlfriends usually choose to watch live broadcasts for entertainment.

The live broadcast has been popular for a while. During this time, many tourists have developed the habit of watching the live broadcast. If they don’t go online to watch the conference every night, they may not be able to sleep.

And the choice of most tourists is also a single item, and few people choose to watch both platforms of Douyu and Huya.

After all, if you watch it on both platforms, you may not understand it on both platforms, and it will not be so interesting.

Therefore, after the Huya server exploded, many tourists fell into a tangled situation.

Quit the live broadcast, it's too uncomfortable to scratch your heart and liver after a while, after all, the anchor I like is still live broadcasting there, and if I don't watch it for a while, I always feel that there is something missing in my heart.

But go online to watch the live broadcast. With such a smooth picture quality, you can't even see the blood volume of the game soldiers on the screen clearly. This is more uncomfortable than killing him.

If the game side is barely stuck, then Xingxiu's side is completely stuck.

The host Shala who just came to Huya's live broadcast will not care about the lottery draw. Although she is not to blame for the live broadcast accident this time, but the first show was not done well, and her popularity will definitely be greatly affected in the future.

Shala wanted to make up for the loss, so she sang and danced in the live broadcast room for a while, from a singing anchor to an all-rounder.

But this thing, the live broadcast room is one click after another, and the speech is intermittent, let alone singing.

After a song was sung, not only the tourists doubted their lives, but Sarah herself was ashamed.

The millions of tourists who originally gathered because of the lottery, sang a song, and ran away halfway!
For a while, Sha La jumped up and down angrily in the live broadcast room, but there was nothing she could do.

In the end, he could only sigh helplessly.

For a while, she didn't know whether it was good or bad to give up YY and come to Huya.

If things like this happen a few more times, her live broadcast popularity will definitely drop drastically, and she may even be completely slumped. In the end, she won't even be able to compare with YY.

As Huya's only superstar, Little Orange is under special protection in the live broadcast room.

But it only achieves high-definition live broadcast quality and no lag. If you want a better experience, it seems impossible at present.

"Brothers, I just asked Chaoguan in the background. The new guild Misty Rain entered Huya today, and its popularity has increased so much that the server on Huya couldn't bear it. Even a small server was burned out. beyond repair."

"Everyone wait a little longer, Huya is looking for a new server, and it will be restored in a while."

Baldy played a song randomly in the live broadcast room, explaining the situation tonight a little.

No matter how much Huya dilutes the picture quality and popularity, the server overload and crash is not so easy to deal with.

During the three-hour live broadcast, the already insufficient server was down for less than half, and only half of the anchors on the platform could provide normal live broadcasts.

Even though the major anchors spoke out to stabilize the tourists, a large number of tourists still went offline.

Huya's original tourists were fine.

After all, since Huya was established, this is the first large-scale disconnection.

Occasional accidents, most people can understand.

But those fans who came to Huya from YY to support the anchor of the Misty Rain union had a great distrust of the Huya platform.

I just came here today, and Huya gave them such a show. I finally downloaded a Huya live broadcast and came over to watch it. I was happy to see that my data in yy was synchronized, but I haven’t played for half an hour. , Suddenly, the whole platform exploded.

What is this called?

Is it a feeling of an inferior small game?

The manager of the technical department was sweating profusely to coordinate and deal with the problem.

Finally, at [-]:[-] in the evening, good news came from Ali.

The data on both sides has been connected, as long as the traffic navigation is turned on, the server on Ali's side can take over the data immediately.

After nearly four hours of comprehensive repair and restart, more than [-]% of Huya's servers can be put into operation again.

"Connect all the data immediately, monitor the information flow of the platform, and report to me immediately if the data load is too large."

The manager of the technical department gave another series of orders.

As the programmers in the technical department issued code instructions, the servers in the computer room began to hum.

The traffic gradually recovered, and Huya's operation department also quickly issued an announcement.

With the sound of ding, the tourists who were still complaining on the public screen suddenly found that the live broadcast became smoother.

Game area, Lang D live broadcast room.

The live broadcast of all tourists became smooth in an instant. A few tourists adjusted the quality of the live broadcast room to high-definition with the attitude of trying it out. The live broadcast was still playing smoothly, and then adjusted the quality to Blu-ray. In seconds, the picture quality of the live broadcast room became clear again, and there was no lag in Lang D's commentary voice and live broadcast picture quality.

"I rub it, it seems to be cured, no more stuck!"

"Blu-ray 2M is not stuck, I just tried it!"

"Hahaha, the picture quality of Blu-ray is still cool, what is the smooth picture quality just now!"

"Let's talk about Lang D, when will you upgrade your live broadcast equipment, Huya has released Blu-ray 6M, and your live broadcast room only supports 2M resolution, it's too out."

Wave D is hitting the opposite stone man with the captain.

The live broadcast room was stuck. Although he was not stuck playing games, he felt very uncomfortable. After all, seeing more than half of the less than [-] tourists walking away at once, he was not angry to close the broadcast on the spot, which is considered to be a strong psychological quality.

But suddenly, the public screen in the live broadcast room changed direction, and everyone was swiping to resume the live broadcast.

Lang D quickly took out his mobile phone to open the live broadcast room, and adjusted the picture quality to the highest, and the broadcast was extremely smooth.

"Nice, you can broadcast live again!"

Lang D said in surprise.

He is live broadcasting at night, usually until four or five o'clock in the morning. If it keeps getting stuck, he will have to confess to tonight. Now that the data problem has been fixed, he can live broadcast with confidence.

As for the Blu-ray 6M picture quality that the water friend just mentioned, he thinks about it or forgets it.

A 3070 graphics card is now more than 8000, and I heard that the price is still rising because of mining. He has the heart, but he doesn't have the financial ability.

At the same time, the traffic data of a series of big anchors such as Tiaonan and Hehe also began to recover.

Immediately afterwards, the traffic in the entertainment area resumed.

And on everyone's mobile phone, a pop-up window popped up.

Taking a closer look, it was an official letter of apology from Huya.

At the end of the letter of apology, there is a compensation of [-] free tiger food gifts per person and an exclusive seven-day fan light board.

Although tiger food is a free gift, but a hundred is quite a lot, and when the hosts play PK, the tiger food also counts, a hundred can be worth a dollar, with these tiger food, tourists can play It is definitely possible.

And the fan light card is also a good thing, at least it looks like there is a card.

All of a sudden, the apology letter was filled with replies from platform visitors.

With the full recovery of the live broadcast data, the heart that Vice President Du has been carrying can be regarded as completely relieved.

At this time, there will be more than 500 million active users on the platform. Although some people have been lost, most of them are still left after all. After a while, these online tourists will promote and publicize, and the traffic at night will probably be normal.

At the same time, Vice President Du's heart was bleeding.

The server rental fee of tens of millions a month is really too expensive.

For a server worth 5000 million, only two of them can meet the extra traffic needs.

Although this one is much more expensive, the stuff is from their Huya.

After using it for more than a year or two, these two servers will be able to pay back their costs, and the remaining service life will be earned by them for nothing.

But now, the rental fee of tens of millions a month is all in vain. If the money is given out, it is impossible to return it to Huya in any form.

More importantly, Zhou Dong and Zhao Dong were standing next to him.

Jay Chou may not say anything yet, but Mr. Zhao, the old guy who has been at odds with him, probably wants to use this matter to mess with him.

Sure enough, the next moment Director Zhao put his mobile phone in front of Vice President Du.

"Let's take a look, the host of the Misty Rain union [Shala] who came to play the front line this time, take a look at how much popularity is left in her live broadcast room."

Zhao Dong snorted lightly.

For the first show tonight, Salah, although the quality of the live broadcast room has been fully restored, the popularity has dropped from one million to more than 20.

Although the popularity is slowly recovering by being on TV lottery, but without a group of old YY fans, it is really difficult for Salad to gain popularity.

And it's almost twelve o'clock in the evening.

The big anchors like Little Orange and Baldy have already downloaded the broadcast. If Sarah wants to compete with Little Orange and the others, she must also ensure that her live broadcast time is not bad.

That is to say, Salad has to download the broadcast before twelve o'clock in the evening at most to maintain the personality setting of the platform's super first-line anchor, otherwise, once a first-line anchor setting with too long live broadcast time is established in the minds of tourists, it will be very long in the future. For a period of time, the salad will definitely not be able to turn over.

"I will go to Misty Rain to explain the issue of Sala's first show. I will wait two days before I find an opportunity to give Sala a big push. It shouldn't be a problem to win it."

"And Shala's leading male anchor, Kuze, can also be popular, and then our August event can be launched online."

Vice President Du explained helplessly.

It's true that he didn't make a good plan tonight.

Not too much, Huya's loss in this accident tonight is definitely more than one million, or even three or four million.

At this time, Zhao Dong seized his tricks, and Vice President Du really had no choice but to let Zhao Dong bully him.

(End of this chapter)

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