Chapter 378 System Upgrade
"In my opinion, this matter tonight has nothing to do with Lao Du. The problem with the server can't be blamed on technology or Lao Du. It can only be blamed on us directors."

Zhou Dong opened his mouth and looked at Zhao Dong who was bossing him around.

"Director Zhou, are you trying to cover up Lao Du?"

"Everyone is a colleague, and we can talk about our friendship, but we should also take responsibility for mistakes."

"It's not about covering anyone up."

Jay Chou waved his hand.

"If we have enough server resources, we don't need Lao Du to coordinate resources here. No one wants to encounter emergencies. This matter has little to do with Lao Du. Besides, Lao Du reported to The board of directors applied to increase the server, I remember that you, Director Zhao, raised objections, saying that the server resources are sufficient recently, right?"

Director Zhou's expression turned cold slightly, and he looked at Director Zhao who was still chattering aside.

"How about we shareholders invest more and buy some servers from Ali first?"

As soon as Zhou Dong said these words, Zhao Dong immediately ceased fire.

His purpose is to seize power, so he definitely can't tear himself apart with Jay Chou. With Jay Chou's strength in Huya, it's not a problem to disgust him to death.

In an enterprise, whoever controls more shares has more power to speak.

Don't say that Jay Chou is still on the job now, even if Jay Chou retires and doesn't ask about Huya, but as long as Jay Chou speaks, everyone in Huya will listen seriously.

"What are you talking about? I'm not worried about the loss of the company."

"Introducing Misty Rain this time, there are only benefits and no losses."

Jay Chou knocked on the table, emphasizing again.

"Also, I know that you have a good relationship with Daheng. You disclosed the company's follow-up plan with Daheng before. I hope you will not continue in the future."

Director Zhao's complexion increased, and when he looked at Director Zhou's expression, he immediately kept his secrets secret.

If Jay Chou dares to say it in public, he must have obtained evidence that he leaked company secrets. Although it is not a big deal to him, if Jay Chou really uses this matter to mess with him, it is absolutely useless to kick him out of the circle of power. questionable.

After taking a look at Vice President Du, Director Zhao immediately misfired and slammed the door out angrily.

"Don't worry about it, I'll take care of it on the board of directors side, you just go according to the original plan."

Jay Chou put away his serious expression, and looked at Vice President Du with a smile.

"Don't worry, Director Chou, this month's problem is not big, and the expected revenue target can be achieved with a high probability."

Seeing Jay Chou's support for him, Vice President Du patted his chest to assure him.

This month, Huya set a revenue target of [-] million.

In other words, the entire platform will have to spend at least [-] million in turnover this month to complete it.

Although the flow of water on Huya's side was about the same last month, Huya's trade union has only been restored for less than a month after all. Vice President Du is really not sure whether he has such a large financial resource.

But face must be guaranteed.

"Okay, I'm leaving now. We directors are in the company, and you probably won't be able to let them go."

Jay Chou patted Vice President Du on the shoulder, and walked out of the office door with a smile.

At the door, Lanlan and Guoguo hurriedly greeted Jay Chou.

In the newly added Misty Rain union, some of the Shenhao brothers don't have account managers yet.

The biggest among them is naturally the big brother Yishui Misty Rain who can almost stand side by side with Brother Jiu.

Guoguo's idea is to bring Yishuiyanyu to her side to cooperate with Brother Hua, while Lanlan's idea is the opposite of Guoguo's. It doesn't matter, it would be better if she could take it down, and she would definitely get a large commission.

And what Lanlan wants to do is to disrupt Guoguo's plan.

As soon as Jay Chou left, Lanlan and Guoguo immediately filed in.

"Mr. Du, brother Yisuo Yanyu has just launched on the platform. Who do you think is more suitable to be his account manager?"

Vice President Du glanced at Guoguo who had come up to show his hospitality, thought for a while, and immediately figured out Guoguo's plan.

Thinking of this, Vice President Du sneered in his heart.

"Yi Mino Yanyu is the boss of the Misty Rain Union. Although he has an account on the platform, are you sure he needs an account manager?"

Guoguo was able to become Huage's account manager because Huage was just the big brother of the platform before running Daheng.

But now, Yimino Yanyu represents the Misty Rain union, and the bosses of these unions are all talking directly to him, the general manager, so how could they need an account manager?
If he really sent an account manager to contact Yisuo Misty Rain, maybe Guoguo didn't know much about live broadcasting, wouldn't it be a joke.

Seeing Guoguo's deflated appearance, Lanlan was immediately happy.

She really didn't think of this before, and she was quite nervous at first, but looking at it this way, Guoguo was completely deceiving herself and others.

Just like when Vice President Du opened an account to play in Huya, Guoguo ran to the front and said that he would be the account manager of Vice President Du. The effect was too comical.

Guoguo froze in place, unable to utter a word.

Vice President Du waved his hand, and Guoguo immediately escaped from the office as if he had been pardoned.

"Lanlan, Brother Xiao Xiao, you have to pay close attention to the matchmaking. Brother Xiao Xiao's opinion is very important this time when the Misty Rain union has settled in. If Brother Xiao Xiao has too much opinion on the Misty Rain union, we may consider cutting Misty Rain."

Vice President Du looked at Lanlan and said solemnly.

The relationship between him and brother Xiao Xiao is not as good as he said with Dong Zhou and Zhao Dong.

In fact, he and Brother Xiao Xiao only chatted a few times in the live broadcast room, so they can only be regarded as acquaintances, not to mention familiarity.

Brother Xiao Xiao's opinions on Hu Ya are enough to have a huge impact on Hu Ya.

As the bridge between the two, Lan Lan has always satisfied him in handling this problem, so this is also the reason why he reused Lan Lan.

Even, if Brother Xiao Xiao really has a problem with the new Misty Rain union, no matter how big the loss is, he will slowly cut off the Misty Rain union!
Lanlan didn't expect Vice President Du to attach so much importance to it, so she nodded and agreed.

After three o'clock in the morning, all servers in Huya were repaired.

After renting Ali's server, the current Huya has enough traffic resources even for a wave of big events.

It wasn't until this time that Vice President Du went home to rest in peace.

But after six o'clock in the morning, Liu Xiao woke up early and took Qu Yue to Guangxi together.

The registration of the group has basically been completed, and what needs to be done now is to merge all the clothing stores and hotpot restaurants into the Liu Ning Group.

More importantly, Liu Xiao plans to open a third high-tech company.

Since the hot pot restaurant has been in operation, Liu Xiao already has a cash flow of more than 9000 million in his hands. In just two or three days, the remaining 1000 million will definitely be enough.

What needs to be done now is to obtain various business licenses and qualifications for the clothing store, and the second is to register the office of the high-tech company and Liu Ning Group.

As long as these two points are completed, Liu Ning Group can officially start operating.

"Mr. Liu, I admire you more and more now. In just a few months, you have made such a big business."

While driving the car, Qu Yue was talking.

Qu Yue is the executor, so she is naturally very aware of Liu Xiao's financial strength.

Whether it's a clothing store or a hot pot restaurant, capital is required to open it. There are fewer clothing stores, but the hot pot restaurant has at least tens of millions of advances.

She didn't know Liu Xiao's ability to double his revenue.

As far as the current situation is concerned, the superficial revenue of the hot pot restaurant is only a small amount, but Liu Xiao can support the thriving stall.

She believes that as long as Liu Xiao continues to support her with capital, the hotpot restaurant will be able to take charge of itself in less than two months.

It is not impossible to even gradually spread and evolve into a catering giant like Haidilao.

But at this most critical time, Liu Xiao told her that he was going to establish a new technology company.

The terminal market is doing well, but suddenly there is a 180-degree transformation, and Qu Yue really doesn't understand it.

However, the boss naturally had his own considerations in doing so, and Qu Yue could only secretly sigh for Liu Xiao's courage.

"Don't worry, our specifications will be bigger in the future."

Liu Xiao smiled, leaned on the passenger seat and closed his eyes to rest.

At nine o'clock, Liu Xiao replaced Qu Yue, and drove all the way to Guangyu Clothing Store.

At present, Liuliu's clothing supermarket is mainly engaged in online stores, and offline stores are only through channels, not directly facing consumers.

This business model is similar to the channel supplier type, which does not need to bear the risk of clothing manufacturers, but can also enjoy certain profits.

Of course, this is also the result of operating with strong capital.

Directly several million dollars were dropped, and no matter what, it came out of a small channel.

"Wait next month, I will invest another 2000 million, and the clothing store's channels will be expanded to another level. It is best to win all the channels in the surrounding street."

"no problem."

All the employees came out to welcome the boss, but as soon as the boss came in, they heard the boss and their general manager talking about refinancing.

Immediately, all the employees were overjoyed.

They know how generous their boss is. If they really invest another 2000 million, it will definitely be no problem to double the existing channels by four or five times. By then, their wages will also rise rapidly?

Liu Xiao greeted the employees with a smile, and then went straight to the Industrial and Commercial Bureau.

After going through the procedures for joining the group with their ID cards, they booked a floor in the big hotel next to the company and invited all the employees of the company to have a meal.

After one o'clock at noon, the two drove to the magic city again.

It's not that Liu Xiao is willing to go both ways, but as the founder and legal person of the company, he himself and his ID card are not present, and the Industrial and Commercial Bureau does not release the formalities, so he can only come to Guangzhou for this trip.

Speeding up on the way back, at [-]:[-] p.m., I came to the business hall of the Industrial and Commercial Bureau of Shanghai. In the last few minutes of the staff's get off work, I got all the formalities for the group and the new company.

I took it once before, but because I didn't decide the office location, the certificate has not been completed, so this time I simply combined the two things together.

"It's all right now."

After receiving the certificate, Liu Xiao breathed a sigh of relief.

"Xiaoyue, if I let you be the CEO of the group, do you think you can do it?"

After finding a restaurant and ordering food, Liu Xiao put away his hippie smile and asked seriously.

"Mr. Liu, this... I don't have the corresponding work experience before, but to be honest, I want to try."

Qu Yue calmed down and gave a firm answer.

Although the group has not yet paid the registered capital, when Liu Xiao filled out the form, he saw that Liu Xiao had filled in a registered capital of [-] million yuan.

In the next three months, this registered capital must be transferred to the Industrial and Commercial Bureau as a pledge deposit for the enterprise.

And the scale of a group with this kind of registered capital will never be so small.

Being able to serve as the CEO of such a company, even if it is only for a month or two, is an extremely rich resume.

To put it bluntly, after this, even if you don't work in Liu Ning Group, you can at least get an annual salary of one million, or even three or four million when you return to Guangzhou with this resume!
What's more, Qu Yue still has a little confidence in her own strength.

Seeing what Qu Yue said, Liu Xiao nodded slightly.

He has seen Qu Yue's growth during this period, and he almost has the ability to be independent.

Furthermore, the group he runs must be a seller's market, and does not require too much ability as a CEO, as long as Qu Yue can control the group and know people well.

"Let's do this. Wait until tomorrow to be a CEO contract. The annual salary will be determined first, 1000 million."

Liu Xiao thought for a while and said.

As the executive president of his huge business empire in the future, the initial 1000 million given by the group can only be regarded as okay.

Although Qu Yue was raised by himself, Liu Xiao didn't think about using this to morally kidnap Qu Yue.

Only when the employees are well fed, can the employees do their best work.

Qu Yue was taken aback for a moment, then nodded heavily.

Although Qu Yue didn't speak, she made a deep promise to herself in her heart.

August ninth.

Although in the past few days, some expenditures have been made to decorate the office of the group, which made it a bit late to collect [-] million yuan, but for Liu Xiao, a day late is harmless.

100 million is easy to spend, 1000 million is not easy to spend, but when it reaches [-] million, it becomes easy to spend again.

There is a villa area in the second ring road, and the price of better villas there is exactly [-] million.

Liu Xiao drove directly to the villa Yulong Bay, and without thinking about it, he directly booked one of the 600-square-meter villas.

The house price was 17 square meters, and the total price was 200 million. The sales office directly gave Liu Xiao a discount of 200 million, which happened to be [-] million.

The well-decorated villa does not need to be redecorated by Liu Xiao.

After more than a year of decoration, the formaldehyde in the villa is basically dispersed, and the rest is only a small amount of formaldehyde in the wood, which does not affect the living.

After all, this thing will be scattered for more than 15 years, and no one can wait that long before living in it.

After taking the keys to the villa, he went to the real estate bureau to go through procedures such as the real estate certificate and deed tax. After driving, Liu Xiao returned to Country Garden.

Running to the bathroom to take a shower, Liu Xiao lit a cigarette, first bowed to the system, then sat cross-legged on the sofa solemnly, and opened the system panel.

(End of this chapter)

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