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Chapter 379 The strongest server in history

Chapter 379 The strongest server in history
[Current level: Level 5]

[Daily money received: 100 yuan]

[Upgrade conditions: consumption of 1 billion yuan]

[Progress: 340 million/1 million]

【System props.】

Liu Xiao's eyes dimmed slightly, and all the data on the system panel appeared in front of him.

The virtual disk operation technology that was drawn during the last system upgrade is already in Liu Xiao's mind.

This virtual disk operation technology is very difficult in terms of technology, but it is not too harsh in terms of materials.

Coincidentally, Liu Xiao with the current technology can make it.

As for the materials, silver and gold are two conductors with relatively strong performance as the key circulation items, and for the rest, ordinary silicon materials can be used.

Moreover, this virtual disk operation technology is built using a real quantum computer and a special composite storage module, and does not require the current data processing chip to realize the function, nor does it need to engage in a lithography machine.

For Liu Xiao, this is undoubtedly great news.

If you really want to use high-end, such as 5nm and 3nm process chip technology, Liu Xiao may not be able to get these things. After all, a series of high-precision manufacturing lathes such as lithography machines are all abroad, and the most advanced domestic lathes are currently available. The most powerful is the 7nm chip, and the output is extremely low.

"What 3nm chip technology, in the field of quantum computing, is just rubbish."

Liu Xiao pouted in disdain.

Even if the chip has a channel width of 0.1nm, it is impossible to support computers for quantum computing. The gap between the two is almost sky-high.

After all, the calculation volume of a quantum computer is tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of times that of a traditional computer. It is impossible for the peak carrying capacity of a chip to reach this level.

What Liu Xiao wants to do is to use photon beam engraving to describe photon pathways on gold, a natural conductor.

In other words, things created through virtual disk operation technology have completely abandoned the traditional chip manufacturing process, but directly sublimated to another economy.

No matter how detailed your characterization on the silicon chip is, it can't be smaller than the photon, right?
On a microscopic scale, a photon is almost the smallest observable unit, which is the unit of measurement with countless zeros behind the zero point!
And what Liu Xiao has to do now is to use this technology as soon as possible.

"System Upgrade!"

Liu Xiao muttered silently in his heart.

As the system issued an upgrade prompt with a ding, Liu Xiao's thoughts were also pulled into the interface by the system.

The surroundings were dark, only the data panel above the system was flickering slightly, and a huge upgrade sign on it was emitting a faint light. Liu Xiao glanced over and couldn't help squinting slightly.

Even in a place of absolute darkness, a gleam of light can appear particularly bright.

As the system panel flashed again, the place marking the level suddenly changed.

The words of level five slowly dissipated, and as the photons condensed in the air, they gradually condensed into the words of level six.

Then, there was a sudden burst of system panel, and the entire data panel underwent earth-shaking changes.

[Current level: Level 6]

[Daily money received: 1000 yuan]

[Upgrade conditions: consumption of 10 billion yuan]

[Progress: 340 million/1 million]

[System props:
1. Wealth Investment Card: No matter what industry the host invests in, its industry yield will automatically increase by 100%!

2. Online consumption card: only used for online virtual currency consumption, not in the name of or for relatives, current balance: 9.7 million yuan. 】

[Lucky draw chance*1! 】

After the system was upgraded, as expected, another chance to draw a lottery was given.

The data after the system upgrade did not meet Liu Xiao's expectations, but this time, the golden chance to draw a lottery surprised Liu Xiao.

You know, so far, the most trashy thing Liu Xiao has drawn in the lottery in the system is this online consumption card.

But even this most trashy system item allowed him to play on Huya and Douyu for three months.

And the next best thing is the wealth doubling card obtained in the previous lottery. Once used, both the Shenhao card and the amount in his hand will be doubled.

These two are one-time props, Liu Xiao doesn't particularly care about them now.

And what's even better, and the most helpful props for Liu Xiao at present, is the wealth investment card that was drawn, a god-level card that can double all gross profits.

Without this prop, Liu Xiao could still rise, but the speed would definitely be much slower.

Just relying on daily check-in is not enough for him to open such a large stall within three months.

You know, the system's lottery is basically better every time.

Last time I got the virtual disk operation technology, this time it won't be worse than this, right?
Liu Xiao silently recited the blessings of the system's father, and then solemnly clicked on the lottery option.

The golden turntable reappeared, and ten prizes were placed in the grids of the turntable one by one, all of which were also shrouded in mist.

Liu Xiao silently recited the lottery draw in his heart, and the huge golden turntable immediately began to spin rapidly.

All of a sudden, all the golden lines that radiate outward are instantly introverted, and the special effects are basically the same as at level five.

Although still shocked, Liu Xiao felt much better this time.

Staring closely at the slowly stopping turntable, Liu Xiao stared intently at the pointer of the turntable.

"Congratulations: Obtained a level 1.5 civil technology optional!"

The prompt of the system flashed in front of Liu Xiao's eyes, which immediately made Liu Xiao stunned.

"Level 1.5 civilian technology is optional? So, this time the lottery is still civilian technology?"

The last time the technology tree was drawn was level 1 civil technology, but this time it has been raised by half a level, and the things inside are definitely worth looking forward to.

Although he doesn't know exactly what the situation is, Liu Xiao can be sure that the virtual disk operation technology will definitely not be worse than last time.

Since entering the industrial society, as long as you have the technology, you can make money by doing anything.

Not to mention achieving a monopoly or something, but it's not a problem to enter the world's wealth rankings, and what's more, it shouldn't be a big problem to be the world's richest man.

The golden card was stripped from the prize plate and shot towards Liu Xiao quickly.

Liu Xiao raised his hand to catch it, and a stream of information came into Liu Xiao's mind, Liu Xiao immediately understood it, otherwise it was a burst of surprise.

Same as last time, the technology given by the system is basically passed directly into Liu Xiao's brain, which is similar to the concept of brain-computer interface in science and technology movies, but the system is obviously a higher level, through an unknown material The card, the virtual state can allow Liu Xiao to receive information.

The level 1.5 civilian technology transmitted by the system is probably the same thing as the optional technology tree last time. They both provide several technology options for Liu Xiao to choose from.

However, the optional technology tree last time was not as strong as this time.

The first-level technology tree, this level represents the meaning of a first-level civilization, that is, a planetary civilization.

Reaching the first level of civilization means that you can control all resources on the living planet, such as using geothermal heat, entering the earth's crust, diving into the deepest part of the seabed to develop effective resources such as oil and combustible ice.

If the earth goes down the current technological tree, it will have to be at least a few hundred years older to reach this level.

And the level 1.5 technology has to be doubled or doubled on this timeline.

Although it is only civilian technology, it is also extremely terrifying.

However, this system lottery draw did not draw any more terrifying technology.

"Holographic projection should be good, 90.00% of the virtual world realism can be realized through a helmet interface."

"Good guy, this thing is something from a movie."

After a glance, Liu Xiao's sense of this holographic projection technology is still very good.

This is not the kind of holographic projection that can only be achieved through lighting and pre-staged shots at present, but a supercomputer technology that can connect human consciousness into the virtual world.

The simplest application is game technology and movie technology.

This civilian technology includes projects, one is game production, and the second is film shooting, both of which are very useful skills.

"Game production, coupled with the super computing power provided by the virtual disk operation technology, will definitely be realized in the later stage. When the time comes, just put on the helmet, and maybe you will be able to stand in the Summoner's Canyon of the League of Legends."

"As for filming, you can set up and give personnel permission to achieve the desired purpose."

This last point, Liu Xiao pondered carefully.

For example, if you want to shoot a fantasy film, modern filming requires the setting in advance, and some high-power fans and post-production special effects are used to synthesize scenes of flying or fighting.

And this holographic projection technology can build a new world in the virtual world, and then give the actors who enter this map the ability to calculate the data such as the character's true energy through quantum computer algorithms, achieving 100% simulation of the fantasy world.

Of course, this does not mean that the actor really has these abilities in the virtual world, but can be controlled. For example, when the actor makes a move, the quantum computer will add a brilliance of true energy through the algorithm. Fly into the sky under the influence of the algorithm.

In this way, for making movies and the like in the future, only a simple studio is needed, and there will be no waste of resources.

"This technology is really good, but it can't be figured out yet. Let's find a group of scientific researchers to compose the picture together."

Liu Xiao looked at it carefully, and finally had no choice but to shake his head helplessly.

Unlike virtual disks, holographic projection is realized and requires the joint allocation of various resources. Virtual disk technology can provide the bottommost algorithm.

However, such things as scene beautification, resource compilation, and virtual world rule carrying all require a large number of researchers and programmers to compile.

It would be impossible for Liu Xiao to complete these things alone, without ten or eight years.

But fortunately, as long as there is this virtual disk technology, research funds should not be a big problem.

When the time comes, let the general direction out and find someone to spend time enriching the details.

After a certain period of time, this technology can be launched.

"It shouldn't be difficult to spend 10 billion yuan. It can be done in two months at most. I don't know if the system will give the technology of the second-level civilization in the next upgrade?"

Liu Xiao felt hot in his heart.

Second-level civilization technology, that is a real star-level civilization.

In Liu Cixin's science fiction, super-engineering such as Dyson spheres and physical water droplets can be easily completed.

Even if it is civilian technology, it is enough to lead the progress of the times.

With a thought, Liu Xiao exited the system and directly called Qu Yue.

In the past two days, the basic components of the group's administrative team have been completed.

The front desk, finance, administrative secretaries and other people have basically taken up posts in the group company.

And Qu Yue has been waiting for Liu Xiao's next instruction. After all, the technology company that Liu Xiao registered a few days ago is still an empty shell.

There will be a call from Liu Xiao, and Qu Yue hastily answered it.

"From today, Liu Ning Technology Co., Ltd. will be officially listed for business. The main sales product is virtual disk operation technology. It will pre-sell about ten copies to the outside world, and the products will be cashed in half a month later."

"Secondly, Liu Ning Technology Co., Ltd. has begun to recruit people. All capable programmers and scientific research talents in computer and art can be recruited after controlling their salaries. This part is based on 200 people."

Liu Xiao expressed all his demands in one breath.

On the other end, Qu Yue usually memorized Liu Xiao's words on a piece of paper, while her mind was in a mess.

"Virtual disk operation technology?"

Qu Yue is also a high-achieving student. Although he is not a computer major, he knows a little about computers, but he has never heard of this thing.

On the contrary, the operation system in the Internet cafe is controlled by a virtual disk, and it also has the function of automatic liquidation, but with the scale of Liu Ning Technology Company, it is not possible to do business in Internet cafes, right?

Seeing that Qu Yue was confused, Liu Xiao smiled and told Qu Yue the function of this technology.

"Similar to a server with more than one billion calculations per second, only the size of an ordinary notebook computer?"

"Wouldn't it be possible for one of these things to surpass the computing power of all the servers of a large group?"

Qu Yue was startled immediately.

You must know that the Sunway TaihuLight computer, the fastest large computer in China at present, operates at a speed of 10 billion billion operations per second.

It seems to be ten times faster than what Liu Xiao said, but you must know that the size of this kind of large computer is calculated by the size of a football field.

But now, a thing the size of a notebook has one-tenth of the computing power of a computer of this level.
If Liu Xiao is not joking, this is definitely a subversive technological improvement!

Liu Xiao snickered.

In fact, as a quantum computer, the calculation rate is naturally impossible to be so small.

If you don't cut off the function, make a comprehensive version of the quantum computer, which is about the size of a house, and the calculation rate can reach 5 trillion trillion per second.

As for how big the difference is.
Anyway, one trillion is equal to one trillion, and the speed of 5 trillion trillion is converted into a unit of 5 million, which is [-] trillion billion times per second. It is basically unclear how many times higher it is.

But of course Liu Xiao would not be so stupid as to take out this technology. After all, with his background and identity, it is definitely impossible to have such a technology in his body.

Now take out a censored version of the server, although it will cause shock, but it will not lose personal freedom all at once.

It can also be seen from Qu Yue's reaction that although she is a bit abnormal, Qu Yue is obviously able to accept this level of stimulation.

(End of this chapter)

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