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Chapter 380 August Event: Chu River and Han Realm!

Chapter 380 Event in August: Chu River and Han Realm!

No matter what, Liu Xiao's idea was perfectly executed.

It is undeniable that there are some things that capital cannot do, but most of the things can be solved through capital operation.

Liu Xiao gave Qu Yue all the 1000 million funds signed in to upgrade the system, and let her use it as operating funds for recruiting talents during this period.

With such a strong capital, Qu Yue's recruitment information has just been sent to the headhunting company, and the headhunting company has recommended dozens of professionals to come for interviews, and even some headhunting managers want to work in Liu Ning Group.

After being busy for several days, Liu Xiao was finally free again.

As for Zhao Ning, all the songs in the early stage have also been recorded, and they are concentrating on preparing for Huya's August activities.

The entire Huya platform was also enthusiastic.

Although the official details of the event have not yet been revealed, with the strong rise of the first brother and the first sister of the Misty Rain union, anyone can see that Huya is definitely going to make a big move this month.

On August 8th, Liu Xiao logged into Huya live broadcast early.

Lanlan sent a message last night, briefly introducing the rules of this competition, and said that the announcement of this event will be announced this morning.

According to Lanlan's introduction, the event held this time is quite interesting, and the interactive mode is also very interesting to Liu Xiao.

"I have to say that Huya is more experienced in doing activities."

Liu Xiao muttered, and casually clicked into Yang Zi's live broadcast room.

On Douyu's side, whether it's a normal game, or a mid-year celebration or an anniversary celebration, there is only one mode of competition, that is, each anchor competes with each other.

Of course, Douyu also knows that their mode is a bit boring, but helplessly, they have nothing to do.

After all, the operating methods of the two platforms are different. Their business model of Douyu is centered on big anchors, so it is impossible to play team battles at all, and Douyu's technical department cannot reach such a level.

On Huya's side, dozens of trade unions, large and small, coordinated with each other, which was much more fun.

However, Liu Xiao came early today. According to Lanlan, the announcement will be made at 09:30 in the morning. It is only nine o'clock now, and it will take a while to send it out.

In the live broadcast room, the tourists are discussing the news that happened on the platform in the past few days.

"Brother Yisuo Yanyu specially invited Xiaochun to join the Misty Rain union yesterday, but guess what, Xiaochun didn't agree but said that he would think about it. You know, the elder brother came directly to invite and said that he would think about it, which is a disguised refusal!"

"No way, Xiaochun's little guild isn't very good. After all, Misty Rain's guild is now the third-ranked guild on the platform. Xiaochun actually refused?"

"Let's not talk about Xiaochun, even Da Mao refused Big Brother Yanyu's solicitation. Big Brother Yanyu was quite confident in recruiting the two of them, but he didn't expect such a result in the end."

Following the discussion of the tourists, Yang Zi, who had just been online not long ago, also spoke.

"Although Xiaochun and Da Mao are both in the small guild, they signed the contract after all. If they quit, the two small guilds will not be able to operate."

Yang Zi explained with a smile.

This is just Yang Zi's official explanation, and it is also a step up for Xiao Chun and Da Mao.

In fact, Xiaochun and Da Mao are more inclined to seek refuge with Lehua.

Although all the key positions on Lehua's side have been occupied, how to say, Lehua is also the trade union supported by brother Xiao Xiao.

To put it bluntly, Little Rabbit and San Jin, who were originally second-tier anchors, have all steadily ascended to the position of first-tier anchors with the support of Brother Xiao Xiao.

Although the status is not so detached, the income is not bad at all.

Brother Xiao Xiao hasn't been online much during this time, but there is no big brother like Xiaohuya and Junjun who is usually stingy. The key is that these big brothers never ask for rebates.

If you spend 5 yuan, these anchors can really get [-] yuan.

And what about the Misty Rain union and the Daheng union?
The big brother definitely doesn’t want rebates for small rewards, but when it comes to millions of rewards, in addition to the big brother’s rebates, their anchors have to post some.

Everyone has a steelyard in their hearts, even if they can be a news anchor in the Misty Rain union, it's still a matter of whether they get this position or not, even if they do get it, there is a high probability that they won't make much money.

Not to mention them, even Xiao Fei and Xia Nuan from Daheng, if they were really given the chance to choose, it would probably be the same as their choice.

The development on the platform is all nonsense. For the sake of the development of the trade union, if you don't have the heart to let the small guild disperse, you are just bragging. Only the income is real, and the money is not good for him.

This also caused embarrassment for the Misty Rain trade union.

Most of the anchors on the platform are either towards Daheng, an old-fashioned union with a relatively large plate, or they are rushing towards Lehua's generous benefits. They have just joined the Misty Rain union. The big anchors who were recruited could not be found.

Even some small anchors don't consider their Misty Rain union.

Liu Xiao flipped through the barrage for a while, and also thought it was a little funny.

During this period of time, Lehua's operation was indeed good, but the financial pressure behind Lehua has not diminished.

For now, Lehua is still a developmental trade union that requires continuous investment, and the boss behind Lehua has long intended to sell it.

Sister Feifei had mentioned this matter to him some time ago, and the price of the entire Lehua union was only 5000 million.

But now, there are so many anchors optimistic about the strength of the Lehua union?

Liu Xiao rubbed his nose, feeling more and more interesting about this matter.

Moreover, he has never met Yimin Yanyu, the eldest brother who has just joined Huya's Misty Rain guild, so he doesn't know what kind of person he is.

Liu Xiao didn't sign up, and waited for the details of Huya's activities to come out.

At 09:30, following the sound of a ding, an announcement popped up on the pages of all online visitors and hosts.

At the same time, Liu Xiao also clicked an account login button and went online in Yang Zi's live broadcast room.

"Welcome Brother Xiao Xiao!"

The tourists in the live broadcast room exclaimed and welcomed them again and again.

Although Liu Xiao has played on the platform a few times recently, he hasn't played much, but Brother Xiao Xiao has logged into his account as soon as this event was launched, which means that there is no need to think too much about it.

For a while, the barrage on the public screen began to refresh frantically again.

"Welcome Brother Xiao Xiao to go online."

Yang Zi also stood up to welcome him.

"You're welcome. It's been a long time since I bought a gift. Let's give everyone a million-dollar lucky draw."

Liu Xiao smiled, followed by clicking, and directly swiped twenty sets of Huya No. [-] with one hundred rounds.

Twenty rounds is 200 million. With the pop-up of the gift barrage on the public screen, on the live broadcast page, groups of rockets also began to take off rapidly.

"Thank you Brother Xiao Xiao! Brother Xiao Xiao is domineering!"

"Sure enough, Brother Xiao Xiao made a move as soon as the Tiger Bud event started. Millions of dollars will be drawn. I don't know if we can win [-] this time!"

"Hahaha, almost a month later, Brother Xiao Xiao is doing a lottery again, tears in his eyes!"

In the live broadcast room, the tourists were very excited.

If other big brothers did the lottery, they might not have this reaction.

But since it was a lottery held by Brother Xiao Xiao, it was different.

You know, the lottery drawn by Brother Xiao Xiao is 100% real and free!
In the TV lottery draw in other live broadcast rooms, at the very least, you have to swipe a one-dollar gift card or fan brand or something, but here, brother Xiao Xiao, you only need to swipe the barrage to draw, and at least tens of thousands of prizes
This gap is definitely not a star.

Even the big brother Shenhao from YY, Yishui Misty Rain, has never been so heroic in the lottery draws at Sala and Kuze these days.

"Brother Xiao Xiao is Brother Xiao Xiao, magnificent!"

Seeing that Yang Zi divided 100 million into [-] red envelopes and made it into a bullet screen lottery draw, the tourists in the live broadcast room immediately welcomed another wild praise.

And with Liu Xiao's gifts and the fermentation of the TV lottery, the popularity of Yang Zi's live broadcast room, which was originally only around 20 people, suddenly began to increase dramatically.

In less than 5 minutes, the popularity of Yang Zi's live broadcast more than doubled, reaching 60 people.

With the progress of the lottery, the speed of popularity is still accelerating, and it even has a posture of reaching millions of popularity.

"Huya's recent increase in popularity is indeed terrifying."

Liu Xiao was really startled.

When I first came to Huya three months ago, at Xingxiu, as long as there were more than [-] online, it could be called a top-line anchor.

But now, just for the news anchors in the morning show, there are 20 casual online people.

And after some gifts, the popularity can increase to 70 million at will, and even in the live broadcast room of a big anchor like Yang Zi, it can easily break through to one million.

You know, Huya Xingxiu's first million online only happened when all the anchors in the game area came to Xiaojuzi's live broadcast room to support it.

Other than that, it can only be achieved when he and Daheng face each other, and when they earn more than [-] million in the live broadcast room of Xiaojuzi and Baldy.

In particular, it can be seen that the establishment of the Misty Rain trade union in Huya has indeed brought a lot of popularity to Huya.

And this part of the popularity is mostly on Xingxiu's side.

About 200 million people grew in popularity, and at least 150 million people stayed in Huya's Xingxiu District.

The lottery draw lasted for half an hour.

Yang Zi also took advantage of this gap to read through the rules of this event, and took the opportunity to take a pen to extract the key points.

It is true that he is a news anchor, but when it comes to the rules of the event, he also needs time to understand.

The more you look down on the rules of this event, the more Yang Zi feels that Vice President Du's thinking is difficult for him to understand.

And with the end of the lucky draw on TV, Yang Zi basically understood the rules of the event thoroughly.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, brothers, the rules of this event may be beyond everyone's expectations."

Yang Zi pulled the rules of the event to the public screen, and made the font of the title of the event the largest.

"Chu River Han Realm"!
"The theme of this event is [Chuhe-Han Boundary]. If you understand it according to the rules of chess, it is a contest between Chu and Han. However, Hu Ya played more interestingly this time, and deliberately divided the Chu River-Han Boundary into three parts. layer."

"Three floors?"

The tourists looked at the event page and were a little puzzled for a while.

In this event, Huya also performed very meticulously.

On the background page of the event, a huge river is swooping and swooping forward, and on both sides of the river, groups of cartoon characters are trying their best to cross the river.

At a glance, it is almost comparable to the picture quality of the movie [Nezha] that has just been released.

But of course the focus of everyone's concern now is not here.

Yang Zi stroked his train of thought and continued to explain in the live broadcast room.

"The so-called Chuhe-Han Realm means that the forces of this event are divided into three parties, namely Chu, Han, and He."

"And these three parties also represent the three parties in this event on the platform. What's interesting is that among these three parties, the trade union forces can rely on the union's wishes to join in advance, but the anchors within the union are not directly able to choose to join. It is allocated randomly through the system."

Speaking of this, the tourists in the live broadcast room were suddenly in a cloud of fog again.

They understand that the event is divided into three parties, and that trade unions can join forces, but they can't just join the anchor, which is really incomprehensible.

Yang Zi didn't intend to whet his appetite either, he just made a metaphor for the audience with his backhand.

"Take Lehua and me as an example."

"For example, now that the event is starting, we, Lehua, choose Chu as our force, so our Lehua's camp in this competition is determined to be that Chu will not change."

"If our Lehua union wants to win this competition, we must defeat the other two forces, which means the score should be higher than the other two forces. Can you understand this?"

Yang Zi explained it in detail, and the tourists nodded one after another.

"The next thing is the more interesting part of this event."

"Let's still use our Lehua as an analogy. For example, if our Lehua joins the power of Chu, then naturally we have to score more points to win, but our anchors under Lehua cannot directly choose to join the power of Chu, but through The system randomly assigns them every day."

"For example, when the event officially starts tonight, I will randomly get any one of the three identities from the Huya system. This identity may be any one of the three parties: Chu, Han, and He."

"If I assign Chu's forces, then naturally there is nothing to say. I must do my best to get points to help the union improve its ranking within today."

"Then on the second day, the system randomly assigns me, for example, if I am assigned to the Han side, then I have to work hard to keep the rank. It is best not to get a point, because if I get points at this time, it will be Score points for the power of [Han].”

Yang Zi tirelessly made metaphors.

The rules of this event are indeed a bit difficult to understand.

But under this rule, the event will undoubtedly become very interesting, and the interaction and playability of all tourists and hosts will definitely be greatly enhanced!

(End of this chapter)

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