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Chapter 381 Brother Xiao Xiao's Golden Thighs

Chapter 381 Brother Xiao Xiao's Golden Thighs

With Yang Zi's explanation, most tourists immediately understood.

"That is to say, this time Huya divided the entire trade union on the platform into three factions, namely Chu, Han, and He. However, the camps of all anchors do not follow the union, but are randomized once a day."

"If you randomly get to the side of your own union, you may have to frantically pull up the atmosphere to hit the rankings. If you randomly get to a power that doesn't belong to your own union, then you will do everything you can to keep the water friends from swiping gifts, isn't that right?"

Yang Zi glanced at the barrage.

"The two friends above have a very thorough understanding. The rules at the beginning of the event are indeed like this. Therefore, I just said that this event must be more interesting, and there will be more interactions between everyone and the anchor."

Although the trade union forces in Xingxiu District are mixed, after choosing a camp, everyone will gradually understand how to fight.

And this time, because of the new joining of the Misty Rain trade union, the main body of this activity is mainly on Xingxiu's side, followed by the game area.

But even so, the Misty Rain trade union still suffered some faint losses in this event.

The current three major forces on the platform are Daheng, Lehua and Misty Rain.

There are two to 3000 anchors under Daheng. After the annexation of Liangkai, this number jumped up a bit.

Although Lehua doesn't have too many anchors in the entertainment area, the game area is completely Lehua's back garden.

You must know that many anchors in the game area have not joined the union. When they play activities, they can help whoever they want, and there is no camp restriction at all.

Therefore, compared with Daheng, Lehua's basic strength should be evenly matched.

On the other hand, Misty Rain is at a disadvantage here. There are only 600 union anchors on the entire platform, and the basic strength is far behind Daheng.

That is to say, they can compete with each other on the head anchor side.

The event lasted for a week. After confirming the trade union camp during the day today, the game will officially start in the evening, and the event will officially end at [-]:[-] pm this Sunday.

"Attention everyone, although the event is currently saying so, the official side also gave a hidden easter egg, and the reminder will be announced on the last day of the finals."

Yang Zi pulled to the end of the event and keenly discovered the last message of the event.

Seeing this, Liu Xiao suddenly laughed.

Lan Lan had told him about this.

Of course, Vice President Du also explained this to Daheng and Misty Rain. As for the easter eggs, they just added a little bit of fun and added a little surprise to the tourists.

The last one is that on the last day of the competition, the two unions with weaker scores will join forces to form an alliance to jointly fight against the strongest force.

As long as they can win, the rewards of No.1 and No.2 will be shared equally, and No.1 can only get the reward of No.3.

If they lose, the two alliances will not get any event rewards, and all the recommendation positions of the three parties will belong to No.1.

In other words, as long as any force wants to form an alliance, it has to spend less money in the early stage to fall behind the score.

But the problem with this is that even if you win in the end, you can only get half of the No.1 reward this time, and you can't get the full reward at all.

If they are going for the recommended positions for rewards, all unions must set their goals first, let the other two alliances come behind, and then win the battle.

This may sound difficult, but once they win, the trade unions of the other two forces will not be able to get any recommendation slots. On the other hand, the winner can get all the recommendation slots for this event.

The two choices have advantages and disadvantages. The specific choice depends on how the trade unions operate.

Thinking of this, Liu Xiao suddenly admired Vice President Du's brain hole again.

In terms of event planning, Vice President Du is really an eternal god!

Once such an activity is announced, why should a trade union go all out?

Even if Gouzhu wanted to join forces with another guild in the early stage, they would have to frantically hit the rankings to collect money after joining forces, otherwise if No. 1 wins, wouldn't they not be able to get a recommended position?

One after another, they will definitely not feel good for a while after the event.

If you choose to hit No.1 in the early stage and want to get all the recommendation rewards for the first to third places, you have to fight hard from the first day to the last day.

Of course, this model is risky, but the benefits are greater, and there will definitely be many people who want to take the risk.

Liu Xiao swiped some gifts to enliven the atmosphere for a while, then jumped to the game area.

Daheng Union.

In the early ten o'clock in the morning, Brother Jiu and Xia Nuan were still biting at Good Morning, and there were only two core decision makers in the trade union office, Brother Hua and Lao Wu.

However, with Brother Jiu's character of throwing his hands away as a shopkeeper, it is estimated that it will be like that when he comes, so Brother Hua and Lao Wu decided not to wait for Brother Jiu.

Vice President Du had also asked Guoguo to notify them about the alliance on the last day.

"Brother Hua, with the strength of our trade union, if we insist on No.1, we will probably fail. At that time, all the rankings we invested in may be lost."

The fifth child was silent for a while, then analyzed.

Last month's cash back was less than [-] million, plus the additional investment this month, Daheng's funds are relatively abundant.

But Lao Wu didn't dare to make a promise now, saying that Daheng could fight hard against Lehua and Misty Rain.

There is no doubt about Xiao Xiao's strength. Their Daheng campaign for three consecutive months ended in failure. It is still unclear where Xiao Xiao's bottom line is, but it is no problem to say at least three or four hundred million.

And Yisuo Misty Rain's strength has been proven by YY long ago, one or two hundred million should not be a big problem, but when all these are added up, it has to be considered according to the list of five or six million.

Sitting on the desk, Brother Hua slowly twisted the emerald-like plain ring in his hand, looked up at the window and said nothing.

With the development of Daheng so far, the scale of the trade union has already been raised by an unknown number of levels, and Daheng's later development is also optimistic about them.

But for now, Daheng still hasn't gained much positive income.

Those advertising fees and endorsement fees are basically all invested in the operation of the union. In addition, several hundred million have been invested in it, but until now, no money has been returned.

Fortunately, brother Hua Jiu's family is well-off and able to withstand such a large-scale war of attrition.

"Old Five, you should have paid attention to the market competition between Mobike and ofo's small yellow car during this period of time, right?"

Brother Hua smiled and said, but he didn't answer the question.

"I have paid attention to it. It is the sharing economy operation of Tencent and Alipay."

Although Lao Wu didn't quite understand, he still replied.

"At present, the investment of the two companies has exceeded tens of billions, including the manufacturing, launch and operation costs of shared bicycles in various cities, but you know why they have already burned tens of billions, and they have not stopped at all. mean?"

Lao Wu just wanted to reply, but Brother Hua waved his hand and didn't give him a chance, so he continued to analyze.

"Because both of them know that in this kind of market duel, whoever admits defeat first will lose. Therefore, they will continue to burn money. As long as they can fight their opponents in terms of capital, and then occupy the market, How much money can be earned back."

Brother Hua stood up abruptly.

Assistant Wei Wei hastily moved away half of her body to let Brother Hua walk out while rubbing against her.

"Similarly, in the Huya trade union competition, there is only No.1 and the last place, there is no second or third place."

"Once we show weakness, we will inevitably get weaker every step of the way. If we stand up, then even if we lose, we can still win the hearts of union fans."

"No matter how good the second and third are, you can only follow the trend of No.1. Even if No.1 is unhappy one day, two sentences can make you bankrupt and liquidate."

The example of Liangkai's trade union is right in front of him, and Lao Wu certainly understands what Brother Hua means.

Lao Wu's heart tightened, and he quickly understood what Brother Hua meant.

Since he has the strength to compete for the first place this month, why not fight for it?

As long as you get the first place and win the final victory, even if you pay twice the cost, it will be worth it.

At that time, all the recommendation positions for the first, second and third places will be taken over, and all the losses that Daheng suffered from the direct pk with Lehua some time ago will be returned.

After understanding what Brother Hua meant, Lao Wu's blood boiled immediately.

"If that's the case, let's do a big job!"

Brother Hua patted Lao Wu on the shoulder, very satisfied.

Lao Wu is now becoming more and more general-like. I believe that it will not be long before Lao Wu can completely take over Daheng's stall. At the latest after this year's annual meeting, Daheng's operations will basically not need him. Worry about it.

After all, as a shareholder of a large group, it is impossible to focus on one enterprise for a long time.

Misty rain trade union.

A man with a cold face smiled and looked at a man and a woman in the office.

"Sala, Kuze, you should all understand this event in Huya. I hope you will put in more effort these days. As long as we can win this time, we will have no problem gaining a foothold in Huya in the future."

"Brother Yanyu, don't worry, we will definitely restore the fan club as quickly as possible."

Kuze nodded again and again to indicate that there was no problem.

As the first brother of the platform from YY, Kuze is quite proud in his heart.

After all, Huya is just a subsidiary of YY. Even if it has recently become independent, it still cannot get rid of the label of YY. Even the virtual currency in Huya is called Y coins. How do you get rid of this label?

Therefore, although the popularity in the past few days is relatively average, Kuze is still full of confidence in his heart.

Salad is basically the same idea as Kuze.

The two of them are very clear about Brother Yanyu's strength, and there will be absolutely nothing wrong with an event.

Kuze and Shala greeted Yishao Misty Rain, and left the office one after the other.

In the room, Yimin Yanyu, who was originally smiling, suddenly darkened.

If Brother Jiu and Brother Hua are the top young masters and entrepreneurs in the capital, then he is the top young master here in Shanghai.

Among other things, 6000 million yuan can still be taken out every month.

Coupled with the operating funds accumulated by the trade union in the early stage and some previous savings, Yishui Misty Rain is sure that he will not be worse than Brother Hua Jiu and the others.

As for Xiao Xiao, who has become popular in Huya recently, he is the one who makes him feel the most pressure.

"No matter what, Huya's current development has reached this level. If I don't take this opportunity to step in, I'm afraid these resources will not be with me in the future."

Yi Mino Yanyu pulled the beautiful assistant beside her to sit on her lap, with one arm around her waist, and the other hand playing with two small grapes, thinking secretly.

He doesn't have any companies under him, he's just a pure son, similar to Brother Jiu.

Like Brother Jiu, with a little money, he also chose to come to the live broadcast platform to play with female anchors and other pastimes.

But he chose YY instead of Huya for his consumption.I have spent a few times at YY, but the consumption level is not high.

Therefore, Yimino Misty Rain still has some savings in his hands, and the trade union operating at YY has also accumulated a lot of unused trade union capital.

Therefore, this month, the amount of money that Yishui Misty Rain can come up with is definitely not small.

Similarly, this is also the reason why he dared to wrestle with Brother Hua and Xiao Xiao this month.

Daheng and Lehua have been fighting against each other for several months, and Lao Di has long since lost their fight.

But their Misty Rain union waited for work with ease, and had been operating in YY for several years. Even though the income there was much lower, the time had saved him a lot of capital.

Yimino Misty Rain is very confident, if he goes to grab this No.1, no one can beat him!
The only thing that made him feel a little uncomfortable was that when he was aggressively recruiting anchors to join the union on the platform, only a few anchors responded to his matter.

"Hmph, the old man said that I'm not strong enough, I have to do something to prove my ability!"

Yi Minoyue squeezed hard, and under the scream of the beautiful secretary, she directly hugged the beautiful secretary and put it on the sofa
Except for Huya's largest three-party force, the rest of the trade unions did not know the news.

Vice President Du didn't plan to release it for them in advance, but planned to announce it on the last day according to the rules, which also added some fun to this event.

Therefore, when the registration page for the event came out, major trade unions began to choose camps one after another.

Sister Feifei saw that the Daheng and Misty Rain guilds hadn't been elected yet, so she chose Chu without any hesitation.

Daheng followed closely behind and chose the Han forces.

Misty Rain didn't care about that either, he wanted to take the first place, so naturally he didn't want to share the fruits of victory with Lehua and Daheng, so he directly chose the remaining one, Influence River.

Seeing that the three giants of the platform had selected forces, all the small and medium-sized trade unions also moved their minds.

"Damn it, I don't know what you guys are thinking, it must be brother Xiao Xiao!"

Seeing that most of the unions were considering it, several union bosses chose Chu's forces without hesitation.

Up to now, Brother Xiao Xiao's strength no longer needs to be questioned by them.

Last month, I swiped a wave in Huya, and almost swiped their small guilds and Daheng until they vomited blood, but Brother Xiaoxiao acted like a normal person, and within a few days, he went to Douyu and swiped [-] million. The Douyu platform was blood-washed from top to bottom.

If this kind of golden thigh doesn't follow, isn't it a disease of the brain?
(End of this chapter)

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