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Chapter 382 The Exploding Technology Circle

Chapter 382 The Exploding Technology Circle

All the union managers and bosses suddenly came to their senses.

According to the strength of the guild, Daheng and Lehua should be about the same at present, but after all, Brother Xiao Xiao's record is there. With the support of consecutive months of victories, these small guilds are indeed convinced.

After Sister Feifei confirmed her camp, after a brief silence, Chu's faction was about to be blown away by the union boss of the platform.

"Holy shit, why can't I join in?"

"The force you joined is full, please choose another force to join?"

"You're in vain! Vice President Du is too foolish, and he's even restricting the number of people!"

"If you don't join Lehua, the probability of getting a recommended position this month will decrease again. The union will actively operate the recommended position, and it will cost a lot of money!"

Several trade unions couldn't help scolding, but the speed under their hands was extremely fast, and they directly clicked on the page of the Daheng trade union.

Lehua can't join, and Daheng is the second choice.

As for the Misty Rain trade union that just came to Huya's side, everyone didn't even know the details, so it was naturally the last choice.

Within a few seconds, the Han faction was already full.

Seeing this scene, Yi Minoyam, who was staring at the computer while farming, felt extremely bad.

Their Misty Rain trade union has always been No.1, when did they become so disgusted?

The last batch of trade union forces that joined were reluctant to click in.

Fortunately, Vice President Du has set an upper limit on the number of trade unions for each faction. If there is no limit to joining, the faction selected by their Misty Rain trade union must not be zero?

"Ma De, after seven days, I have to show you what the first guild is!"

How could Yimin Misty Rain, who had been working smoothly on YY's side, ever experience this kind of grievance.

For a while, the speed of the sprint increased again, as if to vent all the unhappiness in his heart.

On Daheng's side, Brother Hua's expression was not very good either.

After all, Daheng, which has been going smoothly for a long time, is suddenly stuck in the second echelon. Such a change must represent the shrinking of their current strength.

"In any case, this event must be won. Only by winning this competition can we rise again."

Brother Hua seemed to have anticipated the tragedy of this event.

Needless to say, the ranking of this event will definitely be higher than all previous rankings!
But as long as you can win, you will definitely earn blood after getting the recommendation. As long as you persist for two or three months, you can basically pay back your capital.

More importantly, it will definitely be of great help to the subsequent development of the trade union.

Liu Xiao took a look at the power list of this event.

The forces are basically divided into three parties. The three parties, Lehua, Daheng, and Misty Rain, all have about the same number of trade unions.

As for the anchors in the game area, most of them are powerless anchors, and there is a high probability that they will support Lehua at that time.

Invisibly, this will increase some of Lehua's strength.

But for now, this activity will definitely take a while to see the clues.

After all, the first six days were random rankings, so it's okay to play around, but if you really want to make a move, you have to wait until the sixth day.

The event officially started in the evening, and Liu Xiao went to the group company.

The group's personnel framework is already on board.

Under the operation of Qu Yue's tens of millions of funds, in just one day, the staffing of the subordinate technology company has been half completed. It is estimated that by tomorrow, most of the employees will be able to officially start work.

Seeing this, Liu Xiao also had to admire Qu Yue's execution ability.

This is definitely a super reliable professional manager. As long as the money is enough, she can build it in the shortest time, no matter what talent or company.

The production of the virtual disk is expected to take two days to be in place.

The materials and equipment needed for production have already started to be purchased from Quyue, and they will basically be delivered in two days after tomorrow.

"Notify me as soon as the equipment arrives. In the past few days, I will send 1000 million cash to the group every day, trying to get the equipment in the shortest possible time."

"No problem, these devices are not high-tech, and they are easy to get."

Qu Yue smiled and nodded.

Because the operation is achieved through photon characterization, Liu Xiao does not need to be particularly precise in terms of instruments.

Foreign countries need a lathe with a precision of more than 5nm to describe the circuit, but Liu Xiao only needs a primary lathe of about 20nm, mainly through the transformation of this lathe to transform it into a photon map manufacturing process.

After all, the precision of 0.01 nanometers is far from enough to describe the quantum form, so it can only be done through the method used by Liu Xiao.

In doing so, the cost has also been greatly controlled.

5nm lathes, if you don’t have [-] billion, you can’t get them, and if you have money, you may not be able to buy them.

As for the 20nm machine tool, the gap is too big. Even some small domestic workshops for building materials processing don’t use lathes of this precision. A small machine tool only costs about five million yuan, and it’s always in stock.

The precision that can be mass-produced in China is basically 9 nanometers. As for the lithography machine, it can currently manufacture up to [-]nm, which is also a means of using some foreign materials.

If you do not rely on foreign means, it is estimated that the accuracy will be around 100nm at most.

At present, this thing is already on the way to the company, and it will arrive the day after tomorrow.

As for the other manufacturing materials that Liu Xiao needs, it is very simple. After obtaining the formal business license, go to the Industrial and Commercial Bureau to apply for the establishment of a scientific research team. The raw materials are basically obtained at cost prices.

Even the Industrial and Commercial Bureau asked Qu Yue if she needed to apply for a scientific research grant.

At present, the country has great support for scientific research, especially for big data servers and high-precision machine tools. The total support funds are calculated in hundreds of billions of trillions.

Hearing this, Liu Xiao really didn't expect it.

But for now, he doesn't need to do any scientific research, and after these servers are pre-sold, I am afraid that he will never be short of money again, but there is no need to apply for this thing.

"The technology company still needs to continue recruiting people to expand the scientific research team. You don't have to worry about money."

Liu Xiao gave a warning, and then sat in front of the computer and began to think about how to write the pre-sale news of the virtual disk.

Needless to say in terms of functions, the main issue is pricing, which Liu Xiao has been considering.

The production of this thing mainly relies on the virtual disk operation technology in my mind. Although the specific production cost is somewhat, it is indeed very low.

Liu Xiao reckoned, and estimated that around 500 million would be able to produce a weakened version.

With such a thing, the background data processing and operation supporting the entire Huya live broadcast should be no problem.

"Only two hundred million units."

Liu Xiao sighed lightly.

For now, Liu Xiao is no longer short of money.

Even if this thing sells for [-] million, it is estimated that a lot of people want to buy it.

But [-] million, not to mention those small companies, even giants like Huya, whether it can be used is still a matter of debate.

Liu Xiao's real purpose is to promote the advancement of technology, not to make a lot of money.

To upgrade to the next level, you only need to spend 10 billion, and the price is [-] million. Selling ten units is definitely enough.

And only when this thing is popularized, can the next holographic projection have enough server bandwidth to drive it.

"However, after this thing comes out, foreign countries will definitely get a batch. Now, a quantum code is still set in it. All the IPs in foreign countries will be sent back after connecting to the server, and the data analysis function will be disabled. "

Liu Xiao stroked his chin in thought.

As for the specific manufacturing process, Liu Xiao has nothing to worry about.

For things related to the quantum level, there is no sufficient scientific research foundation, and it is impossible to pirate them. Those foreign technology experts dismantle them as soon as they like. Anyway, after dismantling, those quantum light path diagrams that are accurate to microns or even microns, look at them. How to reproduce it.

It's better to buy a few more researches, and it can also create more foreign exchange benefits for the company. Wouldn't it be nice to use these international foreign currencies to buy some ore from Europe?

A ton of iron ore is currently 1500, and the futures price is around 1300. Iron ore worth 15 million yuan must be brought back by a large freighter with a carrying capacity of more than [-] tons.

Science has no borders, but after all, there are scientists.

Looking at the listing information he just wrote, Liu Xiao suddenly felt bored.

After struggling for several months, I finally said goodbye to money completely.

Ten units were pre-sold in the early stage, but the price is 20 billion yuan, plus the doubling of the system, deducting costs and the like, at least 35 billion yuan can be dropped.

Within half a month, the system can be successfully upgraded to a new level.

Even if no new project is developed, the system can be upgraded again in two or three months by relying on this project alone.

At that time, one billion will be signed in every day. Even if you buy a luxury house every day, it is estimated that you will not be able to spend it all.

The registration and establishment of a new technology company and technology group did not cause any waves in the domestic technology industry.

But as Liu Xiao listed the virtual disk on the official website of the domestic science and technology authority, the technology circle that had been calm for a long time suddenly ushered in a wave of explosions.

"The virtual disk server can achieve a calculation speed of 1 million times per second, and the real volume is only three cubic meters?"

In order to let the technology circle slowly accept this kind of thing, Liu Xiao did not take out a notebook-sized server at first, but expanded it to three cubic meters.

But even so, it still caused a huge sensation in the scientific and technological circles.

To Liu Xiao's surprise, it was not the commercial technology companies that he had been optimistic about, but some scientific research institutes who were interested in this thing first.

These institutions are located in countless domestic universities, and are led by top talents in the industry to carry out scientific research and production, and they are also silently promoting the progress of the country and the leap in scientific research strength.

For a long time, one of the more headaches for them is the computing power of the server.

There are only so many supercomputers in the country, and there are only a dozen of them in total, but scientific research projects are blooming everywhere, and any one of them requires a lot of computing power to verify.

If it cannot be verified, the next step of the experimental operation cannot be carried out.

Compared with commercial groups such as Ali and Tencent, they undoubtedly have higher requirements for servers.

However, those who can publish product information on the domestic science and technology official website are at least huge companies with a registered capital of more than 5000 million in the domestic industry and commerce bureau. Under normal circumstances, it is naturally impossible to report data indiscriminately.

Therefore, less than half an hour after Liu Xiao sent out the news about the sale, the screenshot of this message spread throughout the research circles in Huaguo.

But after all, this thing appeared too abruptly, and everyone didn't dare to believe it for a while.

After all, once this thing is proven to be true, countless domestic scientific research projects that have been stagnated due to insufficient computing power can be continued at full capacity.

Countless big bulls waited and watched, just waiting for this news to be completely confirmed.

After all, for now, this sale news is only a pre-sale, and it will take a week to get the goods.

As long as it can be confirmed to be true, it will definitely be a major technological breakthrough for Huaguo.

"Regardless of whether it is true or not, Huawei is definitely going to build one to see the situation. There are currently 10 units listed for sale. I will allocate 20 billion to go out and take as many as I can. I hope it is true."

20 billion is nothing to Huawei.

Furthermore, as long as the account is a domestic account, the money will definitely not escape.

Liu Xiao sat in the business department, feeling a little bewildered.

It stands to reason that with such an explosive technological breakthrough, no matter those tech giants believe it or not, someone must call to ask about the situation, right?

After all, the phone number of the group business department has been noted in the back, even if you don't buy it, it's okay to call and ask if it's true or not?
But in fact, Liu Xiao had been sitting here for half an hour, watching helplessly that the post he posted on the technology website was getting more and more likes, but no one called.

Just when Liu Xiao wondered if the company's phone bill had not been paid, a dozen or so phones in the business department, which had been quiet all along, rang almost at the same time.

"Hello, Liuning Technology Company, a subsidiary of Liuning Technology Group."

"Hello, Liu Ning. Yes, yes, yes, we are right, the product information is right, yes, yes, the performance can definitely be achieved."

All of a sudden, more than a dozen people answered the phone.

"Reserve 10 units? Sorry, our pre-sales are currently limited, and a company can only reserve one unit. Yes, that's right."

"What, Mr. Ren?"

A newly hired sales consultant listened to the phone call on the other end and was immediately taken aback.

Coincidentally, the sales consultant saw Liu Xiao standing next to him, got up quickly, and reported while covering the microphone.

"Mr. Liu, Mr. Ren from Huawei called in person, and wanted to ask specific questions about our servers, and Huawei wanted to directly order ten sets, please see us"

Liu Xiao was taken aback when he heard this.

After thinking for a while, Liu Xiao said:
"Well, give me a call and I'll communicate in person."

Liu Xiao took the microphone from the sales consultant, and then spoke slowly:
"Hello Mr. Ren, I am the chairman of Liu Ning Group, Liu Xiao."

(End of this chapter)

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