Chapter 383 Acquire Lehua!

Liu Xiao didn't pay much attention to this point.

However, in order to open up the market in the early stage, even if it was Mr. Ren, Liu Xiao would not be able to sell all the things to him alone, but would choose to process them in batches to leave some room for himself.

For now, only Liu Xiao knows the authenticity of this thing, and naturally he also knows the function of this server.

Ten servers connected in parallel equals the computing power of a supercomputer.

The five servers are close, but they also have the ability to calculate super-large calculation formulas.

"Maximum five, Mr. Ren, you know the difficulty of making this thing. Each one costs [-] million yuan. Not to mention my low profit, technical problems still need to be improved, so this number of servers."

On the other end of the phone, Mr. Ren listened to Liu Xiao's reply on the phone, but a smile slowly appeared on the corner of his mouth.

During this process, if Liu Xiao told him that there was no problem or that he could not do both, he would doubt the accuracy of the data announced by Liu Xiao, but Liu Xiao chose the method with the greatest risk to his company, even Expand your reputation through credit pledge.

Without enough guts, most people can't do this.

"No problem, the delivery will be accepted after seven days. If it is manufactured in advance, it can also be inspected in advance."

Elder Ren nodded happily and agreed.

Five machines are 10 billion yuan of funds. With Huawei's current strength, [-] billion yuan is not considered a financial pressure.

Liu Xiao let out a sigh of relief, and hung up the incoming call.

At the same time, other sales managers also received orders from other enterprises and merchants to varying degrees.

These days, no one is short of the [-] million server money that can make the company bigger and stronger. Although sometimes the company with cash flow will feel uncomfortable, but Mr. Ren has already booked it. It doesn't matter whether this thing is true or not.

If it is fake, pay and book now, and the money will definitely be returned after the real hammer.

But if it is true, then they are the first batch of companies in China to get the server, which means absolutely different.

Liu Xiao looked at a batch of statistical lists.

Huawei has already made a decision. For the rest, companies such as Tencent and Alibaba all mark direct payment in cash, such as Meituan and, which have high server requirements, and even have some room for a premium. Bian even offered a price of 1000 million.

Liu Xiao continued to pull down, and the rest were basically first-line scientific research institutions.

Liu Xiao shook his head.

"In this way, the remaining five machines will be allocated to these first-line scientific research institutions for the time being, and the remaining orders can be received, but at the rate of ten machines in half a month."

Liu Xiao approached Qu Yue, intending to ask Qu Yue to contact these companies with a deposit first.

For a business worth [-] million yuan, it shouldn't be too much to ask for [-] million yuan in advance, right?
Qu Yue actually didn't expect such an explosion when the news was announced.

You know, this is just an announcement of a pre-sale. If the first batch of real products are manufactured and the performance of the server is verified, then these enterprises and scientific research institutions will not go crazy?
It will take one to two days for the machinery and equipment to enter the site, so Liu Xiao has nothing to do for the time being.

After strolling around the group company, Qu Yue basically connected with several companies and projects.

Huawei has issued a total of 5000 million intention money, as long as the delivery is confirmed, the remaining balance will be paid.

The rest of the companies are similar, and they paid 5000 million here and there.

Liu Xiao went to the finance department to take a look, and was immediately overjoyed.

I worked hard for several months to open a clothing store and a hot pot restaurant, but in fact, I only made so little money.

If you really want to make a lot of money, you have to be a high-tech company in the final analysis.

Just by receiving an advance payment, you can easily get [-] million.

After [-] days, all these machines are completed, and the remaining payment can be easily obtained.

At that time, Liu Xiao might really not be short of money at all.

"It's still the same, the money will be withdrawn to me first after paying taxes."

The finances were dug out from the clothing store, and Liu Xiao was quite satisfied with the financial level of this person, so he brought them to the group together.

Hearing what Liu Xiao said, the finance minister immediately nodded in response.

The tax point for technology companies is around 20.00% five, and the income of 500 million, after deducting the point, I got 5000 million, all of which went into Liu Xiao's bank card, and then with the doubling ability of the investment card, it became 6000 million [-] million in cash, plus some odds and ends of income from Liu Xiao's bank card, just made up a total of [-] million.

Looking at the cash that arrived in the bank card, Liu Xiao's face was filled with embarrassment.

Ever since I started spending with the Shenhao Card, it is really not easy.

A beautiful woman like Zhao Ning rubbed against her every day, but he didn't do anything substantive, and he didn't even dare to have a girlfriend.

But now, this is finally resolved.

On Zhao Ning's side, they donated a lot in the early stage, basically donating all the proceeds from the Shenhao card, and the remaining amount is less than 4000 million.

Liu Xiao directly withdrew 5000 million from this bank card, and transferred all of it into the account of Shenhao Card.

"System, from now on, Zhao Ning will default to my relatives and friends relationship, and I will use the 5000 million yuan to deduct the remaining Shenhao card consumption from her."

The system did not reply to Liu Xiao, but some of the deposits in the Shenhao card disappeared silently.

Originally saved 5000 million and successfully broke the balance of 10 billion, it suddenly became around 6000 million.

Seeing this situation, Liu Xiao was really relieved.

The cost of each server is about 1000 million. Liu Xiao now has [-] million daily sign-in income, so there is no need to worry about the cost.

In other words, the [-] million cash left in Liu Xiao's hand can actually be spent.

Thinking of this, Liu Xiao simply called Sister Lehua Feifei and raised the issue of acquiring Lehua.

The biggest reason for not doing anything last month was lack of funds. Now Liu Xiao is not short of money at all, and the purchase is also rich and powerful. After all, this is one of the few entertainment activities that Liu Xiao currently has.

At least, from Liu Xiao's point of view, playing with Brother Jiu and Brother Hua on the platform is quite interesting.

Sister Feifei, who had quoted 8000 million yuan last month, hadn't spoken yet, and Liu Xiao directly dropped [-] million yuan.

Sister Feifei didn't even ask the boss behind the scenes for instructions, so she agreed directly.

Although Lehua has great potential recently, the boss behind the scenes has long been unable to bear such endless investment.

It was barely able to operate with an investment of several million a month before, but now, the monthly investment is hundreds of millions, at least 6000 to [-] million. In this case, it is impossible to carry it with his capital strength. live.

Despite many risks, Lehua's boss finally planned to sell the union wholly.

After all, since the establishment of Lehua, he has only invested 3000 million before and after, and now he sells it backhand for 8000 million, and he is still very willing to make a net profit of 5000 million.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, congratulations, we will do things for you in the future."

Sister Feifei called, her expression was full of joy.

Brother Xiao Xiao's strength is well known to everyone in Huya. Now that Brother Xiao Xiao has acquired Lehua wholly, Lehua's future development can definitely be expected.

As for her trade union management who has been getting along well with Brother Xiao Xiao, I'm afraid she can go a step further.

"I'm quite satisfied with the operation of the union on your side. I won't adjust the personnel issues. Your salary is adjusted to 300 million a year, and the bonus performance is calculated separately. Is there a problem?"

Sister Feifei's annual salary was only about 80 before, but now Liu Xiao's 300 million is about four times that of Sister Feifei.

At this moment, Sister Feifei was so excited that she almost couldn't resist.

"No problem, no problem, thank you Brother Xiao Xiao!"

"Okay, I have nothing to do here. I will also go to this event to have fun. I will recharge some gold beans to the union account in a while. You can share a point with the anchors in the union."

"By the way, when you are free, remember to go to the Industrial and Commercial Bureau to register an entertainment company, the name is Liu Ning Media, and I will find a special person to connect you to the group company."

Liu Xiao just remembered this, and reminded him again.

"Liu Ning Media? Yes, no problem."

Sister Feifei was taken aback. Although she felt that the name was a little weird and familiar, she agreed immediately.

And the conjecture that Sister Feifei had always had in her heart was confirmed in an instant.

Brother Xiao Xiao's business stall is definitely very large.

After all, those who carry out business docking on a group scale, at least have a market value of several billion.

If listing and other things are added, it will definitely not be a problem to increase this number by ten times, a large group company of tens of billions, or even hundreds of billions!
Thinking of this, Sister Feifei was in a good mood for a while.

If you can continue working with brother Xiao Xiao, your future is definitely bright!

"Liu Ning Group, Liu Ning Group, Liu Ning Media."

Sister Feifei slapped her head when she saw the company name and her ID card information that brother Xiao Xiao had sent her on WeChat.

"Just tell me why you are so familiar, Liu Xiao, Liu Xiao, it turns out that Liu Xiao is brother Xiao Xiao!"

After Sister Feifei exclaimed, she quickly covered her mouth, ran back to the office secretly, and locked the door on purpose.

Xiaojuzi's real name, Sister Feifei, is naturally known. Her full name is Zhao Ning, and Ning is the Ning of the Liu Ning Group.

As for Brother Xiao Xiao's full name, Sister Feifei understood it when the information about Brother Xiao Xiao's legal person was transmitted.

Isn't this the classmate that Xiaojuzi promoted the game endorsement in the live broadcast room before?
Brother Xiao Xiao even deliberately used a large shot to promote the game in the game area, and even provoked Vice President Du to help.

Now it seems that Liu Xiao and Brother Xiao Xiao are the same person at all!
"It's still a big boss like Brother Xiao Xiao who knows how to play, but he can think of such a way to chase a girl. Even this new group should be prepared for Xiaojuzi, right?"

After the shock, Sister Feifei felt funny again.

Fortunately, she used to be afraid of when brother Xiao Xiao would withdraw from the Internet.

After all, as a union manager, she still cares about Xiaojuzi's relationship status, so she naturally knows that Xiaojuzi has a boyfriend recently.

She has been hiding this matter from now on, because she is afraid that brother Xiao Xiao will withdraw from the Internet and stop playing after he finds out, Lehua must not be able to afford such a loss.

But who would have known that Liu Xiao is brother Xiao Xiao, and Xiao Juzi's current boyfriend is a super boss with a net worth of at least hundreds of billions!
From this point of view, Brother Xiao Xiao usually paid [-] to [-] million for Xiaojuzi, so that would not be a problem at all.

Although he didn't win Xiaojuzi by swiping the money, with Liu Xiao's identity, he didn't know how many times he slept with Xiaojuzi.

This kind of gameplay is stimulating and exciting when you think about it.

"Brother Xiao Xiao still knows how to play. Little Orange is indispensable at night and during the day, which is too bad."

Sister Feifei had a weird look on her face, she couldn't help but wanted to laugh, but she was restraining herself.

But for now, Sister Feifei will definitely not tell the news.

After all, once Little Orange finds out about changing the name to Liu Ning Media, she will destroy all the painstaking efforts of brother Xiao Xiao.

Being able to climb to her position, naturally she wouldn't do such a stupid thing.

Since Brother Xiao Xiao wanted to play, she naturally had to give her full support.

Therefore, Sister Feifei just chatted with all the members in the small group of the guild, and announced the matter of Xiao Xiaoge's wholly-owned acquisition of Lehua, so that the big anchors Yang Zi and Baldy knew.

Of course, Zhao Ning is also among them.

But Zhao Ning definitely doesn't have time to think about it.

After five o'clock in the afternoon, when she received a call from Liu Xiao, Zhao Ning rushed to the underground garage.

"I'm going to broadcast live tonight, where are you going to take me?"

Liu Ning gave Liu Xiao a white look, and took advantage of the situation to pull up her seat belt.

The two have been together for so long, and Liu Xiao has basically never given her any romance, not even talking about boyfriend and girlfriend.

But this guy Liu Xiao is very bad, more or less there are traces of Liu Xiao on her body.

Therefore, when Liu Xiaoshen said mysteriously that he would take her out in a car and specially gave her a rose, Zhao Ning sensed that something was wrong.

"Haha, just sit down."

Liu Xiao giggled, leaned over to help Zhao Ning tighten her seat belt, and came back after stealthily mopping up some oil, then started the car and set off contentedly.

Yulong Bay is not far from here, Liu Xiao drove for about twenty minutes, and the two quickly entered the boundary of Yulong Bay's community.

Zhao Ning was a little surprised to see that the security guard didn't stop Liu Xiao's car.

It stands to reason that a community of this level has top-notch security.

As a native of Modu, Zhao Ning is also very familiar with Yulong Bay, a first-tier villa area. Not to mention a few buildings worth more than one billion yuan, other villas, which are slightly better, are basically 9000 to [-] million. At a higher level, it is around [-] million.

And since Liu Xiao was able to come in here without being stopped by the security guards, he must have made a reservation in advance.

Thinking of this, Zhao Ning suddenly understood.

It must be that Liu Xiao rented a villa here in advance, prepared some surprises for her or planned to play tricks on her.

Although this place is expensive, with Liu Xiao's current wealth, it is still very easy to rent it for a day or two. After all, it only costs tens of thousands of dollars a day, so it is not too expensive.

Seeing Liu Xiao who was seriously driving beside her, Zhao Ning smiled inwardly.

When she was in school, she was also a little witch, right?

(End of this chapter)

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