Chapter 384 Boyfriend, take it

Although the selling area of ​​this villa is only 600 square meters, the actual area is much larger. After all, it is worth 500 million yuan. If it is really only about 2000 square meters, it is better to buy a duplex suite. There are also more than [-] square meters, and the price can come down as long as about [-] million.

The garden and swimming pool in the front yard of this villa, the two-story basement and the attic and terrace on the top are all free areas.

If you really count it, this villa is almost [-] square meters.

Of course, Zhao Ning doesn't think that Liu Xiao has the ability to buy a villa of this level, but just thinks that Liu Xiao rented a villa and brought her to play with her.

The car quickly parked in the car and garage.

Liu Xiao took Zhao Ning's hand a little domineeringly, and went up to the second floor along the elevator next to the car and garage.

"Close your eyes."

Liu Xiao leaned against Zhao Ning's ear and whispered.

Zhao Ning rolled her eyes a little, and a hint of playfulness flashed in her pupils.

He closed his eyes slightly, and covered them with both hands, but by coincidence, a small gap was left in it.

The elevator door opened slowly, and just when Zhao Ning was about to look around furtively, Liu Xiao's slightly domineering palm immediately covered it, directly filling up the slightest leak that Zhao Ning had exposed.

"I didn't learn well at all."

Liu Xiao's joking voice sounded beside his ears.

Zhao Ning was about to speak, but the next moment, a huge force propped her up from her legs, and her whole body suddenly flew into the air. The strong sense of weightlessness made Zhao Ning couldn't help but exclaimed.

With a slight contact sound, Zhao Ning immediately bumped into Liu Xiao's solid back, and the next moment, with a slap, Zhao Ning was slapped heavily again.

Although she had been in contact with Liu Xiao more than once, it was the first time that Liu Xiao was carried by her whole body. What's more, she was wearing a short skirt today.

With such a move by Liu Xiao, the safety pants that were not long inside were immediately exposed, exposing all her elastic parts.

Of course, at the same time, she also opened her eyes again, but her hair also turned upside down, coupled with the obstruction of Liu Xiao's back, Zhao Ning couldn't see anything else for a while.

"This is what happens when you don't behave well."

Liu Xiao carried Zhao Ning like a sack, laughing loudly.

I have to say that Zhao Ning's figure is really good, even in this somewhat awkward posture, she is still unbelievably beautiful.

After making a joke with Zhao Ning, Liu Xiao turned his arms and put Zhao Ning down again and hugged her directly.

Zhao Ning hooked Liu Xiao's neck with her arms unconsciously, and curled up in Liu Xiao's arms with a blushing face like a sloth.

Seeing the beauty in his arms showing such an expression, Liu Xiao's heart skipped a beat, and he couldn't help but leaned over and kissed her directly.

When Zhao Ning forcibly broke free from Liu Xiao's claws and landed on her feet, most of her clothes were off. As for her face, she was flushed red, as if she was about to emit steam.

"You guy, did you bring me here just to take advantage of me?"

Zhao Ning was ashamed for a while, and she didn't care about arranging her clothes. She leaned over and pinched Liu Xiao's arm desperately.

"Who told you to close your eyes if you were disobedient."

Liu Xiao quickly pointed to the room in front of him.

"It's for you, take a look."

"Give it to me?"

Zhao Ning was taken aback.

The pink room is very large, with an area of ​​about sixty square meters.

Beside the huge sun-facing French windows, a piano is quietly bathed in the sunset, and the black lines are shining in the golden sunset.

On the left wall, a row of musical instruments hangs aside.

On the right, a water-cooled computer sits in the corner, alongside a simple keyboard and music production equipment.

As for the farther right, there are some gadgets like flutes.

"Is this a music room?"

Zhao Ning asked curiously.

Could it be that the surprise Liu Xiao gave himself was to come to the villa to play music?
It is undeniable that the owner of this villa really knows music very well. Almost all of these music equipments are top-of-the-line on the market at present, and the whole house is worth seven to eight million yuan.

But for her, the equipment at home has been upgraded a lot during this period, and it is barely enough to use it.

"What are you thinking?"

Seeing that Zhao Ning didn't move, Liu Xiao felt a little strange.

It was actually the first time for Liu Xiao to do this kind of thing like chasing girls, and he didn't have much experience before.

All he could think about, was to craft some romance as best he could.

When buying this villa, the style of soft furnishing was also selected at that time.

In the past few days, all kinds of furniture have been moved in one after another, and some things made for Zhao Ning, in Liu Xiao's view, Zhao Ning should like it very much.

But looking at Zhao Ning's expression now, it seems that he can't laugh or cry?

"There's no need to rent a villa to play music, you're just wasting your money."

Zhao Ning gave Liu Xiao a white look, and then said.

Hearing what Zhao Ning said, it was Liu Xiao's turn to cry and laugh.

"What rented villa? I bought this villa. You will be the hostess of this house in the future."

Under Liu Xiao's helpless explanation, after more than ten minutes, Zhao Ning finally accepted that Liu Xiao was the owner of this villa.

She knew that Liu Xiao had recently made some money by opening a hot pot restaurant, but she never thought that Liu Xiao could make so much money.

With a villa worth [-] million yuan, Liu Xiao can easily buy it after only three months of starting a business?

This really subverted her cognition a bit.

Liu Xiao chuckled, but didn't explain this issue.

Now that he has developed, there is no need to hide his identity from Zhao Ning anymore.

However, Liu Xiao hasn't figured out how to tell Zhao Ning about this at the moment, so he can only put it aside for now.

Therefore, Liu Xiao was just using the excuse that he had made some money in the stock market to buy a house, and he was going to think about excuses recently.

"Don't talk about this, you come with me."

Liu Xiao chuckled, and dragged Zhao Ning down the second basement floor.

On the second basement floor, one part is the car and garage area, and the other part is the KTV part.

This part came with this villa, but Liu Xiao asked the property to upgrade it, upgrading the audio equipment to the top configuration.

Pushing open the door of the ktv, thousands of roses inside immediately came into Zhao Ning's eyes.

"Xiao Ning, can you be my girlfriend from now on?"

Liu Xiao took a bouquet of roses and looked at Zhao Ning with a smile.

"How can you be like this."

Zhao Ning gave Liu Xiao a blank look first, then couldn't hold back, and burst out laughing.

They have been in contact for more than a year since they met in university, and the two have long liked each other.

Zhao Ning's family background is good, and he didn't suffer much in college, but Liu Xiao is different. In four years of college, except for occasionally going out to play games with his roommates, Liu Xiao spent most of his time working to make ends meet.

When the two met, Liu Xiao just smiled and said hello most of the time, and the most times they met each other was just a few meals together because of school team building and other things.

Because of girls’ shyness, Zhao Ning never took the initiative to confess her love to Liu Xiao in college. Therefore, when Liu Xiao couldn’t find a good job after graduation, Zhao Ning took advantage of the opportunity and asked Liu Xiao to come home to help her sister with her homework.
Zhao Ning believes that people like Liu Xiao will definitely be able to soar into the sky in the future, and the difficulties encountered during graduation are just paving the way for their soaring to the sky in the future.

As for Liu Xiao, he never dared to confess his love to Zhao Ning because of his own reasons.

Without real ability, Liu Xiao was unwilling to let Zhao Ning suffer hardships with him.

Of course, Liu Xiao never thought that Zhao Ning would agree to his confession.

But being able to get together with Liu Xiao so quickly was indeed beyond Zhao Ning's expectations.

Feeling the fragrance of roses beside her, Zhao Ning completely let go of the last ounce of defense in her heart, and threw herself into the arms of the man in front of her who would accompany her for the rest of her life.

Although Zhao Ning didn't say anything, Liu Xiao was not stupid, so naturally he wouldn't stare at Zhao Ning here.

With a cheer, she picked up Zhao Ning and walked upstairs.

"Aren't you leaving tonight?"

"Do you think I'm gone?"

Liu Xiao looked at Zhao Ning in his arms, and closed the door, and the two of them fell heavily on the big soft bed in the room.

Smiling, Liu Xiao slowly untied the last restraint on Zhao Ning's body.

That night, Huya’s current head anchor, Xiaojuzi, changed the title of the live broadcast room, reminding him to ask for a day off.

Of course, this did not affect the first day of fighting on the platform.

It wasn't until the next morning that the two woke up from the sunlight through the curtains.

Liu Xiao looked at the wonderful person next to him, Xiao Xiao Xiao couldn't hold back, and just met Zhao Ning who just opened his eyes, apart from anything else, the two of them were in a violent storm again.

At twelve o'clock in the noon, the two of them had barely finished washing.

"By the way, don't you women really care about Luo Hong? Why don't I go find some scissors and cut this sheet off?"

When Liu Xiao saw Zhao Ning throwing the changed sheets into the trash can, he immediately laughed.

Zhao Ning suddenly became short of breath again, thinking of running over to give Liu Xiao a few more hits, but the tearing feeling on her legs made her dare not move rashly at all.

Seeing Zhao Ning's embarrassment, Liu Xiao immediately felt better.

After driving out to buy some food and coming back, and cooking a big meal in the open kitchen of the villa, Zhao Ning almost recovered, and her walking posture barely returned to normal.

But the two symmetrical blushes on his face still didn't dissipate, making him look extremely charming.

Although Liu Xiao thought about it again, he also knew that now was not the time to continue making troubles.

After all, his size is a bit too big. Yesterday, he accidentally stretched the muscles next to him a little bit. In addition to the torture in the morning, Zhao Ning had to rest for at least half a day to recover.

"Hmph, thanks to your conscience, you still know how to cook for me."

Zhao Ning snorted softly, and sat next to Liu Xiao like a tsundere little princess.

After a night of high-load exercise, the two of them were already exhausted.

According to the teaching of the beauty coach, what needs to be supplemented most now is carbohydrates.

A table of big meals was cleaned up by two people in less than half an hour.

After putting all the tableware into the dishwasher, Liu Xiao walked into the room with Zhao Ning in his arms.

To be honest, this thing is addictive, it’s fine if you haven’t tried it before, but now that you’ve tried it, Liu Xiao has a sense of taste.

However, Liu Xiao still knows how to measure, and he doesn't dare to go too far, just taking advantage of his subordinates.

"Xiao Ning, why don't we move our house here tomorrow?"

Liu Xiao asked seriously.

It would be a waste not to live in a large villa with an actual construction area of ​​over a thousand square meters.

Liu Xiao's parents are in his hometown. Liu Xiao also asked them some time ago, but they didn't want to come to Shanghai. After all, the place is too big and noisy. The couple enjoyed themselves at home.

Of course, Liu Xiao also intends to find time to go home and take a look, but this period of time is definitely not enough, the company has just started, and there are still many things to do.

Not to mention Zhao Ning, her parents have been working abroad for a long time, and they can't come back once a year or two. Usually, they can talk a few words with their sister.

But after my sister went to college, Zhao Ning basically lived alone in the house. Now it is August 8th, and around the 11th, after Zhao Keke went to college for military training, only Zhao Ning was left in the house .

Besides, with the current relationship between the two of them, it's basically the same wherever they live.

We have already talked about our ideals together, is it possible that we still have to live separately?
A beast is not as good as a beast, so Liu Xiao must choose a beast.

This will still be decided by Liu Xiao, but when it comes to this issue, Zhao Ning inevitably blush again.

After ten minutes of ideological struggle in her mind, Zhao Ning finally fell into a complete depression, and fell into Liu Xiao's arms with a hmm, which was regarded as acquiescing to this matter.

After staying in bed until after six o'clock in the afternoon, the two of them reluctantly got up.

Zhao Ning simply put on makeup to cover most of the blush on her face, and then reopened the live broadcast.

Now she is doing an event. She, the first sister of Lehua, has been doing pigeons for a day yesterday. If she pigeons again today, the fan base will probably be blown up.

Liu Xiao did not affect Zhao Ning, and quietly exited the room and entered the living room.

Although Liu Xiao's possessiveness is strong, Liu Xiao still respects Zhao Ning's dream very much.

Furthermore, Zhao Ning sang and sang in the live broadcast room, and he was dressed tightly, so he had nothing to worry about.

Even if he enters the entertainment industry in the future, he will only be a singer, and will not act in those messy TV dramas.

As for the unspoken rules of the entertainment industry
Liu Ning Entertainment Company has already been established, and with Sister Feifei watching over there, there shouldn't be anyone who is not open-eyed to make trouble, right?

Therefore, Liu Xiao is very relieved to let Zhao Ning do this career he loves.

What's more, Zhao Ning's music creation talent is also very strong. If Zhao Ning really gave up because of him, then he must feel very sorry.

But from now until he figured out how to explain to Zhao Ning that he is brother Xiao Xiao, Liu Xiao was a little embarrassed.

When Zhao Ning is not live streaming, Liu Xiao may not be able to go online with Huya.

But fortunately, Liu Xiao recharged a sum of money to Lehua before, and I believe Sister Feifei will definitely make good use of it.

After thinking about it, taking advantage of Zhao Ning's live broadcast, Liu Xiao also turned on Huya's live broadcast.

The first one, of course, was to enter the live broadcast room of his girlfriend Zhao Ning.

(End of this chapter)

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