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Chapter 385 Anchor salad, a new way to play

Chapter 385 Anchor salad, a new way to play
Yesterday was the first day of the event. Since last night, the Chuhe-Han World Competition held by Huya has officially started.

Lehua is Chu, Daheng is Han, and Misty Rain is the river.

However, due to the limited number of trade unions joining, many unions did not join the forces they wanted.

Xiaochun's trade union did not join the Chu forces, and in the end could only join the Han forces on Daheng's side.

However, Da Mao's vernacular trade union Chu and Han's forces failed, and in the end they could only join Yanyu's River's forces.

And when Da Mao joined the river forces, it made Yanyu even more happy.

Their Misty Rain trade union lacked foundation when they came to Huya. Even if Da Mao joined passively, it was still a kind of strengthening of their strength.

Anyway, if Da Mao wants to get the recommended position, he must contribute to the forces of Misty Rain this time.

I believe that through this event, coupled with some follow-up contacts, it should not be a problem to win Da Mao.

On the contrary, Daheng was more indifferent, and did not have any feedback on Xiaochun's joining.

As an old trade union, Daheng really does not lack Xiaochun's crooked melons and jujubes. Although Brother Li is cold, the remaining three head anchors are still more than enough, and maintaining the current situation is not a problem.

"Welcome Brother Xiao Xiao to the live broadcast room."

Zhao Ning saw Brother Xiao Xiao coming online, and hurriedly greeted him.

The small group of the guild has received a notice from Sister Feifei. Xiaojuzi knows that Lehua has been bought by Brother Xiao Xiao. For now, Brother Xiao Xiao can be regarded as her boss.

That is to say, if Brother Xiao Xiao gives her gifts in the live broadcast room in the future, it will change from a private matter to a business one. This is all for Lehua to win the event, and the relationship with her will become smaller.

For Xiaojuzi who is already with Liu Xiao, this is definitely a good thing, at least he doesn't have to accept gifts of several "billions" every time from other men besides his boyfriend, right?

Sister Feifei will also be in the live broadcast room of Xiaojuzi, and Sister Lele's head portrait of the super god emperor is flashing on the second position of the public screen area.

In the guild office, Sister Feifei couldn't laugh or cry.

What was Xiaojuzi asking for leave yesterday? She knew a little bit from Xiaojuzi, knowing that Xiaojuzi was going to accompany her little man.

But Brother Xiao Xiao played with others all day, and went online as Brother Xiao Xiao at night. Isn't this role-playing a bit too perverted?
Sister Feifei couldn't hold back, and typed a series of ellipses on the public screen to remind Liu Xiao that she didn't reveal the secret here.

When Liu Xiao saw the news about Sister Feifei, he stroked his forehead slightly, feeling helpless.

It's really not that he has any perverted hobbies, but he really can't think of any way to explain it.

The two have known each other since they were in college, and they both know the basics. If he suddenly took out hundreds of millions at this time, and said that he bought the Lehua labor union and established an entertainment company, Zhao Ning would not be able to explain it at all.

"How about just picking up a small patent from the virtual disk technology and selling it?"

While thinking about how to deal with it, Liu Xiao made a move without hesitation.

Raising your hand is a gift worth 100 million.

For now, the daily quota of 1000 million is enough for Liu Xiao to do a lot of things, plus the income that the company is about to get, the consumption of the live broadcast platform is basically not a big one, so there is no need to worry about the Shenhao card .

Looking at the various exchanges between Sister Feifei and Brother Xiao Xiao on the public screen, Xiaojuzi felt a little puzzled for a while.

But fortunately, it was Chu, the faction that she randomly encountered in the live broadcast room today, and she could get some gifts out of it.

"Thank you Brother Xiao Xiao for your reward."

Xiaojuzi picked out a few songs and sang them in the live broadcast room.

After all, it wasn't the final, and Liu Xiao didn't stay in Xiaojuzi's live broadcast room too much.

Clicking on the navigation bar of the entertainment area, Liu Xiao casually swiped the data on the platform.

Since the Misty Rain union settled in Huya a few days ago, there are indeed many anchors in Huya.

Vice President Du has recommended a lot to the Misty Rain Union recently, and the position of the Misty Rain Union's anchor can be seen on many of the recommended positions.

Now it happened to be night, and basically the top anchors would be online, so Kuze and Shala on Misty Rain's side were naturally also online.

However, the luck of the two of them is not very good today. The faction is randomly assigned to Chu's forces, so they must not be able to collect gifts.

Salad's recommendation is obvious. Liu Xiao glanced at the cover of the live broadcast room. This salad looks really good. The skin is particularly fair, the eye sockets are slightly deeper, and the bridge of the nose is relatively strong. When she smiles, she has the feeling of an exotic beauty.

Liu Xiao clicked into the live broadcast room, and at a glance he saw the account of the Super God Emperor, Yiminyanyu, hanging on the VIP seat.

And under the misty rain, there are a group of big brothers on their side, such as Xiaohuya and Beibei.

Seeing this, Liu Xiao was a little curious.

A few days ago, I went to Douyu by myself for two days, and Xiao Huya and a group of older brothers also went to Douyu for a while.

However, because they spent a lot of money at Huya last month, they didn't spend much time at Douyu. Long time no see.

"Brother Xiao Xiao is here?"

Xiao Huya saw the world news prompt above the live broadcast room, and after being dazed, he quickly gave a welcome speech.

"Long time no see."

Liu Xiao replied with a smile on the public screen.

Afterwards, Liu Xiao specially greeted Yishao Misty Rain on the public screen.

After all, this salad is the anchor of the Misty Rain guild, so he must give Yanyu a little face when he comes here to play.

"Brother Xiao Xiao can come to play with our Misty Rain guild anchor, it will definitely give our guild face. I would like to thank Brother Xiao Xiao in advance. If you have time, come to Guangyu, my little brother treats you to dinner."

Yimino Misty Rain also replied with a smile.

Although he was a little puzzled as to why Xiao Huya and Xiao Xiao ran to their union anchor tonight, it was good news anyway.

Especially this Xiao Xiao, after the Sala live broadcast room was launched, the number of people in the live broadcast room, which was originally more than 30, instantly increased by [-] to [-], and it is still growing slowly.

This kind of influence is definitely a good thing for the development of their union.

What's more, maybe Xiao Xiao came here this time to show his friendship with Misty Rain, so it would be good to cooperate with them in the future, wouldn't it?

For a while, Yimino Misty Rain thought a lot in his mind.

He must strive for this event with all his strength, and cooperation is definitely impossible, but there is nothing wrong with establishing a good relationship in advance, and cooperating in future operations.

After all, Lehua is currently one of the best guilds in Huya. In terms of the head anchor alone, it is almost the undisputed number one in Huya. Daheng's three veteran anchors are really not Lehua's opponents.

And in Sala's live broadcast room, Xiaohuya is playing a game of dice.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, look at this small program, you can roll the dice for points 1-6 respectively. The rules tonight are very simple. As long as the elder brother shoots a treasure map, you can roll the dice once. If you roll 1-3 points, The eldest brother will send out the corresponding amount of red envelopes respectively."

"For example, at 1 point, the big brother who chooses to play will earn 2 points, and the rules are the same at 3 points and [-] points."

"If you roll 4 points, the anchor will give out 2 yuan in red envelopes to draw a lottery for the audience in the live broadcast room. If you roll 5 points, the anchor will answer a truthful message from the elder brother. If you roll 6 points, the anchor will complete a big brother The designated adventure."

Beibei eloquently typed three messages on the public screen, telling them the rules of the game they will play.

Although Xiaohuya and Beibei are both big brothers on Lehua's side, it doesn't mean that they only play on Lehua's side.

In fact, apart from Daheng, who is not very pleasing to the eye, the anchors of other trade unions on the platform, Xiao Huya and others also often have some consumption.

As for the newly joined Misty Rain union this time, Xiao Huya and the others felt that it was pretty good during the past few days.

Especially this salad, the appearance is not bad, and the singing voice is also very nice, which belongs to the kind of singing voice with some magnetism.

What's more, today's camp in the Salad live broadcast room is still Chu's camp. Even if you give Sala a few million or something today, the list will actually be on Lehua's side.

Seeing the rules of the game that Beibei typed out, Liu Xiao also wanted to play around.

This kind of entertainment is indeed quite interesting.

In the live broadcast room, at least two-thirds of the tourists knew Brother Xiao Xiao, and now they saw Beibei type out the rules of the game. Naturally, it was not a big deal to watch the excitement, and they all typed on the public screen.

"Okay, then I'll play."

Liu Xiao chuckled.

"Super God Emperor [Xiao Xiao] sent out a treasure map*1!"

"Super God Emperor [Xiao Xiao] sent out a treasure map*2!"


Without hesitation, he raised his hand and five treasure maps were sent out.

"Thank you Brother Xiao Xiao, brother Xiao Xiao is generous!"

Salad looked happy, and quickly got up to thank.

Although he is Lehua's big brother, if he keeps a good relationship with him, he will definitely be able to get some gifts.

She has also seen it since she came to Huya, the consumption power of Huya's big brother is really terrifying.

When she was at YY, she played this game with hundreds of hundreds of dollars. For example, a gift like an airplane can start a lottery draw, and if she gets 1-3, the most is to ask her brother to pay [-] to [-]. .

But a few days ago when Huya showed this set of gameplay, she found that many big brothers on Huya's side had little interest.

At first, she wondered if she had set the price too low, but in the end, she found out that she was superficial. The big brothers at Huya felt that she set the price too low, which was not fun.

In the end, he had no choice but to set the price of playing once to a treasure map, which satisfied Huya's big brother.

Of course, Sarah must be overjoyed.

Played the game twice in the past few days, and the income was at least more than 50 yuan. Compared with her YY side, I don't know how many times stronger.

"I don't know how lucky Brother Xiao Xiao is, whether he can win the big adventure."

"I dare not say anything else, but brother Xiao Xiao is a god in Huya, luck is naturally invincible, I hope to win five big adventures, and then take off one piece of clothing at a time!"

"Bah, is Brother Xiao Xiao that kind of nasty person? I think it's more appropriate to take off two pieces at once!"

"Old man, can you stop thinking about such nasty things as taking off your clothes? This old man has a stick here. If brother Xiao Xiao wins 6, can you ask Sarah to come to this old man?"


Tourists in the live broadcast room saw brother Xiao Xiao directly uploading the Wufa treasure map, and it immediately started on the public screen.

Salad was not annoyed, and let the tourists discuss.

This was just a way for her to attract popularity.

After all, this is a formal platform, and if the elder brothers really make unreasonable demands, she can completely reject them in a disguised form of violating the rules.

As for the more exaggerated demands of the big brothers, adding a contact method offline, everything is easy to talk about.

Moreover, a big brother like Brother Xiao Xiao might not necessarily make any unreasonable demands.

Sarah took another look at Yimo Misty Rain who was pushed to the second place in the VIP seat.
If brother Xiao Xiao had the same hobbies as Yimino Misty Rain, then she chose to take back what was said above.

"let's start."

Seeing that Sarah opened the dice rolling applet, Liu Xiao typed on the public screen.

It's just a whim for fun, Liu Xiao really didn't think about what to do.

He will be in the room on the first floor of the villa, and Zhao Ning will be live broadcasting on the second floor above his head. At this time, he hooked up with a female anchor or something, it's no wonder that Zhao Ning didn't cut Xiao Xiaoxiao off.

On the public screen, the first dice was rolled, rolled on the screen for a while, and finally stopped firmly at the number 4.

"If I remember correctly, if the roll reaches 4, the anchor will give out 2 yuan in red envelopes."

Xiao Huya laughed and spoke on the public screen.

This time, he and Beibei have been unlucky, always hovering between the three numbers of 1, 2, and 3. Now seeing Brother Xiao Xiao draw four, he is immediately happy.

It seems that this is not a problem with the small program, it is indeed that his face is too dark.

"Brother Xiao Xiao is really lucky, he is indeed the super god brother of the platform."

Sarah quickly gave a thumbs up.

"Let's witness, 2 yuan will be used in the TV lottery draw, and there will be a total of one red envelope. Just send the barrage to Brother Xiao Xiao, and the 2 yuan big red envelope will be enough. Good luck to everyone."

Salad turned on the TV and directly entered 2 yuan.

I have to say that during the time I came to Huya, Sala was basically familiar with some of Huya's games.

For example, going on TV, playing quizzes, playing pk, trade union wars, etc., they are basically clear by heart.

And the 2 yuan red envelope was cast, which immediately caused a burst of screen swiping among tourists.

The live broadcast room, which originally had less than 40 people, was immediately brought up by this wave of popularity, and the popularity began to slowly increase to the level of 45.

Although there is still a gap compared to Huya's veteran anchors, at least it has reached the level of super first-line anchors.

You know, based on Huya's current traffic in Xingxiu District, the popularity of the peak Xiaojuzi may only be around [-] this time.

As for Xia Nuan Xiaofei, he probably has a popularity of around 50.

In the recent period, Huya's traffic commission and the popularity of major anchors have also increased enormously. Compared with the initial period, the data has basically doubled steadily.

As for Sarah's live broadcast room, if it continues like this, and if it can win this competition and get a wave of recommendations, it should not be a problem to reach the level of a star anchor.

(End of this chapter)

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