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Chapter 386 The Ability of the New Anchor Salad

Chapter 386 The Ability of the New Anchor Salad
Yimino Misty Rain is obviously very satisfied with the current flow.

"According to this development, before the final of this competition, it should not be a problem to stabilize both Kuze and Shala in the position of super first-line anchors."

In the office, a beautiful secretary was sitting on Yi Minoyue's lap, while playing with a certain mystery, while looking at the real-time data displayed on the mobile phone next to her, she nodded secretly.

"Xiao Xiao and Xiao Huya, a group of gods from Lehua, came here, probably to show their favor to me, but as far as this event is concerned, we still have to fight for it. It's best not to get in touch with them too much during this time. , and seek cooperation after this event.”

Yimino Misty Rain's thoughts are similar to those when Xiao Xiao came to the live broadcast room just now.

In his view, Daheng and Lehua, the two platforms with deep roots in tiger buds, should not be offended if they can't be offended.

He is very aware of the contradictions between the two trade unions, and if possible, he will choose to use the contradictions between the two unions to make a profit in the middle.

Of course, this method is very risky. Once Lehua and Daheng are jointly targeted by the two unions, no matter how aggressive he is, he will lose his entire line within a month or two.

However, Yimino Misty Rain is quite confident. He feels that with his strength, it shouldn't be a problem to deal with the two guilds.

As for the female anchor salad of their union.

She looks really pretty, scoring 90 points is not a problem, and even apart from her figure, her looks are better than Xia Nuan's. All in all, she should be at the same level as Xia Nuan.

However, after playing in YY for so long, he has long been tired of playing the female anchor Sarah, and even went to the hospital with him halfway to beat up a villain. He has long since stopped caring so much about Sarah.

Now his new female partner is his carefully selected secretary. She may be worse than Sarah in terms of appearance, but she is a dancer, and her flexibility is dozens of times stronger. Let him not think about leaving.

The most important thing is that this girl is very bold, and she can pull him to find excitement in various places.

If possible, it would be a good choice to let Sarah seduce Xiao Xiao.

"However, this point is a little difficult. Lehua's female anchor, Xiaojuzi, is several grades better than Sarah. Brother Jiu's side is more reliable."

Yimino Yanyu shook his head, as an old critic, he still has a good understanding of men.

Xiao Xiao definitely wants to have a beauty as small as Xiaojuzi, especially when he sees that Xiao Xiao is painting Xiaojuzi with hundreds of millions of dollars. Xiao Xiao's forbidden fur.

Otherwise, wouldn't it be a waste of money for Xiao Xiao to leave such a beautiful woman alone?

If Brother Jiu knew about Yi Mino's misty rain's idea, he would have rushed over to hold Yi Mino's hand immediately, and then gave him a big hug.

This is definitely a fellow!

But on Liu Xiao's side, he really didn't have such an idea.

Although he has already done the matter, Liu Xiao will definitely not take the blame for this old criticism.

If you love freely, you can love freely, and it's meaningless to talk about what you have and what you don't have.

Although Yishao Misty Rain thinks it's impossible, he still wants Sala to give it a try.

And he, the trade union manager, is staying here, and Sarah must have something to say that is hard to say.

After thinking about it, Yi Mino Yan Yu simply found an excuse to go offline, and gave up the live broadcast room to Xiao Xiao.

Today, neither of the two big anchors from their trade union was randomized to his own power, but Da Mao from the vernacular union was random, and he wanted to take this opportunity to get closer to Da Mao.

Following Yi Minoyue jumping to the live broadcast room, Sha La slowly let go of it in the live broadcast room.

After the barrage draw ended, Sarah started rolling the second dice again.

"The one drawn this time is 1, Brother Xiao Xiao, you are not very lucky this time."

The trade union boss left, and Sha La also let go a lot, talking with her arms around her.

After all, my boss is a man who has earned [-] million, if he says that other big brothers are the number one gods or something in front of Yi Min Yu, Yi Min Yu will definitely have a hard time.

But now that the boss is gone, she let go completely.

"next time."

Liu Xiao didn't hesitate, and directly bought ten Huya No. 1, which was worth [-] yuan.

"Brother Xiao Xiao is so arrogant!"

Sarah's eyes lit up, and she quickly clicked Throw again.

The luck was still not so good for the third time, so I voted for 2 points.

The fourth time was still a 2-point vote.

Without hesitation, Liu Xiao sent out another 4 yuan gift.

Playing games, this little money is nothing to him.

Last draw.

As the dice flickered, it rolled on the screen, and finally rolled from 1 o'clock to 6 o'clock.

"Wow, the first 6 o'clock tonight!"

"Six o'clock is a big adventure, and this salad is over."

Visitors in the live broadcast room burst into excitement.

Sala came to Huya's side. Counting the three games of craps played today, she only won three times of fives and one of six.

The one-sixth chance is not so good in the first place.

Liu Xiao was also a little surprised, he really didn't expect to be able to roll to 6 o'clock in five chances.

You know, this is different from the truth or dare you play privately.

To play privately, you can only play with seven or eight friends at most. It doesn’t matter what the scale is. Even if you push the scale to the maximum, it’s the same thing. Let’s play together. After all, we all know each other, so we won’t let the loser People do some shameful things.

But in the live broadcast room, it is very important for the anchor to control the scale. If you are not careful, you will easily face the ban of the platform.

Not to mention some sexy actions, even some scratchy words, they are easy to be banned when they are said.

But if there are no such temptations, why should the big brothers play this game with the anchor?
In the final analysis, the big brothers still want to let these anchors bring a little excitement to the tourists in the live broadcast room when the draw reaches 6 o'clock, or when the draw reaches 5 o'clock.

For anchors, the control between the two is very important.

And Sha La happened to be an expert among them, even better than Xia Nuan.

The last time the eldest brother drew until 6 o'clock, Sarah performed a see-through costume in the live broadcast room.

Wearing 80.00% transparent clothes, the red dots can be seen faintly.

But in the final analysis, I still can't see it, and it doesn't violate the platform rules, but it can bring a lot of traffic to the live broadcast room. Although the reputation is mediocre, the effect is absolutely excellent.

But this time, Sarah looked at the public screen, ready to see what request Brother Xiao Xiao would make.

Maybe he can take advantage of this opportunity to develop a relationship with Brother Xiao Xiao, and it is even impossible for him to have anything to do with Brother Xiao Xiao offline.

Liu Xiao didn't know what to ask for for a while.

After all, although Sala is pretty, she is far behind Zhao Ning in terms of body and appearance.

An hour ago, he was lying on the bed with Zhao Ning and playing games. Now Liu Xiao is still in sage mode, how could he be interested in Shala.

After all, it's really not easy for men to get down after their aesthetics have improved.

"In my opinion, let everyone raise this request together."

Liu Xiao posted a barrage on the public screen, taking the initiative to give up this opportunity.

Liu Xiao likes to watch movies, but he doesn't like being a director, let alone being the lead actor.

What he likes to do is to wait and see in the background. If it doesn't work, he can be an investor or something.

There were hundreds of thousands of visitors in the live broadcast room, and after seeing Brother Xiao Xiao's barrage, they were immediately happy.

The stuff here is nothing to Huya, but it is a huge sum of money for ordinary tourists.

For the probability of winning a 6 in a draw, you have to invest at least [-] to [-] in it.

For the five chances of brother Xiao Xiao, the five treasure maps are 1, 1 is 2 for one draw, and 4 for two [-] draws. The total cost is [-].

And such an opportunity, Brother Xiao Xiao directly gave it to these tourists without saying a word.

It is worthy of being the number one god on the platform!

Some tourists who originally came from YY also became fans immediately.

I have been playing with YY for a long time, but this is the first time that Brother Shenhao has given the power of choice to their tourists!
"What Brother Xiao Xiao said, of course there is no problem."

"Let's do this. We will start taking public screenshots after a countdown of 5 seconds. As long as the intercepted messages do not violate the rules, then we will realize it."

I have to say that Salad is still very good at life.

Intercepting the barrage through the public screen can not only reduce the risk of being disturbed, but also increase the live broadcast effect.

As soon as Sarah said this, it immediately aroused the approval of all the tourists in the live broadcast room.

"Hei Si Hei Si! I want to see Hei Si!"

"It's better to take off your clothes when you get fucked upstairs. Besides, I haven't seen enough of the see-through outfit last time!"

"If you want me to think, it's better to have a blast in the live broadcast room, you guys know."

"Ahem, what are you talking about, even if you choose a high probability, you won't be able to realize it. If you violate the rules, I don't think you need to report it. It's still the same sentence. Why don't you let Sarah come to the old man's house to play with the old man? .”

"I want to eat fart upstairs!"


For a while, tens of thousands of tourists typed and spoke on the public screen.

Some characters with sensitive information were automatically blocked by Huya's intelligent screening system, and only some cryptic words were revealed, but there were still several big asterisks in the middle.

Sarah didn't hesitate, and counted down directly in the live broadcast room.

Press ctrl+A on the keyboard, and the scrolling public screen suddenly stops.

"This [little brother is cool] asked us to take a look."

"Dancing in suspenders?"

"Wow, this fraternity is still playing, and the suspenders are awesome when you think about it."

"I don't know what Sarah would wear. It would be too boring if she wore overalls."

"Everyone wait for me for a while, I'm going to change clothes."

Sarah tilts the camera the other way.

Suspenders, of course, are such dress salads.

Women with fairer skin look better in suspenders. If the three-dimensionality is higher, wearing suspenders is definitely a temptation.

Sarah took out a pink low-neck suspenders, which I bought by the way when I was having fun with YY brother, and it was a relatively reserved kind.

Although Sarah's figure is not as good as Xia Nuan's, she is quite good-looking. In addition, she has a very good appearance. After putting on this pink suspender, her whole temperament changes immediately.

Sarah re-adjusted the camera to the front, taking pictures of the entire upper body.

Because of the sitting position, the camera is a little over twenty centimeters higher than Sarah.

From a top-down perspective, a deep ditch immediately caught the eyes of countless people.

For a while, the full screen of 666 almost occupied the entire public screen.

Liu Xiao coughed lightly, wondering if he would go out at night later and buy one for Zhao Ning.

Zhao Ning probably looks better than Sarah in this suit, right?

"Super God Emperor [Xiao Huya] sent Huya No. 10*[-]!"

"The emperor [late Qing Dynasty] sent Huya No. 5*[-]!"


In the live broadcast room, all the big brothers gave rewards one after another.

In particular, Emperor [Late Qing] rewarded more than a dozen groups of Huya No. 5 in a row, sending out more than [-] gifts.

And when Sarah adjusted the music and began to dance, the speed of gift shopping in the late Qing Dynasty was a little faster.

"Thank you Brother Qingmo, thank you Brother Qingmo for your support, thank you Brother Xiaohuya, thank you Brother Xiaoxiao!"

The salad was a pleasant surprise.

At the end of the Qing Dynasty, she knew that since she came to Huya, she has been staying in her live broadcast room for the past few days, and she has paid a total of 20 million. She can be regarded as a diehard fan of her live broadcast room, and she is still relatively rich. .

Sala is also going to take time to go offline to thank this big brother at the end of Qing Dynasty, but now Sala's goal is a higher level, and plans to contact big brothers like Beibei or Xiaohuya. As for this late Qing Dynasty, Sala is just going out to play It's just a day or two, not a long-term investment.

As for Brother Xiao Xiao, Sha La is just going to fight for it. After all, on the side of the trade union, they all know that Brother Xiao Xiao is the exclusive big brother of Lehua.

With the end of a dance song, the number of weekly charts in the live broadcast room has exceeded 150 million, and it is still increasing by hundreds of hundreds.

Putting a coat over the clothes, Sarah sat back cheerfully.

"After playing the game for so long, let me sing a song for everyone. My singing anchor is almost becoming a game anchor."

"If I continue to play, I guess the officials will have to drive me to the game area to start a live broadcast."

Sarah's clever explanation brought the tourists' attention back to the main topic of the live broadcast after tonight's game session was over.

While the tourists were amused by Sala's words, they couldn't help but have a better impression of the anchor Shala.

Xiao Huya also nodded secretly.

Not to mention other things, but Salah's live broadcast tonight can already be called a textbook in the live broadcast world.

Play games, sing songs, collect money, and spend time on water.

This is what Sarah played with great proficiency.

The Emperor Qingmo who just joined Huya has already been made the exclusive big brother of the live broadcast room by Shala. After Shala gave Qingmo a room manager, he worked hard to help Shala control the order of the room.

Although it can be roughly seen who Shala is, Liu Xiao is also very optimistic about Shala.

To be honest, in the live broadcast business, apart from the real talent anchors, there are not many clean ones at all.

Not to mention the salad, even the top female anchor of Douyu, Liu Xiao also knows a little about it.

As for Huya's side, let alone Xia Nuan on Daheng's side is a living example.

(End of this chapter)

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