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Chapter 387 Vice President Du Understands Again

Chapter 387 Vice President Du Understands Again

Lehua's relationship can be better because Sister Feifei is a woman in the management position, but the degree of improvement is limited.

Liu Xiao is very sure that as long as the first-line big brothers like Xiaohuya, Beibei, and Xingjue make a request, Tutu and Sanjin, who have already reached the top-line anchors, will definitely not refuse.

As for Feng'er, who just joined Lehua not long ago and is about to be promoted to a top-line anchor, it is estimated that as long as Liu Xiao asks, there is a high probability that he will not refuse, and Feng'er may even agree to Xiaohuya's offer.

A person like Feng'er with relatively simple talents can only eat a few years of youth, and when he is a little older, he can't find a big brother even if he wants to.

The anchors who can survive in the live broadcast circle for a long time, one is miss, who can make a lot of money by himself and is not short of money to spend, and the other is Xiaojuzi, who does not think about making money in live broadcast.

After all, Zhao Ning's family conditions are not bad, and the first live broadcast was just out of curiosity.

In fact, with Zhao Ning's education and level, as long as she walks around in the singer circle, there will definitely be countless people asking her to write songs and lyrics at a high price.

After all, all-round talents are popular everywhere, let alone a super singer like Zhao Ning who has become popular all over the Internet after one album?
I have to say that this salad is indeed a very capable female anchor.

As long as Sarah doesn't make any big news, with her good looks and singing skills, she will definitely be able to support the Misty Rain union to gain a foothold in Huya.

After playing for a little over two hours, Liu Xiao didn't continue playing.

Today is not the time to actually make a move. Besides, with Sister Feifei operating there, and with the large amount of money recharged by myself, even if I don't make a move, there are probably few people on the entire platform who can handle Lehua.

The Shenhao card can be used for union operations, as long as the money is not given to Zhao Ning.

Another restriction is that the money earned by the trade union cannot be used for cash out or for other purposes.

Went to the bathroom to take a shower, Liu Xiao had just walked out wearing a bath towel, when he saw a call notification on his phone, he stepped forward and saw that it was from Vice President Du, and the call was made on the platform before The phone number for the game.

After thinking for a while, Liu Xiao suddenly understood.

"Mr. Du, why did you think of contacting me these days?"

Liu Xiao answered the phone and said with a smile.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, you have hidden your tricks too deeply. I, the boss of Huya, have been cheated by you for three months."

On the other end of the phone, Vice President Du was sitting in the office with bitterness on his face.

He thought he knew Brother Xiao Xiao well enough, but he didn't expect that from the moment Brother Xiao Xiao entered Huya, he, the boss of Huya, was also in Brother Xiao Xiao's plan.

With Brother Xiao Xiao's ability to spend hundreds of millions on the platform, how could he be short of the millions who run the game?
When Liu Xiao was promoting the game in Zhao Ning's live broadcast room, it was probably Xiao Xiao's pursuit of Zhao Ning's identity in reality.

And he, Huya's boss, went over there foolishly, thinking of cooperating with Liu Xiao to get closer to Brother Xiao Xiao.

Of course, the relationship was indeed successful, but the process of the matter was not what he imagined.

With Brother Xiao Xiao's wealth, if he really wants to run a game, how can he use their Huya's help?

This has completely become a matter of playing big swords in front of Guan Gong.

It's like after Lu Bu died, Guan Yu squinted his eyes and shouted, "You are all the people who insert labels and sell heads", and suddenly found that the person sitting below was Lu Bu who was leading the red rabbit horse.
Liu Xiao smiled awkwardly and didn't answer.

Vice President Du must have misunderstood this matter.

At that time, Liu Xiao really needed the help of Huya's platform to complete the accumulation of the first fund. Huya's active contact at that time really helped him a lot.

Otherwise, it will take another one to two months to reach the current level.

Furthermore, since he came to Huya, Vice President Du has never done anything to offend him. The only time, in Liu Xiao's opinion, is not a big deal.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, are you planning to do long-term trade union business with Huya when you buy Lehua this time, or do you have other plans?"

Vice President Du saw that Brother Xiao Xiao didn't have any dislike, so he quickly stated the main purpose of the call.

Brother Xiao Xiao's acquisition of Lehua at the critical moment of this Chuhe-Han community event is indeed a big move on Huya's side. Brother Xiao Xiao's next move and purpose are absolutely crucial to Vice President Du. .

"It's nothing, it's just for fun. Lehua's previous boss couldn't keep up because of financial problems. Feifei came to me, and I took over."

"You don't have to worry too much, I don't care if there is only such a little thing on the plate like Huya."

Liu Xiao knew the purpose of Vice President Du looking for him, but Liu Xiao didn't plan to manage Huya's affairs, including Lehua's side, and later changed to a film and television entertainment company. The intersection with Huya is not It's big.

Therefore, Liu Xiao directly disclosed his thoughts to Vice President Du.

After all, Vice President Du is really good at doing activities. If something goes wrong on Huya's side, the fun during this period will be less.

Hearing Brother Xiao Xiao's words, Vice President Du breathed a sigh of relief.

Brother Xiao Xiao's words must be credible.

After all, Brother Xiao Xiao's strength is there, and a big boss who spends hundreds of millions or hundreds of millions at every turn will not lie to him in this regard.

Before, Vice President Du was curious about Brother Xiao Xiao's purpose in coming to Huya.

After all, a character like Brother Xiao Xiao shouldn't have played live broadcast for long.

People like Brother Hua who bought more than 70.00% of Daheng's shares only came to run the business during the few days of the event.

On the other hand, Brother Xiao Xiao, in the past three months, at least half of the time has been active in Huya.

In the past, Vice President Du didn't understand. After all, Brother Xiao Xiao seemed to be really playing after he came to Huya, and he didn't seem to have any special thoughts about the little oranges he picked up.

But now, as soon as the identities of Brother Xiao Xiao and Liu Xiao overlap, Vice President Du suddenly realizes it.

I guess Little Orange wouldn't even know Xiao Xiao's identity, right?
If it hadn't been for Lehua to go through the change procedures on Huya's side today, and if he hadn't seen the name filled in Lehua's registration form, he would probably have been kept in the dark.

It's really different for this boss-level character to fall in love.

The tuba earns money by swiping gifts, and lets girlfriends support their trumpet
Thinking of this, Vice President Du's complexion suddenly changed, and he quickly threw away all the unrealistic things in his mind. Then, Vice President Du said the second thing of the day.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, I saw the news about the Liu Ning Group you founded yesterday on the Science and Technology Network, and also saw the information about the virtual disk server of the Liu Ning Technology Company, but"

Vice President Du hesitated to speak.

This incident has been raging since yesterday. Coupled with Huawei's strong reservations, it has already spread in the technology circle.

Although Huya is an entertainment company, the planning and rendering of various events, as well as the algorithm of the server and the optimization of the live broadcast room are all inseparable from technology.

Therefore, Vice President Du is also a loyal user of this technology forum. After seeing the news yesterday, he wanted to rush to reserve one, but because there are only ten places, Huya didn't get a deposit at all. qualifications.

But after seeing Brother Xiao Xiao's message, Vice President Du was almost certain.

This Liu Ning Group was definitely founded by Brother Xiao Xiao himself.

Otherwise, how could it be such a coincidence?
Liu Ning Liu Ning, separated, isn't it just Liu Xiao and Zhao Ning.

Moreover, with Brother Xiao Xiao's strength, there is absolutely no problem in starting such a company.

With the two proofs, Vice President Du is still very sure of his own judgment.

Hearing what Vice President Du said, Liu Xiao didn't find it strange.

After all, it is a company registered with its own identity information, so it is not difficult to find out.

Even for some software on the market, such as Tianyancha, which is related to the business system, you can find these companies under your name just by searching your name.

Not to mention Vice President Du, it doesn't matter if there are more people investigating his situation.

One day, he needs to come to the stage. As for whether he started from scratch, it is not a very important matter at all.

But what Liu Xiao didn't expect was that Vice President Du actually wanted to use his own channel to buy a virtual disk server.

After thinking about it, Liu Xiao did not refuse.

"After a while, I will send you a call on WeChat, and you can just contact my business department directly, saying that I introduced it, and I will make another one for you."

"Thank you Brother Xiao Xiao!"

Vice President Du was overjoyed.

The price of a virtual disk server is [-] million, which seems like a lot, but in the long run, it is not a cost at all.

For now, Huya's server can accommodate up to 800 million visitors online at the same time, plus the server rented by Ali, it can accommodate a total of 1000 million visitors.

But for the server capacity of the previous 800 million visitors, Huya has already invested [-] to [-] million.

And the two new servers ordered abroad will require an investment of [-] million.

But even so, it can only solve Huya's recent problems.

After all, 1000 million tourists is definitely not the end of Huya. With the expansion of Huya's business department, other peripheral businesses will even be launched in the future. What if the server data is not enough?
In terms of the current international situation, in the next year or two, the export of server resources will be restricted. He must find a way out for Huya's future development.

In fact, the reason why these ten virtual disk servers can be pre-sold before the product is released is not because everyone trusts this new technology company so much, but because everyone expects the rise of national technology and the lack of domestic scarce resources. urgent.

Everyone is betting. If they didn't fight in advance if it was true, wouldn't they regret it to death?

Who knows how much the output of this virtual disk server is.

In case only ten units can be produced a year, wouldn't it be endless if they didn't get one.

But Vice President Du is different.

Vice President Du now has an advantage that no one else has.

He clearly knew that the Liu Ning Group belonged to brother Xiao Xiao.

And who is Brother Xiao Xiao?

Big brother Shenhao who casually spends five to six billion on the Huya platform.

How could the products sold by a company run by a bigwig who is almost at the top of the business world in China and the country be fake?
Therefore, Vice President Du dared to conclude that the performance described by this virtual disk server is definitely more real than real gold.

With one-tenth of the computing power of a supercomputer, it is definitely not bad!
And based on their current data flow of the entire Huya, as long as they get such a server, not to mention 1000 million people online, even [-] million people online, plus some algorithm optimization can also be perfectly integrated, after all, it is a trillion people. The peak value is calculated at the speed of one second. Huya's data processing is not even a root hair.

At that time, Huya will surely usher in a new round of development. With the support of strong computing power, many of the previous ideas can be realized slowly.

As for those foreign companies that have been stuck with their own servers and refused to ship them over.
According to the term of the contract, those foreign companies have already breached the contract.

Before, he wanted the server all the time, so he spoke in a good voice and did not dare to mention the other party's breach of contract at all.

But now, who cares, just follow the contract and file, sue, and claim compensation!
Thinking of this, Vice President Du was excited again.

He immediately wants to announce this news to the board of directors.

I believe that with his contribution to get the server in advance, it is absolutely no problem to get a dividend of more than 5.00% in the company.

"By the way, there is no problem with the server, but if you want to buy it here, you should pay the full amount directly. After all, you added it later, and the company must go through the process. It’s good to take the lead in favoritism.”

"Also, don't let my identity leak out on the platform."

Liu Xiao exhorted.

The company is not short of money at present, but Liu Xiao does not want others to know his current identity.

After all, the company has just been established, and the output of servers will definitely not be high.

And on the platform, Xiaohuya, Xingjue, Beibei, and Tiantian, who have a good relationship with him, have at least 30 people who need servers.

Those who can afford this thing are probably on the [-]th or [-]rd.

If the current identity is leaked on the platform, people like Xiao Huya will definitely rush over.

According to Liu Xiao, these server resources are best reserved for some scientific research institutions and national enterprises like Huawei.

After all, during this period of time, the suppression of the rise of domestic science and technology by foreign countries is really suffocating.

Entertainment companies and production companies that don't have much technological content can be put aside.

While admonishing Vice President Du, Liu Xiao thought about the process in his heart.

"I understand Brother Xiao Xiao, don't worry, I will never say a word to Little Orange."

Hearing what Liu Xiao said, Vice President Du nodded again and again, as if he understood clearly.

Listening to Vice President Du's voice on the other end of the phone, Liu Xiao's head was filled with question marks.

What little orange, what do you mean you understand?

You got the hell!
(End of this chapter)

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