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Chapter 388 Zhao Ning Has Something...

Chapter 388 Zhao Ning Has Something.
Although Liu Xiao didn't know what the hell Vice President Du had imagined, but Vice President Du happily promised that it would not be leaked out. For Liu Xiao, this was enough.

Hang up the phone and call Qu Yue again.

"Mr. Liu, a professional assembly line has already been purchased, but the cost is relatively high, and more than 1000 million has been invested in it."

"And those things you requested, all are expected to arrive tomorrow morning. The industrial park has already negotiated, the first-level power supply, and a wire has been specially pulled over. The ground cable is currently being laid and it is expected to be completed tomorrow morning."

Qu Yue talked about some of the current progress.

Making a virtual disk is not too difficult after all.

This thing is a problem of technical barriers. Now Liu Xiao has mastered this set of technical theories and the formula data of the quantum theory of superstring theory. As long as he follows the steps, he can easily create a complete quantum-level virtual disk.

Not to mention the Yancut version of the virtual disk that has not yet reached the quantum level.

According to Liu Xiao's current thinking, as long as the equipment arrives, it is basically enough to have hands. As far as the early stage is concerned, it is no problem to manufacture two or three units a day.

But this is under the premise that Liu Xiao personally controls it, so it is naturally impossible for Liu Xiao to stay in the workshop all day to manufacture this thing.

After delivering the first batch of Yancut version virtual disks, Liu Xiao will divide the manufacturing process into different batches and teach four to five groups of people to complete it.

Of course, the core technology must be controlled by Liu Xiao independently, and all these people have to do is operate the machine.

And if the process is lengthened, the efficiency will naturally slow down.

It may be good to produce one in four or five days.

According to Liu Xiao's estimation, at the beginning of production, it is estimated that it will take a week to produce a finished product, and when the cooperation is proficient in the later stage, it should be realized in four or five days.

But it doesn't matter.

Although the output of seven or eight units a month is still somewhat in short supply, it is enough to meet the current gap in computing power between domestic and foreign countries.

In a few months, domestic computing power will be completely higher than that of foreign countries, and technology will definitely usher in greater breakthroughs.

"By the way, you can bring Xiao Ning over there tomorrow, maybe that's a good excuse"

Liu Xiao's eyes lit up.

"You don't need to worry about the money. I've just negotiated with Huya. After the bank goes to work tomorrow, the payment of [-] million will arrive in the account. Spend the money as you like."

Liu Xiao exhorted.

For now, Liu Xiao doesn't dare to double the money with the investment card, or it can be said that Liu Xiao doesn't dare to do the same operation again now.

When operating clothing stores and hot pot restaurants, although there are a lot of funds, they are all 1000-2000 million, up to 4000-[-] million.

Withdraw cash from the store, and then return it back twice by yourself. In fact, it doesn’t add up to much money. After more than half a month of operation, I only collected 100 million cash for upgrades, which also includes [-] million that the system puts out every day. Well, speaking of it, such a small amount of money can't attract the attention of the tax system at all.

After all, everyone knows about the tax system here in Shanghai. The annual gdp exceeds 8000 billion, and the daily tax flow is not clear at all. Putting a few million in it is like throwing sand into the water.

But not now.

There are very few technology taxes collected in China. If the 9000 million is credited into your own account through the company channel, at least 8000 million can be withdrawn, which will be doubled by then, which is [-] million. .

The amount given by the system every day will definitely not be discovered, but the extra amount of my own is not necessarily the case.

So much money entering the banking system is like throwing a small stone into a bucket of water.

Although it is still not obvious, as long as someone who cares about it pays attention to it, it is really hard for me to explain it when I trace it to the source.

With the development of the company, Liu Xiao must have entered the field of vision of some big shots.

Now if you dance too much, you will be targeted easily.

Liu Xiao is not stupid, so he naturally knows what it means to keep a low profile.

Moreover, as far as the current situation is concerned, there is no need to upgrade the system immediately. On the contrary, after the system is upgraded, adding [-] million new funds every day will bring huge risks to oneself.

The Shenhao system is not a nanny system. For now, apart from technological products, the system has not brought Liu Xiao any products that can enhance himself.

It's better to take advantage of this month's time to develop the company well, and then completely become a leader in the Internet industry, and even the technology industry. At that time, no matter what you do, you will have the confidence.

After all, what Liu Xiao wants to do is to lead his own nation to prosperity.

After explaining to Qu Yue and notifying the technology company that they will go to work in the workshop tomorrow, Zhao Ning's live broadcast has also ended.

Liu Xiao sneaked up the stairs, saw that the computer in front of Zhao Ning was turned off, then suddenly turned off the light in the room, and jumped on it with a bang.

Just as Zhao Ning got up, the two powerful arms behind her immediately climbed up to her majesty in the darkness, her body tensed up unconsciously, but the next moment she seemed to think of something, and in just a split second, she relaxed again.

Hmm, resisted, and Zhao Ning let Liu Xiao do it.

Seeing Zhao Ning's reaction, Liu Xiao smiled, put one arm around his neck, and pulled the other hand hard at the bend of his leg. Under Zhao Ning's exclamation, he stepped out of the music room in two or three steps. Put Zhao Ning on the big bed in the next room.

The big room is good, the whole house is full of bedrooms, you can sleep wherever you want.

Zhao Ning originally thought that Liu Xiao would take her back to the master bedroom, but she didn't expect Liu Xiao to just find a room at random, and
Feeling the heat on her body, Zhao Ning's face became completely hot
Zhao Ning's injury hadn't healed yet, and Liu Xiao didn't dare to go too far.

At ten o'clock in the morning, Zhao Ning got out from under the quilt.

Liu Xiao chuckled, and slowly dressed.

While in sage mode, Liu Xiao was thinking about today's plans and arrangements.

Zhao Ning logged into the Huya live broadcast in the morning and took a look. In the morning, the random force on her side was Han, while the random force on Baldy's side was Chu, and Yang Zi and Feng'er's side were both rivers.

That is to say, Baldy is the only one playing activities on Lehua's side today, and Zhao Ning doesn't need to go online very early.

Therefore, Liu Xiao's plan to bring Zhao Ning to the company yesterday can definitely be carried out.

"Just do it like this. If you want to show your cards in the future, it will definitely be more difficult. It's better to take advantage of this time to settle."

Liu Xiao picked up the clothes next to her and put them on for Zhao Ning.

"The air conditioner in the room is rather cold, don't catch a cold."

Hugging Zhao Ning over, Liu Xiao talked about today's arrangements again.

"I'm going to the company at noon. If you have nothing to do here, why don't you come with me, lady boss?"

"Is it the hot pot restaurant company?"

Zhao Ning pursed her lips slightly, then twisted Liu Xiao hard to relieve her anger, and then asked.

It has only been less than two days since she lived with Liu Xiao, and she was basically bullied by Liu Xiao.

Before Liu Xiao was with her, he had absolutely no contact with other women.

She also only knows some basic common sense, which was told to her by her best friend in college.

But Liu Xiao seems to know everything, all kinds of weird ways, from yesterday to now, Liu Xiao has almost tried it all.

This morning, he even directed her to do it.
She also didn't know where Liu Xiao knew these strange things, and in the end, she could only attribute it to the man's talent.

Thinking of this, Zhao Ning blushed even more.

It has to be said that Liu Xiao's exercise during this period is still very effective, at least in terms of physical strength and energy.

From yesterday to now, Liu Xiao still doesn't feel tired after such a long time.

If it weren't for the inexplicable thing like the sage mode, Liu Xiao even felt that he could go on forever.

Zhao Ning knew about the company Liu Xiao was currently running.

A clothing store company and a hot pot restaurant company currently have relatively large stalls.

Liu Xiao also told her before that the clothing store currently has an asset of more than 3000 million yuan, and the hot pot restaurant can probably reach more than 2000 million yuan, but there are still about [-] million project debts that have not been repaid.

In other words, Liu Xiao is now a big boss with a net worth of around 4000 million, similar to [Junjun]'s strength.

However, Junjun's company has more than doubled in size recently, and its assets should have exceeded [-] million.

But in the circle of ordinary people, Liu Xiao's ability to achieve this level within three months is already quite remarkable.

Even if it is a joint venture with other people, it is definitely a miracle.

Liu Xiao chuckled and didn't continue talking.

It's hard to say about this matter now, Zhao Ning must have misunderstood the previous matter.

What Liu Xiao has to do today is to take Zhao Ning to the company, and tell Zhao Ning the current situation of the company and what it is doing at this stage.

Seeing that Liu Xiao didn't say anything, Zhao Ning was a little curious and wanted to continue asking questions, but seeing Liu Xiao's expression, Zhao Ning immediately understood.

This guy must have quit sage mode again and is interested in his body.

Zhao Ning just wanted to escape from Liu Xiao's arms, but the pain somewhere made her slow down, and Liu Xiao forced her little head into the bed again abruptly.

Liu Xiao is a good person.

After tossing and tossing for so long yesterday, Liu Xiao knew Zhao Ning's current physical condition very well, so of course she would not continue to torture her.

Therefore, Liu Xiao chose this compromise method.

Anyway, it doesn't matter whether others believe it or not, Liu Xiao himself does.

Liu Xiao suddenly took a deep breath, his face froze suddenly.
After busying for half an hour, at the beginning of ten o'clock in the morning, Liu Xiao let go of Zhao Ning in complete satisfaction.

Zhao Ning was really scared this time, she pouts her mouth to hold something, and runs to the bathroom like a little burglar.

By the time the two of them finished washing and getting dressed, it was already twelve noon.

Liu Xiao, who has always been strong and strong, felt a little bit of emptiness at this moment.

"Come on, I'll take you to the company for a staff meal. The chef over there is specially recruited by Qu Yue, and his skills are definitely good."

Liu Xiaobang and Zhao Ning opened the car door.

Although it still hurts a little, but walking is no longer affected, Zhao Ning got in the car, still a little curious about the company Liu Xiao mentioned.

Looking at Liu Xiao's appearance just now, her guess is obviously wrong.

But naturally Liu Xiao couldn't harm her, Zhao Ning still felt a little uncomfortable, and didn't want to talk much.

Twelve o'clock happened to be the noon rush hour, and there were a lot of cars on the road.

The two were stuck on the road for four to ten minutes, and when they were a little faster, they saw Qu Yue who had been waiting at the door of the company.

Qu Yue looked at Zhao Ning, who had a ruddy complexion, who seemed to be more than a little more beautiful, and then looked at Liu Xiao, who had a normal complexion and was telling the security guard to park the car, how could she not know what happened.

"Mr. Liu, Mr. Zhao, please, I just asked the master of the restaurant to keep dinner."

With a smile on her face, Qu Yue led the two of them into the building.

"Sister Qu Yue, just call me Xiao Ning, what kind of boss am I?"

"As a migrant worker, I don't dare to call the boss's wife by her first name."

Qu Yue laughed and teased.

Rao Liu Xiao, whose skin is as thick as a city wall, is a little embarrassed at this time, not to mention Zhao Ning, who has just experienced wind and rain.

This kind of thing was broken by others, and Zhao Ning, who had just become a woman, really didn't know how to deal with it for a while.

"Cough cough."

Liu Xiao curled his right hand into a circle, covered his mouth and coughed lightly.

"Qu Yue, if you continue to tease your lady boss, I will immediately reduce your annual salary from tens of millions to millions."

Liu Xiao looked at Qu Yue with slightly threatening eyes.

When Qu Yue heard what Liu Xiao said, she immediately confessed her cowardice by going down the slope.

On the other hand, Zhao Ning's eyes were full of shock.

She met Qu Yue once before, and there was some hostility between the two at first, but in the end she made sure that Qu Yue and Liu Xiao had nothing to do with each other, and they got along pretty well.

But now Qu Yue's annual salary is 1000 million?

You know, Liu Xiao's own net worth is only 4000 million, and the company's working capital is estimated to be only 500 million. How could it be possible to offer Qu Yue an annual salary of tens of millions?
Zhao Ning looked at Liu Xiao beside her.

Liu Xiao immediately cast a comforting look.

These things will naturally be discussed with Zhao Ning, but it is not appropriate for Qu Yue to be present.

Zhao Ning also raised her head and glanced at Liu Xiao. The two people who had been in close contact with each other had a good understanding. Zhao Ning understood what Liu Xiao was trying to express.

Suddenly, Zhao Ning became happy again.

No matter what Liu Xiao did to hide from her, at least between her and Qu Yue, Liu Xiao chose to believe her.

It doesn't matter what she doesn't know, in her opinion, as long as Liu Xiao remains Liu Xiao, that's enough.

"Boss Liu."

"Hello, Mr. Liu."

The employees who came and went said hello one after another.

"Look at the girl next to Mr. Liu, isn't that the little orange who has been very popular recently?"

"Ah, it seems to be true, Xiaojuzi came to our Liu Ning Group, is it to be an endorsement?"

"Bah, I think Little Orange seems to be Mr. Liu's girlfriend, right?"

After a few days of strong recruitment expansion and Qu Yue's poaching from headhunters regardless of cost, the big framework of Liu Ning Group and Liu Ning Technology Company has been fully set up.

The current office building of Liu Ning Group has more than 400 employees!

(End of this chapter)

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